Banning Oatmeal - Part 003steemCreated with Sketch.

in iwa •  6 years ago  (edited)

Check out Part 001 - Part 002 - This is Part 003. I was suspended from Infowars for illuminating light. I will continue to do what I do in the name of original oatmeal. So, if you are new to this story arch thread, I've been sharing some of the public conversations that people are having about me on INFOCOMMS. Yeah, I was banned from that Infowars website for spamming comments, allegedly. Oh, don't tell them that NOT only have I been posting this to Steemit, I've also been releasing my articles, my posts, like this paper, this document, to other websites, other blockchain social networks, online, on the world wide web, on the Internet, and not just Steemit, but also Serey, Bear Shares, Dream Real, Weku, and sometimes Smoke. So, I've been making some cryptocurrencies via posting to these six blockchain social networks. Others are rising. There are thousands of cryptocurrencies. The competition is hot. I've been archiving and sharing these Oatmeal conversations for a number of reasons. I've written about some of those reasons in the past. I want you to notice how people, as seen below, ignore so much of what I actually say and do. They continue to make up stuff about me. I'm exposing that here. I'm raising awareness. They call me a bully even as they are bullies. They say many different things that are inaccurate. They lie about what I do and say. That's pretty sad. Again, This is only Part 003 of possibly hundreds of these episodes. I'm preparing to make some videos on these things in the future as well. I'm always going to do what I do. I don't apologize for doing what is right.

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Love Road Ryan Forrest - "So really it’s a public forum then. Kind of makes copying & pasting not that big a deal. Though I do wish @JoeyArnoldVN would respect people’s wishes. If you look back through old threads he got along fine with most people."

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Leviticus - "The dirtbag you speak of posted the stupidest shit in multiple instances inside of threads started by several members here on INFOCOMMS. It would seem the more substantive the subject, the more the dirtbag would shit post. There are reasons assholes do this and none of them are good!!! Does this help your understanding of what we were dealing with Mr. @4LoveOfTheRoad???"


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07:13 PM - Paladin - "Not true. He was intentionally misquoting people to create conflict and plagiarizing for profit. The amount of money is irrelevant. He had a particular weird obsession with me, also. After being asked multiple times to stop, he refused, instead, taking enjoyment in what he was “doing to” us on steemit. And hey @joeyarnoldvn SInce you’re also likely going to copy and paste this because you have no fucking life, copy and paste this, go fuck yourself, asshole." - Ryan - "I said he should’ve respected people’s wishes & left y’all alone.... I bet if you ignored him he’d stop it too. Probably not but one can hope." - Leviticus - "Unfortunately…there was no wishing that shit away!!!"

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Paladin - "I did. It didn’t help. He sees himself as a weird “defender” of @MamaPotato. So anytime there would be a disagreement between us, he’d misquote and slander me because he thought he was “defending” her. I never had to even say a word to him, and usually I didn’t. Didn’t matter, he’d still target me, and then it turned to others. Serious fucking nutjob."

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Ryan Love Road - "Calling him a Pedophile sure didn’t help anything." - Leviticus - "I never called him a Pedophile and your defending of this POS is uncanny!!!" - Ryan to Paladin - "You are correct, the whole religion argument had a lot to do with it I think." - Ryan to Leviticus - "Hell you didn’t, why lie about it?"

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nwenglarz Nicholas Wenclarz - "I wish that were true. I stepped away for like 4 days. When I got back only notifications I had were from Joey. Little shit quoted tiny snips of my stuff ignoring me asking him to stop and replying saying he would never stop and wasn’t sorry. He’s an unnecessary person to have around. Not to mention im almost certain he’s a lefty trying to show people who we are." - Leviticus to Ryan - "Prove it! You will not find anywhere on this forum I called that POS a Pedophile spelled out!!!" - Ryan to Nick - "Did you send those messages to the Mods? That’s just asinine to be like that." - Ryan to Leviticus - "Key words being spelled out. But you know as well as I do what you were saying. Could’ve swore you spelled it out though."

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Nick - "In fact yes we did many times. Instead of removing him they deleted the threads. Offering some a chance to start over. Instead he started new shit and tagged me again with shit I said that had nothing to do with the topics he presented my stuff in. Personally glad he’s gone maybe more of these threads will stay on point now." Nick to Leviticus - "The accusations were there many times. Not saying they were wrong because some pics were very awkward looking. Good news is he’s gone now. So now we can be fresh in here."

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07:39 PM - Paladin - "And one more thing. He was starting threads about users. He started one about me, and others, only for the purpose of misquoting us and hoping to embarrass us which is in complete violation of the forum guidelines. He is a fucking bully, period. So glad he’s gone, even temporarily." - Ryan - "Only a 2 week suspension though." - Leviticus to Ryan - "Nope…NEVER did!!! Believe what you want to believe. I stand firmly by what was done to get rid of that shit posting freak!"

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Ryan - "Guarantee it’ll be a permanent ban if he pulls that $h!t again."

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Nick - "That’s sad, even so hopefully he calms that shit down and becomes a team player upon his return. I’ll always offer forgiveness when an individual is actually sorry. Hopefully he comes back ready to apologise." - But I don't apologize for standing up for what is right. I will continue to do what I do.

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Ryan - "Keep telling yourself that. All he had to do was comment & you’d reply like this." - Leviticus - "What is your point???" - Ryan - "Pedophiles like prepubescent kids. You said Joey liked prepubescent girls. 1+1=2… How many bots does it take to censor a comment?" - Nick - "Don’t let it eat you up man. He’s just pointing out that you called Joey out often. You have to remember he only fucked with a few of us. He is pervy no doubt and gross for how he conducts himself. Either way let’s hope he learns or he’ll be permanently banned."

OATMEAL BULLY - Paladin - "He may or may not be, but I fully support standing up to a bully, and that is exactly what he is." - Ryan to Nick on Leviticus - "Mr. Falwell contributes good stuff. When he’s not posting pictures of Joey."

07:49 PM - Ryan - "I’ve got an idea. If he doesn’t apologize to all of you. Then everyone just ignore him until they ban him. Do not acknowledge him in any way. That goes for everyone. All for one, one for all." - Ryan to Leviticus - "Seriously, how many bots are you running here!?"

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Nick - "While generally I agree that doesn’t fix stupid. I’d rather not having a shit stirrer trying to kill infocomms." - Leviticus - "I here your buddy needs some ass licking over on Steemit!!!" - Ryan to Leviticus - "I’m sorry you can’t admit to something you’ve done multiple times. It shouldn’t be a big deal."

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Leviticus to Ryan - "Are you fucking Joey???" - Ryan - "No, are you going to respond to having bot accounts? I highly doubt my comment was flagged legitimately." -Paladin to Leviticus - "Fucking as an adjective or a verb? Two very different meanings, you know." - Nick to Leviticus - "Hey! Why so serious?" - Ryan to Paladin: "You completed the user tutorial. Did it tell you anything about flagging?" - Paladin - "Nothing more than the info in the flagging options, why?" - Ryan to Paladin - "My comment was hidden 4 minutes after posting. I’m just wondering how many flags it takes to do that." - Griff - "I have 2 devices holding the same account. It ain’t me."

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Banning Oatmeal - Part 003

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold - Biography - Social Networks
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Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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