The difference is that I think that we should all admit that the two state solution isn't a real thing, and Israel should just annex the Gaza and the West Bank, take it all over from the river to the sea, and make all of the land a free democracy.
By the way, the fact that we can even talk about an annexation of the Gaza shows how dumb the charges of Israeli "occupation" are.
Still, I think that we can all agree that people are less caged and more honest when surrounded by people who they regard as allies.
From my ethnically Jewish friends to my orthodox Jewish friends, literally zero people have voiced anything resembling a genocidal dog-whistle.
I know that there are a handful of radical Jewish settlers, who are a problem. I'm not seeing them in These United States. I'm seeing no indication that radical Jews are chanting genocidal dog-whistles in the Western World.
My Jewish friends know where I stand. If anybody was gonna slip up, and say something resembling, "Gas the Muslims." they would have done it in the last month.
On the flip side -- globally -- there's genocidal rhetoric toward the Jews.
Forget the "dog-whistles." Though, I know that, "From the river to the sea. " in the pro-Hamas context is a call for genocide, I do also think that most of the kids chanting it are more stupid than they are racist. I'd bet my left testicle that a large majority of the Western, "From the river to the sea" people don't know which Muslim countries originally controlled the Gaza or the West Bank, or that the West Bank is to the East of the Gaza, or can even name which river and which sea to which they're referring
Maybe, "From the river to the sea." is a dog-whistle depending on who's saying it.
"Gas the Jews." isn't a dog-whistle, and it's being shouted out loud in Western nations.
The closures of kosher kitchens, and the attacks upon Jewish students on university campuses aren't racist dog-whistles. It's all blatant racism.
These are people who are so proud of their racism that they put it on public display, and take joy in it.
These are, in the West, the same people who claim to hear every racist dog-whistle. These are the same people who will freak out about cultural appropriation, and call "racism" if a white guy wears dreadlocks or a white woman opens a taco stand.
All the while, they're shouting their own racism at the top of their lungs.