@OatmealJoey - Real Oatmeal Joey Purpose. I'm very bad - click here to read all about it. How do you watch Alex Jones? 5G vs Fiber Optics. CloudFlare. John Bolton Thread. As long as you pay for the birth control pills yourself, as an individual, have fun. Let people sell it. Let the free market have fun with it. 100,000 Subs - DECLASSIFIED - The Epoch Times. @TheIsz, I just subscribed to Epoch, not to be confused with Tuvok or Tupoc. Thanks. The Best Book to Read to Your Kids Facebook Espionage. Some information talking about how 5G is bad. Lots of details here. Click here to see more. @Libertysmith is so right. Who cares if we can understand each other. Just let me speak some Vietnamese here. Who cares if you know Vietnamese or not. Toi song o viet nam. Toi yeu com ga. Toi uong ca phe sua nong. I am against limiting police's use of force, but I'm also against funding their use of force via taxes. They should hold fundraisers. Also, I'm against gun bans, etc. Was Owen Shroyer talking about me? Am I a troll? I talked about the alternatives. Click here to watch Alex Jones Live via Ron Gibson on Bitchute Live. You can now watch it live. @Minutemen-Of-America loves Soros. He does not want to go after Rothschild. Therefore, he is a troll. He is a shill. Because he does not try to stop 5G. He does not try to stop Mercury Vaccines. He does not try to stop geoengineering. Instead, he is trying to stop Alex Jones who is trying to save America. Trump Announced His Win Red Website.
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks
My Life in 2019
January - February - March - April - May - June - July
My New Facebook - Real Oatmeal Joey
Some highlights from Monday the 24th of June of 2019, as follows:
I followed Donald J. Trump who has over 24 million followers on Facebook.
Childhood Friend
Chris Friend from the 1990's in Forest Grove, OR. His mom was Suzanne Friend. Chris had a brother named Josh Friend and Jerry Friend. John Taylor Larson Friend. Jeremiah Friend.
Homeschool Club
Sharon Hundley led a homeschooling club in our town. We grew up being part of it. We would have field trips, Friday School, go skating at Skate World, have club meetings, picnics, in the 1980's and 1990's.
12:31 AM - Steemit - You have a good perspective that might be capable of momentum.
5G Alternatives
09:53 AM - @Mischief_With_Griff, did you not listen to what Alex Jones said on Sunday? @firstfire508 loves 5G. I love fiber optics and there are other options. 5G is an addiction like drugs. When you tell people not to have 5G, you drive the addicts crazy and then they begin to throw stuff at you because they are addicted. You must promote replacements, alternatives, options, choices, before you can push people off their addiction on 5G, etc.
09:57 AM - The Pirate Bay seems to be using CloudFlare.
John Bolton Thread
10:06 AM - All about John Bolton Exposure in this thread.
@Grand, good work. Google Whistleblower & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent "Trump situation" in 2020 on Hidden Cam
Stop The Espionage
10:18 AM - Do not make Google smaller. That is an attack on free markets. The problem is black contracts, the espionage, treason, big crimes, between technocracy and government, and you go after those actions, those things, and you take them down that way, but do NOT try to take them down only because they are big. Take them down because government stole our money (taxes) while making them big. The crime is not that they are big but rather in how they became big in the first place.
David Letterman
10:23 AM - Is that David Letterman behind RoboCop?
Birth Control Pills
Epoc Tupoc Tuvoc
10:34 AM - @TheIsz, I just subscribed to Epoch, not to be confused with Tuvok or Tupoc. Thanks.
War in Twenty Years
Prager U
11:47 AM - The Best Book to Read to Your Kids - What is the best book to read to your children? Which book most effectively conveys the values of love, compassion, hard work, justice, and virtue, and has the added benefit of endurance throughout history? Johnnie Moore, founder and CEO of The Kairos Company, explains the reasons why this longtime bestseller is the one every parent and child should read together.
Post a Book - Reading Infowars Rainbow
11:49 AM - Post a Book - What should people be reading? - Post books, eBooks, audio books, articles, magazine, comic strips, stories, documents, links, etc, here.
Monopolies vs Choices
12:00 PM - @Fubar, I can’t choose between white and whole wheat bread?
Who Wrote This?
12:06 PM - Maybe Oatmeal wrote it, translated it to Vietnamese, and then right back to English again.
Attacking Facebook
Attacking Alphabet
Stopping Technocracy
12:17 PM - @Libertysmith, if they are bigger than governments, then how can governments then stop them? Do we need to cry for help from the New World Order (NWO)? @Rob_Roy, I am a big fan of Project Veritas.
Proof 5G is Bad
12:20 PM - Some information talking about how 5G is bad. Lots of details here. Click here to see more.
Word Salad Vommit
Abusing Children
12:28 PM - @Libertysmith is raping and molesting a child.
Limiting Police Force
Infocomms Trolls
12:41 PM - Was Owen Shroyer talking about me? Am I a troll? @Mr.Anderson is not trying to stop 5G in a better way. There are better ways to stop 5G by replacing it with better things and Anderson just wants to yell at people to force people to stop their addiction and then when I mention that it is an addiction, then some people might accuse me of spamming out logic as reason, logic, and Stefan Molyneux evidence is bad, very bad, very racist, according to Anderson, my take on psychology is very evil according to Anderson, that what I say does not make sense, that AA Meetings are retarded as they agree with me in how this works and that fiber optics and other things are very bad which means Alex Jones is retarded like he said on Joe Rogan as Alex promoted fiber optics and there are other options but Anderson hates Alex who said what I said and we both said the same things meaning that if what I said was spam, then therefore what Alex was spam as well because we both said the same things and Anderson doesn't want to emphasize on 5G alternatives. I think @Mr.Anderson is a leftist troll as there are wireless alternatives to 5G and I'm not talking about fiber optics and we need to focus on that as people like Anderson gives us a bad name and people are distracted by Anderson and are being lied to and that destroys our future in a variety of ways and if we don't continue promoting alternatives, then other people will not hear about it as the first thing they may see is Anderson and people like Anderson who says that there is no hope and no future and that we have to destroy all technology as it is all bad according to Anderson and people hate that and people choose to embrace 5G because they don't want to give up 5G no matter how many books you throw at them.
5G Alternatives
01:07 PM - I talked about the alternatives. There are so many ways to make wireless Internet faster. I'm NOT talking about fiber optics. Wireless Internet speed can be increased by having multiple WIFI antennas inside your laptops, phones, tablets, devices, etc. That is one way. Another way that can be added to that is Bit Torrent protocols. People should look at that. Another factor is all about the kind of radio waves that you use, the frequencies. You can combine all of these things together. So, how many ideas, alternatives, are these, already, just from the top of my head? How many? Just from the top of my head? These are just some of the ideas for alternatives. There are more ideas out there. Other people are talking about it. You could share links here of those people and those things. Sadly, is anybody going to do that? Am I the only person smart enough to know how to find these things? Is that my skill, ability, talent, that nobody else has? Am I some kind of super hero that can find these things and I am the only person that can see these things? Are all the other people blind and unable to see what I'm talking about?
$20 Apple Phones
01:14 PM - My NEW Facebook - Apple phones only cost $20 to make?
Anderson Murders Oatmeal
Red Pilling Facebook
01:30 PM - I started a new account @RealOatmealJoey since Facebook banned me and I shared Veritas there and then Millie and then Kaitlin's Unsafe Space. I will continue to try to red pill people.
Red-Pilling Forever
Video Game
@Benoaks, one of the reasons I'm posting and liking so much is because I'm trying to see if I can get all the badges. So, it is kind of like a video game for me.
Gotta Catch Them All
If only I could just get a few more badges.
Pokemon Badges
Like Pokemon, gotta catch them all. You can get a badge for liking 50 times a day for 20 days. Well, for some reason, it's been like over 20 days now and I haven't got that badge yet.
Liking Heaven
As soon I as get that badge here, I may stop liking hundreds of comments each day or whatever it is.
Making Videos
Thanks for the post. I probably should make videos as opposed to millions of comments.
Real Evolution
So, in the future, I may comment and like less or whatever. I am always evolving, which can be normal for people.
It should be normal for people to evolve, gradually, and through their own freewill.
Meaning to Life
I want to emphasize the value of freewill as that is a pivotal point in the meaning to life which I thought liberals supported before they evolved into leftists lol.
Nothing To Do With Activism
Bitchute Live
03:02 PM - Click here to watch Alex Jones Live via Ron Gibson on Bitchute Live. You can now watch it live.
Post them here.
Other people might not know and might learn something from you.
03:06 PM - @Minutemen-Of-America is either retarded or is a troll. Either way, it is not good for people like this person. Many of us asked him questions. We said many things. He might not be able to distinguish differences between Facebook and Infocomms. There are differences. How do we get more people to see the differences? Is the general public unable to recognize the differences?
I'm Very Bad
03:10 PM - @Mischief_With_Griff, I am trying to stop 5G, but I am the problem because I am trying too hard to stop 5G and many bad things. But I am the problem. I am the bad person. I am the Rothschild Lover because I try too hard. You are right. I am very bad. I need to stop trying to red-pill people. I need to stop talking about alternatives to 5G. I should stop promoting Project Veritas because Veritas is so bad. You are right.
Taking Down America
Cleaning Water
03:15 PM - Minutemen-Of-America wrote about Oatmeal Joey: "You might have been drinking too much of that high fluoride water out there in BFE… might explain why you have the IQ of a potato. @joeyarnoldvn I kindly direct you to purchase a Alexa Pure Water filtration system from InfoWars.com and help contribute to the Infowar and not continue the InfoFail that is Infocomms.com." I replied: "Did you say potato? I love potatoes."
Stopping Globalism
03:20 PM - @Minutemen-Of-America James loves Soros. He does not want to go after Rothschild. Therefore, he is a troll. He is a shill. Because he does not try to stop 5G. He does not try to stop Mercury Vaccines. He does not try to stop geoengineering. Instead, he is trying to stop Alex Jones who is trying to save America. @Minutemen-Of-America James will not make memes about 5G, technocracy, Soros, Big Pharma, China, Jihadism, Globalism, Bill Gates, geoengineering, Clinton, Bush, Obama, plutocracy, tyranny, etc.
Veritas vs Google
Raising Awareness
03:37 PM - @Mischief_With_Griff, please say that to Owen Shroyer who might be doing what I'm doing in trying to raise awareness to potential problems, issues, trolls, people, things, situations. It is good to talk about it as it helps people see what we see. When you see a problem, you can talk about it. People might accuse you of accusing other people of certain things. However, we are going after the truth which trumps emotions, feelings. Beyond that, words are only words, are they not? Are we going to try to promote banning hate speech as false accusations can be hateful, emotionally, through subjectivity over objectivity? I'm trying to promote 5G alternatives and some people might want to just promote stopping 5G. But it is harder to stop 5G without encouraging people to do something else. If you cannot persuade people through their flaws, their selfishness, then they are more likely to turn you off and say how they have to embrace 5G no matter how bad it is because of how deep of an addiction technology is and that addiction is deep inside the hearts and minds of most humans, subliminally.
03:43 PM - antonhasakilt wrote to Oatmeal Joey: "The time to red pill anybody is over, it’s now the black pill, a much harsher wake up. Expect violence to happen, as this pill hurts and is not gentle like the red one was. Keep voicing as long as you can, as for 5G it’s here, it is backed by Trump. There is no stopping it, best move to the country, or to these zones. I remodel houses, and one of the newer building technologies coming on line is post beam hemp crete houses. Hemp Crete walls can be up to 3’ foot thick, not only is it fire proof, it blocks almost every type electromagnetic radiation from entering the building structure. And if you are poor like me, you can use Rock Wool insulation and double wall your house, this will effectively cut 85% of electromagnetic radiation from entering the home. Then use a RF cloth, put up before the sheet rock, or You can just paint RF Grounded Paint to the Inside of your house. It’s not cheap, and requires a electrician to do the final hook ups to the power. As for the WIFI router turn it off, stop polluting the interior of your house, use a hard line Cat 5 6 type of cable, use your mobile service to surf the web with your phone outside in the back yard. When I remodeled my place I purposely made it a dumb house, it has thick copper wire, pex plumbing, and when my dosimeter was working it read very low for background radiation. I have 5 bars outside and 0-1 bars inside for my cell phone. Stopping 5G isn’t going to happen, unless we can get Trump and the GOP to wake up to the dangers of this tech. Or they just see $$$ and don’t care for the sheep. What you can do is to make the inside of your house,trailer,mobile home safer by doing a RF Dumb House Remodel. Even if the 5G grid is powered up how long before our power goes out anyway?"
Bitchute Since 2017
04:04 PM - About Bitchute - @FlagDUDE08, @keyrobinfo18, Bitchute launched in January 2017 according to Wikipedia. That was over two years ago. It uses a Bit Torrent or Web Torrent system that is peer to peer. We could use that to compete with 5G for example. We can find alternatives to 5G. There are alternatives to 5G, but @Mr.Anderson refuses to talk about that. @Minutemen-Of-America refuses to make memes about Soros.
Stopping 5G
Trump Announced His Win Red Website
05:03 PM - On Twitter, in a Tweet, Trump linked to his Win Red website which he said is for competing with the left.
Oatmeal Joey Purpose
I'm going to try my best to only publish and share my finished things, stuff, content, videos, pictures, GIFs, albums, projects, articles, links, debates, posts, comments, memes, files, websites, ideas, threads, questions, etc, etc, to my social networks, to Facebook, Twitter, Gab, Steemit, YouTube, etc. In the past, I've been more focused on publishing everything everywhere, excessively.
But in the future, however, one of my main goals involves separating rough draft content and official finished projects. So, rough drafts and other things will be posted to Joeyarnoldvn, online, generally, as much as possible, which is what I've been doing and will continue to be doing. My concern has been involving losing my content which prompted me to always publish unfinished content online, everywhere, all the time, as in too much and too often perhaps. Long story short, and in other words, I've had my reasons for doing the things I've done. I'm trying to transition now into doing things differently now, and that will be an ongoing endeavor.
Thanks for being a part of it.
If you see people. Maybe a mother and two daughters. Write them a letter. Give them food. In the clouds. Frisbee. Oldest of my closer aunt. That name. Rhymes with star and a tour and it sounds like sorry. Abraham sacrificed Isaac. Didn't see them. Mexico. Fast 30 hours he did. Best part maybe the burrito. Worse, the punching bag scars on my knuckles. Not scars but scabs.
Infowars Music Radio
Imagine that, on AM Radio, FM Radio, shortwave, via Ham Radio, on cable, satellite, regular digital television, and streaming online via different websites. How can we make this happen?
Anderson Hates Neo
07:49 PM - Mr.Anderson wrote about Oatmeal Joey: "Paid troll fucking halfwits like joey cannot be allowed to intentionally sabotage threads with stupid, irrelevant nonsense. He was banned for this shit before. Why the hell the mods have allowed him back is a complete fucking mystery." That comment was liked by me, Freedom Fighter 414, Leviticus, Legion, Great Gonzo Chops.
Reputation System
07:58 PM - @greatgonzochops, Steemit has a reputation points system. On it, my score is currently at 56 REP. You begin at 25 when you join that blockchain social network. Some of them are at around 70 which is pretty high. Some have even got down to 17 or 2. There was one account named Bernie Sanders who went down to negative numbers, like -15 for a while or something crazy. Now, amazingly, he is back up to 75. Infocomms could have a reputation system as well. The timeout jail idea that you talked about might also be a good idea for IWA as well.
Copyright Debate
08:07 PM - RT America - Lionel Nation - SCOTUS Just Royally FUCT the US Patent and Trademark Office
08:44 PM - @VRfluxx, Facebook has that. Now, Facebook also has an overriding system where Facebook staff can overrule on any case, any post, any comment, on any account, page, group, event, app, etc, on Facebook, which is a Publisher Attribute by default. But apart from that, Facebook allegedly gave people that ability to do that, allegedly speaking, to some extent it would seem. Mark Zuckerberg allegedly said that Facebook was like a platform, not publisher, for all ideas, that means free speech, allegedly, minus hate speech. Just kidding. He didn't say minus the hate speech. He didn't say some ideas. He said all ideas. So, allegedly, if you wanted to delete a comment off your Facebook wall timeline, you could. If you wanted to block somebody from your Facebook, from commenting on it, you could, allegedly that is.
08:49 PM - I use Firefox and I prefer Firefox and Ubuntu.
Infowars Website Should Upgrade to Internet 3.0
10:30 PM - Owen Lied - Bandwidth Is Not Expensive If You Do What Bitchute Does. You should look into decentralized blockchain technology. Look at Bit Torrent and Bitchute and Steemit and Minds and look at how they do it. Steemit does it via Witnesses. Bit Torrent does it through Seeds. Infowars should adopt those things. Otherwise, they may fail. Infowars is still running their websites the old way that is 40 years old in some ways. Some people started building websites in the 1980's. There are better ways to stream, to broadcast video. How? By distributing the streams peer to peer. Ask around. Thousands of people around the world agree with me. Talk to them. Google it. Duck Duck Go it. Watch videos about these things. Ask people questions about these things. You will see what I'm talking about. Someday, you may get it. If you don't know what the oatmeal I'm talking about right now, maybe someday you will.
Private Property
11:30 PM - I am not against the ability to ban a person off private property in theory.
Too Much Free Time
11:33 PM - @Fubar, did you say I have too much free time?
Infowars Tech
Look For The Hook
11:37 PM - Look for the hook but not for the Sandy Hook.
Chronology of My Biography
1920's - 1960's - 1980's - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990's - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019
Epoch Times
Monday the 24th of June of 2019
Published in June of 2019 by Oatmeal Joey Arnold (@joeyarnoldvn) in Shelton, WA, USA - Biography - Contact Me - Taught English in Vietnam - Live Bookmark - Get My RSS Feed - My Newsfeed - Forbidden News - Infowars Activism Forum
Prager U
11:47 AM - The Best Book to Read to Your Kids - What is the best book to read to your children? Which book most effectively conveys the values of love, compassion, hard work, justice, and virtue, and has the added benefit of endurance throughout history? Johnnie Moore, founder and CEO of The Kairos Company, explains the reasons why this longtime bestseller is the one every parent and child should read together.
Contact Me - My Social Networks
About Me - Oatmeal Joey Arnold - you can contact/ befriend (add)/ follow/ subscribe/ watch/ like/ share me via: Bitchute - BearShares - Brighteon - Busy - Chess - Discord - Facebook - Freezoxee - Gab - IWA - @joeyarnoldvn - Minds - RSS - Serey - Smoke - Steemit - Tagged - Trump Town - Tumblr - Twitter - Weku - YouTube - Other Social Networks
Copyright Debate
08:07 PM - RT America - Lionel Nation - SCOTUS Just Royally FUCT the US Patent and Trademark Office
Timeline Outline
2019-02-17 - Sunday - 10:08 PM LMS - Can America Learn From Athens?
2019-06-23 - Sunday - 12:00 AM - Sunday the 23rd of June of 2019
2019-06-24 - Monday - 12:00 AM - Monday the 24th of June of 2019
2019-06-25 - Tuesday - 12:00 AM - Tuesday the 25th of June of 2019
Published at 2019-06-24 - Tuesday - 12:00 AM
Google Whistleblower & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent "Trump situation" in 2020 on Hidden Cam
Main Categories
Oatmeal Article Topics - Agenda 2030 - Animal Heart - Articles - Art - Books - Church - Climate Change - Comedy - Education - Entertainment - Family Protection - Forbidden News - Free Write - Free Speech - Freedom - Frog Fighters - Future - Games - Health - How To DIY - Info Moms - Information War - Invasion - Law - Memes - Music - Networks - News - Open Mic - Religion - Science - Social Networks - Star Wars - Technology - Travel - Info Moms Discord