Kamala Harris and speaking ones truth.

in israel •  3 years ago 


Israeli media took her to task for not disputing a student's "ethnic genocide" claim against Israel, but VP Harris's more serious offense was to give the student a highly unimpressive, sophomoric pep-talk on "speaking one's truth." Of course, the VP would never validate anti-vaxxers for "speaking their truth." Nor should she.

"Speaking one's truth" can refer to voicing one's personal experience, which cannot be disputed. We feel what we feel. But the phrase can just as readily refer to expressing one's personal opinion about factual matters, which can absolutely be disputed. When the high school student accused Israel of committing "ethnic genocide," she was not referencing what she has lived through or a condition that can be empirically verified. She was giving her personal opinion, saying what she thinks or feels about the state of Israel in its relationship to Palestinians, whether what she said was objectively true or not.

Harris doesn't have children of her own. She's a step-mom. Maybe she's great with her husband's kids. Then again, maybe she doesn't know how to talk to teenagers. I don't know which is true. I imagine that it was a difficult position for Harris to find herself in when the high school girl expressed her opinion. As Biden's V-P and as one who aspires to the presidency in her own right, should she have validated the student's pro-Palestinian, anti-Israeli point of view? Should she have disputed the charge against Israel of committing "ethnic genocide"?

Watch the video clip and decide for yourself how well the VP did in this exchange.


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One's truth... frightingly newpseak