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in j •  5 years ago 

Sick day. I had a cold today. Headache. Running nose. Took some omega, iodine, magnesium, almonds, Vitamin C, etc. I've been resting a bunch today. I'm recovering. | February 2012 Review | Red Letter Media | Fuller House 501 | Mandalorian 106 | Random Yoko 2 From Japan is smart. Watch her videos. Vlare | Naomi Seibt vs Greta. Naomi is a kid too. She is a girl too. They banned Naomi from the conference. Naomi is a Climate Realist. The Infowars truck was in NYC and also Washington D.C. as they try to impeach Trump. Disney has been dropping more Rise of Soy Walker trailer TV spots like each day. Some of them are like 15 seconds long. This 9th Skywalker Saga Film premieres in America on the 20th of December of 2019, that is next Friday. It will be full of agenda politics. It will be worse than The Last Film Ryan Johnson will ever do. The Last Jedi. Why not go to Infowars Store dot com?

Shed Died

09:02 PM - 2012-02 - February - Month in Review

I was told to tear down my 2011 shed. So, I tore it down early in 2012, probably in February. Also, on the 20th or near the end of this month, Matt created the Metal Gear Joey: Special Edition which was a video we made the previous year, in 2011. Around the 15th of January, I was like watching Dexter Morgan. I was binge watching Dexter that month. Around February and March, if I didn't already in previous months, I was probably binge watching through Battlestar Galactica. After I finished those two shows, Battlestar and Dexter, I went on to binge watch all seven seasons of Buffy The Vampire Slayer in and around April and May of 2012. On my birthday, on Saturday, the 11th of February of 2012, we went off to Chopsticks for karaoke and I sang I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston in honor of her death. I may have sang some like Disney songs, etc. | Blueprint to Defeat the New World Order, Speech in Dallas | Train - Drive By | The Walking Dead - Season 02 | The saddest thing that happened this may have been the destruction of my 2011 shed thing. My favorite memory may have been the karaoke moment on my birthday.

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Screenshot at 2019-12-13 15:52:08.png
Red Letter Media Video of the Day

2019-12-13 - Friday

Created & Published Daily

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in December of 2019

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.

Random Yoko 2

12:08 AM - Why I'm Political, Yet Spiritual - In her old room at her parent's house

Her husband is off somewhere.

She is in her old room.

Her parents are using part of her room as a storage unit.

But she at least gets one corner for herself.




But she is just visiting.

More people should have her spirit.

Yoko from Japan.

She almost ate us in the beginning of the video.

A child at heart, she is.

Yoko, yes, I agree, more people need to help people see the bigger picture, like you said in regards to Macro Perspective, that can be like taught in Asia, and some of that might be collectivism and other things as well, which can contrast with individualism. Some bad people have encouraged too many people to be too alone. Yes, individualism is valuable. But at the same time, we should always encourage people to freely work together from a place of love and not from a place of requirement. So, micro and macro go together in so many ways. Bad people can take over our understanding of the macro and the micro. And we always have to get back to eternal principles in order to distinguish between fact and fiction.

I am 34 years old too.

Attacking Liberty

12:47 AM - Steemit

They already don't know how to stop Trump. But each day, they escalate to a higher level of attack on liberty.

Countering Leftists

12:48 AM - Steemit

A man compared Trump to Russia. Another talking point from the fake news. This NPC has no brain. Here is what I say in response to the attack on liberty:

You like Big Government? You want government to get bigger and bigger? You love socialism? You love slavery? You hate free markets? You hate families?

Israel vs Palestine

01:03 AM - Steemit

So, you love Palestine and you hate Israel? But I love Israel. I hate Zionism. I hate Jihadism. I hate Palestine. I hate tyranny. I like people. I want governments to get smaller and smaller. Bad individuals get into governments all around the world. Bad people infiltrate many nations, many governments, globally. So, that is why I say America is not America. Globalists and others infiltrate governments and get countries involved in wars and involved in smuggling children, drugs, women, trafficking, etc. All kinds of bad things are happening in the world because of the bad people. There are many bad people in different countries. One bad guy is Soros.

Jews Are Not Soros?

01:03 AM - Steemit

He probably doesn't know the difference between the people of Israel and some of the bad individuals within Zionism and other things as well. There are differences between the race and the religion for example. Some people might be Jewish by blood but they may not believe in Judaism or in Christianity. By the way, these two religions are supposed to be the same religion. And they are. The Jews that recognize this are called Messianic Jews.

Power to the People

01:16 AM - Steemit

There is a lot of power in protesting. Are enough people aware that they might die if they go out to an event like this?


Generally people are not taught about the dangers of large crowds. When a lot of people are together, it becomes virtual anarchy in some ways. It becomes a potential war. Things can go wrong. It depends on what kind of people are in the crowd. If you have a wide variety of people in the crowds, then that can be a recipe of disaster because you end up having small people, tall people, old people, young people, strong people, weak people, etc. So, people run over other people. And people fight people.

Black Friday

This happens during Black Friday. People die when a lot of people go shopping a day after Thanksgiving each year. People get hurt. Same thing with concerts.

Hong Kong

People should march for freedom like they do in Hong Kong. Actually, secret Chinese police pretend to be protestors in Hong Kong and do bad things to make the protestors look bad. And some of the cops kidnap some of the protestors.

Secret Police

They take many protestors to buildings near the border and torture them. Of course, the media is not going to talk about that because they are fake news and they support China and not Hong Kong. So, many people are dying in Hong Kong. But they are not talking about it.

Fake News

They won't tell you the real numbers. It is bigger than you know. Many different things are happening at the same time. But yes, more people should protest corruption, especially in Vietnam.

Fearing People

Government fear the people more than they know.

Liking America

01:31 AM - Steemit

When I lived in Vietnam, I talked to the Vietnamese people for five years, some of the people said they liked America, freedom, smaller government, not socialism, not tyranny, not China.

Ho Chi Minh

Some Vietnamese told me they understood the bad things that Ho Chi Minh is accused of doing. But I guess I don't know how many people don't know enough. So, you might be right that only a few people here and there know.

Ten Percent

But then again, America became a country with only ten percent or less of the people fighting England in the 1700's to become the United States. Yeah, it is a long story, but I am trying to say that it did not take every American or every person to win. It may have been as little as two percent. Maybe up to ten percent of the people. I say this to say that maybe it doesn't take every Vietnamese person to improve things in Vietnam.

One Person Can Make a Difference

Yes, more people is better. But each person counts. Each person matters. Also, I was told many times that many Vietnamese people know many things but do not say it.


They stay silent. But they seem to know. And sometimes, in private, they talk about what they know with family, friends, etc.

History, They Know

So, it seems that some people all over Vietnam know many things about the history of Vietnam, the good people, the bad people, and what happened exactly. I cannot say that HCM never did good things. Maybe HCM did do some good things. Maybe HCM changed. Maybe China replaced HCM with an impostor. I don't know. (toi khong biet)


But I know HCM murdered people in villages, people who refused to fight in his army against South Vietnam. HCM promoted a big government.

Problem With Big Government

And big government can only be good if the people in the government are always good. But people are not always good. And people are not always perfect. People make mistakes. That means that when government grows, then the corruption grows.

Fictional Utopia

So, that can be a problem. So, the utopia of big government is fiction, like a fantasy, like hypothetical. So, I prefer free markets. I promote making governments smaller and smaller. I promote free speech. Some people in Vietnam understand some of that.

Slept from like 8 to 10 PM and 2 to 07:30 AM. About seven hours. Still have a headache the past few days or so. It was mild. It is getting a little worse at the moment. It is not a migraine yet. So, took some magnesium. Ate some peanuts. Took some iodine. Took some omega. Also, some almonds. These are all things that may help with stopping the headache. Had some weird dreams the past few days but I kind of forget most of it. This morning, woke up from a dream where I was on a field trip or something. We were on buses. We went to school events, camp events, church events, and/or who knows what. We would get on this bus and then get on another bus. Something like that. Or possibly the same exact bus at least twice. An Asian girl asked if she could sit next to me twice. We went somewhere like I said. Maybe it was a destination or a bathroom break or a layover. But then we got onto a second bus or the same bus came to the bus stop. I sat on the left aisle, the second row from the back. Reminds me of my high school days when I was sit in the back. There were Asians in the bus. Don't know if others were in the bus or if they were only Asians. But the same girl asked if she could sit next to me twice. The second time I was like of course. Then I kind of saw in my brain or on her phone that I knew her from former Facebook messages, private conversations, that go back several months or whatever. So, it was like I knew her or should have it seems and yet I forgot or something. And I think that is all I remember and then I forgot the rest and then I woke up after that I think.

Mark Dice

07:59 AM - They Actually Did It - YouTube says insult videos are now banned

Hate Speech is not allowed.

Well, some hate speech that they like that is hate towards white people.

Is very encouraged.

With oatmeal on top.

But not my oatmeal.

Not that there is nothing wrong with that.

Fox News

08:11 AM - House GOP speak after debating Trump articles of impeachment

Star Wars Mandalorian

2019-12-13 - Friday - 08:16 AM - 08:59 AM - Mandalorian 106

The ship is like a ghost,

Like Star Wars Rebels' ship named the Ghost.

A Devil Alien says that Man is tiny.

An Ahsoka alien was a former lover of Man.

Or she wanted to be.

Years ago.

They did a double cross or tried to kill Man but he jailed them.

The Rubin Report

09:02 AM - Is Your Job At Risk For Wrongthink? & Political Teams (Pt. 3) | Adam Carolla | COMEDY | Rubin Report

I like cars.

All kinds of cars.

What, you only like trucks?

What you only like Ford cars?

No Toyota cars?

I like women.

All kinds of women.

What you only like one color of women?

You only like one race of women?

Same thing with politics, right?

HBO is woke.


Force apologies is pathetic.

Fuller House

2019-12-13 - Friday - 09:21 AM - 10:05 AM - Fuller House 501

Legally speaking, if more people move in, we will have to register as a commune?

Is that true?

That's not a baby, that's just grandpa.

You do realize that you live here rent free.

Guilty free shopping?

Stephanie said she was hoping for the name to reveal itself. That parallels with how people are encouraged not to tell their children if they are male or female. Oh, let them discover their gender. If a boy wants to be a girl, they cut his dick off. Then the boy gets mad a few years later when he is like 8 years old. And then they murder the boy. This happens in many countries. It happens in America. But a boy is a boy in reality. A girl is a girl. Period.

Pennywise the It Clown reference.

Kim falls down the stairs and is ok.

She makes jokes about how wonderful it is to be not pregnant.

It is almost like insulting family first values.

Why are you hammering a screw, Dan the Man?

Max knows about Michelle's stuff in the attic.

Max knows all this stuff because he saw 8 years of home videos.

They are almost like a TV show.


You mean 7 years, right?

It gets weird at the end.

Where Aunt Michelle forgets who she is.

Baby nanny lady.

Kimmy misses being pregnant.

That's good.

Stephanie named her daughter Danielle Joe (D.J.) after her father, Danny, and her sister, DJ.

Kim Possible is the godmother.

Shemale howl.

Or the wolf pack.

Or the three girls howl.

Computer problem. Had to restart. Update things. Now, things appear to be ok for now. Moral of the story: stay updated each day I guess.


10:22 AM - Reacting to YouTube Rewind MEMES

YouTube has a new policy says that you can't mock, insult, etc, people they don't want you to attack, etc.

Hate Speech Law.

Anti-Free Speech Law.

Pewdiepie said eff that, hey YouTube, you are ugly.

What ya gonna do about it huh, YouTube?

That's what Pew said.

What ya gonna do?

Pew said we will be remember as the weirdos that we will be grouped together in by the fake news in the future when looking back in history.

Maybe Pew was being sarcastic.

But there will be no future if we don't win.

And people can know the difference between what is real and what is a lie.

An article said Pew was the most hated YouTuber. This was like an old article. So, somebody made a meme about it where it shows Pew at the bottom of a list of other more hated tubers.

Password Incorrect
Again and again
Oh, new password can't be the same as the old password?


Rebel News

10:48 AM - Climate change realist Naomi Seibt: “Greta is stuck in a bubble” | Keean Bexte

Naomi is a Climate Realist.

That is good.

We should be real, like for realz.

We should be real about how much bigger the sun is to the earth.

The sun influences the earth like 99% of the time.

Or at that percentage.

It is a big number.

Very big.

The sun influences most of the climate.

But geoengineering is hurting us.

So, can we stop people who are trying to block the sun?

Can we stop geoengineering?

Brain Anatomy

The bottom back part of the brain that meets the neck, the spinal cord, is the medulla.

Brainly.com appears to be copyrighting images to the extent to possibly violate educational fair use usages of the pictures which is possibly illegal and probably immoral to violate. If you used their photos, that encourages people to go to them. That is free marketing. They should give you money for free ads. They owe you money. Instead, they may in fact sue you or get the government to steal $150,000 from you, per image. That might be worse than all the theft the IRS is involved in stealing taxes from people, from Americans. Fair Use is supposed to be like law that allows people to use certain things for like educational purposes and other things too. YouTube violates Fair Use. Others have been violating Fair Use as well it seems. In Banning Oatmeal, I talk a little bit about that.

To understand headaches, you can study the brain for example.

Lookup brain anatomy vessels to find out where the blood vessels are in the brain.

Look up brain anatomy to see the location of the different parts of the brain.

Compare the brain maps with the parts of the head that may be hurting.

I felt pain near the bottom, like the medulla.

Some minutes ago, mainly there.

Before that, it may have been different.

But now, pain is mostly coming from the top of my head, on both sides.

Not the forehead or the back of the head but the middle top parts of the head between the ears.

The front of the head is for higher mental functions.

The Septum is at like the heart or center of the brain and it influences like anger and fear.

The part that seems to be hurting is the central sulcus which is divided between the precentral gyrus and the postcentral gyrus.

Cerebral amyloidosis?

What is this?

It is a disease caused by an accumulation in the walls of the blood vessels of an abnormal protein called amyloid.

Nap for like an hour or two.

01:30 PM - 02:00 PM - Dishes. Mail.

02:00 PM - 03:00 PM - Afternoon nap.

Cinnamon bread.


03:23 PM - The Mandalorian Episode 6 | A Good Distraction from The Fall of Skywalker

A different crew with Man per episode.

Reminds me of the upcoming Picard show.

Funny huh?

Maybe not funny.

But yeah, Disney is hoping we forget about The Rise of Soy Walker.

Red Letter Media

03:37 PM - Nerd Crew Live!!! Star Wars News!!!

Disney found out that we only said good things about Star Wars.

And Disney.

And then Disney invited us to a sneak peak.

Wait no.

That's too fly over America.

Those racist rednecks.

We mean like soft opening.

We only say good things about them.

Disney studies everything we have ever said on Twitter.

Wait, doesn't that sound like the China Social Credit Score?

What the eff is he talking about?

Cut the cameras.

Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker is on set to be one of the most popular movie of all time.

Says the articles.

The headlines.

Hey, I thought duct-tape could fix anything. Well, I guess that is what once in a lifetime 40 Years Star Wars Anniversary Poster with bazillion signatures on it is for. Epic and classic ending perfect for the end of the decade. Soon!

Nap a few more hours.

Star Wars

06:46 PM - Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker | "She" TV Spot

Trying to force people to forget Last Jedi hahahaahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Star Wars Theory

06:50 PM - Reacting to Rise of Skywalker "She" TV Spot

It is time.

That she learns.

Our story.


Rey is on the sand world.

Kylo is on the plane thing.

She jump over it and slices it.

Space horseys hahahaa.

General Shepherd

07:50 PM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Friday - 12/13/19

Male teacher tries to steal a MAGA pin from his sixteen year old female student in high school, in America some days ago. He pulls it off her body, off her clothes. He went to pin it back upside down. He was touching her left shoulder.

On school buses, kids are beating up conservative kids. You can watch the videos to see this.

If you believe in freedom over slavery, people attack you for that.

Red hats trigger people.

It doesn't even have to say Make America Great Again (MAGA).

Even red hats with no words.

People see it.

They come to them.

They start beating those people up.

They steal the hats from those people.

Vietnam Talk

08:32 PM - Steemit

Is that the main reason for face masks? The pollution?

Freedom or Slavery?

08:42 PM - Steemit

Some of the older people in Vietnam seem to remember life before 1975. I just don't know how many.

Post-1995 Kids

Some of the younger people born after maybe 1995 seem to be curious about freedom.


Foreigners come to Vietnam and talk to college students.

Study Abroad

Some Vietnamese study abroad and then they come back to Vietnam and they sometimes tell people about what they learned.

Step One: Talk About It

The first step towards fighting for freedom involves talking about it at least.

Freedom vs Slavery

As long as the government can make a lot of people feel safe, then they may not want to stand up and protest.

Very Tough

Some people can eventually begin to feel like it is too hard to fight and they can give up. Many people can feel tired and hopeless.

Leaders Must Rise

But some people can at least try to encourage them. So, our job is in finding the motivators, the leaders, who can talk to people all over Vietnam to encourage them, to motivate them, to educate them.

Up to the People

But ultimately, it is up to the majority of the people. They can decide if they want freedom or fake security from big government.

Give Them The Choice

We can at least give the people that choice. That is all we can do is present the choice to them. But we can't make them make the choice. I mean, we shouldn't make them make the choice.

Slept from 9:30 PM - 02:30 AM, four hours, and a bunch on Friday while I was sick with like a cold or something. Running nose. Headache. Cough. No fever. No vommiting.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat

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