Interesting how the so called supreme court of isreal behave...

in isreal •  7 years ago 

very very interesting, I am curious to know what is the international (secret) organization that back those ideologies? because it is a transnational organization... manifest in many places... and trying to expand to many.

for me, my position didn't change, infiltrators, dead or alive out, I don't give a f about them, and need space and readyness to welcome those doing their alahya.

but but those domestic enemies hidding behind legality or what not, they are tasty and juicy...

but as always eliminating the threat from a local hot spot, isn't ultimatly very productive... where is the core of those?

there I am sure, they are fater, juicer and tastier...

as a bet it's a mix of vaticanists free masson europe convention on so called right and guidestonians using the all for cover to move their stealth extermination agenda...

to rephraze in common culture terms, the protoss would tp in their bunkers and slaughter them all, while the queen blades debarkement is always expanding so massively that the actual landings spot irrelevant... the creep will get there... and the rest is feed for the swarm.

pack in the cargo, landing somewhere in africa, it is so yuge, debark in camp the time to finish the rotations and then leave and blow the gate from the air : good luck you are free :).

they could seek refugee in the 51+ african countries...

no my problem there problem.

allayha is priority...

anyway the only people who understand how to speak to so called judicial class are the Cartels...

at least in finance reality slaughters the muppets sooner or later, while in medical sooner or later the truth works better...

but with the judicial... the conditionning, dishonesty, abuse are so strong that only executions of the leadership can let fresh minds expands...

For example I am curious what happened to the judicial of the king during the french and russians revolutions... I would bet, slaughter them all, family and children. worthless scumbags.

and again, they aren't refugees, just the by products of breeding stratetgies for financial gains, aka invadors.

more for old, weak, ill, young, alahayter isrealis jews and arabs and others than for those invaders...

the dark would be to finance their deaths... I mean it can be really lucrative... but okay okay... let's keep a semblance of decency in an hellish world... it is always possible to capture them back later :)

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