RE: There's absolutely nothing wrong...

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There's absolutely nothing wrong...

in itsokaytobewhite •  5 years ago 

Ignoring is Passive. Removing/ Censoring is Active. Ignoring is not Avoiding. In the former nothing was Created that was later Suppressed or altered, and in the later it is contingent on something that was violated. The effect is that one goes without any victim while the other cannot be without a victim.

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So, just for clarity's sake, If someone goes to a newspaper and begs them to write a story about how puppies are being slaughtered or some-such, and the newspaper doesn't write that story, instead they feature the grand-opening of a new ice-cream parlor on their front page, would you consider that "passive ignoring" or "active avoiding"?

Which statement more accurately describes it:

A: The newspaper ignored the puppy story.

B: The newspaper avoided the puppy story.

I'm asking you that exact same question.


The newspaper could claim, "well, that person complaining about the puppy-slaughter didn't seem credible to me, and even though one of our rookie reporters is sketching up a puppy-slaughter story, we already have this new ice-cream parlor story all lined up for the front page, so I didn't think there's any good reason to scrap that and start from scratch (re-mockup the front page), besides people find puppy-slaughter depressing and I don't think our readership would really appreciate that kind of thing, even if it might be true, which it probably isn't, I mean, who would kill a puppy? Have you ever seen one? Oh, my gosh, they're absolutely adorable!!!"

Does that answer your question?

Would you consider that definitely censorship (OR) would you consider that definitely NOT censorship?

Even if they avoid publishing it, they are free to chose what they publish, and not publishing something is not any case for Censorship. The person is free to publish the story themselves, they are free to go elsewhere to publish, and if others refuse them won't make it censorship, even if every single publisher in the universe refuses to do so.