Let people know what they need to know. Otherwise, they will be gone before you know it. Be direct when you need to be. Pick your battles wisely. Prioritize your choices as much as you can. Do it with a smile on your face. | Steemit Like | L4OJ | Love your enemies | Be patient when you can. When you really need to do something, do it. Don't hesitate. Focus on what you believe over how you feel. Too often, we get trapped by our addictions. But we don't want to do them. We feel like doing them. But that is not what we believe in, generally speaking. Align yourself to eternal principles. That is the only path that leads towards success that never ends.
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2019-12-08 - Sunday
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@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN Facebook | Gab | Minds | Steemit | Twitter | YouTube | And More All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted. Will COPPA allow YouTube to fine the user many thousands of dollars per video at any time they wish? What do you think about https://Brighteon.com which is a YouTube alternative like Bitchute? I'm on many of the sites on your list and I see that some of them are apps of Steem and that is good. The future is up to us, as long as we are doing things like this. Gay people and others end up commiting suicide over 19 percent more than normal people. All over the world, women chop off penis to their sons, their boys, before they are even seven years old. It doesn't matter if it is Brazil, Germany, India, America, China, Africa, Russia, etc. These Satanic mothers do this. When the boys are about 8 years old, they cry and fight back. They yell and say that they wanted to be boys, men. They didn't want to become women. They say they hate the hormones that they were force to take. And then the women come out with knives and start stabbibg their boys, their children to death. Blood goes all over the place. I copy and paste my Steemit posts to other websites including some blockchain networks that pay cryptocurrencies as well and that includes some of the following for example and the list is always expanding: https://fast.bearshares.com Emotionally, it goes back and forth, outside of an eternal foundation that can determine the course of the true essence of joy and meaning. Good idea. I love your quote from Jeremiah that humanity is wicked without alignment to Christ. 2019-12-08 - Sunday - 02:42 AM - 03:14 AM - Mandalorian 105 He asks for the tracking device thing. The Han Solo Clone destroys it. Dumb. He didn't want to take the job. So, destroying that thing doesn't help. Skywalker Sand Planet Woman Bounty She whispers to Fake Han Solo. He shoots her. He tries to steal Baby Yoda. Man comes in and kills him. Saves the girl mechanic. She accepts the money. Somebody shows up to the body of the Asian Villain Lady. Is she dead? Who showed up? Why is she Asian? Find out next week on Star Wars. Or whatever. Sleep. 08:41 AM - The Candace Owens Show: Colby Covington Gonna start with the hat. Why are you racist? Just kidding. Led Sunday School. Church sermon was on Revelations. Dollar Tree. Is a Christmas tree a good thing or a bad thing? Is Jesus a baby or did He die on the cross? Is Jesus still on the cross, Catholics? Did He not rise again? What is the value in memorizing scriptures? Can we apply God's Word to our lives? Hat Lady was there. Peach cake or something crunchy and delicious. Good coffee. Daily Bread I told them about L4OJ. I should make a post about L4OJ. Autism and light sensitivity? Gwen Stefani What are Gwen Towers? Are they messing with the frequencies of the planet? I love cars and trucks. I love helping. I wonder about the limitations of that. That is what life is all about, that balance. They are poisoning us via screens, LED lights, etc. Their remedy is the very smart screens. All you have to do is get a very smart phone in your body. It is trendy. The problem with time travel is the germ loop. Some of the germs that travel back in time with you will meet up with your current self and then travel back in time a second time. It may not be the same germs, viruses, bacteria, bugs, chemicals, microorganisms, etc, but it will be their kids, grand kids, descendants. They will have babies. They will split. They will multiply. There will be more of them the next time around. It is like a black hole or a time vortex. It is an endless loop. It is like an audio feedback loop when the microphones is too close to the speakers. The sound goes into the mic and out of the speaker and back into mic and then out of the speaker and back into the mic and then out of the speaker again and again and again like the song that never ends. Same thing with time travel, unless if you can isolate the germs, the black matter, and everything else. Otherwise, it could be like an audio loop but with actual reality. Lion vs Lamb Justice vs Grace Real Grace vs Fake Grace Nap because of my mild headache. Tomato salad. 02:43 PM - Wonder Woman 1984 – Official Trailer - WW84 That's just a trash can. Funny. Wonder Woman 1984. Not to be confused with a book named 1984. I wonder if that was an accident. Because then people could confuse the two. Because 1984 talks about what globalists want. George Orwell wrote 1984. Well, on one hand, this movie could be ice breaker. It could be a conversation starter. You could take advantage of the title. Because then you could use the title as a hook. To reference the book. Since the movie and the book has the same name. But on the other hand, to some extent, it can distract people. It can make people not care about the book. And that is also true. So, it may be more of a question of whether the movie helps more than it hurts. But regardless of that, the movie is coming. This is how things are. You can use the movie to your advantage. You can at least try. And the movie does look great based on the trailer. Wonder Woman is cooler than Star Wars' Rey. Wonder Woman 1984 is set to come out in the summer of 2020. On June 5. 2020-06-05 - It is set to premiere. 02:51 PM - Film Theory: The Problem with Baby Yoda (Star Wars: The Mandalorian) Baby Shark Song Baby Yoda Song Grandpa Yoda Darth Vader Force Shoking I always hated that song. 50 year old toddler Star Wars. Evolution Is Yoda an advance human? Humans develop slower than animals in some ways. But 50 years is too long. Yes, a big brain. But 50 years is way too long. Kemper Crowley, Yoda said he was 900 in Return of the Jedi. But Yoda was in exile for 19 years between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. From A New Hope to Return of the Jedi, it is about five or so years. So, if he was training Jedi for 800 years, then that is 900-824=76. So, Yoda may have been 76 or younger. Star Wars Legends may have a timeline of his life. Yeah, not canon any longer, but it seems that Yoda was not a baby at age 50. It seems that Disney Star Wars is going against George Lucas. 50 years is still too long. This ruins the value of living longer. Slowing things down does not make Yoda older but really just dumber than us. @Kemper Crowley I disagree. Time is time. If you live longer, you should be able to do more and not less. @Kemper Crowley that is not what aging is all about. Kemper Crowley, Your mind is not your body. When you live longer, your body lives longer. But your mind is not your body. Kemper Crowley, Your body is not your mind. Do you understand that? Aging is all about not dying. You only die if you are no longer able to reproduce the cells in your body. So, that comes down to taking care of your body on a cellular level. You can do that. You can live longer than other people. But if you live longer, that does not make you develop slower. If person A lives 50 years and person B lives 200 years, then person B does not go to college at age 60. Kemper Crowley, Yoda was a Jedi before he was instructing. How long depends on who writes the books and whether or not the books are canon or not. These things are determined by the writers who are making this stuff up. Now, some people stop growing and developing at the age 10 or 12. But some giants, some tall people, who grow to be 8 feet tall or more, they sometimes continue growing until they are around 30 years old. So, does that mean they start going to college when they are 30 years old? Some people grow until they die in their twenties or thirties. Some people live for 20 years. Some people live for 50 years. Some people live for 70 years. Some people live for 90 years. Some people live ten years longer than that. Some people live for 120 years. So, does that mean they all develop and age differently? Not exactly. People should not age. That is not natural. That is bad. As you age older, you grow closer to death. That is bad. Dying is bad. Yes, people die. That is aging. That means you are dying when you are aging. But you should not age. Yoda probably should have lived until he was 2,000 years old. There is no reason why he had to die. You should not die. But it depends on the health of the cells in your body when they split. Most of it has to do with the health of your cells. So, the secret to immortality is within your cells. Headache Nap for several hours Family Album Project Mom's school photos, grades 1-6, 1957-1962 Bagel 07:11 PM - Alex Jones Full Show 12 8 2019 Christmas Tree Brave New World, 1932 Free rides in Sweden, if you accept the chip. They inject microchips into people. For many years now. The left merged with Islam and is ok with the Allah, the Muslim God, and the left hate Jehovah Jireh, the Christian God. So, if you believe in the Muslim God, the left is fine with that. But if you believe in the Christian God, then you must die now. You must die now. You must die now. That is what the left seeks after. Muslims agree. That is why they married. Scanning photos. 08:36 PM - 🔴 Nancy Hates Nobody, Kamala Quits, Look - Fat, Pensacola Shooting & More LIVE 9 PM ET In this photo, you can see Josh holding a Super Nintendo controller playing video games. Jim is tickling Crystal. Behind them is Rick and Joey Arnold (me). There is my desk, a crib. By accident, in the background, like superimposed like a watermark, is my mom's mom, Dwana Irene Pickett. You can see duct tape on a stool. There may be some coats in and around the crib. Crystal and Josh Atkins in the living room. We were walking on the train tracks near the house of Tiffany Cumbo. The tires were almost as big as Joey (me) and Crystal. You can also see Rick and Josh Atkins. We were walking around the train tracks and then went down this road and then back home. We took a photo by a truck. After that, we walked home. In this photo, you can see Josh, Joey holding the hand's of dad, Donald Rasp, Rick on the other side. Crystal is trying to catch up. Mom, Marilyn Morehead, is probably the one taking this photo. This is the road in our trailer park that goes from 4th street (the street we lived on) and towards 7-Eleven. This road does not go to 7-Eleven. It goes to the street that the truck is on and that street goes to 7-Eleven. I'm riding this buggy. Here I am on a teeter totter with a random girl. You can see Ron. You can also see me behind Ron. A man with glasses is touching my back between my shoulders and the bottom of my neck. Was this Joe Biden touching me? Was this Epstein trying to have sex with me? Or was I standing in line for a game or something? Was this only a brief thing? Was it innocent? Was it simply a father doing what fathers do? Ron is holding a paper. I had a headache today. So, I took some Magnesium. Generally, I just Google natural remedies and the problem that I have to get some ideas. I was reading that LED lights has a lot of invisible blue color that damages cells in our eyes. Perhaps, the pool system is flawed a bit. The mechanism for how Steem is like mined as a cryptocurrency is a bit different than how Bitcoin is mined. Perhaps, some people might argue for and against the pros and cons between Steem and Bitcoin. I guess, I am still undecided which I would prefer. But regardless, I would prefer an added donation button on posts where people can simply wire money to the post author independently of whatever the pool is doing. I would add a like a button, a dislike button, keep the upvote button, and have no downvote button, no flags. I like the ability to dislike. I don't like hiding, even if you can still see it on Busy or by clicking on unhide. And on top of that, keep in mind that people should be held responsible for who they vote for. But I don't mean that they should be punished. What I mean is that you are right that repeated intro posts can trick people into upvoting those posts. However, at the same time, those people still voted. They still upvoted. That is what they did. It is within their freewill to make these choices, to vote or not to vote, good or bad. Yes, it might be bad if people are allegedly spamming. But at the same time, nobody forced the people to upvote them. So, to some extent, if people upvote spam, you could blame the creators of the spam. You can also blame the upvoters. You can blame both sides, perhaps. The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat 2019-12-07 - Saturday My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography 08:36 PM - 🔴 Nancy Hates Nobody, Kamala Quits, Look - Fat, Pensacola Shooting & More LIVE 9 PM ET Education | Entertainment | Health | History
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Published in December of 2019
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