in itservices •  6 years ago 

As the world is evolving, it's becoming increasingly dependent on technology to ease the stress that comes multi-tasking and having a good finishing line with a lengthy to-do list.

When employees perform every task manually, the chances are that they may not efficiently juggle between accounting and attending to customers' needs and back up all the data without costly mistakes. With IT services, you could save time and money when you hire the best vendors and programmers to help you remotely oversee your customers' solutions using automation, the internet, cloud systems, artificial intelligence and business intelligence. In the long run, you save time and money because you have support round the clock. Better still, you don't have to worry about additional employees to carry out IT tasks or about holidays and yearly promotions.

When it comes to IT solutions and services, we should bear in mind that they are incorporated under different bodies. Firstly, it is pertinent to note that advantages of these entities always outweigh the traditional methods. For instance, it's all thanks to the automation process and artificial intelligence that we have bots that work all round the clock attending to customer needs and automating personalized messages, making the need for humans redundant. Secondly, it should be highlighted that each service works independently but are somewhat interconnected in the roles they each play.

IT services and solutions include automation processes, artificial intelligence, business intelligence, Cloud systems, and the Internet of Things. Independent of the other an ideal 21st-century business typically incorporates each of them to play their unique roles. To stay competitive and stand out as a business owner, you need to combine each of this services, so your business is not lost in the crowd.

IT automation is the use of programmed instructions to repeatedly perform a task that replaces a manual process of integration such as cutting, material handling, dispensing and welding.

Over the years, the process of manufacturing and fabrication were performed by people. This usually came with errors and cost of a lot of money and time. Performing such tasks manually meant irreversible mistakes in some cases with less efficiency. With the penetration of technology, however, automation has a new face and has become a significant change in today's manufacturing world. It has paved the way for competition among the industries today and is in fact, a determinant factor for a company's relevance. With this process, companies can produce a mass of the same products with outstanding speed and within a shorter period without bothering about the number of qualified staff members.

The most considerable advantage of automation in manufacturing industries is the increased accuracy and repeatability with less error. No matter how much of an expert an employee, they are likely to err at some point due to stress or fatigue. However, when a machine is programmed to perform a task, it carries out the same function repeatedly with the same result. More so, there with these automated machines, there are fewer hazards, thereby creating a safer working condition. With fewer employees, the company saves cost and will likely not worry about incentives, benefits, sick days, public holidays, promotions and other worries that accompany having a payroll.

Small companies are often discouraged by the substantial initial investment of acquiring automated machines which could run into thousands of dollars and the variable costs that usually exceed the actual cost of installation, which could include the cost of training the employees and preventive maintenance costs. Nevertheless, companies which encounter a financial constraint to put these in place may not remain competitive in the manufacturing world. Worse still, they may have to employ more human hands to perform tasks, thereby exposing more people to job hazards.

Internet of Things
Internet of Things is occupying more space in people's daily activities. Objects such as cars, fridges, thermostat and a list of many other objects are connected to the internet. This connection influences productivity and improves communication. Most importantly, in a world dominated by technology, it is very pertinent to solve problems via integration.

The world has evolved to a point where people and industries can hardly do without an internet connection. For businesses to stand out, there is the need to consider technology to optimize processes and structure their business models o stand out from the crowd. Whether a company is managed by one person or by a group of investors, it is paramount to take advantage of time- the most magnificent resource that has more value than money. If you can save time by using automated machines and/or Unified Communication Systems to perform tasks, not only will you enhance productivity; in some way, the employees are motivated to work more efficiently.

E-commerce sites such as Amazon and eBay enjoy some significant benefits from utilizing IoT to obtain information about customers- their shopping habits, preferences, patterns and many more, to help them suit the needs of the consumers. Apparently, it helps them to anticipate their customers' independent needs and provide products and services for particular situations. In this manner, they are more competitive, and they stand out from the crowd. Little wonder why brick and mortar businesses are lagging behind and in fact, the idea of having an offline retail store in becoming obsolete in advanced countries like the US and the UK.

With IoT, a company compiles data can analyze the details of every obtained information from the customers which is very crucial for the growth of every business. This is why online stores that utilize IoT know more about their customers and create new business models by merely analyzing the harvested information from customers' shopping experience.

The opportunities that come with a tech-dominated world are innumerable. They provide new challenges and create a better way to deal with problems.

Artificial Intelligence
Contrary to the beliefs of many, artificial intelligence is a product of intelligence itself to augment lives and help civilization flourish in a way it never has. From the use of chatbots to robots to interact with customers, artificial intelligence enhances customer relationship management with fewer employees in place. Have you ever imagined the logistics behind an international airline like Lufthansa? They work all around the clock to connect with customers globally and attend to their inquiries and questions accurately. Because they are programmed to give specific answers to questions, there's no fear of human mistakes.

The impact that artificial intelligence on the society is beneficial in virtually every sector, from health and education to technical issues such as security and control. Commonly called AI, artificial intelligence in business integrates processes in between robots, network devices, and cloud computing. The industrial revolution brought about a rise in technology through the automation of different works. Recently, some advanced robots and tractors have taken the place of manpower in industries and manufacturing companies. Like the automation processes that work around the clock, robots do not require vacations or promotions; neither do they need lunch or coffee breaks. All they need is programming, and they perform all the tasks very efficiently and efficiently, thereby saving time and cost of hiring a workforce.

The best part about artificial intelligence is that it learns and adapts to consumers' taste based on their repeated habits. It stores and analyses as many information and feedback into the business to improve processes. Artificial intelligence is an aspect of technological progress, or simply put, the outcome of faster computing abilities to improve technology and augment lives in general. The world is evolving; there's hardly a business that does not incorporate the applications of artificial intelligence.

Social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube used artificial intelligence to combat hate speeches on their platforms to the barest minimum. After facing lots of criticisms from the European Union and the press, both platforms turned to AI to detect similar contents commonly used by the jihadists and this way; Facebook recorded massive progress in employing the automation process. Initially, he had engaged the services of human resources to remove hate contents manually. However, this medium was time-consuming and many cases, the hate comments reportedly became hard to trace because they must have been shared multiple times before a staff member hired to pull such toxic content realizes. It was time-consuming and less efficient. With the use of AI to automatically delete such materials, the social network recorded a 99.9% improvement.

If anyone wants to benefit and maximize profit in their business, staying ahead with the use of AI such as chat bots and robots will keep them ahead of their competitors.

Cloud Systems
Cloud systems refer to the delivery of computing services such as storage, servers, networking, database, software, and analytics, over the internet, (commonly referred to as the cloud). The services also include assessing application and software from a browser without prior installation due to the provisioned flexibility the service offers.

Cloud computing is employed by firms to help them minimize the cost of managing IT systems. Every business looks to maximize profit as well as to cut cost to keep operational expenses to the barest minimum. In the time past, a downtime or server failure could mean a loss of documents and in the business automatically comes to a halt. However, this stage has evolved to guarantee availability. If a downtime occurs or a server is down, the hosted applications could easily be transferred to another server. In the case of a lost file or document, it could be quickly recovered from the "cloud."

Businesses also have the option to own fewer data centers and save space and cost. Every company is looking to save operational cost, and the enormous advantage that cloud services offer is the opportunity to reduce the cost of software, human resources and number of servers, automatically reducing the operational and managerial expenses.

Business Intelligence
In recent times, businesses do not rely solely on what they know about their customers and their competitors. Software and services that transform data, (past and current state) into a call to action that helps the decisions and strategies of the business. In more explicit terms, it doesn't dictate what a business person should do to better responses from customers. Instead, it analyses the previous and present events to determine a possible outcome. It uses tools such as charts, dashboards, and graphs to inform the industry about the state of the business.

For instance, if the graph or chart shows a decline in profits at the same month in three years in a row, it becomes less of a task to investigate possible causes and proffer solutions. It's left for the people involved to use the generated reports to understand the trends and gain insights on how to derive better results. Every business needs data to audit the activities in the workflow. It's a bit different from hiring the services of external auditors to checkmate workflow and provide an opinion of whether the financial statements are void of misstatement, fraud or any error. The external auditor is expected to gather sufficient evidence through observations and reports until he is confident enough to form an opinion.

However, this is not the case with Business Intelligence. Organisations do not only need an auditor's opinion of its financial statement. It also requires the activities of the past and present to predict the future and make amends where necessary. Business Intelligence will continue to remain valuable to make businesses competitive and ensures that decision making is very accurate, efficient and robust.

With an evolving world, a business cannot afford to be traditional. China, last year stated its intention to employ the services of AI to boost the country's GDP. Many countries are doing the same. The significant disadvantage is in job loss, and this factor is already a reality. Most importantly, people are concerned about how to boost productivity, enhance efficiency and cut the cost of operations. A business typically wants to maximize profit and still have adequate savings; there is no better way to achieve this other than moving with the technology trends.

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