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in j •  5 years ago 

AI is bad. I'm not saying AI has to be bad. It is technology. It's a tool that can be used for good and for bad. Long story. It's a long story. I write a lot about this. Many people do. I made videos about this stuff. Long story short, it depends on many things. Because some people make bad AI. That's bad. If you use AI in a bad way, that's bad. Long story. But also, AI can be made in a way that allows for remote access, a backdoor, via spy chips, etc. Long story, believe me. So, AI can be a program. And if a program is bad, you can try to change the code in that program. But it can be hard when programs are on small computer chips that you may not have access to. So, it depends on the hardware and not just the software. Those are two different things to say the least. So, it depends on many different things. You start with those two things, software and hardware. Step one involves hardware. Because that is the physical parts. | Chill With The Notifications | 1913 Created 1933? Twenty-Year Pattern Theory | There is a Red Letter Media meme from a video where they say that they have to keep on smiling. They were pretending to love Disney's Star Wars. If they say bad things, their social credit score would drop. So, they showed their score improve as they complimented the Rise of Soy Walker or the Resurrection of the Old White Grandpa Dude. China has a credit score system that prevents many Chinese from boarding planes, trains, buses. Specifically, the UN is handing over AI systems to China. It's why Google, Facebook, etc, moved over to China. It's vital that people understand the problems with centralized systems that attempts regulate many different things globally, more and more each day. It's like rising water. We have to try to stop the rising water. We always have to try to drain the swamp, I mean the water haha. At the same time, we have to always move to higher ground (AKA alternative tech) to avoid drowning, and that is why we should always try to promote Naomi Brockwell and others who are pioneers, AKA ambassadors of the 2020's, this coming decade of the Rise of Sky Net haha, I mean Rise of Alternative Tech. But we live in Real Star Wars. This coming decade represents the Empire Strikes Back. So, you are Luke Skywalker. But watch out, Darth Vader is coming after you. Look for your Yoda and his Bacon Stick.

My Autobiography

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Screenshot at 2019-12-29 14:15:32.png

2019-12-29 - Sunday

Created & Published Daily

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in December of 2019

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted.

Beyond The Trailer

12:05 AM - Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker SPOILER Review

Quit Facebook

01:03 AM - Telegram | Dissenter | Minds | Steemit | Free Square

@excitingworldcryptos J R, if a person deletes their Facebook, they are actually not deleting their Facebook because they still keep the info on it. They save your photos, videos, etc. They sell data and much more. So, if you delete your Facebook, you are simply cutting off your access to the stuff you donated to Facebook. Also, Facebook, Google, and others, keep databases of people who did not join Facebook. Meaning, they attempt to build databases for people who are not on Facebook at all. So, you might as well be on Facebook for the people. Not being on Facebook does not stop them from trying to collect your data, etc. I use Facebook to reach out to people. Same thing with YouTube, Twitter, etc. It's not a binary question of to use or not to use. It's a quantum question of how to use these online ghetto networks owned by tech cartels and money cartels and power cartels and people who hate oatmeal so much. So, don't rely on Facebook. Go on Facebook once a year. Go on Facebook for just one minute. Pop on real quick. Post a link of where people can find you and then get off. And then come back in a year and do that again. It is that simple. You don't have to be on Facebook either 24/7 or not at all. You can reduce your time on it. Or you can simply post one last post on Facebook that says you left. And then don't delete your Facebook. Just simply don't get back onto it. If somebody wants to really reach you, they might see that and then they may figure out how to find you elsewhere. You can use Facebook and other things at the same time. You don't have to pick. You don't have to have an all or nothing mentality.

Blockchains Can Ban People?

01:12 AM - Twitter

I've seen Steemit, an app of Steem, disconnect from an account. The user can still be seen via Busy. So, not an actual ban from the Steem blockchain. I wonder if Dlive did something like that or if they actually can ban people. Because a real blockchain shouldn't be able to....

Are you trying to check yourself out lol?

Chill With The Notifications

01:57 AM - Steemit | Twitter | ASHLEY - @insatiableash

Ashley on Twitter Told me to chill with the notif.jpg

"Can you chill with all the notifications, thanks." That is what Ashley wrote to me on Twitter a second ago because I commented on three of her tweets. That might have been too many for her. So, she might be having a panic attack. Don't take it personal. Wait, I mean, you can take it personal. It is a personal issue for Ashley and for many people. Now, if you are getting too many notifications, then you should disable notification alerts. You can reduce how many you get. You can customize those settings. You probably should get off Twitter and take a break. Why? Because you got problems. It's a long story. But many people suffer from these things. Ghetto social networks are designed to mess people up. Facebook was designed to make people more depressed for example. I should write more about this in future posts. I should make videos about these types of issues. It is a very long story. I have a lot to say about these things. I should make memes about these things. It is around 02:00 AM now as I write this on the Last Sunday of this current decade of the 2010's, it is 2019-12-29 - Sunday - 02:00 AM PST LMS JA and I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold @joeyarnoldvn and some of this has to do with psychology and many different things. It is sad that people get overwhelmed and then they blame other people. Ashley blamed me for something that I didn't really do. Well, I wrote to her. You could argue to say that I wrote too much. And she can do and say what see wants perhaps. People can maybe block people and stuff. But should they is the deeper and better questions. I am not trying to single out Ashley. I am using her as an example of a big issue that influences and triggers so many people. And people should talk about these issues more and more. To be continued.


02:40 AM - Steemit

I love Donna from Suits. Did that show end? Is there a new season right now or not? I am sharing this post of yours in my blog because more people should read it.

Jack Posobiec

08:11 AM - Star Wars the Rise of Dumb - Review

Palpatine's spirit hopped into Rey at the end.

My brother Rick was born on the 5th of February of 1982 and was homeschooled until he entered public school around the end of 4th grade when he was nine years old in and around the winter and the spring of 1990. Around this time, he was in karate. Our youngest sibling was born that same year. Mom was talking about this last night.

Here is a video idea. Talk about relevance. It does not matter if you hate or like President Trump. What matters, right now and for now, is to tell Trump what you want him to do. We start with that. We start with where we are. Trump has done some good things. People try to stop Trump and much more. Many good and bad things are happening. It is vital to make gradual steps towards progress.

Facebook can be used for good and for bad. Start with that. People can get too obsessed with problems. Facebook has problems. We should never ever stop in our attempts at fixing problem and yet we should also attempt to reach people as well. People are where they are. I'm not saying they should be there forever. But start with you are. Do what you can each day to help. Don't ignore problems. Tell people about problems. But don't isolate problems from solutions. One of the first steps in seeking after solutiions involves talking about the problems, gradually. Try not to overwhelm people with too many problems, generally speaking, unless if they're ready for it. Some might be. Depends on the person and the situation. Morning church services can have more Bible reading but only to the extent it can impact people. See, it depends on the audience and everything. People should have the Bible memorized, hidden in thy heart so that thou shalt not sin against thee kind of thing but people are not always at that level. So, gradually, you can try to get people there. But too much can be ineffective, even when it is a good idea.

Sunday school was on chapter 4, page 31. Reach out to people as the body of Christ. More Bible is good. But think about the people you try to reach. Come down to their level like God did when God became flesh and dwelt among us. People can come to church once a week and that is all that they do, religiously, spiritually. People can become too busy. So, you can come to them to where they are and help them out and that can turn into Bible studies and prayer groups throughout the week. Think long-term and gradual. Once a week at church is better than once a year. But of course, people can do stuff each day. But Rome wasn't built in a day. Like weight lifting. Think gradual. People can't just get there in one second. Help them get there. But they may not even know that they want it. So, guide them step by step. Ancient big cities may have been like Saigon where Vietnamese go there for money and return annually for New Years, for Tet, to their home towns. That is what people should do, at least once a year. But globalists try to stop us from that and from many different things. We become too dependent on the globalists, on centralization of many different things more and more over time. As we attempt to reverse engineer the globalist takeover, step by step, we then in fact take back what they stole from us. By the way, murder is the theft of the private property of a person's body. Some people say they don't believe in any level of ownership rights in that we all own everything and must share it. Yes, it is nice when people choose to share in a local level. But the prohibition of freewill through the ratification of alleged safety, as David Knight puts it, is a trojan horse of the globalists in their attempts to centralize and control everything, step by step. The alleged fake security over oatmeal freedom thing is one of those main trojan horses that the destroyers of society enact more and more. That's right, more and more.

Skit was finding time for God. Dan played God. Denise was on her cell phone. Oh, just a farm game like farmville. But does it distract? It might. So, it comes down to priorities. God does not violate and interfere with our freewill, our will.

I.G Farben benefited from the that CFR plan in 1924. Farben grew into like a monopoly. Farben funded the Nazi Party and the Nazi used their Zyklon B gas to murder Jews in the concentration camps. Now, new plate. So, around that time, some people would make money. Possibly thanks to that same CFR plan. They would like invest like $100 in stocks for example and then make a thousand dollars or double or something. The Sam book used a term shelling out. Not selling but shelling. Something to do with stocks. The Federal Reserve, central banks, etc, puffed up the U.S. economy, especially in the 1920's. And then ina nd around like 1929, they and/or others began to pop that bubble in a way or in different ways. Logn story short, the Federal Reserve was enacted in 1913. That was an attempt towards centralizing banking. Now, that laid a path towards the attempt to centralize and regulate the economy. So, first they juiced up the economy and then they crashed it.

Then they were trying to pass the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) around 1934, a year after America went like bankrupt. I don't know what happened to the AAA. The book went on to talk about the enactment of a new plan, like a revised version of the AAA, the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA and not Rome's ancient emperor, Nero) which attempts to centralize business, industry, the economy. We can always try to reverse things like this. We can try to promote decentralization as an alternative to centralization. Generally speaking, globalists and others take over and centralize more and more every twenty or so years. Of course, I'm making generalizations here as it may not be exactly twenty years, completely, absolutely, in every case or in all ways. But for example, like I said, they try to centralize banking in like 1813 or so around the war of 1812, not to be confused with the war of 2012 with Obama and Romney haha. So, they end up, a century later, enacting the Federal Reserve Act on the 23rd of December of 1913. Twenty years later, Roosevelt signed NIRA into law on the 16th of June of 1933. Here is a pattern I see in history:

They Try to centralize

1871 - U.S. Corps
1890's - Medicine maybe????????
1913 - Banking
1933 - Business
1953 - Education???
1973 - Religion??????????
1993 - Trade - NAFTA, TPP, etc
2013 - Communication
2033 - Population
2053 - Life
2073 - Thoughts

Be vulnerable. That is a meaning to life. Not the meaning to life as life is not that simple. Be open as that is a process and step in life. Not the process but one of the processes and one of the steps. Not the step. Not the only step.

Tom Skinner of Billy Graham

Tom said his degrees are nothing compared to who he is in Christ, a child of the king according to Ephesians 2. In Sunday School, our lock and load verse we ended on was Mark 1:22-23. Around ten people total. Mroning service, around like 100 or less. Maybe closer to 40.

NIRA was forcing farms and businesses to participate in business cartels like Italy. As of 1933, the U.S. was becoming a planned economy. It is like fascism. It is like socialism perhaps to an extent or in some ways. Socialism is a step towards communism. A cartel is a union of different groups. It is a virtual monopoly. So, 1913 was like a beginning towards a banking cartel or monopoly. In 1933, a business cartel. Every 20 years, this seems to happen. Perhaps, in the 1950's, media cartels began rising in some ways. When I say cartel, I don't mean it in the strictest sense but in a more generic sense.


What kind of old guy will you meet? In other words, many years from now, when you meet yourself, who will you meet? What kind of old man or old woman will you be meeting? A happy old guy or a grumpy old guy or what? The answer to that question can be determined and shaped each day in what you do and say and think. Putting on a wireless mic as a pastor is like dressing, like putting on clothes, just kidding. But it is like, you do it so many times, it becomes a ritual in a good way. But it is like a private thing you do. But not a big deal. Kind of funny. Joyce Meyers says to Satan, "Thanks, Devil Dude for reminding me of the sins God forgivened of mine from my past. I repented. I have Christ in me. Christ is changing me each day. I learn from the past. I try not to dwell on the past. I learn from it. I pray. I grow. I move on.: Alright, that is what I said. She didn't exactly say all of that, perhaps. But you get my drift.

Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) good or bad?

01:46 PM - Steemit

AI is bad. I'm not saying AI has to be bad. It is technology. It's a tool that can be used for good and for bad. Long story. It's a long story. I write a lot about this. Many people do. I made videos about this stuff. Long story short, it depends on many things.

Because some people make bad AI. That's bad. If you use AI in a bad way, that's bad. Long story. But also, AI can be made in a way that allows for remote access, a backdoor, via spy chips, etc. Long story, believe me. So, AI can be a program. And if a program is bad, you can try to change the code in that program. But it can be hard when programs are on small computer chips that you may not have access to.

So, it depends on the hardware and not just the software. Those are two different things to say the least. So, it depends on many different things. You start with those two things, software and hardware. Step one involves hardware. Because that is the physical parts.

What is Automation?

01:49 PM - Steemit

Part of the reason people believe that automation is fine is because they think of it as a mechanical machine. They overlook the programming aspect of it all. What, no human has that opinion on automation? But I did. But I'm not human haha.

Pew Die Pie

02:01 PM - YouTube Rewind 2019, but it's actually good

Star Wars Theory

02:14 PM - How Plagueis Turned Palpatine to the Darkside Forever [EVERYTHING] - Star Wars Explained

Plagueis used the story of his relationship with his father to influence Palpatine and his relationship with his dad. So, Palpatine killed his father. Palpatine tried to get Luke Skywalker to do the same thing to Anakin, AKA Darth Vader, his father.

Palgueis mirrors the story of how Rothschild went after obtaining control over banks. His relationship with Palpatine mirror that of Rothschild with Rockefeller of like the 1800's or so. I'm not sure if it goes back even further or not.

Money Study

2007 Costa Rica 100 Colonies - $3 or $2 | More Search Results

One Cent Canada 1981

$0.96 USD

Dollar Coin

2012 Grover Cleveland 22nd President Dollar Coin - $1.99 | $6 | $75 mint

Quarter - Clad Cover

1989 D - $5

1913 Created 1933? Twenty-Year Pattern Theory

06:18 PM - Steemit

Here is my crazy conspiracy theory on how globalists and others attempt to centralize, regulate, buy, own, dominate, monopolize, influence, and control different things. This is my brief rough draft introduction post that seeks to outline a few key dates in world history and particularly American History. Some of this may be inaccurate. Some of it may be too general. In other words, exceptions may apply. Long story short, it appears that they attempt to control more and more in increments of every other decade, AKA in 20-year time periods, give or take a few years, generally speaking.

Dishes. Eating some small potatoes. Wow, they're smaller than I thought. Added extra salt, pepper, butter, tomatoes, and ketchup, to compensate for any problems with the taste of the potatoes if any. I mash it like mash potatoes but I don't skin the peel. So, since they're small potatoes, that means extra skin. I kind of get why they skin potatoes now. Parody to Little Mermaid's Under The Sea - That's why it's free. Sing about how socialism is great. Sarcasm of course. It sucks. Life is a bubble. No, life is a prison in socialism.


07:46 PM - Alex Jones Full Sun Show(12/29/2019)

The United Nations (U.N.) is giving control of the Internet to China.

In the 1970's, they called it Sky Net.

Their goal is to normalize robots. That way, you won't know what hit you. Any time they want to kill you, they can remote access the robot to kill you or to kill a bunch of people at any time. Also, they are trying to trick people into uploading their brains to the cloud and into robots to become immortal and those people will die but it will be a scam that many people can fall for and will fall for and do fall for.

What is space force? Does the U.S. government have spaceship and military devices in space? Like dozens to hundreds of UFOs?

Globalists try to build their AI god.

Facebook Debate

08:17 PM - Telegram | Dissenter

Wrong. That's worse. Because then they can lie about you. How do you defend yourself? Somebody can make an account and say they are you on Facebook. How would you tell people that is not you if most people are on Facebook and are rarely on other websites?

That Oatmeal Guy

08:23 PM - Dissenter

The guy that talked about me, Mark Freedom Fighter 414, sounded like he was concern about fighting the globalists. Based on what he would write on the Infocomms, it appeared that he believed in like propertarianism to some extent.

Many countries dump trash in the ocean. America does not at all or not as much. China buys garbage from the USA and they dump it in the ocean.

I have a theory that globalism is implemented in 20-year installments.

I wonder how much of the Internet the UN owns or whatever. Alex talked about how the UN is giving control over the Internet to China.

#Good To Be a King
09:04 PM - Steemit

Roosevelt did a bad thing when he signed the NIRA bill into law in 1933. The bill was all about forcing corporatism into fascism, cronyism, etc.

Fall of Rome

09:14 PM - Steemit

Open Borders and Refugee Cities destroyed the Roman Empire centuries ago.

Bernie Sanders Ideology Dream

09:21 PM - Steemit

Joe Dirt, well, democracy is only as good as the people within it. That's why I prefer a republic. A democracy is as hypothetical as socialism, etc.

09:46 PM - 01:40 AM - Sleep.

Rise of Naomi 2020

02:19 AM - Steemit | Telegram | Dissenter | Free Square | Minds | YouTube | Linkedin | Facebook | Discord | Gab | Twitter | Banned dot video

Depends on what might mean when one says The Internet. Yes, we have ISP, GSP, DNS, etc. We have the backbone, the biggest highways of the Internet which may be owned by different companies and not owned by the UN. Some countries may only be connected to the Internet via just one cable line. Some of the lines might be fiber optics. On top of that, some people are building decentralized networks which attempts to compete against centralized systems. So, we live split between the different Internets. We should always try to invest in both worlds. We have IPFS, Bit Torrent, P2P, etc. Blockchain is competing against centralized systems. Internet 3.0 will therefore accelerate in the 2020's, this new decade, these next ten years, well, as long as people stay active. Because it's tough work. There is a Red Letter Media meme from a video where they say that they have to keep on smiling. They were pretending to love Disney's Star Wars. If they say bad things, their social credit score would drop. So, they showed their score improve as they complimented the Rise of Soy Walker or the Resurrection of the Old White Grandpa Dude. China has a credit score system that prevents many Chinese from boarding planes, trains, buses. Specifically, the UN is handing over AI systems to China. It's why Google, Facebook, etc, moved over to China. It's vital that people understand the problems with centralized systems that attempts regulate many different things globally, more and more each day. It's like rising water. We have to try to stop the rising water. We always have to try to drain the swamp, I mean the water haha. At the same time, we have to always move to higher ground (AKA alternative tech) to avoid drowning, and that is why we should always try to promote Naomi Brockwell and others who are pioneers, AKA ambassadors of the 2020's, this coming decade of the Rise of Sky Net haha, I mean Rise of Alternative Tech. But we live in Real Star Wars. This coming decade represents the Empire Strikes Back. So, you are Luke Skywalker. But watch out, Darth Vader is coming after you. Look for your Yoda and his Bacon Stick.

The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat

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You use fractionation techniques in your writing. Where did you learn it? Seems more obvious when one sees it written.

I don't know what that means. Do you mean that I summarize my thoughts? I have learned a lot in my life. I used to take writing classes. I've been writing for decades. I was born in 1985. Do you mean that I compartmentalize or that I juggle plates, topics, subjects, like Lionel Nation, or that I include links to my daily activity?

No, it's a technique used in hypnosis to relax the subject. I won't get to much into it as it can get complicated. Was wondering because you incorporate some of it in your writing.


Oh, I guess I do. But who wouldn't want to relax people? I like Scott Adams who was trained in hypnosis. I really enjoyed a college psychology course that I took once. The ability to relax people come from the ability to relate, to sympathize, to empathize. I learned some of that as a camp counselor for example. Some f what I do I stole from the Bible haha.