Twisted Irony
- 12:13 AM - Discarding Religion to Evolve - The OP pretends to be against religion but is not - 12:14 AM - VPN - The problem is that I am already a public person like Alex Jones.... Should Alex Jones use a VPN, and if so, why? - 01:05 AM - Drugs - Of course, drugs help in small doses, but that’s not the problem - 01:06 AM - Making a Difference - You cannot be independent and on the Internet at the same time? - 01:09 AM - Why So Sick - Not enough people have cancer in the world to understand how bad stuff is? - 01:11 AM - Questioning Infowars - I’d question Infowars and ask why they don’t talk even more about ancient history - 01:12 AM - Steemit vs Steemit - But it seems that Gab is missing out on what Steemit has - 01:14 AM - Grandpa President - What can we do to tell Trump about 5G? - 01:16 AM - EMP Bombs - We should simplify the instructions to mainstream this - 08:42 AM - VPN - You are already on the Internet but you do not want to be on YouTube? What is the difference? - 08:44 AM - Bad Videos - My video about how terrible vaccines are is retarded, right? I should not tell people about what they put in the vaccines, right? Please tell Rob Dew to stop talking about vaccines, right, because anything Oatmeal does is retarded, right? - 08:46 AM - Sue Me - @Paladin, I will not stop, and you must sue me, an Info Warrior, like people go after Roger Stone. I spend all day Red Pilling people, and if you want me to stop telling people about Infowars, then you have to take legal action - 08:50 AM - Point of the Thread - 09:03 AM - Public - This website is ALREADY on Google. This forum is already on Google, which YouTube is an extension therein. Everything on the Internet is already public, and you are pretending that is not true, but it is in so many ways, and the fourth amendment is being violated in so many ways already by governments and big tech companies, and yet you are looking at me in regards to the fourth amendment instead of looking at technocracy - 09:06 AM - @4LoveOfTheRoad, I do not do that, they are lying about me, and I made some videos about me and my day, my life, talking about a debate concerning religion and many things, and I mentioned @Paladin in my videos which I can do in my videos and people can talk about what they want to talk about in their videos and nobody watches or sees my videos by the way, except for maybe two or three people, and yet some people might be getting triggered - 09:16 AM - I mentioned him in a video and that is what I do, that is what Pew Die Pie does, we talk about many different people, things, and that is a very normal thing, very normal, for the sake of raising awareness of the Info War - 09:18 AM - I try to tell you about cross-shaped Laminin, and you seem not to want to even think about that, and Ken Ham of Answers In Genesis talk about Creation, and so does the Bible, and the evidence aligns so much, and you can see it all around you, that the Bible is proven - 09:21 AM - I believe in going on their platforms in order to red pill more people and Alex Jones and others have said the same and that is the point, you go to where the people are in order to engage culture. Otherwise, we become hermits, we become monks in the darkness - 09:26 AM - But I do, I am on Bitchute, Brighteon, Dtube, Dlive, Minds, etc.
- 09:29 AM - Economic World Forum - Is there a difference between globalism and globalization? I’ve had some debates about that topic with Vietnamese and foreigners when I was teaching English in Vietnam. There are differences and similarities, but regardless, the good aspects of globalization involves trade which we already have and the bad aspects involves globalism, AKA world tyranny, control, etc. I do not want a one world order which is what globalism is all about. I want nationalism. Nations can trade with other nations and that is what globalization is all about, which we always had for thousands of years, already. Most people are against globalism. But we already have globalization.
- 09:41 AM - Reviewing Gotham 503 - This episode was focused on the Penguin. The old guy died. It was sad, but it was interesting that he died at the end saying that everybody hates Penguin, to his face. Penguin was sad that he died, his former butler. Batman has a butler. Oh, Penguin has or had a butler, too. The butler was like a traitor and went Gordon's refugee camp. But Penguin was still sad when another guy shot him. Penguin lost a bunch of soldiers, of his gang, his people, when they went to Gordon. But at the end, Gordon had to work with Penguin. So, somehow, Penguin became like a hero and got some of his people back.
- 10:06 AM - Reviewing Thursday the 31st of January of 2019 - I reviewed the month of May of 2013, which is when I was living in Saigon in my first apartment.
- 10:24 AM - Reviewing January of 2019 - The biggest thing that happened in January of 2019 was the surprise visit from Rick Arnold, my brother, and his wife, for a week, where we went hiking, and we visited Port Angeles, a dam, Seattle, British Columbia in Canada; we played basketball. They were able to tell people at church about their ministry in Honduras. Personally, that's very interesting, as I've not seen Rick since like 2008. I don't remember if I saw him in 2009. Globally, there were the meme wars. The FBI raided Roger Stone. The left went after some children. I learned about Laminin. There is a new frog forum called Infocom.
- 2019-02-01 - 11:42 AM - Friday - Raising Awareness - 08:50 AM - Dear @zimmermann, The point of this thread and things that I write and film and meme and create have to do with raising awareness of the globalists and the issues that go against nationalism, family first perspective and focus, local community first mentality, conservatism, minimalism, the freedom of speech found in the first amendment, the second amendment, and especially the fourth amendment which is already being violated by big tech and others. I mention names in what I write, symbolically, in order to address deeper issues therein. I’ve been online since 1998 and this is what I’ve been doing for years. I apologize to people if they don’t like it, but I believe in talking about history which involves Christianity which helped western civilization and Stefan Molyneux talked about that and about how Rome fell and how history has patterns that we can learn from. We can agree with Scott Adams and Kanye West in regards to breaking the patterns found in history, but we gotta be aware of the patterns as well. That is what I write and talk about. I mention people in order to use them as an illustration of what we find in the world, the patterns, the systems, as we fight against Big Pharma, and leftists, and globalists, and tyranny, and all sort of things, and that is the point. This thread is not really about @Paladin and it is mostly about bigger issues that goes way beyond that. It’s a long story.
- 11:56 AM - Blockchain Future - David Knight interviewed the founder of Substratum. Alex Jones has contrasted between the hope of cryptocurrencies in general versus problems that may exist relating to Bitcoin. They’ve talked to founders of Minds and Gab, at least. Someday, if they haven’t yet, they should talk about Steemit which Mike Cernovich and others have joined.
- 12:33 PM - Finding Balance - Yes, true, agreed, that rationalization and especially emotionalism is a general path towards the dark side in so many ways, historically, culturally, globally, statistically, we can fall off balance through an overemphasis on feelings, emotions, how we feel, and the art of doubting can help in the quest towards truth, towards better ways in life; beyond that, confidence is found and can be found beyond the status quo of original oatmeal.
- 01:13 PM - Building On Western Civilization - @Paladin, but did @MamaPotato say she wasn’t? Did she say she was not open minded like you say that you are. It seems that she is open to what you say but that you are not open to what she says.
- 01:37 PM - New Television - 1991 - 1991-12-25 - Wednesday - December 25th of 1991 - So, isn't a TV like a talking mirror? There is a lot you can learn about mirrors from that ABC drama called Once Upon a Time. In the 1990's, we would get new TVs every once in a while. We would pile up our old television sets in the shed next to our old VCRs and what have you and then we would eventually get rid of them, every once in a while, like every few years or whatever, randomly at times. We collected like dozens of TVs over the years.
- 02:50 PM - Are We Stupid? - We Can Prove Them Wrong - Alex Jones told a great story, again, about who he met on the plane in 2010 when going off to be on The View. The guy told Alex that he better join the ride side of history, the right team, before it is too late, and that people only adapt to what the globalists take from the people, the general masses. In other words, dear world, monsters are killing us, and these monster think you are stupid and that you won’t do enough to go against the tyranny. Are you going to prove them right or what?
- 02:53 PM - USPS Letter - I received the letter - 04:54 PM - wrote about it.
- 02:55 PM - Spying & Controlling - Alex Jones mentioned today about the two-way black crystal balls and mirrors which are allegories of what big tech and others do and Gandalf said, “We don’t know who else is watching,” in The Lord of the Rings (LOTR). Fight fire with fire. Fight bad tech with good tech. Make good robots.
- 02:57 PM - Science Time - How do you know the earth is that old? - 03:49 PM - Why do some people say the earth is billions of years old, if carbon dating doesn’t go that far back?
- 03:52 PM - Beauty vs Spam - Spam is the antonym of beauty, which is in the eye of the beholder as well, likewise, vice versus, subjectively speaking to some extent, it would seem or so they say, right? So, @Paladin is telling @MamaPotato that she cannot talk about what she wants to talk about. He is trying to censor and control her.
- 04:01 PM - Obsessive & Compulsive & OCD Disordered - “Because it’s not like I can ignore messages, comments, etc.” Sarcasm detected. Many people have this excuse. I can turn off my phone, my Facebook, etc, etc, and I can choose to ignore phone calls, texts, people knocking on the door, etc, etc. Some people will claim that they cannot. It is a skill that can be developed. It is called prioritizing.
- 04:06 PM - Fiction vs Non-Fiction - Does that mean if the Bible talks about drugs, or if Dr. Seuss talks about drugs in a new book called Green Eggs & Drug Spam, we should not reference it at all?
- 04:12 PM - Comparing What Works With What Works - The Bible is no more relevant to this drug debate than the business skills of Donald Trump, developed during the course of many decades, is relevant to running a country like a business.
- 04:14 PM - Melting Hearts - Freeing Minds - She is a gem. She is a star. She is able to open minds and hearts.
- 04:19 PM - Willing To Go - What are we willing to do to red pill people and raise awareness of global issues? Should we prioritize our time, our resources, our goals? Better yet, should we not try, more and more, towards edutainment, entertainment, education, the original oatmeal, the infinite altitude, and much more? How do we save western civilization, which @Stefan.Molyneux talks about? How do we stop tyranny from collapsing America like they did Rome and like they are doing all over Europe?
- 04:26 PM - Standing on Rock - The Bible talks about drugs and about many things that are both directly and indirectly related to drugs, to life in general, and regardless of whether the Bible is fictional or factual, we can reference and apply those things, those ideas, as Stefan Molyneux says, and the ideas in the Bible may or may not be good ideas and they may or may not be bad ideas, and yet we can reference them, we can quote them, and we can debate those ideas, and if the ideas in the Bible are very bad, then we should be able to discover that, for the sake of humans everywhere from coast to coast and around the world, it is better that way.
- 05:08 PM - Animal Heart - Getting back to the root of it all - Here are some photos of our pets, including Honey Cat in the orange. We had a grey cat named puffer. Right now, we have chipmunks who can stand sideways on tree trunks. I didn't know they can do that. I watch them run around and they help me get back to all the colors of the Pocahontas Wind. It helps balance me. It helps calm me down. There is so much we learn and so much we can learn from animals in general. I had two guinea pigs, Oreo and Ra Ra Hercules Roberto. I developed an Evil Barney voice just to personify Ra Ra.
- 06:09 PM - Bible = Wiki-Leaks - Bible = Wiki Leaks = Paladin Says You Cannot Talk About It - The Bible talks about drugs. But we cannot talk about the Bible? Is the Bible not relevant or related to drugs? Does the Bible have bad advice on drugs? Wiki-leaks = Bible? Remember when CNN said that only they could look at the Wikileaks? The Roman Catholic would say the same thing, that only they could talk directly to God or read the Bible. If the Bible has bad opinions, facts, arguments, advice, details, about drugs and about other things, then why not talk about that? @Paladin seems to be saying that we should not have a debate on what the Bible says about drugs and everything else for that matter. But if the Bible has bad ideas, then why not talk about it and expose those bad ideas? Isn’t that what Stefan Molyneux would say? Why not?Globalism vs Globalization
Warm Penguin
Remember Vietnam
Brother Adventures
Missing The Point
Rationalization vs Emotionalism
Open Minded
Christmas Memories
Becoming Gods
Changing My Address
Crystal Balls - Televisions
Answers In Genesis
Spam is the Antonym of Beauty
Cannot Ignore Messages
Green Eggs & Drug Spam
Trump vs The Bible
Savannah Hernandez
Red Pilling Hearts
Eternal Advice
Pocahontas Time
Bad Advice On Drugs
Holy Cow Batman
- 06:11 PM - George Carlin]( - George Carlin is right about religion, but what about the Bible? - 06:13 PM - Invisible Agenda - Holy Cow, Batman, are you saying that the Bible does not do that?
- 06:16 PM - Distinctions Develops Direction - If there is no difference, @Paladin, between religion and the Bible, then you are totally right.
- 06:20 PM - Drugs & the Bible - Did your Catholic school talk about Proverbs?
- 06:52 PM - Attacking Rising News - Why are you harassing Alex Jones, @Paladin? The Bible talks about drugs. But you seem not to want to talk about drugs. But this thread is about drugs. That book says some things that are relevant to the topic. Why not rebut the arguments found in the Bible about drugs?
- 07:07 PM - Burning Free Thinkers? - Are the Free Thinkers getting persecuted in Syria and China?
- 07:07 PM - Why Not Rebut The Bible? - If the Bible is so bad, then why not rebut the Bible, especially in regards to what the Bible might say about drugs? If the Bible has bad ideas, then please expose those ideas so we can all know about those bad ideas.
- 07:09 PM - Learning Patience - I might be a recovering Soy Boy as I was a bit too soft in some ways when I was younger if that counts as a male version of a feminist - 07:24 PM - Yes, good, agreed, and I’ve became softer in some areas and harder in others. I’m a big fan of having the mind of Christ, Philippians 2:5, and I’m learning to pick my battles more. There is a time for this and a time for that. I believe in being passionate like Alex Jones, in raising awareness of more important issues that may matter more. Sometimes, you have to stand up for your family first, your local community first, your country first, for your people first, your friends first. But at the same time, grace is like a song, a dance, and I’m learning to be more patient at the same time. Patience is a virtue that takes time to develop and patience does not mean procrastination, on the other hand. Don’t cast your pearls before swine. Be as peaceful as doves and as cunning as serpents. Red pilling, educating, encouraging, people, takes patience and especially eternal perspective of original oatmeal build on eternal principles therein. I believe in seeking after balance. When you align with eternal principles, you find peace, you find confidence over doubt, you find love over circumstances, and especially hope over dope.
- 07:28 AM - The Silent Majority - If you are not influential enough, then become a Influence Whisperers, not to be confused with Horse Whisperers, get around influential people and do your best to feed them ideas, and then you become, therefore, an influencer by extension, indirectly, by extension therein.
- 07:33 PM - Seeking Foundations - If you are going after truth, then why not go after the truth, wherever you might find it? If you were in a library as a student, would you refuse to even look at or even consider certain books from your studies?
- 08:12 PM - Kamala Harris War On Guns - There are two things we can try to do, correct and prevent. Most of the time, we focus on correction, on fixing problems after they occur. That is what the study of criminology is all about, the study of Criminal Minds. When people try to take away our rights, we try to stop them. People can focus on the negative more than the positive, and that includes looking at what they steal from us. We gotta become Influence Whisperers, not Horse Whisperers, and find people who can trend these things, so we can get more people to talk about these things, because that leads to action, to activism, etc. And at the same time, prevention is even more important in the long-run, that is education, AKA prevention, in helping kids see why the first, second, and fourth amendment, and the second is the cornerstone of that Trinity. People are always taking things from us in a variety of ways. It’s important to document it in order to show people how it is happening and correlate it with history. I like how Tim Allen mentioned about how Hollywood resembles 1930’s Germany for example. We can learn more than we know from history, from the patterns, we can break from the patterns, and we should be scared of those patterns, and it especially helps when we offer supplication which reaps out a whole lot of application from that. We can write articles about the second amendment, link to other articles and to a bunch of videos and then share it on social media. We gotta make more memes about guns. Angry Birds Movie - People can learn about why we need guns from this movie:Religion vs The Bible
All Catholics School
Harassing Alex Jones
Exposing Persecution
Exposing Lies
Softer & Harder
Influence Whisperers
Finding Truth
Correction vs Prevention
Exposing Bad Advice
- 08:23 PM - Don't Wash Your Hands - @MamaPotato talked about the Bible which talks about drugs and about many things. Now, if the Bible has bad advice, then we should talk about that. We should expose the bad advice. If the Bible were to tell us not to wash our hands, then that would be bad advice, for example, right?
- 08:32 PM - Good Advice vs Bad Advice - If the Bible talks about spanking, that if you spare the rod then you spoil the kid, for example, then some people may say that is bad advice. If it is bad advice, then we should talk about it, about the problem, and then offer Peaceful Parenting by Stefan Molyneux for example. We can talk about the Bible like we can talk about a silly kids book and we might be able to learn from the books. If the books has bad advice, then we should call them out, call out the bad advice.Spanking vs Not Spanking
Hardware vs Software
- 08:43 PM - Phones Are Computers Too - We have two problems, generally, that is the hardware and the software. When it comes to software, we can uninstall programs and operating systems, if we want. That is generally an easier thing to do. You can even put Android on an Apple phone. Android is software. It can be hard and people will generally say you can’t, but you can. Most people don’t know enough about technology to get that. The harder part is the hardware part. That’s why they call it HARD-ware haha, just kidding, but seriously, it is harder. Why? Because if an Apple phone has a spy chip hardware gadget inside the phone, then you might not be able to remove it or turn it off. I would say that software might be able to turn off or stop spy hardware or anything that is physical that might be hiding in the phone. It really depends on how small the chips and gadgets are and whether or not you need a microscope to see them or not. It also depends on whether the chip has a Death Star Deactivation Mechanism in it, like a James Bond self-destructing message. I don’t know if there are any that would, but that would be a problem if you were to try to remove spy chips or other hardware gadgets inside phones, computers, devices, etc. IBM and Apple hardware may have problems, as in spy-ware or who knows what like back-doors with independent operating systems, software, etc. I am only guessing. I need to figure out which hardware is better than which hardware. That’s the hard part. Like, would you trust phones and computers made by Sony, Lenovo, etc, etc? I don’t know. I got to make a list. But I do know that software can be uninstalled and installed. Always start with what you can do as a first step.
- 08:52 PM - Drugs & the Bible - @MamaPotato was talking about the Bible as it relates to drugs because @Paladin was talking about drugs, and @Paladin could have refuted her points, her opinions, her ideas, her advice, which came from the Bible, and from her own Potato, and it was relevant, there is application, and Paladin could have debated her on that, on what she was trying to say, and if she is wrong, then it would be a good idea to show that, to reveal that, to let other people see that, because that helps everybody, right?
- 09:44 PM - Cooking Potatoes - @Paladin insults people and then accuses people of insulting him. @MamaPotato was observing what @Paladin was doing. Paladin didn’t want certain types of feedback to the drug debate because he has already deemed certain subjects as either taboo, maybe not helpful, maybe really bad, maybe not relevant, maybe too religious, maybe not applicable, and @Paladin could debate the points and counter the points if he chooses to, and that would help us if he wanted to debate the actual arguments therein.
- 09:48 PM - Here's What Happened - @AndrewPMcD, but it is very simple, as @Paladin was talking about drugs, and @MamaPotato quoted something, and @Paladin could have refuted the quotes. @Paladin can choose simply to counter the arguments that were made. If the opinions were bad, then @Paladin could expose that and show people that.
- 09:51 PM - No More Likes For Now - I am out of upvotes for the moment. Love the gay frog. Where are my Oatmeal Drugs? I’m tripping.
- 09:55 PM - The Plot Thickens - I Mean Thins - @zimmermann, here is what happened as follows: @Paladin started a drug thread. @MamaPotato referenced the Bible in that thread. @Paladin appeared to be against that. @MamaPotato commented on that. @Paladin then commented on the comment. @MamaPotato then commented on the comment of the comment. Why is @Paladin not commenting on the Bible?
- 09:58 PM - Great Men - Greater Women - Thomas Paine must have been a smart man. I never the met man, but he probably had a great wife. Behind every great man is an ever greater woman. So, good work. Some people like @Bingozee may write more, maybe too much, when compared to a person like me. Actually, many years ago, I used to write even longer comments in forums. I’ve evolved from a HUMAN and into an OATMEAL haha.
- 10:02 AM - Stealing - Borrowing - King Solomon said, thousands of years ago, that there is nothing new under the sun, and it is true that things are often not original and are often copied or rebooted again and again in so many ways, and that may or may not be a good idea as it depends, but it happens, it happens all the time, as seen in the repeated Disney plot-lines and every episode of the Power Rangers and much more.
- 10:04 PM - Great Tie - @DrHarrison, love the tie, love the passion when you talk. I’m hearing that the chicks dig you and that all the guys wanna be you.
- 10:06 PM - Not a Word - Oh, not a word yet, haha, like Google is now a verb. William Shakespeare coined words, terms. Good to know what isn’t a word. I think “AINT” is not a word either.
- 10:12 PM - Prioritizing Time & Prioritizing Hearts - You log off? I’m always logged on. But I hear what you’re saying, and that is the heart of the matter. How we live our lives is up to us. Agreed, prioritize your time. Great advice.
- 10:17 PM - Real Gold Diggers - Your ability to research is a gem. Investing time in people, likewise, is pure gold. Sadly, some people more than other people. We want the best for people. We want to believe in people. That’s why we try so hard to sow. We know that we reap what we sow. I love critical thinking. I love people. I love what you do. Keep doing what you do.
- 11:10 PM - Gotham 504 - Bats Versus Cats - Falling in love with enemies like Romeo & Juliet. Bald headed people.
- 11:48 PM - Breaking Free - Finding Liberty - @MamaPotato, yeah. Probably more than that. @Bingozee seems to be against indoctrination, AKA bias, AKA a lot of different things. It is actually pretty common for people to be upset with what appears to be propaganda. My dad used to say that as he didn’t go to church but my mom did. But I always told him that I was choosing to go to church because I wanted to. That is what free will is all about. We are not perfect, so indoctrination is like dirt. That’s why we renew our minds like we renew our bodies through fruit fasting, water fasting. Some of the best people in the world are Christian.
- 11:55 PM - Troll Killer - Awesome. Research makes the world better. Even referencing the Bible, when talking about drugs, which is on-topic, is very supplemental to the conversation, the debate on drugs, totally, absolutely, so related, and can be debated, and is very relevant, and not off topic, and that is the beauty of it, and that is what research is all about, and even just quoting the Bible for example, or other things, as those things may be relevant to many different topics, as there may be application, wisdom that can be gained from even that. Keep it up. Team Oatmeal.
- 11:59 PM - Burning Books - The same people that lie about Alex Jones also lie about Christians and about history. For example, who started the Crusades and was it not a response for the Muslim Invasions?
Atkins - Crystal - Donald - Dwana - Joey - Katie - Marilyn - Pets - Rick - Tiffany 1920's - 1930's - 1940's - 1950's - 1960's - 1980's - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990's - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 By Oatmeal Joey Arnold - Biography - Social Networks Bitchute - BearShares - Brighteon - Busy - Chess - Facebook - Free Zoxee - Gab - Info Wars Army - @JoeyArnoldVN - Live Bookmark - Minds - RSS - Serey - Steemit - Tagged - Trump Town - Tumblr - Twitter - YouTube Published in February of 2019 by Oregon's Oatmeal of Shelton, WA, USA & Vietnam Animal Heart - Articles - Art - Books - Church - Comedy - Education - Entertainment - Family Protection - Forbidden News - Free Write - Freedom - Frog Fighters - Games - Health - How To DIY - Info Moms - Information War - Invasion - Law - Memes - Music - Networks - News - Open Mic - Religion - Science - Social Networks - Star Wars - Technology - TravelBible Connection
Paladin Was Insulting People
Simple To Understand
Out Of Love
Story Outline
Incredible Inspiration
Cookies Under the Sun
Doctor Harrison
Making Up Words
Logging Off
Researching Gem
Landing On Feet
Freewill & Indoctrination
The Power of One
Secret History
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forbidden frog forums
Friday the 1st of February of 2019
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Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Timeline Outline
2019-02-01 - Friday - 10:06 AM LMS - Reviewing the Month of January of 2019
2019-02-01 - Friday - 11:10 PM - Reviewing - Gotham 504
2019-02-02 - Saturday - 09:51 AM LMS - Friday the 1st of February of 2019
Published at 12:58 PM Saturday
Painting Propaganda
My Newsfeed - Forbidden News - Forgotten Forums
Peanut Butter - After washing dishes & taking a shower, I had a small bowl of ice-cream, and I thought I was not going to like it, but then I did. I usually regret eating junk food, fast food, sweets, ice-cream. I do it, and then swear not to do it again but then I do. So, I'm writing this down. I'm challenging myself to either never eat this again or to wait a month or a year, at least, before eating ice-cream again. For the family history book, this is when daddy ate his last bowl of ice-cream, assuming I become a father someday, and assuming I never eat ice-cream again. Hey, holy cow, you know I'll try. They advertise that there is no sugar, but it says artificial flavoring, which is the real problem. Real sugar is better than fake sugar. I've talked about these things before. It's better to eat better. You feel better when you eat better.
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Ice Cream
- 2019-02-02 - 07:33 PM - Saturday - Kroger's Deluxe Churned Peanut Butter Fudge Swirl Ice Cream, No Sugar Added - After washing dishes & taking a shower, I had a small bowl of ice-cream, and I thought I was not going to like it, but then I did. I usually regret eating junk food, fast food, sweets, ice-cream. I do it, and then swear not to do it again but then I do. So, I'm writing this down. I'm challenging myself to either never eat this again or to wait a month or a year, at least, before eating ice-cream again. For the family history book, this is when daddy ate his last bowl of ice-cream, assuming I become a father someday, and assuming I never eat ice-cream again. Hey, holy cow, you know I'll try. They advertise that there is no sugar, but it says artificial flavoring, which is the real problem. Real sugar is better than fake sugar. I've talked about these things before. It's better to eat better. You feel better when you eat better.
Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons: