The intresting relation between the "born again christians" and israel

in israel •  7 years ago 

So their interpretation is simple : god gave israel to jews...

okay... the problem:

is that the "born again christians" are a fundamentalist exclusivist (see my previous post) bunch of authoritarian totalitarian, as such they will bring enemies to anything they support.

this is where I see potentially a problem, in the sense, that they being rejected may lead to israel too to be rejected.

my I see, more Israel as the only jewish state in the world... the only hope of refuge, on historical land, nothing "religious".

the challenge, not really one, but the new condition is to expect the end of the born again Christian support, because they will have to be wiped out for any peace in the world.

fundamentally, it must change nothing... the same fundamentalist exclusivists from islam want again to conquer israel and israel defense must be resiliant enough to survive without the support of the "born again christians".

in super short : they may bring the appearance of help but in the long term they will be damaging by maybe bringing their entire enemies coalition, and israel job is to defect those groups toward their enemies : the born again christians, aka prevent association.

and as you get it, this coalition will be yuge, aim is to kill 25% of the american population... so when this coalition is on the road, it is important you remind everyone in it... israel ain't the refuge of the christian born again and of course don't offer them any refuge.

anyway, prepare like you can, but they will be eliminated, consider this post a heads up, as there is no warning, just to be ready for the next move :).

but maybe, and this is always the most interesting part to me, there is some further nefarious ambition that this group have on Israel? If I read them, jews like anyone who doesn't agree to their interpretation is a shit to be saved. So they must plane to eliminate Israel and the "jews" further down the line if they aren't stopped before? I don't know... I just ask, and anyway they aren't yet in a position to do so (they have first to control abortion in america, to tell you how far they are in their ambitions), but they are totalitarians globalists relentless fundamentalists.

anyway... what can they do against the russian orthodox (and the not orthodox, specially them) and the chineses?

born again christians = the enemy.

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