two weeks of perfect weather

in isolation •  4 years ago 

Probably not get a more perfect time to do the work I’ve always been putting off, I mean, regardless of the outcome even if I mess it up, it’s probably gonna be a million times better than the current situation which is stuff everywhere, unorganised and messy, it’s not good for the karma of the soul after all.

Kinda jealous of the storage in this photo I found on unsplash, I love the way the cupboards close up like that so everything is away until you need it — currently I’ve got lots of storage but it’s unorganised, I’d like to really utilise my space so that at a glance I can really see what I have, what I need, and literally have everything at grab distance.

I’ve also got this one space where I can really level it up, really utilise it properly if I just manage other areas, like for instance my bed area, it really needs some work, I want to elevate it, I wanna actually put the bed area up so I can use the storage of that space underneath, it will increase my storage space massively and allow me to even consider some level of transportation again knowing that I have space to put it.

Photo by Rūta Celma on Unsplash

I’m not sure where and when it was when I gave in to it and just allowed it to be, I guess when I didn’t have the time or inclination to do it. If the pandemic has taught me anything it’s that the time is always now and while you might not always be able to get the resources to make the physical change you have the tools to prepare.

I’ve spent the last maybe month on reorganising all my notes, all my action plans, all my text, everything sorted between hobbies, clients and just general tinkering. It was a mess, I had notes everywhere across everything, nothing in the right place — now that’s starting to really take shape.

Which obviously makes me take attention to other things that can be sorted and curated, storage being the big one alongside elevating the bed area. The bed is a weird one that I’ve not wanted to confront because it’s so multi facetted in terms of what I want it to do — it’s gotta be summer proof, winter ready and also the right height, it’s gotta take some weight and it’s gotta be well built — that’s a lot to ask of little old no skilled DIY me.

It’s got to the point now thou that I have to do something, apart from having holes in topper material and a really old duvet that has seen better days I just know that if I get better sleep and if i have better storage I can do much more with that space.

I’ve also got an area, a particular cupboard that I know could make a freaky great mini larder of sorts, if I can vent a mini freezer in there properly as well then it could be the backup food storage I’ve always wanted (I can see the glass/plastic containers now) and would just be one less thing to be concerned about.

Also, podcasting, heck I really miss podcasting with my other half. We’ve not really done it because we have not been in the right head space to really get them done, that process needs tidying up, I’d love for us to get better microphones setup and well, it’s just not at the level that makes it enjoyable for us to do it let alone others consume it.

Maybe that’s just some kind of crazy perfectionism but when you know something sounds a certain way or is packaged a certain way and it can be 100x better you wanna do something about it instead of doing the same thing over and over ya know?

Anyway, before I get into allocating a floor plan of what needs to be done today, that’s my first step I’m gonna reach back to all my students from the last month — it’s been crazy the amount of new students that have come in because of lock down. Lots of people are looking to do video creating or live streaming from home now.

I hope you are being productive in the pandemic!
Mouser x

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