WHO razglasil izredne razmere (PHEIC) zaradi koronavirusa po celem svetu

in izrednerazmere •  5 years ago 

WHO (Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija) je razglasila izredne razmere mednarodnih razsežnosti na področju javnega zdravja (PHEIC - public health emergency of international concern) zaradi koronavirusa po celem svetu in države pozvala h koordinaciji ukrepov v skladu z njihovimi smernicami. Po zadnjih informacijah je že preko 200 mrtvih zaradi koronavirsa .. Vse informacije o koronavirusu na WHO (vir).

Kaj je PHEIC - public health emergency of international concern - izredne razmere mednarodnih razsežnosti na področju javnega zdravja (vir):

The WHO defines a PHEIC as an “extraordinary event” that “constitute[s] a public health risk to other States through the international spread of disease” and “potentially require[s] a coordinated international response.” Since that framework was defined in 2005—two years after another coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), spread through China—it has been used only six times: for outbreaks of “swine flu” in 2009, polio in 2014, Ebola in 2014, Zika virus in 2016, Ebola in 2019 and, now, coronavirus in 2020.

A PHEIC is meant to mobilize international response to an outbreak. It’s an opportunity for the WHO, with guidance from its International Health Regulations Emergency Committee, to implement “non-binding but practically & politically significant measures that can address travel, trade, quarantine, screening, treatment. WHO can also set global standards of practice.

V Sloveniji imamo učbenik Organizacija in načrtovanje ob nenadnih dogodkih, kjer so opisani postopki, prav tako ima tudi ministrstvo pripravljen Načrt pripravljenosti na pandemijo gripe na področju zdravstva ...

Koronavirus je poimenovan 2019 nCoV. Predvideva se, da izhaja iz živalskega sveta in se je prilagodil na ljudi. Bolezen se kaže z vročino, kašljem in občutkom pomanjkanja zraka, kar je običajno za pljučnico. Ker gre za nov virus, natančnih informacij o poteku bolezni še ni, iz poročanja Kitajske pa se lahko sklepa, da poteka v lažji obliki pri približno 80 % okuženih. Težak potek naj bi imelo približno 20 % zbolelih. Tudi natančnega podatka o smrtnosti po okužbi z novim koronavirusom še ni, po poročanju Kitajske se ocenjuje na 2 % - 4 %. Večina umrlih je bila starejša in je imela pridružene kronične bolezni srca, pljuč, sladkorno bolezen ipd. (vir)

The Committee emphasized that the declaration of a public health emergency shld be seen in the spirit of support & appreciation for 🇨🇳 , its people & the actions. 🇨🇳 has taken on the frontlines of this outbreak, with transparency, and, it is to be hoped, with success -Dr Houssin

— World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) January 30, 2020

Previously, there have been 5 public health emergencies of international concern declared: 🚨 2009 H1N1 🚨 2014 polio 🚨 2014 Ebola in West Africa 🚨 2016 Zika 🚨 2019 Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo pic.twitter.com/HENllDwOSx

— World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) January 30, 2020

LIVE: Press conference on the Emergency Committee meeting on #2019nCoV https://t.co/hTQam7RWc9

— World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) January 30, 2020
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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://www.had.si/blog/2020/01/31/who-razglasil-izredne-razmere-pheic-zaradi-koronavirusa-po-celem-svetu/
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