
in j •  5 years ago  (edited)

Holistic Approach Melissa. Sunday the 27th of September of 2009 - 2 RevHI Pictures - Will BitCoin allow people to "Go Galt?" We have to try really hard to save the USA from these threads (I mean threats) before it is too late as they are all in a free for all fight to take over this country and is back-stabbing each other in order to conquer America in the next few years if not sooner and each second and each day counts in these information oatmeal wars and everything as all of this happens at the same time in a big Disney melting pot of terror.

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June

Contact Me

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Screenshot at 2019-05-09 10:28:56.png
News Wars

Some highlights from Wednesday, the 9th of May of 2019, as follows:

Thorough Health

09:38 AM - @melissavalle - Steemit - My Introduction to Steem - Melissa: "Hello everyone...My name is Melissa. In a few words I am a mompreneuer, holistic approach, wife, mother, and community supporter. My passion lies mainly in helping and supporting people be their better self (whatever that may look like- no judgement). I like to focus on children as it is my belief that if you raise healthy emotional, physical and mentally strong kids you won't need to worry about fixing the problem as adults. My goal is to reach out to as many people as possible to help (through different modalities) by teaching moms and dads tools to raise emotionally healthy children. I am in the process of growing a community to create a foundation for less fortunate children to provide these type of tools as well. (Teach yoga, meditation, life skills, garden growing for food, communication, social skills.. and many more). I am a Theta Healer practitioner and also work with many to holistically work through any emotional blockages or beliefs they may have...."

I replied: "You truly are full of life, Melissa. The holistic approach to life, physically, emotionally, socially, mentally, and especially spiritually, is fundamental, crucial, and obviously thorough, complete, meaningful, joyful, like oatmeal. Love your photos. Love what you do. Upvoted. Resteemed."

Facebook Cryptocurrencies

10:07 AM - @maxbow - Facebook May Announce FB Coin Stablecoin in Q3, Say Anonymous Sources - I replied: "Good luck, Facebook. I don't trust them but some may fall for it. I would probably buy some just in case, but I would not want to promote cryptocurrencies from technocracy, tyrants, globalists. Upvoted. Resteemed."


10:25 AM - @behelen - Day of Victory🎖️#180video: "Today is may 9, Victory day in Russia. This is a great holiday in our country in honor of the Victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic war of 1941-1945."

Obama Girl

10:26 AM - YouTube - Liberty Hangout Kaitlin Bennett - Obama Supporter Gets Red Pilled

Yard Work

10:30 AM - Hedged, mowed, weeded, swept the yard. Dishes washed. Cooked oatmeal. Potatoes are waiting in the toaster oven. Box came in the mail. At Bible study last night, Romans 5, and I talked about fellowship versus salvation, and justification, sanctification, glorification. I talked about how a country like America should minimize helping other countries but that individuals could try to help out of free will and not out of obligation. Austin Powers 5 would be great if he had balls to not be too politically correct.

Boston Red Sox

01:45 PM - Golden State Times - BREAKING: President Trump EMOTIONAL speech at the Boston Red Sox Reception in the White House

Prager Myth

01:56 PM - Dennis Prager - Trailer: The Candace Owens Show Featuring Dennis Prager

Dumb People

02:11 PM - Your Brain on Public Schools - Dumb people answer questions - People interviewed by Jay Leno and also by forbidden news. Love the mix between the two and between others as well.

Safety vs Freedom

02:50 PM - Infocomms - I replied: "@Memeart, two things to keep in mind in regards to your question to Gregg. First, what is good and what is better? That could be the first question, morally. But each person should be free to determine that on their own. I don't mean that there is no absolute objectivity. I'm not saying everybody is right and that there is no right and wrong, that we live in subjectivity. Instead, I'm talking about the value of freewill of how fundamental it should be for allowing each individual to pursuit after, to seek after, truth, joy, meaning, what is right and wrong, and everything in life.

Secondly, at the same time, because freewill is very valuable, government should be reduced, minimized, shrunk, in order to let each person figure things out on their own in the mist of families and ESPECIALLY local communities. Beyond that, we don't want government to impose too much onto other people. Big tech is government in effect and is imposing on people what they should or should not do. The Roman Empire imposed the religion of Catholicism (not Christianity) onto citizens. Islamic countries impose the religion of Islam onto their people, especially in the Middle East, but now in Europe and America as well as Open Borders and Technocracy and China and Leftists and Globalists and others eat up our souls, America.

We have to try really hard to save the USA from these threads (I mean threats) before it is too late as they are all in a free for all fight to take over this country and is back-stabbing each other in order to conquer America in the next few years if not sooner and each second and each day counts in these information oatmeal wars and everything as all of this happens at the same time in a big Disney melting pot of terror.

In conclusion, I'm trying to display to you these two things. @GreggHuestis67 might be more focused on the first point in determining what is right and what is wrong. I believe in objectivity. But some people don't believe in objectivity. Of course, I could tell you which religions I like and which I don't. I could tell you that I was right and that you were wrong or that other religions or no religions were wrong. However, should I impose my beliefs on you? Should government and technocracy impose beliefs onto others? That's the second point I was trying to make and that could be a problem as seen in history when people try to force other people to believe what they believed. The Pharisees would try to force the Jewish people to do what they believed in. Maybe I'm right about what I believe. But if I force that on people, then that can create other problems which we could talk about later. Local communities are very valuable and globalists have been attacking local communities which are the heart, the soul, of humanity, of families, of life, of individuals, all around the world since the dawn of time."

Download YouTube Videos

03:08 PM - Infocomms - I replied: "@GreggHuestis67, I download YouTube videos on Firefox through this app addon by Feller: the app is called YouTube Video and Audio Downloader (WebEx): I don't have to log into YouTube to watch and download videos on my laptop. On the phone, some of the YouTube phone apps may make it tough for you to watch without logging in. Maybe not impossible but tougher. But you could access YouTube via Firefox on your phone. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and others, function like governments and they impose their religions on us like Rome imposed Catholicism on people and they tell us you have to log in. You can sometimes get around logging in. You may not always have to log-in to access the ghetto social networks. It is just tougher to navigate and stuff without logging in, but not impossible. That's important to note for everybody. Not impossible, just tougher."

Politically Correct Word

03:11 PM - Infocomms - Microsoft is set to release a new version of Word that uses artificial intelligence to make your writing ‘politically correct’

Globally United

03:46 PM - Steemit - @behelen - My Actifit Report Card: мая 9 2019 - Happy Victory Day - I replied: "Beautiful. Yes. I agree. Steemit helps unite people. Individuals around the world are friendly to each other. So, historically, the common folk are united, generally, most of the time. The problem can be when tyranny comes. Facebook acts like a government. Globalists try to impose their beliefs on us and that is not good. I love freedom, free markets, and especially local communities and families. Love your photos. Upvoted. Resteemed."

Couch For Crutches

04:19 PM - 05:27 PM - Sunday the 27th of September of 2009 - I wrote: "I got a couch from Chris. I was attending Agape Church of Christ which met on Sundays at the Lincoln High School in Portland (PDX), Oregon, USA, in 2009. I attended church as a kid. My youth group friends graduated high school and then attended the Word Of Life Bible Institute in New York. I ended up doing the same. As a student, I worked at their camps as a camp counselor. My younger sister encouraged me to work at Salvation Army's Camp Kuratli in 2007 in the Wilderness Camp Program. She also gave me her apartment in 2008. During my second summer at Camp Kuratli in 2008, Sunshine joined our staff. Later on, she introduced me to Agape which just so happened to be a few blocks from my apartment. So, I would then attend church and also the small cell groups as well around that time. I was living in Portland until 2011. Had many adventures. Keep Portland Weird."

Equal Justice Tour

05:44 PM - Twitter - I wrote: "There is a Equal Justice Tour on Hillary Clinton on Monday the 27th of May of 2019. It is peaceful for calm people."

Nigger Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

06:36 PM - Infocomms - YouTube - Funny Dub over the first film of TMNT and it is pretty funny.

Open Borders

07:58 PM - disease come more when they come over the open borders

Revolution Hawaii Pictures

08:54 PM - 2 Pictures - 2007-11-04 - Sunday - 11:53 PM PST - Facebook Picture - The second Revolution Hawaii team of Rob Noland doing their morning devotion, AKA Quiet Time, AKA SOAPS. This was in Hawaii. I was on this team: a Salvation Army ministry. This picture features the whole team from left to right, starting with the left side of the table, Joey Arnold, Corey Gaus, Jess Jessica Franklin Stevenson, Martina Pound, Kealohaopuuwai Irvine, Blake Webb, and Jeff Walters. - Quiet Time. The second picture: Kids Outreach: Event at Major or Mayor Wright Neighborhood in Honolulu, Hawaii (HI), USA - This picture was uploaded by Rob at the same time as the previous picture, above, according to Facebook. So, these two pictures are of things that happened in September, October, or maybe even November of 2007 in Hawaii. We began our year in RevHI on the first of September, '07.

Mass Migration

09:48 PM - YouTube - Mike Cernovich - Will BitCoin allow people to "Go Galt?" - Twitter - I added: "Smarter people are thinking about where they should live in the world, that is if America continues to decline and die. #IDontCareTONIGHT #ParadiseHotel."

Contact Me - My Social Networks

About Me - Oatmeal Joey Arnold - you can contact/ befriend (add)/ follow/ subscribe/ watch/ like/ share me via: Bitchute - BearShares - Brighteon - Busy - Chess - Discord - Facebook - Freezoxee - Gab - IWA - @joeyarnoldvn - Minds - RSS - Serey - Smoke - Steemit - Tagged - Trump Town - Tumblr - Twitter - Weku - YouTube - Other Social Networks

Liberty Hangout Kaitlin Bennett

10:26 AM - YouTube - Obama Supporter Gets Red Pilled

Timeline Outline

2019-02-01 - Friday - 10:24 AM LMS - Reviewing the Month of January of 2019
2019-02-15 - Friday - 05:41 PM LMS - Gotham 506
2019-02-17 - Sunday - 10:08 PM LMS - Can America Learn From Athens?
2019-02-18 - Monday - 12:31 PM LMS - The Walking Dead 909
2019-02-18 - Monday - 06:07 PM LMS - Snow Day 1992
2019-02-20 - Wednesday - 09:36 AM LMS - Draft Dodging vs Loving War Debate
2019-02-27 - Wednesday - 11:38 PM LMS - Joe Rogan Alex Jones Experience 1255
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 09:17 AM LMS - Gun Debate - Part 0001
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 10:19 AM LMS - Dalat 2013 Trip
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 11:36 PM LMS - How-To Know If Your Computer Has Spy Hardware Chips
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 02:49 PM LMS - Stopping Climate Change
2019-03-04 - Monday - 08:51 PM LMS - Envisioning 2030
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 01:50 PM LMS - Brain TiVo
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 09:14 PM LMS - Should We Ban Incitement to Violence?
2019-03-07 - Thursday - 10:23 AM - The Fake News Song - The Deplorable Choir
2019-03-09 - Saturday - 02:12 PM - Power Plant Blackout Alternatives
2019-03-20 - Wednesday the 20th of March - 09:58 AM PST: Is college too expensive?
2019-03-20 - Wednesday - 07:41 PM - Stop The Bias Fifty Hours Broadcast Party - Save The Internet
2019-03-22 - Friday - 12:17 PM PST - Oatmeal Discord
2019-03-24 - Sunday - 11:15 PM - Banning Oatmeal - Part 023
2019-03-26 - Tuesday - 06:10 PM - 06:59 PM: Fake Copyright Claims
2019-04-06 - Saturday - 08:56 PM - History of Mail
2019-04-11 - Thursday - 12:21 PM - Jumanji Assange Arrested
2019-04-16 - Tuesday - 01:39 PM LMS - Lost My Master Key
2019-04-16 - Tuesday - 02:20 PM LMS - Reputation Declined
2019-05-03 - Friday - 12:00 AM - Friday the 3rd of May of 2019
2019-05-03 - Friday - 11:07 AM - July of 2014
2019-05-04 - Saturday - 12:00 AM - Saturday the 4th of May of 2019
2019-05-04 - Saturday - 02:14 PM - Dad On My Life
2019-05-04 - Saturday - 09:01 PM - August 2014
2019-05-05 - Sunday - 12:00 AM - Sunday the 5th of May of 2019
2019-05-05 - Sunday - 07:07 PM - September 2014
2019-05-08 - Wednesday - 12:00 AM - Wednesday the 8th of May of 2019
2019-05-09 - Thursday - 12:00 AM - Thursday the 9th of May of 2019
Published at 2019-05-10 - Friday - 04:03 AM

j revhi memories bitcoin debate
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