in issa •  3 years ago 

I expected nothing less from son of Cleopatra VII and Julius Caesar named Caesarion in Italian or Issa in Egyptian, means son of Isis, who was the virgin goddess, as Cleopatra was seen reincarnation of, while his father was proclaimed god by the Roman Senate.

Anyway, Issa is then becomes Iesus or Iesous in Greek, not Yeshua or Y'shua (ישוע‎ with vowel pointing יֵשׁוּעַ‎ – Yēšûaʿ in Hebrew) was a common alternative form of the name יְהוֹשֻׁעַ‎ (Yəhôšûaʿ – Joshua), in Hebrew is a verbal derivative from "to rescue", "to deliver".

Obviously Joshua has nothing to do as the name of Issa / Jesus but is reference to Issa as deliverer and rescuer, because he was bringing to people the enlightening wisdom of spiritual truth, the opposite of what the Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical Apostates were doing in the Temple of God. Hence why he threw them all out, the Jehovah worshipping money changers.

Later, they added reference to Issa as Joshua ben Pandera in their heretic Babylonian Talmud in his spite, he pissed them so much, implying that Roman soldier Pandera was the illegitimate, out of marriage, father of Jesus, and that he is in hell being boiled in putrid filth. That's where the reference to Issa as Joshua comes from in Hebrew sources, the other mentioning is in later OT books where Joshua is a common name for High Priests, because of what it means, Savior or Deliverer.

And who is the Savior and Deliverer according to that late Hebrew, in-Hebrew nade word Yehoshua? Surely the Babylonian Talmudic Rabbinical apostates did not mean Issa Caesarion aka Jesus Christ to be their Deliverer and Saviour. So who is it then if not Issa aka Jesus? Who is the deliverer of Moseretic Jews from Egypt into the Promised Land? Well, let's see. Could it be Ramphant himself, god of time and light Saturn aka Jehovah, Yahweh, Yahw (Egyptian for light)?

The name Yehoshua has the form of a compound of "Yeho-" and "shua": Yeho- יְהוֹ‎ is another form of יָהו‎ Yahu, a theophoric element standing for the name of God יהוה (the Tetragrammaton YHWH, sometimes transcribed into English as Yahweh), and שׁוּעַ‎ shua‘ is a noun meaning "a cry for help", "a saving cry", that is to say, a shout given when in need of rescue.

That is why the heretics shout and cry a lot. Satan's stinky bitches. In hell shalt they remain until the end of time.

So, to summarize:

Name Joshua is not Jesus
Jesus is Egyptian Issa
Issa was son of Cleopatra and Caesar
Issa was teaching about true God of Abraham contrary to the Moses following worship of Lucifer aka Jehovah.

Christ is annointed king, with Crown of God on his head, implies awaken Crown (chakra) Consciousness. Christ is not Jehovah (root chakra of sex and survival). Jehovah is not Creator God Father of the Beginnings but first created Luminary Lord of Light, god of time and space.



Jesus, o maior líder que já existiu. Vamos analisar os fatos, hoje, mais de 2 bilhões de pessoas no mundo,ou seja, um terço da população do planeta se dizem ser cristãos, a segunda maior religião do mundo, o Islã, não chega nem na metade do número de seguidores do cristianismo, dois dos maiores dias santo, Natal e Páscoa, são baseados em eventos ocorridos na vida de Cristo, até o nosso calendário começa a contar a partir do nascimento dele, seja eu, ou você, Cristão, Budista, Muçulmano, ``igreja moderna´´, em fim, nem um outro homem influenciou tantas pessoas pelo mundo como Jesus.
OISA - CasdeOG - Cotia - SP"

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