Question time, Israel!

in israel •  6 years ago  (edited)


Never one to shy away from debate am I?

And due to the nature of blockchain plus everything being open to viewing anyway, I decided to answer this mornings exchange via a post, so anybody else can join in should they wish.

The last comment was deserving of a full post.

blastik (49) · 9 hours ago

Hey guys,
Being Israeli myself I'm flattered to find myself as part of monolithic and ruthless conspiracy! Still I can't grasp how my tiny country (try to find in on the map) is intimidating the whole Arab world. Probably we, Jews, are descendants of aliens or something and have supernatural powers?

deliberator (60) · 9 hours ago
LOL on the last part, it is not you normal people that seem to be the problem, it is the Zionists like your prime minister and his bunch of corrupt merry men. Nice to meet you.

blastik (49) · 9 hours ago
Nice to meet you too. Zionism doesn't work well in the modern liberal world. Sooner or later Israel will have to rethink its ideology. Yet, for now Zionism, actually, not as bad as it looks. Israel is a democracy in contrary to the vast majority of the surrounding countries. Arab leaders like to blame Israel for all their troubles and conflicts. But they failed to explain how Israel is responsible for the incredible corruption and religious intolerance that they cultivate.

deliberator (60) · 9 hours ago
Corruption goes hand in hand with all forms of politics and politicians, even the UK. ex crime minister of the UK was caught live on tv saying to the queen "Nigeria is a marvellously corrupt country" Which shows the side of the fence they are on. One rule for them, another for everyone else.

blastik (49) · 8 hours ago
Agree, corruption can be found everywhere. The question is how effective the country is struggling with it. Тhe former president and former prime minister of Israel were convicted and imprisoned. The current prime minister is under investigation.
And Palestinians? The excessive cynicism of the Palestinian leadership and the incredible level of corruption among them, these are the real enemies of the Palestinian people. Lack of the real economy and the extreme poverty of population in spite of multi-billion multi-year international aid speak for themselves.

deliberator (60) · 8 hours ago
What are your thoughts on the 54 people killed yesterday, the blockade regarding Gaza & the Golan heights?

blastik (49) · 7 hours ago
Golan heights are the least problematic item. They were annexed de-facto in 1981 and the Druz population was given a choice of accepting Israeli citizenship. Druz community is striving in Israel. De jure Golan heights remain occupied by Israel.
Blockage of Gaza is the self-protection act forced by circumstances when Hammas took power in Gaza and started exporting terror on an industrial scale. Proof? Egypt from the other side is also blocking Gaza after numerous terrorist attacks of Hamas in Sinai. Somehow the international community has no claims to Egypt.
59 killed? Israel is protecting its recognized international border to which Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005.

Original post here

So here is my reply.

The Golan heights are not the least of the problems, they are amongst one of the top 5 I would say, it is land illegally taken and it is noted under international law as a violation of Syria's sovereign rights.

And my answer to the below?

Hey guys,
Being Israeli myself I'm flattered to find myself as part of monolithic and ruthless conspiracy! Still I can't grasp how my tiny country (try to find in on the map) is intimidating the whole Arab world. Probably we, Jews, are descendants of aliens or something and have supernatural powers?

  • It seems to work like this, the over representation of dual nationality (Jewish/American) people in the Whitehouse plus AIPAC maintain an ever increasing grip on the American population, who seem to fight Israel's wars for them to me. I am still waiting for the WMD'S to be found in Iraq, where the USA and cohorts went to free the Iraqis by killing over 1 million of them, and to date 15-05-2018 not a single WMD found, figure that one out.

    So we move on to this one.

59 killed? Israel is protecting its recognized international border to which Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005.

The last time I checked my facts I did not see any international recognition of the barricading of Gaza as any form of border? and also the occupation of Jerusalem itself is noted in international law as "illegal" is it not?

So 59 people shot dead for throwing stones seems to be acceptable to you it seems, so let us view the response today in parliament shall we, as it is not normal to me to kill someone throwing a stone at me?

On Monday, Israeli forces killed 58 Palestinians, most by gunfire, and injured more than 2,700 during protests along the border – while a few miles away a ceremony was taking place in Jerusalem for the opening of the controversial new US embassy.

Speaking during Labour’s urgent question on violence at the Gaza border, Tory Sir Nicholas Soames (Mid Sussex) said: “Even allowing for Hamas’ wicked manipulation of the Palestinians, will he accept that the response of the IDF (Israel Defence Forces) was a wholly unacceptable and excessive use of force and a totally disproportionate response, and may I also say to my shame that I hope our Foreign Office will indulge in… a little less limp response to this terrible situation.”

Middle East Minister Alistair Burt said it was precisely the reasons to find out why there had been the extent of live fire that an independent inquiry was called for.
He added: “But the extent of the live fire, the extent of the injuries beyond the fence, the number of people involved, the sort of people who’ve been caught up in it, give a sense of why he raised that question.
“And if we don’t also question that as well as the engagement of those who might have been involved in inflaming the protests, we wouldn’t be doing our job correctly – so we will do both.”

Tory former FCO minister Sir Hugo Swire (East Devon) added: “But he must concede that one of the reasons it is a festering hellhole, and if you like a breeding ground for terrorists, is because each and every time there has been an attempt to improve the livelihoods of the Gazans…Israel has blockaded it, that is the problem.”

SNP international affairs spokesperson Stephen Gethins said the conflict was not helped by the “reckless move” of the US embassy to Jerusalem.

Mr Burt replied: “This is not a move that we supported and indeed the Foreign Secretary said yesterday it was the wrong card played at the wrong time.”
He added: “Unless those on both sides understand the needs of each of the other, we won’t get to a solution here.”

Labour’s Hilary Benn said all countries, Israel included, had the right to defend themselves, but added there was “no justification, none whatsoever, for the IDF shooting at and killing unarmed protesters inside Gaza”.
He added: “The fact that there is no peace process at all at the moment is the greatest tragedy of all and we must continue to strive for one with the courageous political leadership that will involve. Will he not agree in return that the very least we can do in these circumstances is to tell the truth about what is going.”

Lib Dem Layla Moran (Oxford West and Abingdon) said: “I absolutely agree Hamas is partly responsible for this and in between Hamas and a very extreme Israeli prime minister we have the blood of children.
“Would he not agree however that the two sides are not meeting as equals among whatever peace process tabled and that now is the moment to give recognition to the Palestinians, so that we have hope because that is also what has died this week.”

Mr Burt replied: “The recognition of a Palestinian state remains open to the UK and a time when it’s best designed to serve the cause of peace and that will remain the UK’s position.”

Labour’s Yvette Cooper said sober, serious foreign policy was urgently needed in the Middle East, adding that the US’s “reckless, irresponsible embassy move means they are not providing it”.
She called for EU governments to work closely together to urgently pressurise the Israeli government to change tack.

Mr Burt replied: “The US will remain a central part of what needs to happen in Israel,but it does need to give a greater sense of understanding of some of the underlying issues that on occasions its statements suggest and we will work with our partners because they should be part of the solution and yesterday’s timing and yesterday’s event, that split screen I think will be one of the images of 2018.”


UN violations.

We might as well cover these also why we are at it. I do not agree with law, though whilst most of us have to put up with it, I see no reason why Israel should escape it.

If violations were a football match score, I would suggest it be changed to rugby, as Israel is winning by 77 to 1.

UN Resolutions Targeting Israel and the Palestinians
Israel is the target of at least 77 UN Resolutions
and the Palestinians are the target of 1.
Number of UN Resolutions Passed in CondemnationIsraelPalestinians0255075100
Category Israelis Palestinians
Israel 77
Palestinians 1

Aside from the core issues—refugees, Jerusalem, borders—the major themes reflected in the U.N. resolutions against Israel over the years are its unlawful attacks on its neighbors; its violations of the human rights of the Palestinians, including deportations, demolitions of homes and other collective punishments; its confiscation of Palestinian land; its establishment of illegal settlements; and its refusal to abide by the U.N. Charter and the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

  • Donald Neff

Source: United Nations Security Council resolutions passed from 1955 through 1992 were detailed in Paul Findley’s book Deliberate Deceptions (1998, pages 192-4). Resolutions passed from 1993-2013 were accessed at
UN Resolutions Against Israel, 1955-2013
Resolution 106: "...‘condemns’ Israel for Gaza raid"
Resolution 111: "...‘condemns’ Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty-six people"
Resolution 127: "...‘recommends’ Israel suspend its ‘no-man’s zone’ in Jerusalem"
Resolution 162: "...‘urges’ Israel to comply with UN decisions"
Resolution 171: "...determines flagrant violations’ by Israel in its attack on Syria"
Resolution 228: "...‘censures’ Israel for its attack on Samu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control"
Resolution 237: "...‘urges’ Israel to allow return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees"
Resolution 248: "...‘condemns’ Israel for its massive attack on Karameh in Jordan"
Resolution 250: "...‘calls on’ Israel to refrain from holding military parade in Jerusalem"
Resolution 251: "...‘deeply deplores’ Israeli military parade in Jerusalem in defiance of Resolution 250"
Resolution 252: "...‘declares invalid’ Israel’s acts to unify Jerusalem as Jewish capital"
Resolution 256: "...‘condemns’ Israeli raids on Jordan as ‘flagrant violation"
Resolution 259: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to accept UN mission to probe occupation"
Resolution 262: "...‘condemns’ Israel for attack on Beirut airport"
Resolution 265: "...‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks for Salt in Jordan"
Resolution 267: "...‘censures’ Israel for administrative acts to change the status of Jerusalem"
Resolution 270: "...‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks on villages in southern Lebanon"
Resolution 271: "...‘condemns’ Israel’s failure to obey UN resolutions on Jerusalem"
Resolution 279: "...‘demands’ withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon"
Resolution 280: "....‘condemns’ Israeli’s attacks against Lebanon"
Resolution 285: "...‘demands’ immediate Israeli withdrawal form Lebanon"
Resolution 298: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s changing of the status of Jerusalem"
Resolution 313: "...‘demands’ that Israel stop attacks against Lebanon"
Resolution 316: "...‘condemns’ Israel for repeated attacks on Lebanon"
Resolution 317: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to release Arabs abducted in Lebanon"
Resolution 332: "...‘condemns’ Israel’s repeated attacks against Lebanon"
Resolution 337: "...‘condemns’ Israel for violating Lebanon’s sovereignty"
Resolution 347: "...‘condemns’ Israeli attacks on Lebanon"
Resolution 425: "...‘calls on’ Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon"
Resolution 427: "...‘calls on’ Israel to complete its withdrawal from Lebanon’
Resolution 444: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s lack of cooperation with UN peacekeeping forces"
Resolution 446: "...‘determines’ that Israeli settlements are a ‘serious obstruction’ to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention"
Resolution 450: "...‘calls on’ Israel to stop attacking Lebanon"
Resolution 452: "...‘calls on’ Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories"
Resolution 465: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s settlements and asks all member states not to assist Israel’s settlements program"
Resolution 467: "...‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s military intervention in Lebanon"
Resolution 468: "...‘calls on’ Israel to rescind illegal expulsions of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their return"
Resolution 469: "...‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s failure to observe the council’s order not to deport Palestinians"
Resolution 471: "...‘expresses deep concern’ at Israel’s failure to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention"
Resolution 476: "...‘reiterates’ that Israel’s claims to Jerusalem are ‘null and void’
Resolution 478: "...‘censures (Israel) in the strongest terms’ for its claim to Jerusalem in its ‘Basic Law’
Resolution 484: "...‘declares it imperative’ that Israel re-admit two deported Palestinian mayors"
Resolution 487: "...‘strongly condemns’ Israel for its attack on Iraq’s nuclear facility"
Resolution 497: "...‘decides’ that Israel’s annexation of Syria’s Golan Heights is ‘null and void’ and demands that Israel rescind its decision forthwith"
Resolution 498: "...‘calls on’ Israel to withdraw from Lebanon"
Resolution 501: "...‘calls on’ Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops"
Resolution 509: "...‘demands’ that Israel withdraw its forces forthwith and unconditionally from Lebanon"
Resolution 515: "...‘demands’ that Israel lift its siege of Beirut and allow food supplies to be brought in"
Resolution 517: "...‘censures’ Israel for failing to obey UN resolutions and demands that Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon"
Resolution 518: "...‘demands’ that Israel cooperate fully with UN forces in Lebanon"
Resolution 520: "...‘condemns’ Israel’s attack into West Beirut"
Resolution 573: "...‘condemns’ Israel ‘vigorously’ for bombing Tunisia in attack on PLO headquarters
Resolution 587: "...‘takes note’ of previous calls on Israel to withdraw its forces from Lebanon and urges all parties to withdraw"
Resolution 592: "...‘strongly deplores’ the killing of Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University by Israeli troops"
Resolution 605: "...‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s policies and practices denying the human rights of Palestinians
Resolution 607: "...‘calls on’ Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention
Resolution 608: "...‘deeply regrets’ that Israel has defied the United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians"
Resolution 636: "...‘deeply regrets’ Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians
Resolution 641: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s continuing deportation of Palestinians
Resolution 672: "...‘condemns’ Israel for violence against Palestinians at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount
Resolution 673: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to cooperate with the United Nations
Resolution 681: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s resumption of the deportation of Palestinians
Resolution 694: "...‘deplores’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return
Resolution 726: "...‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians
Resolution 799: "...‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return
Resolution 904: "...‘strongly condemns’ the massacre in Hebron and its aftermath which took the lives of more than 50 Palestinian civilians and injured several hundred others"
Resolution 1073: "...‘calls for’ the immediate cessation and reversal of all acts which have resulted in the aggravation of the situation, ‘calls for‘ the safety and protection of Palestinian civilians to be ensured"
Resolution 1322: "...‘condemns’ acts of violence, especially the excessive use of force against Palestinians, resulting in injury and loss of human life"
Resolution 1402: "...‘calls upon’ both parties to move immediately to a meaningful ceasefire; calls for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from Palestinian cities, including Ramallah"
Resolution 1403: "...‘demands’ the implementation of its resolution 1402 (2002) without delay"
Resolution 1405: "...‘emphasizes’ the urgency of access of medical and humanitarian organizations to the Palestinian civilian population"
Resolution 1435: "...‘demands’ that Israel immediately cease measures in and around Ramallah including the destruction of Palestinian civilian and security infrastructure"
Resolution 1544: "...‘calls on’ Israel to respect its obligations under international humanitarian law, and insists, in particular, on its obligation not to undertake demolition of homes contrary to that law"
Resolution 1860: "...‘calls for’ an immediate, durable and fully respected ceasefire, leading to the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza; ‘calls for‘ the unimpeded provision and distribution throughout Gaza of humanitarian assistance, including of food, fuel and medical treatment"
Resolution 1937: "...‘urges’ the Government of Israel to expedite the withdrawal of its army from northern Ghajar without further delay"
Resolution 2004: "...‘urges’ the Government of Israel to expedite the withdrawal of its army from northern Ghajar without further delay"
Resolution 2064: "...‘urges’ the Government of Israel to expedite the withdrawal of its army from northern Ghajar without further delay"

UN Resolutions Against the Palestinians, 1955-2013.

Resolution 1435: "...‘calls on’ the Palestinian Authority to meet its expressed commitment to ensure that those responsible for terrorist acts are brought to justice by it"


So there you go, that is my reply.

Have a perfectly pleasant week one and all.

Deliberator = Definition of deliberator
plural -s
: one that deliberates


Image courtesy of pixabay.

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I'd prefer if Israel just blatantly just said "We kill them because they are the enemy and our enemy".
Because I hate it when people try to justify injustice. Just let your true colours be known to the people who support.

And when people who say Hamas brainwashed them, I say to them who is Hamas? what power do they have against Israel, which owns an advanced military, nuclear weapons and America as its ally (in it's pockets likely). There is nothing stopping Israel from killing their leaders so what do they need them for? they even threatened them over and over again. But they need a scapegoat next time they kill Palestinians.

Well it seems to go along the lines of useful idiots does it not? Pay off a few people to pretend to be the enemy "Hamas" let them wreak havoc amongst their own people via corruption, and the divide and conquer is maintained.
And everything else you said I totally agree with except the "likely" as I would say it is a "definitely"

You ever seen that Ron Paul video where he says israel created hamaz?

I thought Israel created Fateh and in the elections Israel wanted Fateh to win but Hamas won and then they started the atrocities, starting with the blockade of Gaza in 2010/11.

Britain's gov't is a mess. So are all other Western goverments, with a few exceptions (Central Europe has probs rightfully disowned us by now). There are still good people in Britain and in Israel and the Western countries. We need to follow the example of Central Europe before it is too late.

Recently watched one of Eva Bartlett's vids of one of her visits to Gaza. If I can find, I'll link later. She was in a yellow vest and was still shot at by Israeli's for no good reason, while she stood in front of unarmed farmers. The vid goes on to show how no replaecment parts are allowed in (gotta love those sanctions) and everything is falling apart. If that example, and the one in your article of them shooting a further 50+ Arabs, who were clearly no real threat, it seems very cowardly and animalistic to commit these heinous crimes. This happens to be the way many of the Israeli's view the Palestinians. Ironic.

The world is now watching. When distrust grows to the extent it now has, the logical move for people is going to be to question what else we have been lied to about.

Great display of initiative and courage on your articulate article, @deliberator. Once you come out of that bubble it hermetically seals and there's no goin back! Yes, it's unfortunately true - way too many things for most people's comfort. That got me to thinkin...a famous quote kept popping up in me wee noggin.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." -- Edmund Burke

Well this is the thing is it not, that all of us have to talk openly without fear and without repercussions or censorship, as nobody is going to set the world straight by any of those means. Thanks for a top class comment.

Most things it seems regarding lies, and yes the UK is a mess, that is why I left the UK and moved to Poland, it is much nicer here, and the locals are friendly also. Superb comment, thank you.

Very informative, indeed.
I learned something new - Jews are responsible for the invasion to Iraq. And they forced US army to kill a million arabs there? OK, let it be. After all jews are ruling the world.

By the way, you promised to mentioned west bank. Millions of Palestinians are waiting for liberation there. Both from occupation and from their corrupt authorities.

How about you go back to where you come from, and what country would that be by the way? somewhere in Europe maybe? And are you seriously trying to deny AIPAC policy and the over representation of dual nationals in Washington that drive American foreign policy and endless wars in the middle east?

Skip to 1 minute and 30 on this video for me could you, and narrate for me what they are saying, if you could.

What a debate, I'll not know what to say, I think there are too many parties in the conflict and plenty of interests around.

It is a tough debate and 1 that will not be easily decided, I have enough knowledge to state my case though. Cheers bro.

I've searched this video that I saw long time ago, left me speechless, tricky issue indeed.

I may suggest you research the MOSAD motto, then you may understand why he was so angry about being deceived.

What I found is that it was for by wise guidance thou shalt make thy war (Biblical quotation), and now without deception, a nation falls. Intelligence agencies have particular methods to say something, but I don't know how someone could think that's funny, the people there knew those violent responses were easy to get, they still decide to make it public and everyone after all like nothing, it's all good, with all those comments, something really serious could have happened.

"By way of deception thou shalt do war"

Watch that video above my friend, it may open some eyes.

I know Israel as a state is a wild beast , I have seen the soldiers rejoice in their hits, the territories being occupied and all that, but I do not know to what extent they have ''control'', I am very skeptical about everything, and I have many doubts, the truth is that it is a very controversial topic of which I will continue investigating but as in many areas, finding neutral information is not easy.

Start from the Balfour declaration onwards, and you will get the picture, you might want to also check out Albert pike also. (and Rothschilds)


I would just point out that it is more than a little misleading to say that 59 people were killed for throwing stones. The problem is that you often don't know if it is just people throwing stones or suicide bombers or something else until it is too late. Do you shoot first or wait to find out? It's not as if there is a shortage of of terrorist attacks in that area. Even if it just was people throwing stones in this case (which I'm not sure is clear) they initiated aggression against an armed people conditioned by a long history of violence against them to expect the worst. Probably not a smart move and the results are tragic and predictable.

To be clear, I don't support U.S. involvement in the Middle East. Whatever the motives, U.S. and European involvement there has only contributed to the chaos. If individual citizens want to give money to Israel then they should be free to do so but it should not be taken.

I hear what you are saying, though that border/fence is illegal, and so is the occupation - under international law. So what are the shooters protecting then? an illegal barrier and blockade, now tell me this, if it was you kicked out of your house and banished behind a fence, would you not fight for it back? If so leave the keys to your house outside and I will be around later to claim it as mine, and I may just rent it back to you. P.S what car do I now drive of yours?

I just checked all the headlines, and did not see anyone getting back into their old lands Israel, I also saw no mention of suicide bombers, so misleading I am not.

The point is that they probably wouldn't know until it is too late. There were no suicide bombers THIS time but there have been plenty in the past and anyone with any sense of self preservation along that border is going to be aware of that and act accordingly when violence is initiated. You make it sound as though Israelis are out there enjoying target practice against helpless Palestinians and I don't think that is the mindset at all. That's what is misleading.

Also, Israel does not currently occupy Gaza and building a fence along a border is not illegal or a very many countries would be breaking that law. That border barrier is directly responsible for a large drop in suicide bombings and other terrorist attacks.

come again?

How many videos would satisfy you?

Satisfy what? Assuming this video represents what it claims to, it clearly isn't representative of the behavior of all Israeli's guarding the border or there would be many more dead. The Israelis' of course claim that Hamas uses people people disguised as civilians and even children to commit terror acts. Are they simply lying? Apparently not:

This wasn't a peaceful protest. Anyone guarding that border is going to be looking at all of those people as potential terrorists or suicide bombers because that's what history has shown. They have legitimate reasons to believe that more such attacks are coming. As bad as the above videos make things look, I wouldn't make a judgement without more context. What was going on before these videos for instance? It's easy to hate people you think want to kill you. Why the shock and outrage that committing violence along the border leads to people being shot? Like I said, tragic but predictable. I'm not trying to justify any one soldiers actions or decision to shoot, just pointing out that the behavior of the Israelis' as a whole is understandable given the circumstances. What is your solution? What exactly is it you think Israel should do?

Go back where they came from maybe? the fence is illegal under international law, as are the settlements, you either have a law for all or for none, which is it you want?

A border fence is not illegal and Israel has not had any settlements in the Gaza strip for a long time. Since 2005. Israel does not occupy Gaza.

CNN agrees with you.

Wow that makes a change.

See to what point the powers that be have driven the opposition? Instead of uniting against the enslavement and deception, we have become ever so more divided. CNN has managed to be mistrusted so badly that whoever claims something that CNN happen to have reported he is automatically labeled to be paid opposition or some other ludicrous title.

Has it ever occurred to @openparadigm that sometimes the truth is so patently obvious that it is literally impossible to hide it or you will be called out? We have reached that point now with cameras being in everyone's pocket and everybody being able to do his own research. CNN has been called out so many times that nobody cares what they report anyway so it doesn't matter. Judging from his lengthy piece in support of the supremacist State of Israel he of all people has no right to play the MSM card since they have always stated that Israel is a great ally of the US, and... oh yes, has a right to exist! Lest I forget...

As for @deliberator I highly commend your efforts sir! You are on the right side of history, and it is a delight to watch you reveal the lies and waking the sheep. I am always astonished how many people still don't get the bigger picture. You really don't have to be the smartest person in the room, and while there are of course many intricacies in world politics and history the overarching agendas are pretty clear for anyone who cares to look.

I loved each and every point you made in response to the Israeli commentator because you hit him with very well-researched and irrefutable facts. You can never lose a debate by applying that MO. Just one little thing I'd like to add to the discussion:

Still I can't grasp how my tiny country (try to find in on the map) is intimidating the whole Arab world.

Dear @blastik, I can see how you would wonder about this given that your country has probably manipulated the narrative of your media to an even greater point than they have the US media. I have one simple answer for you: nukes. Of which your country possesses about 200-400. Add to that the $10 million your country gets in military aid from the US each day, and you might get an idea why your neighbors might feel intimidated. Makes the size on a map much less important.

My friend you just got a 100% upvote from me, superb comment thank you, adding you to my follow list also.

For that dude asking where the influnce comes from.
In reality it should be a f'''''' comedy sketch, but here we are...

LOL superb my friend, thank you. A book written by Jews and "they believe" you could not make this stuff up if you tried.