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Is it all refuges? All arab looking refugees? All muslims? Are refugees from other religions included? The problem I have always found in the arguments against the migration of muslims because of their religion is that no one really speaks about what in the religion may be causing this violence.

Since it's not every practicioner of the religion then I think it's important to discuss what exactly in the religion causes this violence. Because otherwise it just becomes stereotypes around what the people we should fear may look like. If Islam is not discussed then there is no movement against Islam.

i would start by reading the koran (quran). it, obviously, is not all of any group, but if i put 200 mm's, poisoned with cyanide, in a bowl of 1000 mm's, would you have any? i wouldn't, but it's not all of them.

the muslims are only the weapon anyway. the people who're wielding the weapon are the real threat. this is engineered culture war.

by the way, no one came and asked me if i want hundreds of thousands, and eventually millions of illiterate, unskilled people all over the place, making this resemble the middle east, north africa, or someplace else i don't want to live, and to which i didn't move.

if i have my capability to be charitable taken away from me, i can be downright uncharitable. imagine that.

I have spoken many times on what parts of the religion (all of it) causes this. with quotes from the quran and a shit ton of links. Some people are just to stupid to research them self or don't want to because fear of the truth. let alone the mental gymnastics people play after they have done research and pretend the facts don't matter.

The problem with trying to talk about it is You get called all the buzzwords and facts don't matter to the ignorant virtue signalars that want this shit so they can play the victim card harder.

IMO atleast.

Assimilalate or GTFO and that's after entering a country leagilly like everyone else has. Ignoring the problem and tying to come up with excueses is not helping anyone and by the time people wake up from this "religion of peace" bullshit it will prolly be to late.

I have a problem with it because people aren't becoming allergic to Islam, people are becoming allergic to those they think look like practitioners, and that includes me for reasons beyond my control.

I never see the verses being discussed on comments, tv, or even the internet after having asked for it. It's not that I think Islam is peace, is that I'd like to see people actually speak about it as opposed to speaking about the dangerous muslims. A lot of them may be dangerous, but there is something specifically in the ideology that pushes them that way, unless you believe it is a racial issue.

I haven't seen those discussed, at least not in the way Christianity has, and I would like to because I believe that is the only way IMO we are going to figure out how to show people Islam actually calls for violence.

Some people want to say Islam is the worst cult, which in my opinion is not the case, but that doesn't mean is not bad or something shouldn't be done about it.

It's nice to see people concerned with this issue, but what is coming to be from the way the issue is being presented is hostility to those of us who look Arab. I am sure you can understand why this would concern me, I already have enough to deal with.

It has to do with the fact that you are trying to think of islam as a race when it is not. There are muslims of all races. the people that think it has to do with race and not an idealouge have no clue what they are talking about. There will always be ignorant fools that think skin color has to do with it no matter what is done.

I would agree with the others that it is a death cult.

I can ee why you would be worried that it might come down to the color of skin but right now everyone of all colors is feeling that. even white people right now re scarde to be white because of the race baiting bullshit going on.

The bes thing we can do is try to supply the information so people can find the truth. IMO at least.

got to get back to turkey. sry im sot linksing stuf but bout to be eating time.

'Refugees' turns out to mean gangs of young, poor and unemployed males.

I think people expected to see women with infants in their arms accompanied by small children along with men of all ages. But whats happening is family's just send their sons abroad hoping they can get enough going on to western union them some money back home.

Its military age men. Shit has only been getting worse and the speed is escalating quickly imo

by young I meant 20-40 yes. this guy rules:


what kind of gangs do you get in Scotland?

Putin on Migrant Crisis

He can see what is happening, I don't get why others cant.

It's guilt complex for sure.

Yeah its fucked up.