2010, June

in j •  5 years ago 

I became a soldier on Sunday, the 6th of June of 2010. Amtrak pulled me over to Redwood Glen on Monday so I could be a Relief Counselor and program staff. So, I would perform alongside other staff in our nightly campfire skits which was my favorite thing that summer.

I met a lot of interesting people including Farmer Hanna. I really enjoyed hanging out with the people. We would play basketball sometimes. I went off with Christian and his friends to San Francisco one weekend. We were listening to Backstreet Boys, I Want It That Way. We sang along in the car. I couldn't find Full House. We saw the Golden State Bridge. This was either in June or July.

My Autobiography

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June of 2010

Created - 2020-03-11 - Wednesday - 02:08 AM - 2010 - Year in Review 2 3
June of 2010 - Month in Review - 2010-06

Published - 2020-03-26 - Thursday - 04:38 PM LMS

2010-06-11 - Ladies in the River - 30716_10150208191130080_6386409_n.jpg
Female camp staff at the creek at Redwood Glen

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN | Published in March of 2020

Contact Me

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Longer List of some of my Social Networks


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Betty White Dream

2010-06-04 - Friday - 12:10 PM PST - Betty White Dream - Arnold Island FB Page

2010-06-05 - Saturday - 07:26 PM - Screenshot at 2019-11-02 14:44:04.png
2010-06-05 - Saturday - 07:26 PM - Screenshot at 2019-11-02 14:50:46.png
2010-06-05 - Saturday - 07:26 PM - Screenshot at 2019-11-02 14:43:19.png

Joey Arnold Friends

2010-06-05 - Saturday - 07:26 PM - Ram Reflection

I posted links to some of my pages, groups, events, profiles, and/or whatever the case(s) may have been on my Ram Reflection Facebook Profile on Saturday, the 5th of June of 2010: notice that some of these links appears to be dead which means some of these pages, etc, may be dead now, deactivated, deleted by Facebook, or whatever the case might be.

Joey Arnold Friends | Jim Williams | Oja Wall | Joey Arnold Friends Group | Green Oatmeal | Mission Possible Book | Ashley Arnold | Jo Rasp | Rara Roberto | Betty White Died Happy | Fake Profile Friends War | Fake Profile Friends War Group

Ram Reflection

2010-06-05 - Saturday - Joey Arnold Friends! Jim Williams! Oja Wall! Joey Arnold Friends Group! Green Oatmeal! Mission Possible Book! Ashley Arnold! Jo Rasp! Rara Roberto! Betty White Died Happy! Fake Profile Friends War! Fake Profile Friends War Group!

I Became a Soldier

2010-06-06 - Sunday - I became a Salvation Army Soldier that Sunday in a ceremony during the morning service at The Salvation Army's Moore Street Corps in Portland, OR.


2010-06-07 - Monday - I went off via Amtrak to be a camp counselor and program staff at Salvation Army's Camp Redwood Glen. I met Farmer Hanna and others.

If I Die Young

2010-06-08 - Tuesday - If I Die Young

Katy Perry

2010-06-14 - Katy Perry - California Gurls (Official) ft. Snoop Dogg

Toy Story 3

2010-06-18 - Toy Story 3 released in the U.S. and I eventually saw it like in 2013 via my laptop.


2010-06-20 - Battletoads Perfect Walkthrough Level 11 - Clinger-Winger by ArekTheAbsolute - Joey Arnold replied: "Are you a super human." But for the record this was not me. It was somebody else with my name. Actually, many people have my name according the results I have found on Facebook and elsewhere too.

Love the Way You Lie

2010-06-25 - Love the Way You Lie - Eminem - Rihanna

Moore Street
Oh Oatmeal - SeHCM7 - Eric Koelbl
The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat

People I saw or met at 2010 Camp Redwood Glen

Teagan Barker
Cierra Cuellar
Benjamin Dunham
Ismael Serrano - Bunk Mate
Peter Pedro Antonio Colchado or actually Marian Marian
Michele Simplot Rutschow
Jeff Rutschow
Roy Wild
Sandy Morris
Madalynne Acosta
Alex Garza
Laura Snyder Hall
Robert Castillo
Scarlet Huang
Alejandra Javier
Stevie Stern
Allison Cardenas
Eugene Davis
Laura Snyder Hall
Hanna Van Hemert Galloway
Caro Gomez Villafañe
Tim van Dijl
Rudy Castillo

My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography
Relating to 2018
My Life in the 2010's
Top Ten Everything 2010-2019

2007-09-24 - The Big Bang Theory - Season 01 - Episode 01 - I would watch it on and off over the years, especially in May of 2010 at the Campbell family's house

2009-05-19 - Glee - Season 01 - Episode 01 - I would watch a few episodes here and there over the years, a few times.

2010 Wikipedia Annual Outline

Magdalene Campbell wrote on Blake Webb: "he had a heart condition his doctors didn't know about, and died in he's sleep. I'm just happy he's in a better place now." But the truth is that some doctors may not know wholistic medicine and some doctors may not tell you everything you need to know. People could have persuaded Blake towards better choices. Yes, it is possible that he would have died then or eventually no matter what but I would have tried harder at least to educate him towards better choices, period. Maggy blocked me on Facebook. Why? I don't know.

Erin Brae Hoover helped out in the Tuesday afternoon children ministry around 2009-2011 during the time I was there helping out at Moore Street as I would on and off around those years. Her daughter may have attended as well.

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