RE: There's absolutely nothing wrong...

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There's absolutely nothing wrong...

in itsokaytobewhite •  5 years ago  (edited)

Also, if you set your default rewards to "decline payout" this will immunize you to downvotes.

Supporters can still send you steem, and or steemdelegations.

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This would be supporting the dishonor that this platform supports.
We could use Facebook and send each other bitcoin too, avoiding Steem altogether. But we don't want to do that. We want a platform that supports Free Speech, and doesn't discriminate and attack your finances when an angry whale decides to take your 'rewards' away ;)

No you cannot post on Facebook and send bitcoin for support when Facebook can and does ban and censor, unlike here where anyone with an account can post whatever they want and it will always be here, and the same for comments, that's why Steem wins hands down. Furthermore, downvoting is simply another expression, and those rewards are to be voted on as such, just as every upvote for another removes rewards from all other items in that pay period. If you want a dysfunctional platform that let's people express themselves only by upvoting go to whaleshares.

Are you saying that I should be expressing myself by Downvoting those that I disagree with? Like so many on here do when they remove the rewards from someone who created content? I should just, express myself, by removing their rewards?

Dislike is exactly what downvoting was intended for. You're free to use it for whatever reason you want. You should have known this already, the verbiage regarding flagging when one tries to flag is simple enough that one can understand that much. You SHOULD flag because you don't agree with how much something is making(reward) after all, much less because you disagree with them, heck, the only argument that exists here is that people are free to upvote as they please, but they shouldn't downvote as they please, because "rewards" or whatever.

"rewards" and "This post is hidden..." "This picture is hidden." This............

I understood the downvote to be to combat SPAM, Bots, etc.
You use it to hide posts and take time and effort payoff (rewards) money from those that you don't like.
...and that is exactly what I see all over the internet in regards to those that have left here and why. Soooo many to ignore?

Completely Illogical.

rewards" and "This post is hidden..." "This picture is hidden." This............

Yeah you whacko, those are rewards that are meant to be voted for or against, much like every singular upvote is in effect a downvote for everything else, so too is a downvote an upvote for everything else. I'll help you out though: it was hidden due to what OTHERS thought about it, and that matters hence the Caution that replaces the content, or we would be going extinct just like whaleshares, where your utopian Steem lies. Not only does downvoting matter so much that it's encouraged by the free downvotes, but curating things as hidden is a infinite chasm away from Facebook banhammer and any and all such censorship.

I understood the downvote to be to combat SPAM, Bots, etc.

The whack; you sir a categorical idiot ought to investigate exactly what it is you're "understanding", so far you don't understand neither Censorship nor Downvoting, which explains why you speak of Facebook as you attempt to ridicule Steem as for censorship and speak of gobbledygook as you talk about downvoting, as if you've never heard of downvoting before or that you never read the enumerated list of 'common' reasons for downvoting which shows up whenever you downvote.

You use it to hide posts and take time and effort payoff (rewards) money from those that you don't like.
...and that is exactly what I see all over the internet in regards to those that have left here and why. Soooo many to ignore?

Completely Illogical.

Yeah I hope all those flagging victims find that support group. Btw, congrats at being a dickwad, worthless piece of dirt. Nothing more feeble minded as you sir. I will say it even if you don't want to hear it: Conviction, you, this idiot author of this idiot post, and others here have indicated plenty that you bunch have only so much conviction behind what you believe and think that it all ultimately revolves around being accepted by everyone, or that those that "don't have anything nice to say, say nothing", that it takes only a few token gestures to scurry you away, that it all depends not on what you believe, not on what you think or know, but what others do or don't. Good luck on "understanding" that voting is not predicated on anything else but holding stake and likewise it has an innumerable number of reasons to be used as and in, exactly like Downvoting.

You lost me in the first sentence.
You are for some reason not able to grasp the point.
Keep calling me names though it is fucking hilarious. These examples are priceless.
Continue your frenzy sir.

What surprised me in this whole story is that a single downvote could outweigh several upvotes. I could understand if there were 6 downvotes vs 5 upvotes - the net score would be negative. But when one behemoth downvoter can use all his steam power to make half-a-dozen comments hidden and slash one's reputation three-fold overnight - that was a rather nasty surprise. Thanks again to all who helped me to get back on my feet.

Way better than facebook.

I agree. The downvoter in this case is actually a pretty small fish (12,236.461 steempower).

I'm just trying to help "stop the bleeding" so to speak.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Grow some thicker skin, nothing quite as pathetic as someone needing "moral support" because someone on the internet chose to express themselves by downvoting.

Hope you find the
O no, I'm hurt by what others think of what I post club and get all your support.

My understanding is that downvotes are not to be used to "virtue signal" simple differences of opinion. That's what the "mute" button is for.

Downvoting is free-speech in the exact same way that shouting down a speaker in public is free-speech.

It is free speech, you seem to think that the public speaker is entitled to only certain kind of expression/ response from the audience.

Bottom line is that freedom of expression ain't for everyone, especially those f#&k that would dare shout.


This is the first time I've actually spoken to someone who openly advocates for SJW tactics.

Yeah, I'm advocating for certain tactics by ridiculing the thought that free speech doesn't include booing, which you don't seem interested in the least about, instead you're busy taking this conversation about freedom of speech (especially the speech you hate) and turning it into something completely idiotic, like what you think about me.

And hopefully we can boost you out of your 8 rep!

Downvoters with lower rep than you have no effect on your rep, so if we can get you above the default of 25, then most of the small-fry downvotes won't cause you any problems.