It's My Birthday!!! But Something Went Wrong With The Numbers...๐Ÿ˜œ

in itsmybirthday โ€ขย  6 years agoย 

There are two great days in a person's life: the day we are born and the day we discover why. - William Barclay

It takes some years of life experience to finally identify what really matters.

We need to fall down and stand up again, surf the high tide as well as the low tide, deal with setbacks and celebrate progress, enjoy the good days and go through the bad days, fall in love and be left heartbroken, recognize mistakes, learn from them and... grow.

Ultimately, life is a bittersweet symphony, and from all what I've experienced so far, is that it has no higher meaning. The only way to make it count is to fill it.

Fill it. Not fillet.

Fill it with the right people by your side, those who unconditionally love you the way you are, those who enjoy sitting with you at the kitchen counter at 4amto talk about the universe, those who are family.

According to Facebook I'm turning 37 today. All I can say is that we shouldn't believe everything we read on social media ๐Ÿ˜œ

Something went wrong with the numbers...

It's all gonna be alright

Everything happens for a reason, and the things that don't happen as well.

One needs to age a bit in order to develop a certain serenity, and to accept that the universe is not as simple as we thought it to be.

You may have made some plans for the future, but then everything turned out to be completely different. Believe me, I've gone through good and bad times, and I know what it means to be completely down.

My most important rule is that: it's all gonna be alright.

Sometimes we're happy and sometimes we're sad, sometimes life sucks and sometimes it doesn't. If you don't paddle out on the stormy days, you probably don't deserve surfing the glassy ones...

What will guide you is the fact that you can deal with all that. You will.

Life is not about being happy all the time. It's about smoothing the way so that happiness can find you.


There is only one wonderful life of yours - make it count!

Birthdays are actually great occasions to recap and make sure one is still on the right path.

What is even the right path? Go find it :-)

Don't take everything for granted, be curious and always aim for the stars. Life moves in waves and circles, and ultimately we get our return on investment.

Make sure to save your piece of the pie.

Talking about pie: In my family we don't make big presents on birthdays, but...

If you really wanted to make me happy "on my day", then you could consider a donation to my charity project @dreamsoftheocean. We still need ~$250 Steem to cover all expenses of the next event, and every little contribution brings us a bit closer to the final goal.

That'd be terrific.

I'm going to spend the day off(line) with my besties... One of my brothers and his wife came over from Germany in order to surprise me today. You may only imagine how I reacted when they suddenly appeared out of nowhere...๐Ÿ˜

Have a great one, steemians and make it count.

Much love,
Marly -
Steem Ambassador

PS: ~50% of my weekly Voting Power is used for manual curation in the category #promo-steem. Inform yourself about how to use the tag properly.

This blog was created in July 2016, aiming to provide thought-provoking content for open-minded people who go on adventure, step out of comfort zones and embrace the new.
Thanks for being part of the journey!


PS: This blog post was edited and submitted via eSteem Surfer 1.0.7 - my favorite Steem desktop client that was developed by @good-karma's @esteemapp team. Check out their account for more information.

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ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Happy birthday!!@surfermarly

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Thank youuuuu!! :-)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Happy 27th Birthday to you! :D

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Hehe, best comment of all :-DD

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Simply Happy Birthday Ms Steem Ambassador...I was suprised when you said your age was 37....,you don't look a day over 36! ;-)

Posted using Partiko Android

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Haha, thanks for the compliment! I had to think about our recent conversation when setting up this post. In the end we decided to not put one candle for each year on the cake...:-D

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Probably for the best. Happy you had such an amazing day :-)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Oh I'm still having a great time, my brother came over from Germany in order to surprise me; I hadn't seen him for almost a year :-)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Good thing Germany were out of the world cup or it might have been another year lol ;-)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Happy Birthday @surfermarly
May the following year be even more awesome than all the ones that came before.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Thank you so much!! I had an amazing start into that new year, so I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a good one :-))

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย (edited)

A happy birthday @surfermarly! I really liked what you wrote! This is so true "If you do not paddle out on the stormy days, you probably do not want to surf the glassy ones ...". It's good to remember that life is not a long quiet river, there are ups and downs. But the important thing is to go forward and never lose your goals! All the best for you on this beautiful day! The number does not count... and anyway you look much younger! It's thanks to sport =D!
Xoxo from Barcelona.


ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Muchas gracias, pretty girl!!!
I'm glad you enjoyed the blog, I thought it could be a great opportunity to share some deeper thoughts with you guys...
Sports is my life's elixir...:-)
Big hugzzzz

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Happy Belated '37th' Birthday!! :)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Thanks a lot, Peter!!! Imagine, my little brother came over from Germany in order to surprise me - that was such a momentum! :-))

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

You're welcome! Wow that's a very special gift! :)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Happy birthday, whatever year it is!! :) Who cares about the numbers!

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Haha, I couldn't agree more!!! Thank you so much, Anja :-))

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย (edited)

I like the biceps. :) Happy Birthday!

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

lol - thank youuuu! It took me a couple of years to get them growing like this :-DD

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Feliz Cumpleaรฑos, Dios te bendiga

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Mil gracias!!! Quรฉ buena tarta :-)))

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

First of all wish you a great birthday. Now about numbers I would say look on your face suggest you are young enoughnot by age but by heart. You have mentioned some really cool points. My favourite being "Life is not about being happy all the time. It's about smoothing the way so that happiness can find you" what a superb line. It actually gives so much positivity and makes me realise that life is so beautiful not only when it is smooth running but in difficulties too.. Thanks for sharing a lovely message. Its worth to follow you so that I get to read more from you. Thank you

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Hey @mishramukul! I'm happy you enjoyed the blog post in such way. Also thanks a lot for stopping by on my day :-)) I really had a great time and am still having it...

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย (edited)

Happy Birthday surfermarly!

I realy enjoyed reading your post and feel a strong kinship with pretty much all of your philosophy presented. Have a wonderful day! I hope itโ€™s glassy and classy and super fun nโ€™ sassy!

Cheers! from@thedamus

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Thanks a lot for the lovely bday wishes and the compliment regarding my blog :-) I'm really happy to know you enjoy it in such way... Cheers!!!

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY @surfermarly! Hope you have a wonderful day today. So glad we are connected now here on Steem. Cheers :)


ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Hey Ken!! Thanks a lot for stopping by on my day :-) Means a lot!
I'm glad we connected, too.
See you aroouuuund :-)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

The hardest thing about "everything happens for a reason" is waiting for the reason to come along, as reason is of an active mind, unreason is of a dull and sloppy mind.

The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love.


Teasing is a sign of affection.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Why wait for a reason if you can create it? Who's the boss in your life if not you? There's no destiny, that's just an excuse.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

The Reason = Outcome of Reasoning. In a dull and sloppy mind the wait for a reason is hard...

Who is that Creator, Boss that you are referring to?

Observe how "failing" or not "failing" will affect that Creator, Boss.

That Creator, Boss feels "bad" when hearing about destiny being already made.

Your destiny is woven together with others, we are together in this...and we all are going to die.

You have such a beautifull mind, Master Marly... what would I be without you.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Ich wรผnsch dir alles liebe und gute zu deinem Geburtstag! Lass es dir gut gehen. Ich hoffe wir bekommen irgendwann mal die chance auf eine gemeinsame surf session! ๐Ÿค™

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Ganz lieben Dank!!! Ich bin von meinem kleinen Bruder รผberrascht worden, er kam aus Deutschland und ich hatte keine Ahnung :-) Das war auf jeden Fall einer der besten Geburtstage รผberhaupt :-))
Klaro, wir surfen bestimmt irgendwann mal zusammen!
Danke, dass Du hier vorbei gekommen bist :-)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Happy Birthday Dear Marly, May you have many more such golden days in your life. You are a true inspiration for the women across the globe that how beautifully you recovered from your illness and then again you started to play with waves of the oceans.

I don't think so that it's your 37th birthday, it seems 30th. Anyways,rock the day and party hard Girl ;)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Thanks for your lovely wishes and words, @salmanbukhari54!!!
I had a wonderful bday and am still having a great time with my family who came to visit me :-)
Great you enjoy the blog in such way, that's actually my main purpose here on Steem...

See ya!!!

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Happy Bday Marly :)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Thank you so much, I had a blast!!! :-)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Happy bday SM! Carpe diem!

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Yay! Carpe diem :-)) Thank you @stillwater :-)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Happy Birthday and all the best wishes!

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Thank you, Tom (and Leo) :-)))

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย Reveal Comment
ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Sir?? :-D

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Belated Happy Birthday from my side as well! All the best for the coming year of life! :)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Happy birthday! I like your positive and happy smile. Thank you for sharing your wisdom of life experience.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY @surfermarly๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿฆ‹๐ŸŒดโค๏ธ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š what a wonderful read your post is and I agree whole heartedly with all these points you so eloquently make. Blessings from the jungle in Costa Rica to you and your family.I wish you the happiest of days! ๐Ÿ’›๐ŸŒˆ๐ŸŒด๐Ÿฆ‹โค๏ธ


ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

I love that you see positivity always...

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

ooh, a happy birthday @surfermarly my Prayer to God is to reward with more years so you can witness steemit grow and flourish into one of the best things in the world. once again a happy birthday the day is yours enjoy it to the fullest.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

happy bday marly keep rocking

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

wishing you a great day and more adventures along the way.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Thanks a lot, surfer!!! :-)) There's surely a couple of more adventures to come!

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Happy 37! :)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Thank youuuuuuuuuu! :-)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Fantastic post friend

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Happy Birthday!

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Thanks a lot!! :-)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Happy Birthday @surfermarly :D

Hope you have a great day!

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Thank you, Kirk!

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Happy birthday mate.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Thanks a lot!! :-)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Happy Birthday, @surfermarly!

July birthdays are the best! Mine was the 10th, so our time for that cosmic energy to rain on My wife, @randfmomma just sent me this:
Bring on the waves and rock out for many more moons โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Ž

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย (edited)

Oh happy belated birthday for you!!! Being #borninjuly is simply awesome :-))
Yay, still lots of waves to catch...

Thanks a lot for stopping by!!

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Life in the sun is much more fun!

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Really lovely post Marly - have a great Birthday Weekend. I'm sending a gift via the Steemit Blockchain so it will be there in 3 seconds!

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

But 31 is good too :)) And A happy birthday :)
I hope there is lot warm .... here in Estonia is warm day :)

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Happy 27th Birthday my sister.

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Happy Birthday @surfermarly ๐Ÿ˜Š

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag und mach dir keine Sorgen รผber die Zahlen, du siehst sehr jung aus ๐Ÿ™‚๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‰

ย  ยท ย 6 years agoย 

Vielen Dank!!! :-) War ja n "bisschen" Fishing for Compliments, aber gut - am Geburtstag darf man das :-DD