A foreign collusion dilemma has now taking a new twist between Trumps victory and Hillary defeat debate, formerly accusing Trump of having influence the outcome of the two hotly contested presidential elections. The West side Guardian has now exposed the findings on a research that was targeting to identify the involvement of CIA director John Brennan to using phony technology to support propaganda’s in favor of Hillary. Purportedly, the European spy was working hand in hand with the Estonia which wanted Trump to lose. A propaganda that Trump would decamp from Nato thereby leaving the Bartic countries vulnerable obviously did not auger well with Trump’s election bid. Reliable information indicates that Robert Hannigan heading the British Spy has passed John Brennan with speculative material in the year 2016. Notably, it intended to leak out flaky tips using their official influence, and later condemn these leaks while pretending to be neutral.
As alleged, Brennan while auditioning for Hillary might have thought his job more secure upon Hillary’s victory. More so, it is believed that Brennan had all along taken a different stand with Trump’s intention for a Muslim ban considering his strong Muslim affluence right from his days in college where he learnt Arabic language, partook courses in middle Eastern studies alongside a degree with an emphasis in Middle Eastern Studies. This accord and bond was little unknown in the past until in the yearn1996 when Brennan Hannigan was appointed the chief in charge of the CIA station in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. This new development stirred up an interest from the Arabic countries who found Brennan a reliable link that bridged them. After all, Brennan was delighted having worked for long in government in various capacities which gave him the advantage of having a good killing with many of the political leaders and other persons of great influence. Differently he had earlier served being the political officer of the state department as well as having served as the CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia.
Although it raises question how he could have allowed himself to actively frontier the project knowing well how this could have impacted his image an career, he seems to have drawn by the strong stand he had developed from observing how his Saudi partners remained truthful custodians in the two holy mosques of Mecca and Medina. He might have also been inspired by the majesty of Hajj and all those that were devoting their duties as Muslims defending it at it possible way there could be. In likelihood, Brennan could have taken this position out of discontenting of Michael Flynn who was set to dismantle the Muslim friendly packs that Obama had made with Muslims thus triggering much contest against, by both Obama and Hillary. Whether this new twist will hold water or not, they have managed ti shift the interest of Trump and Russian collusion.