RE: Defending Your Border Is Evil? Gaza and the Embassy

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Defending Your Border Is Evil? Gaza and the Embassy

in israel •  6 years ago  (edited)

The level of disinformation in this article is mind-boggling. While condemning the MSM you are using the same deceptive tactics they deploy. Some things are in too plain sight to cover up. Anybody with a clear and open mind sees Israel for what it truly is, a supremacist apartheid state. You single out the tragic murder of this beautiful young Israeli lady after one of the deadliest days of the conflict. 60+ Palestinians were slaughtered, among them 7 kids under 18 - NONE Israeli casualties!!! This being a continuation of the longest military occupation in modern history, with the blockade on Gaza going on for 10 years and counting, rendering it an open prison camp. You don't think religious extremism may foster in an environment where families are cut off of water supply, cement and other indispensable resources? Where IDF soldiers cheer while shooting unarmed Palestinians? This is all in the open for anybody to see. Palestinian violence is in retaliation of Zionist apartheid laws and illegal occupation of their land. The girl in the picture above would still be alive if her parents hadn't moved her to an Israeli settlement that was built on illegally occupied land that belongs to Palestine. The UN has issued countless resolutions concerning Israel's violations of international law, but the US conveniently block them each and every time. While Palestinians fight for their natural right to return to their native home land with rocks and sticks, Israeli Occupation Forces use live ammunition, tear gas and drone bombs which have killed, maimed and injured thousands of Palestinian civilians. The numbers of Palestinian and Israeli casualties speak for themselves:

And make no mistake about it, the Israelis are not even hiding the fact that they revel in murdering unarmed Palestinians:

Yet you seriously try to paint Israel as the victim even though it's clear to any sane person that it is a terrorist state who will take no prisoners in their quest to expand its territories. Israel has no regard for international law, as any totalitarian state, including Saudi Arabia and the US. It comes as no surprise that Israel and Saudi Arabia are the US' biggest allies in the Middle East, for no one bears more responsibility for the bloodshed and chaos that have devoured the region for decades. I can hardly fathom the sheer level of ignorance displayed here by one @janton who claims to be a Christian no less. Brother, if you really follow the teachings of Christ you would seek the truth as it will set you free. Your statement that " Israel has done more to help mankind and the rest of the world than anyone besides America and yet she is condemned for defending herself and why we give millions every year to the Palestinians is beyond my comprehension" has me in complete and utter disbelief. However I believe in the goodness of your heart and that's why I'm taking the time to help you see clearly what you claim is "beyond your comprehension". I might even write an entire article about it, that's how much this blog has inspired me with its distortion of the facts.

The most important step is that you stop being wrapped up in the flag. The notion that the US is anything else than the successor of the British empire is ridiculous and only held by brainwashed Hollywood consumerists. Americans are no more God's chosen people than the Israelis. Even if they were that wouldn't give them the right to spread terror and mayhem across the globe. The US constitution used to be a shining example of a great understanding of morality and justice, but has been violated so flagrantly to the point that it's not any more valuable than toilet paper. A good start to educate yourself about US imperialism is this three-part series on post 9/11 foreign interventions:

Note that this is only the most recent history. The US has been at war 225 out of her 242 years of existence - that equates 93% of the time. This statistic is outdone by - you guessed it - Israel, who's been wreaking havoc even prior to her existence.

You also mentioned US foreign aid, complaining about the US giving millions to Palestine. Let's put that in context a little bit. US aid to Palestine is $260 million each year, while US military aid to Israel alone is $10 million each day:

@contextualize: Some leaders do openly state what they want, I'll give you that:

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Anyone with a clear and open mind understands that if you go around attacking people that are much stronger than you, you're going to come off second best!

If you attack soldiers and military installations in a conflict zone don't be surprised if you get shot!

And when you go around biting the hand that feeds you (destroying the only infrastructure that brings fuel, electricity and animal feed into Gaza) don't expect sympathy from rational people.

I don't know what is more astounding, your obvious lack of historical knowledge or your blatant disregard for human ethics. So you want to talk rationally, huh big fella? Rationally speaking, if you invade someone's home and expel its residents, you are committing a crime under international law. Rationally speaking, I have every right to demand my property back. But according to your logic, I'm licked because neither can I afford a lawyer - after all all my property has been stolen and I was displaced from my home - nor do I have a right to reclaim my property using force because I should expect that the big fat bully backed by the head honcho of the world - the US empire - will gun me down. And rightfully so using your wicked worldview.

And after your amoral ramblings you have the audacity to claim who deserves sympathy. The only one I don't have any sympathy for are twisted souls like yourself. I wonder how you can sleep at night without any sense of human compassion.

I'm glad you agree that Hamas is committing war crimes by trying to invade Israeli homes and expel their residents - that is exactly what they told their followers to do if they managed to breach the border fence.
The IDF is not invading Gaza, Hamas is trying to invade Israel.

I'm not trying to defend Hamas as I'm not affiliated with them in any way. My personal opinion is that they have damaged their cause by resorting to violence even though I can see how such a reaction can be triggered by living under apartheid law and military occupation.

Your claim of IDF not invading Gaza however is ridiculous as this already happened 50 years ago.

Yes, definitely an apartheid situation in Gaza when a Jew is only safe to enter encased in a state of the art armoured vehicle, yet Arabs are perfectly safe in Israel and even serve on the Supreme Court and in the Parliament, as well as winning Israeli Idol, Master Chef, being TV anchor's etc etc.

Israel WITHDREW from Gaza! They didn't evacuate GUSH KATIF they EXPELLED those living there.

And you know what was returned? ROCKETS ON SDEROT. You are an imbecile clearly without memory of Israel's sacrifices for peace. Instead the people you defend just want another PIECE

So Israeli Forces still controlling what and who goes in and out of Gaza through land, air and sea is withdrawal for you? It also speaks volumes about your ideology that you call the withdrawal from illegally occupied territory a "sacrifice for peace". Israel started the war by stealing the land and now when retaliation hit they act as the victims although they are light years ahead of the Palestinians in military budget and technology. It's a bad joke.

On a personal note, I'd rather be an imbecile than an oppressor. You can't fool the world anymore as to Israel's true intentions. Like one great activist has stated, Israel is like a vampire. Once it steps into the light it will wither away. Israel's crimes are out in the open now. Their entire history is comprised of murder, terror, chaos and bloodshed. It was founded on stolen land, holy land in the eyes of many. Its crimes will not go unpunished. Its days are numbered. The BDS movement is stronger than ever and growing.

Funny coming from the occupiers of Native American land. Where’s the BDS movement there? You know what I hate about you and your like? You are the biggest hypocrites around.

Whataboutism won't get you anywhere. I condemn the genocide of the Native Americans as much as any other. The difference is that this one is happening right in front of our eyes when we are supposed to have international human rights laws.

blah blah blah blah blah

Keep bringing babies to the BORDER fence. Child abuse!!!

Love how the news crews are all setup for the ‘cause’

I know what the true ‘cause’ is.

Please enlighten us. I'm so impressed by all the keyboard geniuses who know the conflict better than all the scholars, historians, journalists and generally people who are reporting from the actual site of the conflict.

Speaking about borders, you are aware that Israeli officials have admitted to giving orders to IDF soldiers to shoot-to-kill unarmed protesters who are on Palestinian soil and have obviously no chance to climb the border, even children? And you're OK with that? How many Israeli lives were lost during the last 48 hours? I thought so.

Please since you are so well versed as a " scholar, historian, and a journalist"

Answer these questions:

When was the "COUNTRY" Palestine established and by WHO
Where was it's official capital established, and by WHO?
How was "Palestine's borders" set forth, and by WHO?

I know history much better than you, and I understand "historians" such as yourself wish to re-write history according to biased political or religious views.

Hey, quick question: Tell me who the JORDANIANS are?

And if you are asking me if it's ok for ANY sovereign nation to MOW DOWN any IDIOT who wishes to cross a border; then YAH I'm fine with it. That's by definition why BORDERS ARE CREATED

If "people" want to use BABIES as human shields rather than keep them from a dangerous zone, well that's just SICK and demented along with those who support them!

Since you are so blinded by your self-absorbed attitude and perceived moral high ground it would be a waste of time trying to enlighten you. You have however revealed your ignorance by your last two paragraphs. The blatant hypocrisy of calling the victims of the longest military occupation in modern history sick, instead of the oppressors who are aiming at children and have been caught on camera several times cheering while shooting unarmed protesters is beyond words.

Apparently you are not even aware what defines a 'sovereign nation'. The Gaza borders were erected on illegally occupied territory and are therefore not recognized by international law.

But since you don't recognize natural law (i.e. native land) or common ethics why should you care for international law.

As per usual and like EVERY one of you ignorant sheep; answer these uncomfortable and SIMPLE questions!

  • When was the "COUNTRY" Palestine established and by WHO
  • Where was it's official capital established, and by WHO?
  • How was "Palestine's borders" set forth, and by WHO?

It's a simple grade 4 level question which seems too hard for you to directly answer. So then you throw around terms like "self absorbed", perceived "moral high ground", and then use Amnesty as the definition for internaional law.. NOT the Geneva Conventions of 1949 (Just dumb)

Throwing around definitions from amnesty which is clearly the WIKI on history /sarc

Self absorbed attitude? Historical dates, facts, and motives be damned.

Normally I don't play these games, but since you insist...

Amnesty international knows the law and since you are so picky you should be aware that of course Israel has also violated the Geneva Convention.

UN resolution Resolution 446: "...‘determines’ that Israeli settlements are a ‘serious obstruction’ to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention"
UN Resolution 471: "...‘expresses deep concern’ at Israel’s failure to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention"
UN Resolution 607: "...‘calls on’ Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention

By the way, how many UN resolutions have been targeted at Palestine? 1. Israel? 77.

Either you are lying and don't know history or you are deliberately trying to manipulate public perception. Apparently in your view Israel has more rights to the stealing and occupation of Palestine than the natives who had inhabited it for more than a thousand years. That also constitutes violation of natural law, someone with your worldview wouldn't understand.

  • When was the "COUNTRY" Palestine established and by WHO
  • Where was it's official capital established, and by WHO?
  • How was "Palestine's borders" set forth, and by WHO?

So apparently even Amnesty recognizes Israel to have borders? No UN resolutions have condemned "Palestine" for terrorism, religious indoctrination of their youth, and the explicit targeting of ISRAELI civilians. Here's your unbiased heads of the UN the same body that voted FOR ISRAEL'S EXISTENCE - POD

Current head of the Commission: Zeid bin Ra'ad .. guess where he is from.

Natural LAW?

The spoils of war never belonged to the victor. Asked the natives.

If your indication is that the UN is a sham than I won't dispute that argument. They were founded by the Rockefellers and like you said are directly responsible for the creation of the Zionist supremacy state. This kind of makes my point; Israel didn't even feel the responsibility to abide by what the UN calls international law.

Natural law of course is way more morally binding than any creation of civilization. This is the simplest logic and ethics. If someone was born someplace he has a right to stay there.

With an attempted diversion directed to me, thanks for ignoring the content of my comment/the videos that clearly show Hamas's murderous intentions and instructions. That tactic of ignoring me but supplying the link appears to show your intentions and unwillingness to debate the facts in a normal way, or worse, by it, you (not so) silently justify Hamas's evil instructions.

“Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”

"When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons."

Golda Meir

Which particular facts do you consider disinformation?