War crimes are the policy of Hamas.

in israel •  11 months ago 


Of course, just like every good person, I mourn the recent loss of life of aide workers in the Gaza.

The thing is, Israel's response, to any person with a functioning brain, should be proof that Israel is the morally superior actor in this conflict.

Within a week of the bombing investigations were launched and people were fired. If malice intent is discovered, people will end up in prison. This is because, once again, Israel doesn't have a policy of killing innocent people. In fact, so far as I can tell, she's been doing an exceptional job of avoiding civilian deaths given the circumstances.

I guarantee you that the Gazan who called his parents from a cell phone that he took from a dead woman in the Kibbutz on October 7th to jubilantly report that he had murdered ten Jews will face no penalty from Hamas. Hamas won't punish, or even denounce any of their fighters for raping and murdering innocent Israeli women and children. They won't do that because their goal is precisely what the useful idiots of the world are accusing Israel of -- genocide.

Every verbal ejaculation that anti-Israel people make about "war crimes" and "genocide" just makes their hatred toward Jews clearer.

By population comparison, October 7th was deadlier for Israel than September 11th was for These United States. Our response was far less restrained than Israel's. We bombed weddings and funerals during our conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq with much less contrition being shown.

What this last half year has shown me is that a large swath of Americans have their heads up their asses in regard to basic moral thinking.

No war has ever been free of collateral damage. No war has ever been fought without a soldier or several, even on the right side of a conflict, committing a war crime.

If you can't see the moral difference between an Allied soldier going ballistic and killing some German civilians during WWII, and Nazi concentration camps, you're probably too stupid and dangerous for me to reach you. If you can't see the moral difference between individual bad actors committing crimes during a war, and having the war crimes as the broad policy and strategy, you're probably too stupid and dangerous for me to reach you.

War crimes are the policy of Hamas. War crimes are not the policy of Israel. If you disagree with me, kindly either remove your head from your ass, or get off of my page.

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