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in j •  6 years ago 

Many Joey Clones out there as seen in this video - Metal Gear Joey Clones. Dooned out. Good instructions. Tomorrow morning, I'll get on that. Today, housework. Yard work. Moved stump over to the pile. Reviewed January of 2016. Powerful Alex Jones show about how Trump needs to look at the Insurrection Act and whatever he can to stop tech cartels from stealing 2020 and many things. We all need to vote and take pictures of our votes and watch the voting places for fraud.

2019-08-08 - Thursday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
How-To Contact Me

Screenshot at 2019-08-08 10:16:26.png

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Biography of My Life

1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018
2019 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08

2019-08-08 - Thursday - PST - Daily journal:


Republican In Name Only

Circus Abuse

01:46 AM - Steemit - Instagram

A circus should be limited to trainable animals that want to do the tricks. I grew up with cats. Some kittens were more timid, wild, especially if they don't know you. So, no matter how hard I tried, some cats didn't like me.

Sadly, people end up beating animals. Generally, people are motivated by money, greed, fame. Also, sometimes, it runs in the family and is passed on from generation to generation. So, obviously, people sometimes make bad choices. So, people become obsessive over what they can do. Sometimes, people either don't know or don't care that what they're doing is hurting other animals and other people.

I like zoos, forests, jungles, woods, farms, etc.

You could have dogs in a circus. Maybe dolphins. Maybe some birds. But if you have to beat an animal too much or even at all, they probably should not be in a circus. I guess you could have elephants walk around, as long as you don't abuse them. That's the tough part. Humans can take out their anger on animals. People can have problems with other people. So, people can feel angry, sad, etc. So, they can sometimes vent and take out their emotions and anger on animals. People are not aware of that. People also can beat children, which is also not good.

@Dao of Tunisia plays a Husband Hunt Game.

I like your green eyes.

Promoting Steemit

08:28 AM - IWA

Meme Art: "Would you mind posting a Steemit thread giving a basic overview what you think about it from your expereinces using it, pros and cons, etc?"

Me: "I would probably get banned again if I did that."

I was still banned many times. Perhaps, I'm not allowed to.

Agenda-Free TV

08:31 AM - Multiple Dead in Garden Grove Stabbing Spree - LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE


08:41 AM - IWA

Rasheed Wallace was not the enemy of the Blazers, but the technical fouls he got didn't help and his teammates should've gave him tough life if they didn't, RIP Mama Potato, just kidding, Live Long & Prosper, Nanu, Nanu.

YouTube Wars

08:55 AM - IWA

I used to get Copy Strikes. At least three of my channels were terminated by YouTube. I was teaching English at McDonald's in Vietnam. I didn't realize there was copyrighted background music. So, they email you copyright claims. You can challenge the claims. Generally, YouTube sides with the copyright claims. Technically, YouTube should not get involved until a judge orders YouTube to take down the videos. Instead, YouTube becomes the judge and takes down videos and sometimes entire channels, entire accounts, on the basis of alleged copyright claims that may in fact violate Fair Use. But YouTube generally makes their decisions according to the parties who make the copyright claims regardless of whatever the truth might be. I began seeing this as early as 2017, RIP Ojawall, if not prior to that as well. So, I've lost thousands of videos, pics, etc.

Invalid Cookie is right. Facebook is more of a Nazi than YouTube in many cases. I was banned on the Fascist Book of Mark for a Hitler pic. Also banned for a Tommy Robinson pic.


09:00 AM - Changed the hallway's light bulb.

Genetic Memory

09:09 AM - IWA

Bingozee is right about how Genetic Memory plays a big factor in character development, tendencies, vulnerability, probability, and multigenerational habits, lifestyles, potential.


09:11 AM - Room LMS

Mom said that they may have to shut down the power. Why? Something to do with regulations, laws. In some places, they may try to enforce rules that violate private property rights in regards to your own power breakers, etc. It should be at your own risk. It doesn't hurt other people. That's why people must try their best to continue to be involved in local level government, that is townhalls, etc.

Our Cartoon President

09:17 AM - 10:21 AM - Our Cartoon President S01E17

Hannity encourages Fox & Friends Hosts to be hateful, angry. In reality, generally, it has been leftist media pushing the world and especially leftists to do that in real life. In this cartoon, they sprinkle ins ome truth and blame it on people like Trump. Some of it may be true and has been true for so many years. In this episode, they talked about how U.S. government has been getting bigger and how it might as well get bigger. True, it has been getting bigger. So, they even mention the TSA agents at airports. In other words, 1984 tyranny, AKA police state. But Trump didn't start that. It has been going on for at least a century if not longer. I wonder how many people can catch some of this. I can see between the truth and the lies. It is cleaver. Cartoon Trump keeps saying he is racist and stuff. Most of the cartoon show is an inverse of reality of opposites. They simply invert reality. THey turn reality inside-out and promote it in this show. It is like opposite day when you watch this show with a sprinkling of truth sprinkled in here and there to make it more believable so that the average viewer is not able to distinquish between truth and deception. They have a Trump Military Parade. Trump is in a tank. Trump blows up the library of congress. Bolton talks about taking over the world with tanks marching around the world, which is something China is trying to do in real life. Bolton talks about starting a new cold war. Yet, I don't think that is what a real cold war is. Trump's cabinet chant that they want war. The leader of education talked about how she made high schools worse. They talk about invading China. In reality, China is invading America. Bolton & Trump fight over the power over the military. Trump talks about starting a civil war. In reality, Obama was helping with that. Fox & Friends hosts is replaced with Hannity, Sebastian, & Alex Jones. So, Alex says sunlight is poison. Trump drives around in a tank and causes traffic jams. Kelly gives Trump advice to say that having all the bombs in the world does not help. If you want control, first control yourself. In reality, it does. Bolton tries to get Trump to declare that America is at war. This episode ends with Bolton saying that if we don't strike first, then they will kill us. Globalists pushes leftists to attack people first, sometimes even their own. In self-defense, people may strike back first or very quickly to defend against that and then get in trouble for the self-defense.

Moved bottles. Restarted my lapt. WIFI is working now.

Computer Problems

10:58 AM - Pulse Audio breaks at times. It seems that governs the wifi network. If my laptop is on for a few days or maybe less, the network manager may break and sleep breaks and the ability to restart the computer as well. One way to possibly fix it is to go into terminal to restart the Pulse Audio program, I'm guessing. I have yet to test out my theory as of right now.

Insurrection Act

11:24 AM - Bitchute - LIVE - IWA

On the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks to Mike Adams about how Trump must activate the Insurrection Act or something because tech cartels has been invading America and many countries. China is also trying to take over the world in a variety of ways. Twitter banned Mitch. Many things are happening and has been happening.


12:11 PM - IWA

Yes. No. Depends. Long story. Let me explain what I'm trying to say with a quick introduction.

Satan is an angel of light. His job involves keeping humans in the grey by inverting reality between what is black and white. As humans, we're too subjective. We're unable to fully see contrasts between right and wrong, objectively, completely, entirely, eternally, absolutely, clearly, perfectly, etc, without the help of Christ.


There are fake versions of what might be right and left, right and wrong, Democrats and Republicans, etc, etc.


That does not mean that there is no right and wrong.


Life is subtle. Globalists, eugenicists, leftists, Chinese, Catholics (Vatican), Jihadists, Mormons, Satanists, Hollywood, central bankers, remnants of king dynasties, tech cartels, fake Jews, Rothschild, Soros, remnants of the Roman Empire, remnants of other empires, Big Pharma, Obama, Clinton, Bush, IBM, the EU, the Federal Reserve, the UN, other people, other groups, secret societies, organizations, rulers, the swamp, shadow governments, etc, etc, etc, have been infiltrating America since the early 1900's or possibly longer than that in some ways and it has been growing since then in the USA and many countries in so many different ways.


Republican In Name Only

A Rino is not a real Republican. So, if you say that the left/right dichotomy is false, then it is because the definition was falsified, altered, changed. Specifically, Democrats became leftists and Republicans became fascists, tyrants, etc. It's like altered reality.

If you have bad parents, does that mean nobody should have parents?


We have bad government because bad people got into it like I said and it is a long story.

But the real left is good and the real right is good too.

Our real enemies is not left or right.

Because the real left represents classical liberalism, meaning letting people do whatever they want with their private property. Keep your hands to yourself. Mind your own business on your owned land, houses, cars, etc.

The real right represents conserving the power over your own private property rights.

The idea behind the real left involves not trying to dictate or violate the private property rights of other people. You do you and I do me to the extent there is no conflict or interception. When there are conflicts between parties, they should have the freedom to resolve such conflicts in a court of law or maybe in a Poker game or a draw or something.

We say the left is our enemy because the real enemies infiltrated the left.

Our enemies mostly infiltrated and mostly took over the left, what once was the democratic party decades ago.

Technically, our enemies have been taking over the right as well, but not as much.

So, we generally say the "LEFT."

What we mean is our enemies who infiltrated the left.

So, the left is no longer what it was, generally.

The real left and the real right is within what we call the right.

What we call the left represents our enemies.

We could call our enemies down and the real right and the real left as up.

That might be the easiest way to describe things.

How else would you do it?

Talk like Trump.

Find ways to simplify things.

Don't only write Bingozee Books.

Find ways to make things catchy.

Very catchy.

If you can't say something in like one word, then it might be too complex for too many people.


For example, down.

Take the time to explain terms when people ask.

I try to write simple all the time.

But everything I write has deep meaning.

But I try to simplify.

And if people ask, I may explain.

But I want to hook people.

I want to red-pill people.

I want to catch people's attention as much as possible.

Because influence is priceless.


Dishes. Vacuuming around the counter. Swept the patio. Put boxes in the mommy shed. They filled in the holes outside.

Joey Thread

02:02 PM - IWA

Joey loves to look at chicks and say, "How you doing?"

Bingozee Books

03:25 PM - IWA

Zor, Bingozee is pretended to say that I'm different now than before, but I'm the same. Since 2018, many times, Bingozee would go back and forth like a bipolar mother to tell me how bad I was one day and then the next day how good I was and then the next day how evil I was and then the very next day how lovely I was well into 2019, this year, and this has been going on so many times as if I'm a goldfish or as if we are all goldfish like the fake news wants us to be when the leftist media says one thing one day and then a different thing the next day to contradict the previous day but we may forget it all if we are goldfish and are we goldfish, can we remember, are we all Dory from Finding Nemo?

Which Witch?

03:34 PM - IWA

A real witch would not tell you she is a witch. So, in order to really know, you would need to get inside her head. But that is only the tip of the iceberg as it would take even more time to figure out what kind of witch she might be. But does it matter if she is a witch or not? What's the point? Are you trying to drown the witches? Are you looking to marry a witch? Do you want to kill witches? Do you want to convert a witch to Christianity? Do you want to save the witch? Does the witch need Jesus or are you trying to become a witch yourself? Do you want her autograph or do you want to pour water on her head?

Bingozee: "Are you a Witch now too @joey that you think you have the authority or capability to answer for another member? I think your just looking for more of my attention that seems to end with you being banned and having to assume so many new identities."

Meme Art added that what I said is not true that a real witch would tell people she is a witch. That can be true in some cases but deception is a higher probability and there are also people who will pretend to be witches who will say they are witches when they are not and it is a generality, a contrast. Normally, people pretend to be what they are not in more cases than not. Yes, many people do tell the truth at times, but the default setting is in deception over transparency. We all have the choice to choose how we want to live our lives, either authentically or synthetically.


03:36 PM - IWA

Proxies. Change DNS. Encryption.... etc, etc.

Borders Debate

04:36 PM - Steemit

I agree and that is what happened to the Indians. You love attacking the Indians. Bad things happened to the Indians. But you don't care. You might be wishing that India dies. You do not want to talk about the bad things that happened. It might be that you do not know history or that you love Islam. It might be that you love globalism and that you do not want borders. You probably hate walls. I love walls.

Space Leaks

04:43 PM - Steemit

Only NASA went to space? Did Russia go to space? If other people, countries, groups, robots, drones, dogs, went to space, at any time, and if we could find those videos, photos, images, then we can compare them with whatever we get from NASA in order to evaluate who might be telling the truth, that is unless if everybody lies about it together. But wouldn't there be leaks of the truth? We get leaks of what might happen in Star Wars 9 and other movies and shows. People leak, even in the government, Project Veritas, Wiki Leaks, etc. We can find the leaks to find the truth.

Election 2020 Watch

05:36 PM - IWA

One of the biggest issues is the 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections. Before I tell you what you can do to stop Election Theft, I want to tell you how bad the problem is.

How will they meddle?

  1. Tech cartels will continue to promote Never Trump Propaganda, etc.
  2. Broadcasting cartels will continue to do the same, likewise.
  3. Educational cartels will continue to do it too.
  4. Hollywood, too, at least tenfold.
  5. They will continue to accelerate on pushing their agendas.
  6. They will continue to silence opposition.
  7. More illegal immigrants will vote Not Trump.
  8. Dead People Voting
  9. Multiple Votes Per Person
  10. Prison Votes
  11. Hospital Votes
  12. Children Votes
  13. College Votes
  14. NPC Votes
  15. Minority Votes
  16. Lost Ballot Boxes
  17. Election Fraud
  18. Election Meddling
  19. Black Box Voting

What can we do?

Can we volunteer to help count the votes?

Can we publish our votes?

Can we document our votes before we go out to vote?

Can we film the voting booths?

Can we start groups?

Can some of us rise up as leaders for local communities, cities, counties, that would need us desperately?

How can we encourage other people to get involved?

Not Counted

How many millions and millions of conservatives will not be counted? How many ballot boxes will be left on the side of highways, in rivers, the trash, or wherever? Will we catch them tearing up votes for Trump? How many millions of votes were not counted for Trump in 2020? In other words, Trump actually won the popular vote but the leftists got rid of the evidence by the millions. I mean, millions of votes were not counted or were switched to Hillary Clinton.

Dead Votes

Some people will vote on behalf of other people. Don't ask me if that is legal or not. Many people have reported that they found out that they already voted when they did not vote. Some people collect lists of names and then they find ways to use those names when voting. So, in 2016, people would vote in the names of other people. That is one of the reasons why privacy is very valuable, that is the 4th amendment. So, they vote in the names of other people, dead or alive. They keep names of dead people on the lists, the roster. Sometimes, you don't know when people die. You may have gotten mail that was sent to somebody who died years ago and yet they continue to send these dead people snail-mail.

Illegal Votes

How many illegals are voting? More than 20 million? It could be and it may be even more than that. They will be rigging the voting. They will be stuffing ballot boxes to stop Trump. Leftists will continue to try to flip over 100 million votes away from Trump. How? Via all of these things.

This might be the biggest issue.

I don't know what I will be doing in 2020.

I will probably write more articles about these things.

But I probably should do more than just that.

You probably should do more too.

We should continue to talk about what we can do.

We got to start things.


Gotta vote.


Gotta get others to vote.


We also gotta do more than that.

We got to record it.

Document it.

Wiki Leaks Style.

Project Veritas.

Black Box Voting.

Info Wars.


Other groups.

Other people.

New groups.

This is big.

Very big.

To be continued.

Anybody reading this has an opportunity at a being a leader in these regards in organizing watches and bus rides to the election polls and rides to town halls.

Texas Thomas

06:02 PM - IWA

Tom was attacked by police. Why? Because he supports Trump? That reminds me of when the Vietnamese cops went at me in 2014 in Saigon or that other time in Oregon. Leviticus said no, that was different. Leviticus is right since he was right there next to me and saw the whole thing happen before his very eyes. Leviticus lives in Vietnam. He saw the whole thing. Sarcasm detected.

Leftist Swamp Creatures

06:13 PM - IWA

Owen Shroyer ran into this rat in Austin, Texas.

Shaken Baken

09:26 PM - IWA

Somebody lied about me in 2012 and I almost ended up in jail for a year, if not longer, due to the pending federal charge (allegedly or so they claimed allegedly), and almost ended paying fines up to thousands of dollars and the accuser got off Scott-Free. Oh, ironically, my middle name is Scott.

AI Future Wars

09:31 PM - IWA


I can teach you how to build a computer. I know how to weld. I know how to do many things. Now, did I have to spend thousands of dollars to learn how to do these things? Would you have to pay me thousands of dollars to learn things that I know how to do? Have you ever heard of Free Geek?


09:47 PM - Fireside Chat Ep. 94—On Being Called a Nazi

Don't let compliments go to your head or insults go to your heart. Best part of the video, the two dogs at the end.

Public Phone Numbers

11:34 PM - IWA

If you are a public person, it is already on the Internet. For example, Infowars has a call-in number that is on their website. So, publishing what was already published is not a problem. It is only a question for each individual in regards to how private and public they really want to be. I was already banned here for being public. So, I guess being a public person here is not allowed for me, one would guess.

j police news elections2020 life
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