
in j •  5 years ago 

Began 2019 VHS To DVD Project. Project Blue Beam - Collider Kristian Harloff - Cost of Star Wars Fandom - Power Puff Girl Says Goodbye

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June - July

Molyneux Southern Screenshot at 2019-06-03 09:35:08.png
Info Wars

Some highlights from Monday the 3rd of June of 2019, as follows:


11:31 PM - 01:33 AM - Watching - Serenity


08:54 AM - Coffee. Apple.


09:25 AM - YouTube - Geeks & Gamers - Star Wars Fandom Isn't About Star Wars Anymore - Collider's Kristian Harloff Proved It - I was a fan of Collider as well. Maybe Harloff worked very hard. I don't deny that and can't say he didn't. Disney has problems. Harloff may have problems as well. But different problems, possibly. There may be other issues we could address as well.

Social Networking Question

09:42 AM - Infocomms - Is flagging not a system of non-republic mob-ruling democracy and do we want to emphasize on the art of subjective obsession towards being like a publisher as opposed to being more like a platform?

YouTube Problem

09:47 AM - Infocomms - Certain videos load and certain videos don't load. Yes. Specific. @FlagDUDE08, yes, specific videos. Yes. Reproduced. Many times. You can see this. If you took the time to look at it, you would have seen that pattern. It is not my problem. It is not a connection problem. I checked all those things. It is not those things. It is other things. I checked many times. I checked many things.

All Caps

10:03 AM - Infocomms - All caps does not have to mean yelling. That is a popular interpretation but billboards have all caps. Advertisement posters feature all capital letters at time. In other words, exceptions apply, either way. Within the realm of literature, there are many ways, many styles, to how things can be said. With that said, not everything is as it seems on the surface, including alleged insults, for example. I'm saying that for example. It's tough for people to read things because they can jump to conclusions prematurely and they can take things out of context. When we read something, we often assume that we know exactly how the other person is saying it through what that person wrote. So, we take cues from certain patterns, psychologically, socially, anthropologically, through all the original oatmeal in our bodies, and we take it from there without thinking too much about it. The art of interpretation and application in life is tough. It is hard enough understanding people in person, in verbal dialogue, even without cultural and language barriers like the ones I saw, Joey Arnold, in Vietnam, 2012-2017. It can be ten times worse perhaps over the phone and a thousands tougher via text, through messaging, commenting, posting, writing, typing, the things we do here right now for example. Life is a jungle. Life is deep. There is so much we don't know. We can expect certain things. It is easy to assume certain things. We all do it. It takes discipline not to assume too quickly certain things. We see things mostly through our lens, our perspective, and that is problematic when we fail to sympathize, empathize, relate, connect, and everything, especially when we are trying to reach out, red-pill, educate, entertain, and help other people.

Taylor Swift Killed Herself

10:12 AM - YouTube - Infocomms - Spy Kitten TV - Published on Aug 30, 2017 - Something Strange Is Happening To Taylor Swift : Look What They Made Her Do! - Elites are trying to clones celebrities, politicians, and others, assuming they haven't already, and they do many different things like MK Ultra in trying to control society. Some people wondering if Taylor is dead now, a clone, a copy, either literally or figuratively. I don't know what is happening but different things may be happening at the same time with different people.

YouTube Problems

10:22 AM - Infocomms - Other people have this problem. I'm not the only person with this problem. There may be a few different problems here. But the main problem is in regards to what YouTube does. The second can be in with what Comcast did. There is a bunch to be said in regards to these things. I want people to look at these issues. But it's not a personal issue with just me. That's not important. That would a personal problem that only I would be having. I didn't talk about personal problems that I had here. I'm trying to tell you that I'm not the only person with these types of problems. Other people are talking about a host of issues that they are having. Some of it might be symbolic. Some of it is, however, direct, not only indirect, in regards to the issues people are having. Look it up and you will see other people talking about the issues. You can also pretend that I'm the only one having these types of problems. Also, other problems as well. So, you can hide under a rock if you want, I don't blame you.

Publishers v Platforms

10:36 AM - Infocomms - A question is not always a statement. I asked questions. In response, people replied by stating that my questions were automatically statements, it would seem. Beyond that, those people went on to say that I said that the users are the publishers as opposed to the actual publishers in context to the term, publisher, which has been used in 2019 specifically, generally, to address big tech, Facebook, Google, Twitter, as they, those websites, not the users, have been functioning, it would seem, like publishers and platforms at the same time and Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer and Mike Cernovich and Robert Barnes and other people have been talking about how big tech seem to have excessive liability protection in being publishers and platforms and then I went on to ask questions in regards to things like that, that is not statements but questions. So, I was trying to ask questions and compare websites with other websites, and that may include this website as well, and I was asking questions and questions are good and some questions can be rhetorical and some questions can be statements depending on who wrote those questions and the context and the meaning and maybe the intention and everything and my questions were meant to engage and educate and get people to think about what Alex Jones has been talking about many times on his show the past few years.

Dumb Nerd

10:42 AM - Infocomms - Because I'm an idiot. I don't know anything about computers. I didn't learn how to build computers in 2007 at Free Geek. I have never been a web builder, a web designer, of Mea Omnia in 2011, which sought to compete with Facebook. I have been using Ubuntu for many many years. I have NEVER been researching computer related stuff for many many years. I cannot even tie my shoes. I don't know HOW to install two operating systems onto the same computer. I didn't write a bunch of articles about how the Internet works and other things on my Steemit blog. On top of that, I don't even have a Steemit blog. To quote my Metal Gear 2011 YouTube video which I didn't make, which does not exist because I'm too retarded to make videos, and which YouTube didn't delete because I don't make videos: "This is not a game, this is real life," and you are still in the hallway right now and not in the room, and I'm not even here, I don't exist, I'm just a figment of your oatmeal imagination.

Bit Torrent

10:56 AM - Infocomms - People share files with each other online. People have collections of files, videos, photos, on computers, servers, pools, clouds, albums. Some people use Bit Torrent and peer to peer (P2P) systems for uploading (seeding), downloading, as people share things with each other, together, online, globally. That means many copies of a said video on many computers all around the world and if your computer blows up, then it is ok as there are copies of the said video for example on other devices and computers in other countries. If they were to then go after those thousands and thousands of videos in those other countries, then by the time they got there, those files may have been or would have possibly be copied already onto other computers in other countries and those same countries and like cancer, like a fire, like a curse or plague, like the wind, like a river flowing off a mountain, it continues to spread and you would have to blow up the whole world to stop it all and even that may not get the videos stored inside special cages and others deep in the earth in holes and others out in space inside things they sent out in outer space.

Facebook Hell

10:58 AM - Infocomms - I love Facebook. I use Facebook. Why? Because I'm trying to engage culture as opposed to becoming too isolated. A lot of people are on Facebook. Why not try to reach them?

Saving People

11:10 AM - Infocomms - Whatever you do, don't ever visit Steemit. Don't write articles there and then share them here. Don't go into a burning fire or into Facebook. Don't try to save or red-pill people. Just play video-games all day. Right? So, I should never talk to my drunk father, then. I should not try to save people from burning houses. Oh, I cannot make illustrations, comparisons, parables, to compare houses with a virtual house or town square or public square or safe space like Facebook because that would be offensive, right? So, I must have offended people who are offended by analogies that are too different from each other. So, I'm a bad boy for being on Facebook. I'm a bad boy for trying to save people. I should give up, then? I should go in my room and become an oatmeal monk. Infocomms Comments - TheIsz replied: "The only one being mentally ill to compare facebook to saving people from burning buildings is you Joey." Comment - NPC wrote: "My GF got a strike last night for using a GIF that Facebook provides through Giphy lol They reviewed it and still said,even though it’s from a service that Facebook provides it goes against there standards :rofl: I keep telling her to get the F off of there!"


12:01 PM - YouTube - Take care, Power Puff Spice Girl.

Better Better

12:09 PM - Facebook - When better people go to better countries, what then happens to their home countries?

I helped with the boats. He took pics. Put an engine thing on the old boat.


12:28 PM - Wikipedia - IWA - A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward, such as madam or racecar or the number 10801. Sentence-length palindromes may be written when allowances are made for adjustments to capital letters, punctuation, and word dividers, such as "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!", "Was it a car or a cat I saw?" or "No 'x' in Nixon".

Star Wars Stories

12:37 PM - IWA - I should never talk about my father in public, because people can't learn from stories like Star Wars. What I did to my dad, by writing something about him, is more damaging than the verbal abuse he gave us for many years. I learned a lot from my dad and I write about that on my fake Steemit blog. That's right, I'm NOT on Steemit. I don't have a blog. I'm not even here right now. I'm a figment of your imagination. I shouldn't talk about anything on top of that because I might offend somebody, right? I should never talk about personal life like Alex Jones does in order to make points, illustrations, because that would be way too effective on culture. Talking about how we don't have to become our parents should never be talked about because that hurts our heritage and we should do what Asians do and NEVER build and learn through a series of sequences found in western civilization for centuries and we should pretend that does not work, right?

MAGA Mario Trump Video

12:43 PM - YouTube - IWA - Sup MAGA BROS 2020

Pun Parties

12:59 PM - IWA - Post Puns & Jokes Here - Post your favorite puns here. Why? Because puns are fun.

Seattle Meetup

01:06 PM - IWA - You can find me in Shelton, WA. I've yet to participate in offline activism apart from a few stunts in Vietnam and possibly a few times in America. But I'm near Seattle, currently. I would love to turn Washington State from blue to red in the larger cities as the countryside is redder than the Sanctuary Gotham Cities. We should find ways to unite more in local groups, communities, families, friends, networks. If you're not around Seattle, you could create a new group, a new thread, to help other people find you, wherever you are, in the United States (USA) and around the world.

Restoring Data

01:17 PM - IWA - @GreggHuestis67, I've used programs for restoring data on hard drives and DVDs. So, long story short, I've accidentally recorded over data at times. Other times, lost data on hard drives and on discs. I've watched videos and read articles about these things many times since like the 2000's, like over a decade, I've been around many problems. So, I was able to use programs that help find lost files that may still exist on hard drives and discs. You can extract them. You can find them and you can copy them to another hard drive or another location for example. There are a few different programs that may work. I could tell you which programs I used. @GreggHuestis67, if you can access the data, then you should be able to edit, copy, delete, and move those files, unless if you don't have administrative access to the files. Can you right-click and click on properties and then click on permissions and then find the option to which can allow you to read and write so you can copy and move the files?

Trump Tweets

01:27 PM - IWA - Twitter - Post Trump Tweets from Twitter here, or other tweets or anything you want if you want. I'll start. Donald J. Trump ‏Verified account @ realDonaldTrump - 10h - 10 hours ago - Just arrived in the United Kingdom. The only problem is that @ CNN is the primary source of news available from the U.S. After watching it for a short while, I turned it off. All negative & so much Fake News, very bad for U.S. Big ratings drop. Why doesn’t owner @ ATT do something? 2019-06-03 - Monday - 03:37 AM PST

Life Advice

01:36 PM - IWA - On SNL, Michael Jordan gave this advice: “Stop it. Just stop it.”

Local Militia

01:50 PM - IWA - Washington State Militia - Facebook Group

Computer Problems

02:04 PM - IWA - If you're having technical difficulties, problems, issues, relating to technology, phones, computers, TVs, servers, laptops, smart devices, smart grids, smart watches, smart cars, smart cities, monitors, screens, hard drives, other things, devices, systems, post them here, anything you want, videos, pictures, questions, answers, posts, comments, thoughts, opinions, facts, memes, GIFs, links, technology related, anything relating to hardware, software, programs, operating systems, Windows, Apple, Linux, Ubuntu, the Internet, blockchain networks, cryptocurrencies, big tech, Facebook, Google, Twitter, other websites, etc, etc. This takes me back to the 1990's. Was born in 1985 in Oregon. We had an old video game console, like an Atari, that looked like that, like a typewriter machine and it had that Pre-Mario, Pre-Nintendo Jump Man Cave Man Game.

Project Blue Beam

02:07 PM - IWA - Steemit - Article About Blue Beam - Is NASA and others behind Project Blue Beam in order to push people towards a New World Order (NWO), a One World Government & Religion? Is the Deep State behind the UFO Deception?


03:00 PM - Washed the dished. Got the mail.

iHarmony - Infowars Dating App

03:33 PM - IWA - Just kidding.

Wait, just kidding just kidding.

Wait, I mean, you can't have a family if you're not dating first, right, generally speaking?

So, why not network here. Make new friends here. Maybe write a little something about yourself here. Maybe, somebody with similar interests and values will find you here, online or offline. Again, family first. We should be marrying and have children. The people that should be having kids are generally the ones who don't for a variety of reasons. All the more reason to talk more about depopulation programs, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, the things that Bill Gates does with Mercury Vaccines in India for example. Muslims are having more babies than us. We are being depopulated. There are so many different things going on that seeks to end the human race in a variety of ways. We could talk about that in this thread or simply date and network here.

Finding Balance in Life

03:45 PM - IWA - @AtypicalRift, I almost participated in prison ministry like your dad, or maybe I did. I've been part of different Salvation Army ministries with the homeless, with children, in Revolution Hawaii in 2007 and Word Of Life ministries.

The tough part is trying to find balance in life, like Lauren Southern said in her retirement announcement video she made on like the first of June of 2019 with Stefan Molyneux. Specifically, you may want to limit how much time you spend trying to help deranged people or all kinds of people. Spending too much time could be as bad as only feeding people fish as opposed to teaching them how to fish. But then again, I wonder who is not deranged as humanity is cursed with depravity, meaning we are not immortals and the lack of immortality is pretty deranged in my mind.

Faraday Cage

03:57 PM - IWA - Put hard drives in Faraday Cages that can protect your data from EMP and ESD. What is a Faraday Cage? (Wikipedia) They were invented, according to Wikipedia, back in 1836. How-to Build a Faraday Cage. - Duck Duck Go Google Search Result - How-to Build one Under $5

Jokes & Puns

04:03 PM - IWA - Speaking of lame, haha, pun intended, a blond drowns at the bottom of a river in a convertible car lol, like ummmmmmmm, totally haha.

Fighting Big Tech

04:52 PM - IWA - You can help Trump help us by telling Trump about who got banned, censored, deleted, terminated, etc, on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Tell Trump about it here.
Because this is how we can collect evidence on what big tech did. Make videos about it. Write articles what big tech did.

Consent to Slavery

05:02 PM - Steemit - Some police can fail to have logic. Some cops may falsely assume you are possibly resisting arrest, not cooperating, or whatever they may call it, allegedly, when you go to ask them that question, for prove of the consent of being a slave of them apart from driver license identification documents (I.D.) assuming that documents, birth certificates, degrees, paper, etc, are consents, contracts, to the slavery, to the whatever people want to call it. In other words, police chiefs may know this but the foot soldiers, the pawns, may not always get it. So, we can ask them. We can say stuff to cops and other people. We may red-pill some of them. We may get some of them to get it. But be careful as some cops may not get it. Some cops may react immaturely, prematurely, falsely, illegally, or whatever.

Qanon Debate

05:21 PM - IWA - Qanon Debate - The Q Anonymous Thread - Q&A - Questions - Answers - Post your thoughts on Qanon. Alex Jones interviewed Captain Roy D today in the 3rd and 4th hour of the show.

Alex Jones has said many times that some of Q can be like fortune cookies, they can inspire people to do their own research on history, politics, world news, other things.

The problem comes when deception comes. Some people can pretend to be Qanon. It is like being anonymous. Anybody could be Q. It could have been infiltrated. Some of what Q said could be nice, helpful, useful. Maybe.

But like Alex Jones said, I'm a real person. Some of the patriots are real people. Some of us can be leaders, politically. Some of us should not be anonymous. We should be like Tommy Robinson, Laura Loomer, Alex Jones, Julian Assange, Mike Cernovich, Stefan Molyneux, Lauren Southern, Jack Posobiec, Kaitlin Bennett, Candace Owens, etc, etc. These people are patriots. They do a lot of good in the world. It can be better to not hide behind Superman Clark Kent Glasses or Batman Masks. Having secret Q identities might be good for some people in some cases. But some people can do more good in the world by being public figures. So, there might be some good in Q, sometimes. Some good. Q can educate some people. But can Q become too counterproductive and misleading and deceptive and stuff? @TheIsz, there might be things worse than that. But that is pretty bad for sure. Oh, by the way, I love Veritas, Wikileaks, Drudge, Infowars, etc.... these networks are in some cases better than Qanon Q.....


05:32 PM - IWA - Post news networks and patriots and other things here. For example, for me, I get news from Infowars, Cernovich, social media, Drudge, Steemit, etc.

Where do you get your news? From alternative media or from CNN and main stream media in general?

Post links, videos, pictures, to wherever you get your news from here.

VHS to DVD 2019 - Day 01 - Tape 01 - DVD 01

09:51 PM - 10:50 PM - VHS to DVD 2019 - Day 01 - Tape VHS V 01 - DVD D 01 - I started recording from a VHS tape in VCR 01 to VCR 02 (the new VHS DVD recorder I bought in 2019, in like May). The VHS tape I'm copying contains bits and flashes from our Arnold Attic videos from 1996-2003, mostly. It had random clips, including audio. The quality may be less due to the travel it must take through the audio video (AV) cords from VCR 01 to VCR 02. After the first few minutes, it moves to 1996-02-02 - Friday - our first full day with a camcorder dad got Rick the previous night for his 14th birthday. Little Red Riding Hood Parody Video. Power Rangers Parody video. Mom Kids Fighting Video. Recorded an hour from that tape, to the end. I fast forwarded a few minutes ahead and didn't see anything.

Where do you get your news from?

10:23 PM - IWA - @AtypicalRift, one of my favorites from your listen is Dennis Prager of Prager U and he has a book called The Rational Bible.

We can talk about The War Room with Owen Shroyer here. I'll start.

Obama Sleeper Cells

10:26 PM - IWA - The War Room - 2019-06-03 - June 3rd, Monday - Owen Shroyer talked about something around 18 minutes into the 1st hour, something he said he was told not to talk about. He talked about how the left collects personal information of the patriots. Not too long ago, they were trying to dox Owen. They are doing tests. They're trying to make sure their information is accurate. So, the bigger you are, the bigger the target you may have on your head. They may try to fry up your phones, computers. They may try to get violent. It's tougher as long as Trump is the U.S. President. Yes, they're also trying to kill Trump and other leaders. They're running around trying to make sure they can throw us in FEMA Camps, reeducation camps, Nazi Jewish Death Camps, etc, etc. Owen says that the violence is accelerating, that it is getting worse. Many different things are happening, especially in America. Be ready.

Second Amendment

That's why we must be armed and trained and prepared. Stick together. Try to find friends you can stick on speed dial. Have canned food. Have Faraday Cages. Have a bunker, a tornado storm cellar, a basement, and have safes, etc. Brainstorm things you can do. In my city, we have a class, a group, where we meet and we talk about these things. Learn about Ham radio. Have backup plans for communication, like walky talkies. Be fit. stay fit. Be happy. Be prepared. As long as you are trying your best each day, to take care of family and friends, then that is all you can do. You are the resistance. Talk about The War Room in this thread.

VHS 02 - DVD 01 - DVD 02A

10:58 PM - 12:08 AM - I'm recording from VHS 02. It begins with Jesse Duplantis. Talked about faith. Responsibilities over privilege. A black preacher. Dog Mandy. Heaven or Hell began with no video. I have better copies of that on HDD. Then, I started getting audio and video for Heaven or Hell. But then the DVD ran out of space in SP mode, just 2 hours. I am hoping for a higher quality through the SP mode. I will begin Heaven or Hell again from the beginning for DVD 02, I think. That's my plan. Will start tomorrow if I can. I mean today. Tuesday. Not Monday Any longer.

VHS-DVD 2019 Project

VHS 01 - DVD 01 - Attic-Flash, 1996-Flash
VHS 02 - DVD 01 - DVD 02 - Heaven or Hell (1996-05-19 - Sunday) - 1996-05-26 - 1996-05-27

VHS 01

1996 - 2001 - Attic Flash - First Month Flash

VHS 02

1996-05-19 - Sunday - To Heaven or Hell
1996-05-26 - Rick in the field
1996-05-27 - Katie Gymnastics - Katie, Crystal, Joey, Rick, Savannah Larson, Puffer Cat, Shoe Animation. Rick's room. Katie's foot. Katie's room. Katie in the mirror. Katie dancing. Katie schedule. Puffer on the porch. Street. Playing with Crystal. She tries to do gymnastics. Michael Cumbo and Joey in the living room.

DVD 01 - VHS 01 - VHS 02A
DVD 02 - VHS 02

Attic Archive

1996-02-01 - Thursday - Dad brought home a camcorder for Rick, my older brother.
1996-02-02 - Friday - Little Red Riding Hood, News, running around, Where's Pocahontas Crystal
1996-02-03 - Saturday - Power Rangers Lot 01/04
1996-02-04 - Sunday - Power Rangers Lot 02/04
1996-02-05 - Monday - Power Rangers Lot 03/04
1996-02-06 - Tuesday - Power Rangers Lot 04/04
1996-05-26 - Outside, Crystal, Savannah Larson, Rick in the field
1996-05-27 - Katie Gymnastics


VHS 01 - VHS 02A - DVD 01

2019-06-03 - Monday - 09:51 PM - 10:50 PM - VHS to DVD 2019 - Day 01 - Tape VHS V 01 - DVD D 01 - I started recording from a VHS tape in VCR 01 to VCR 02 (the new VHS DVD recorder I bought in 2019, in like May). The VHS tape I'm copying contains bits and flashes from our Arnold Attic videos from 1996-2003, mostly. It had random clips, including audio. The quality may be less due to the travel it must take through the audio video (AV) cords from VCR 01 to VCR 02. After the first few minutes, it moves to 1996-02-02 - Friday - our first full day with a camcorder dad got Rick the previous night for his 14th birthday. Little Red Riding Hood Parody Video. Power Rangers Parody video. Mom Kids Fighting Video. Recorded an hour from that tape, to the end. I fast forwarded a few minutes ahead and didn't see anything.

VHS 02B - DVD 01 - DVD 02A

2019-06-03 - Monday - 10:58 PM - 12:08 AM - I'm recording from VHS 02. It begins with Jesse Duplantis. Talked about faith. Responsibilities over privilege. A black preacher. Dog Mandy. Heaven or Hell began with no video. I have better copies of that on HDD. Then, I started getting audio and video for Heaven or Hell. But then the DVD ran out of space in SP mode, just 2 hours. I am hoping for a higher quality through the SP mode. I will begin Heaven or Hell again from the beginning for DVD 02, I think. That's my plan. Wills tart tomorrow if I can. I mean today. Tuesday. Not Monday Any longer.


11:19 PM - Twitter - Stephen King said on Trump in England: "Notice that he's reading it like a 4th grader with learning disabilities." Good because that means that Stephen can now understand what Trump is saying then.


11:38 PM - Things progresses gradually from chat to activism.

Contact Owen Shroyer

11:49 PM - IWA - Find Owen Shroyer on Twitter at J Owen ShroyerVerified account - @allidoisowen

Chronology of My Biography

1920's - 1960's - 1980's - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990's - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019

Taylor Swift Killed Herself

10:12 AM - YouTube - Infocomms - Spy Kitten TV - Published on Aug 30, 2017 - Something Strange Is Happening To Taylor Swift : Look What They Made Her Do! - Elites are trying to clones celebrities, politicians, and others, assuming they haven't already, and they do many different things like MK Ultra in trying to control society. Some people wondering if Taylor is dead now, a clone, a copy, either literally or figuratively. I don't know what is happening but different things may be happening at the same time with different people.

Contact Me - My Social Networks

About Me - Oatmeal Joey Arnold - you can contact/ befriend (add)/ follow/ subscribe/ watch/ like/ share me via: Bitchute - BearShares - Brighteon - Busy - Chess - Discord - Facebook - Freezoxee - Gab - IWA - @joeyarnoldvn - Minds - RSS - Serey - Smoke - Steemit - Tagged - Trump Town - Tumblr - Twitter - Weku - YouTube - Other Social Networks

Timeline Outline

2019-02-01 - Friday - 10:24 AM LMS - Reviewing the Month of January of 2019
2019-02-15 - Friday - 05:41 PM LMS - Gotham 506
2019-02-17 - Sunday - 10:08 PM LMS - Can America Learn From Athens?
2019-02-18 - Monday - 12:31 PM LMS - The Walking Dead 909
2019-02-18 - Monday - 06:07 PM LMS - Snow Day 1992
2019-02-20 - Wednesday - 09:36 AM LMS - Draft Dodging vs Loving War Debate
2019-02-27 - Wednesday - 11:38 PM LMS - Joe Rogan Alex Jones Experience 1255
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 09:17 AM LMS - Gun Debate - Part 0001
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 10:19 AM LMS - Dalat 2013 Trip
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 11:36 PM LMS - How-To Know If Your Computer Has Spy Hardware Chips
2019-06-03 - Monday - 12:00 AM - Monday the 3rd of June of 2019
2019-06-04 - Tuesday - 12:00 AM - Tuesday the 4th of June of 2019
Published at 2019-06-04 - Tuesday - 08:51 AM


09:25 AM - YouTube - Geeks & Gamers - Star Wars Fandom Isn't About Star Wars Anymore - Collider's Kristian Harloff Proved It - I was a fan of Collider as well.

j vhs2dvd arnoldattic blog video
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