Why don't I criticize Israel?

in israel •  last year 


Well, I do.

I don't criticize Israel equally in regard to get enemies because Israel is better than her enemies.

One of the greatest values of Western Civilization is the idea that you're judged by what you do rather than who your father was.

Of course Israel has committed crimes, just like every person and every country (by the way, even if you're like me, and you've never been arrested -- you've still committed a crime even if you don't know it).

October 7th to today hasn't been the time to examine the sins of the fathers, or grandfathers, or great grandfathers of our Jewish brothers and sisters.

We're all imperfect people in an imperfect world. Israel, and her people, are no exception.

Still, the truth is that the massacre on October 7th wasn't because of anything that the great grandfathers of the Jewish people did in 1948. It didn't happen because of what some of the fathers of the Israelis did in Lebanon in 1982. Even if it were, it would have been out of medieval thinking that the son is guilty of the sins of his father.

No October 7th happened because of sheer racism.

I would like to think that nobody reading this would, even if shown absolute proof that he or she is worse off because a Jew literally stole his or her grandfather's land, wouldn't see that as an excuse to rape a random Jewish woman, or burn a Jewish baby alive -- much less take glee in doing it.

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