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in j •  6 years ago 

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- 12:29 AM - Californian Surfing - I do not know if they detained me because I have Bitcoin or not. They did not say why they detained me. They searched my bags. They asked me about what I was doing in Vietnam. They were asking me how much money I would make in Vietnam. I always wanted to travel and help people since I was eight years old. I met people online that encouraged me to come to Vietnam. I started seeing Muslims come to Vietnam. I left America because Obama. I came back to America because of Trump, to work on a family album, to visit friends, to buy a house, to maybe settle down, to maybe find a girl with Infowars values as her motto in life. I am mostly here to settle down and to build a home. I could always go back to Vietnam or other countries. But if I ever had to return to America in ten or twenty years, where would I return to? I'm not sure. I came back to see if I could build a home base, a foundation, a place, a community of people that cared enough about me because I may need them someday. If I wait ten or twenty years, then when I come back to America, will I have anywhere to return to, will anybody still know me, will family still be around, or what about friends, etc? I decided to come home. My website I was building was supposed to be like Facebook or Steemit and YouTube and MySpace and Twitter and many things all combined in one. Mea Omnia is Latin for My Everything.

Travel the World

- 12:44 AM - Finding a path - I always wanted to travel and help people since I was eight years old. I met people online that encouraged me to come to Vietnam. I left America because of what Obama was doing. I came back to America because of Trump, because of Alex Jones, and because I started seeing Muslims walking around, more and more in Saigon, Vietnam, and I came back to the USA to work on a family album, to visit friends, to buy a house, to maybe settle down, to maybe find a girl with Infowars values as her motto in life.

Settle Down

I am mostly here to settle down and to build/buy a home. I could always go back to Vietnam or other countries. But if I ever had to return to America in ten or twenty years, where would I return to? I'm not sure.

Home Base

I came back to see if I could build/buy a home base, a foundation, a place, a community of people that cared enough about me because I may need them someday. If I wait ten or twenty years, then when I come back to America, will I have anywhere to return to, will anybody still know me, will family still be around, or what about friends, etc? I decided to come home.

My Everything

My website I was building was supposed to be like Facebook and Steemit and YouTube and MySpace and Twitter and many things all combined in one. Mea Omnia is Latin for My Everything. Life is ok at home. But my parents want me to find work. I've been busy with trying to share Infowars with people each day. I try to red pill people each day. On top of that, I'm supposed to work as well. So, I already feel pretty drained. Totally busy like all of the time. So, I'm not too sure what is going to happen. Disgusta Bunk responded: "Can’t let it wear you down, get organized, every day set aside certain time for certain tasks. Find a job so you can make some money, make your folks happy, in your spare time continue your activism. Life is all about a healthy mix of work, play, family, and service. I know the feeling, I get overwhelmed like there isn’t enough time in the day, it takes discipline to stick to a schedule. You live in a pretty prosperous area, should have no problem finding work. I know working with parents isn’t the best, nobody under 40 owns a house because the country has been shit for decades. Just make the best of it, keep your chin up, keep plugging away, many people in the same situation."

African NBA Obama

- 12:46 AM - Obama is helping in creating a new Basketball African League (BAL) - Yahoo Article - I thought that the NBA was already African enough, minus Larry bird haha.

Goodbye, Dwight Eisenhower

- 01:24 AM - Farewell Address - Eisenhower said goodbye in 1961 as seen in that video above. Why did he make an emphasis on balance between federal government and free markets? I'm against balance. Hypothetically, I favor balance in a perfect world, a theoretical utopia. But in the real world, balance leads to the growth of government. So, Dwight talked about how we must have a permanent military. Why didn't anybody protest against that? I don't like how he talked about how America's job in the world is to be the peacemakers and everything as that is what the UN and NWO and CFR and EU and others want and peace means war and more war in the name of fake peace, for the pursuit of peace and everything. I wonder if anybody protested what he said in that farewell speech. At the end, he said that he hopes that everybody lives together in peace. I'm not sure what that means but that sounds like the definition of globalism, AKA tyranny. Dwight stumbled over his words. So, how good and how bad was Dwight with everything that he did as President? Do I need to study him?

Jussie Smullett

- 08:20 AM - Some Videos - Red Pilled Black Candace Owens is on fire. She talked about Jussie Smullett and how leftists and others are attacking white people and why that is so bad. That is why we have stand up and stick together against all kinds of racism, even and especially racism towards western civilization, Americans, Europeans, the sons of Japheth of Noah, the Caucasians, the white people. The MAGA movement is bringing people together like never ever before.

United Nations (U.N.) Tyranny Over FLight

- 08:30 AM - Controlling Airports, Airplanes, Passengers - True. The U.N. is doing that. The UN is behind a bunch of different things. They've been funding the caravans, the Soros invasion of America, etc. When I was flying from Vietnam to America, I was detained in California for a few hours. It's getting tougher to travel, especially because of the UN.


- 10:42 AM - Church Time MVA LMS - was reading about the friendship of Damon & Pythias. The king was going to execute Pythias. Damon took his place so Pythias could get his earthly affairs in order. Then Damon was about to be executed in the town square as Pythias was almost not back in time. People cried. But then he returned right in time. The king pardoned him as he felt like it was more heart warming than a Hallmark card, but on the condition that they befriend him, that mean king as he had no friends. Companionship comes from the word com or cum which means with and panis which means bread., Pan is also a name for a Spartan god, not Peter Pan. Daily bread & oatmeal. They had bread during the Last Supper. An com = eat rice or eat a meal in Vietnamese, as friends, as family. Love In The Name of Christ (INC) verify community needs of all kinds of people in the city, the area. So, if a senior citizen needs help with paying the water bill, then they might pay the water company directly instead of handing the money off to the people directly for example. So, like The Salvation Army (TSA), they help people, all kinds of people, be them kids, young adults, teenagers, elders, the homeless, maybe even those trying to overcome addictions. I'm thinking of writing an article about learning to compromise & a reference to my problem that I would have with TSA since 2007 when I first really remember learning of their 9th doctrine which talks about the need for a Christian to remain in a continual state of doing good works, of living for God, as describes in James 2, in not doing bad, in becoming like Christ, in letting our lights shine to all men, in being the salt of the earth. I believe in eternal security, once saved then always saved. So, I would argue with Salvationists about it and emphasize on how their doctrine might make people do good works to earn salvation.

Finding Common Ground

- Trump talked about this. I actually agree with TSA concerning end results that we should continue in salvation. I believe that if we don't, then we were probably not saved in the first place. TSA teach that if we don't then we lose our salvation. The bottom line, the end result, is the absence of salvation. But does that mean we cannot work with each other in helping people? I believe in salvation. You ask Christ to save you and you pledge to follow Jesus. In doing so, you should continue in that. TSA teaches that if you don't, you may lose your salvation. I believe that perhaps the salvation isn't lost but actually never there to begin with. Regardless, we both want to find ways to encourage people towards better lives. So, I'm thinking about where I may draw the line between different people and groups I may be able to work with and everything in my life including TSA. So, I disagree with just agreeing to disagree. Instead, we can sometimes find common ground with each other and live with peace with all men, as often as we can. It's all about living and working with aliens, other people. Pastor talked about how sex outside of marriage is not fulfilling & it is off the path of what is better, our destinies and everything. There was a board meeting. Read my Greek Myths book. Mom played piano. Then we went home.

Learning From Athens

- 02:00 PM - How America Can Learn From Athens, Greece - Beyond that, when Persia came to invade them, how did the Athenians win? What inspired them to charge the Persians like mad-men for the first time in world history in a semi-guerrilla warfare tactic which was possibly a new thing at that time outside of Pocahontas Indian & Vietnamese ninja skills? Can we compare the Persians to the globalists of our day?

The Walking Dead

- 11:35 PM - The Walking Dead (TWD) 909 - 12:39 AM - TWD 910 - Have not watched since Monday, the 26th of November, 2018. So, I watched the newest two episodes. Before that, from around 02:00 PM until 10:36 PM, I was writing my Learning From Athens article. Once upon lived a frog. If that frog felt threaten, he might pick up a boom rock to defend itself. Who knows what happened to that frog. Keep an eye on it. Not on the next day. The pond will be frozen. Next cycle. Alright. The turtle took it on. Turtle will help.

j steemchurch church salvationarmy informationwar
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