We just adverted war dear isrealis... the african invaders in your country to europe?

in isreal •  6 years ago 

step 1: who are the people who had this idea? those must be teached in no uncertain term that those kind of ideas are dangerous for the survival of isreal...

Because thinking that goyims land are dumping ground for your invaders is in it self an act of war and a declaration of war. just to tell you how serious the situation is.

it must not happen again.

Step2 : what to do with those invaders? as those invadors used the southern unwalled border at the time, it's clear they commited an act of war in invading isreal illegally. So step 1 they aren't refugees or migrants or africans, but invaders, aka enemies. as such they must be killed.

as there are only 40000 of them, I think that chopping them in small pieces and using them as fish feeder is a good option, their nutrients will used by the med sea fishes (you can disperse too south).

I know it's hard. but they were breeded to invade. or air lift them in the area they come from, they can always walk back, at 400 per flights (you can drug them to sleep) it's only 100 trip :).

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btw it's just the begining of demographic warfare... the less fish the more hunger, the higher the violence... when PLNoC (PLAOC navy branch) goes fishing... better move your dingies.

btw it took years to shot down the somali pirate and then PLNoC arrived and it's over.