Addictions become the new normal. So, the high that you get eventually becomes the average. Therefore, in order to feel normal, you end up back in your habits, good or bad. That's right, addictions and lifestyles can be good and bad. Addictions are chosen partly for the benefits over the consequences. Breaking a habit is tougher if there is no replacement plan. There must be commitment and some surrender, some faith. Accountability helps in these types of situations. Deep inside your heart, you can ask yourself about your priorities, your time management. You can write it down. It's your life. Sometimes, you end up making choices that counter your goals. So, when that happens, write it down. Tell a close friend each time. Have a plan. Seek after your main goals. Pray for a belief in your life missions. It can be tough but you are not stuck where you are. But the path towards braking your bondage includes admitting to the problems at hand. | Why Everything is FUCKED UP!!!!! | 1967 Recording Predicted Everything Happening In The World in 2020 | Alex Jones talked to people about the U.S. strike on Iran. What should Trump do? Of course, he should try harder to get U.S. troops out of wars oversea. We should be stopping the United Nations who is hiring foreign soldiers right now to confiscate American's firearms.
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2020-01-03 - Friday
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@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN Facebook | Gab | Minds | Steemit | Twitter | YouTube | And More All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST), unless otherwise noted. 12:11 AM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Thursday - 1/2/20 Reddit allows people to post threats to Trump Supporters. Some people even try to kill patriots. Some actually do it. Even old people. They talk about it online and that is allowed but when you say something nice about Trump, Alex Jones, etc, then you can be banned and many have been censored for those types of activities especially in 2019. I've never heard of peanut kisses. Looks delicious. It truly takes wisdom to resist the seduction of a witch holding an apple. Wolves hide in sheep clothing. The giants are actually not as big as they want us think they are like the small Wizard of Oz man behind the curtain. A dog exposed that dude. Happy Two Years on Steemit and Happy New Decade and cute green dinosaur. He was being facetious when he said he put the George Washington socks on and it took him back in time to the 1700's to his farm where old George was talking about the revolution. 2012-04-08 - Sunday - 04:05 AM - 245 Photos | 09:00 AM - 307 Photos - The 8th of April of 2012 by Oatmeal Joey Arnold @joeyarnoldvn 2012-04-17 - Tuesday - 04:10 PM - 60 Photos 2012-04-19 - Thursday - 06:52 PM - 19 Photos 2012-04-21 - Saturday - 04:58 PM - 387 Photos 2012-04-22 - Sunday - 02:27 AM - 21 Photos Amazing. Yes, I'm down with the red pill sickness. I was teaching English in Vietnam. While there, I ended up joining Steemit. I agree that we should always persuade more to join. Yummy. I agree. Health is wealth and fun too. 2020-01-03 - Friday - 02:21 AM - 03:05 AM - The Expanse 106 Space miners are boarded by Mars border patrol in space. The patrol says something about how their permits were expired. Man, that is not good. In the future, governments own space rocks? That is pretty evil. Are we going to let government own all of space itself? A guy records the stars of the show with his eye cam. A woman saves his lover before he runs out of air. She kills those guys that were about to kill him, the John Wayne of the show. Free to disengage. Engage and disengage. Ship terms. Because ships have gages or something, I'm guessing. Slept. I just read what Patty Sherwood wrote to me: "Oatmeal Joey Arnold I’m reading comments. Very interesting. We may be throwing solar panels in landfills because our climate, driven by the phases of the sun, is becoming less sunny and more overcast. Solar panels don’t collect enough power. Also, Agenda 21 will continue to push for zoning restrictions and regulations forbidding the generation of power, the use of land and forests, and waterways for any benefit. Watch your state and local fake governments, which are following the UN communist agenda 21, overseen by communist NGOs and unelected regional boards, instead of serving your community’s needs.And since I am old, I remember the world being full of song birds and butterflies and moths and many insects. I think the deliberate spraying of whatever from airplanes to poison our world is killing trees and birds and insects massively. There is a severe decrease in their populations from what I see. I’m just making these depressing comments because I love everybody and I want us to be aware that while our President is great, there are quiet people working all over America to steal our land and resources through inflated land values, increased property taxes, severe restrictions of land use, regulations, fines, that prevent us from prospering and growing our own healthy food, and make it impossible to afford to own property. My grandparents and their siblings were so wealthy compared to many of us today, and they were farmers They had a water wheel to generate power, they had milk cows, pigs by the thousands, chicken barns for raising baby chicks, they had saw mills, brick mills, they had so much food that they all grew. Everybody had gardens and plenty to share. It is creepy to see how much we are not growing food, how many small family businesses do not exist any more. Just keep your eyes open." Patty Sherwood, You are right and the UN is trying to hire foreigners in a push to take guns away from Americans. Some people are also trying to kill the sheriffs. Yes, geoengineering is destroying the world. There is global dimming happening where they try to block the sun or hide the sun from humans. I believe in talking about these things. That is a step in the right direction. It would be more depressing if we were not talking about these things. Crit1kal Mind wrote 8 hours ago (edited): "@Oatmeal Joey Arnold they didn't care about us Joey. They didn't care if we loved them or not. Or we created work for them or not. We were ment to be an idea farm and a marketing scheme." Crit1kal Mind, I disagree for a few reasons. One, people always steal ideas from each other on several levels. Two, people are not always trying to steal ideas from people. Sometimes, it's just a coincidence. In life, it is a combination of many things. It is and it isn't. I'm ok with people stealing my ideas. You can try to protect your ideas. But that is hard to do and possibly counterproductive. Again, it is and it isn't many things. It is all a big giant paradox. We are fighting globalists, etc, and therefore have to set aside who gets the credit for things. But at the same time, we document things so that people know who gets the credit. That's why I keep a blog. If anybody wants to know what I did, they can see. So, even if people steal my ideas or whatever, the record is still there and people can still figure out what really happened. I like Infowars. I think they are trying to help the world. So, I'm trying to help them do that. Sith spent at least a thousand years to kill the Jedi. One of the plans involved using a virus to kill the Jedi but that would kill the Sith too and not get everybody all at once. So, that didn't work. Palpatine went from Clone Troopers to Snow Troopers because the former were aging and defecting. Not all of them entirely but some bit by bit. Lord Eudald wrote "To begin with Jango clones were out of the question, since second-generation cloning resulted in genetic degradation and extremely bad quality clones. Even so, Palpatine continued to use clones, but after the Battle of Kamino (the one where the rogue Kaminoan clonemasters created an army of their own to rebel against the Empire) Palpatine decided to create clones from more than one template, so there were multiple people being used as genetic material. That was so in order to avoid having an easily manipulable army, because creating all the clones from the same source could become a problem if the source got compromised. Clone production also took places in more places besides Kamino. And the Empire also started allowing citizens into the army, mostly because that was a cheap and fast way of enlarging the army and because society would feel more respect and loyalty to the army if it was made up of regular citizens too, because if it was only clones, regular people wouldn't care nor be so invested in it." @Lord Eudald, is that in some of the books, comics, etc? That's interesting. According to that, they are still clone troopers but why are they called snow troopers in the original trilogy? I would hope a book could explain that one. 11:45 AM - The Alex Jones Show Fri 01/03/20 1st Hour Voting is dangerous if it becomes a mob ruling democracy that superimposes. If some people voted to let AI Drones to violate private property rights to attack and murder farmers with guns, that might be a problem. So, if Steemians voted to use some AI for Steem stuff, that can be be good to the extent it doesn't go beyond that. Voting can be dangerous depending on who you let vote and for what. I would try to keep voting limited to local things, to specific things, etc, as opposed to voting for federal and global things because that is too much power in some ways and that can lead to the violation of ownership of the property that people possess, being land and even human bodies. Big Pharma is making people sick. So, people end up dying. That is murder and murder is the theft of life. A human body is the property of the soul within that body. People should always attempt to limit the power of voting and the power of growing governments because government is either expanding or extracting. In other words, the fantasy of having things at a fixed rate and fixed position is hypothetical, theoretical, and almost irrelevant. The ability to vote can become potentially like a Trojan Horse. Yes, some people should always try to expand the power of voting. But other people need to always attempt to limit the role of voting to the extent the voting starts to interfere with the rights of other other people and their property. The balance of power has to be a struggle and it has to go back and forth. I'm not against voting for AI stuff to the extent it doesn't become like voting for bills that contain added articles or inserted pieces that they throw in there at the last second kind of thing, etc. Belief is a position, like a state of water. So, a Christian is to belief as ice might be to water. Either way, water might be frozen or not. But regardless, water is still water even if it a gas, a liquid, a solid state, or maybe even plasma. I said Snow Troopers. They are actually called Storm Troopers. I stand corrected. Lord Eudald, why are they called Storm Troopers? Were they not called Clone Troopers in the PT? Rob Roy Merrick, I see. I am surprised. I really was so close to not publishing this video as it is not well done. I am surprised you got that far through a video like this. Understanding a cell could help us understand our planet. Things go in and out of a cell. It is similar to how oxygen comes into humans and carbon dioxide comes out and into trees which then spits back out oxygen. Likewise, there might be some kind of loop involving what is inside the world and what is outside of bowels of our earth. So, yeah, I have not really thought too much about that either. Flag Dude blocked me. At least they didn't block me like FladDUDE08 did. @MaxIgnoramus#7973 are you a fatalist and a pacifist? I believe you never know anything about the future, good or bad. I believe in keeping an open mind that the worse and the best can happen at any time, good and bad in different ways, in all ways. I believe in trying my best and that is all I can do regardless of what happens. I'm against saying one specific thing will happen in the future no matter what. That is dangerous to do. It is healthy to emphasize on higher probabilities of what globalists and others try to do. What if there was a war with no bullets? Chicoms = Chinese Communists or the Communist Chinese Some of the globalists are Chicoms or Chicom. Roy Roy Merrick, I don't feel insulted. But I am simply hypothesizing. I said in the video that I like the memes you made of me because I do like them. But I also said they might be insults. But it doesn't matter if you were insulting me or not because I like them even if they were. But at the same time, other people can take them as insults or whatever else they want to call it. Same thing with memes made about Alex Jones, Trump, etc. I love them. But I am simply trying to look at things from different perspectives simultaneously. 02:26 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Friday - 1/3/20 Choice is the implementation of belief. So, first a human is born with the belief of selfishness, the desire to live life, the desire to run from pain, from death, from problems. The desire to feel convinced on an intellectual level is emotional. People are by default emotionally led. Our emotions can react to our physical state of being, to our health, how we feel, within our mortal bodies. Too often, our emotions influences our physique. Our intellect is that bridge and transition between our physical bodies and our spiritual essence. So, in that limbo, we cry out to be convinced of things from time to time. Both. I go back and forth between believing and wanting to be convinced. But keep in mind that the feeling of being convinced is a feeling, an emotion. For the most part, it is just a feeling. Intellectually, being convinced of something may involve seeing the evidence, the logic, the facts, the truth, allegedly or actually. Like in solving a math problem, it is like showing your work in solving the mathematical problem. But at the same time, it hits us mostly on an emotional level. Now, it may also hit us on a spiritual level. Humans conflate spirituality with emotionality. There are differences between the two. So, we can feel conviction on a spiritual level when we are attuned to the exact frequency of the soul, of eternal principles, of things that are objective and eternal. People sometimes make choices from their emotions and sometimes from their gut, their heart, out of conviction. So, both is true in different ways at different levels. Too often, people are unaware of the choices they're making. People make more choices than they know, most of the time. Too often, people feel trapped. People react out of instinct like animals. Now, people can have the potential to be more than just animals. But generally, people just act like really smart apes. We are not apes. We are more than that. We are not robots. We are better than that. But on a default level, people do things on a subconscious level. People are NPC SJW zombies, couch potatoes, until they wake up. I started waking up when I was eight years old. Before that, I was more passive and unaware of a lot more. 02:52 PM - ALEX JONES (Full Show) Friday - 1/3/20 Debate about Trump. It is reported that the U.S. military killed some leaders in Iran. So, some callers said we need to get out of the wars. We agree but it is not that simple. It might be an excessive gamble to take out Iranian leaders in order to get better leaders to take their place. Now, it can be a gamble if worse leader replace them. It can be bad if puppets take their place. So, yes, globalists and others would use U.S. military and others to destabilize the Middle East, South America, Europe, Africa, etc, to divide and conquer. Now, that is a problem. Control Freak Lunatics have been doing these things. Trump is trying to fix problems. The future does not always have to be the same as the past. We can only do what we can do. We are where we are. Yes, we should not be in other countries. But we are in other countries at the moment. As we try to pull out troops, we can try to make the most of it. It is bad if we stay. It is also bad if we pull out too quickly for several reasons. One, pulling out can destabilize those regions. Plus, pulling out can cause globalists to throw a bunch of bombs to blow up America or the whole entire world to an extent in their temper tantrums. Globalists have bombs that can blow up the world. Globalists have other things. So, we are fighting against globalists and not necessarily or specifically with different countries. It must be a delicate operation with a lot of nuance. What you are saying about China is true, that Chinese government is trying to take over the world. China is in Africa extracting minerals, etc. They're harvesting organs in China. The Chinese Communists (Chicom) are buying up Hollywood, Apple, Google, etc. The Chicoms are trying to implement global social score systems, etc. They're trying to enforce a centralized money monopoly system where the central world banks are governed and manipulated through them. So, China and others have been infiltrating and weakening America for a long time. Yes, China is trying to use all the excuses and everything else to their advantage to go to war with America and to continue to do everything that they do more and more. The problem is that some people have already been seeking revenge against America, Christians, Europeans, etc. So, yes, try to get out of wars. Yes, you should generally try to take out leaders more quietly. Trump was probably too loud. Control Freak Lunatics lie to Trump too much. The swamp have been stopping Trump to an extent. There is an internal struggle with the stay behind networks in U.S. government. So, Trump gets excessive amounts of bad intel, etc. I would hope that Trump has had some special technology prior to 2015, prior to when he started running to be the 45th U.S. President in 2015. I would hope that a billionaire like Trump would have enough money to at least try to network with smart people around the world who knows about politics, history, psychology, culture, religion, logic, philosophy, health, business, etc. I'm not saying that Trump knows everything. Trump does not. I don't everything either. But I would hope Trump could have bought some computers that did not have spy chips in them or backdoors or remote access or other things. I would hope Trump had the time since like the 1980's to begin trying to understand the world. I would hope Trump had enough time to be able to distinguish between truth and deception. Like, I would hope Trump would be able to have intelligent networks that he could draw from and compare with what he gets from the Pentagon, etc. I don't know how much Trump knows. It is possible that Trump does not know what he needs to know. From my perspective, it has appeared as if Trump made too many bad choices already. I hope I am wrong about that. All we can do is try our best to tell Trump what he needs to know as much and as often as we can. But at the same time, war is complex. But you can't just make these things go away. Some people will hate America no matter what. In other words, you cannot please some people. Some people are trying to seek revenge. There is nothing you can do to stop everybody from what they believe. Oh, I guess I do. But who wouldn't want to relax people? I like Scott Adams who was trained in hypnosis. I really enjoyed a college psychology course that I took once. The ability to relax people come from the ability to relate, to sympathize, to empathize. I learned some of that as a camp counselor for example. Some f what I do I stole from the Bible haha. @BATMAN🇬🇧 [chris-uk], does your computer make normal computer noises when you turn it on? Facebook attacks centralized beacons of truth, the larger accounts, pages, groups, events, posts, videos, photos, conversations, memes, comments, articles, links, etc. It becomes tougher for Facebook when those beacons multiple in a decentralized fashion. It become trickier for Facebook to take down a million smaller accounts as opposed to ten giant accounts from a PR perspective. In the past, they've tried to censor under the radar. They try to lay low and do it slowly. They try to hide underneath excuses, etc. I started seeing Facebook censorship around 2010, if not earlier than that, when they were terminating fan accounts relating to Star Wars, etc. Around that time, I was befriending dozens of Luke Skywalker profiles for example. Now, Facebook can write in their code to flag keywords like Alex Jones for their moderators to review. Some of it can be automatic. It is probably both. There is probably a timer where decisions are made automatically by the AI if the human moderators don't interfere. Now, it can be tougher for them to filter through more common words. If you use common words that billions of Facebook users are using all of the time, that makes their filtering process tougher. You can use proxies to make new accounts. You can talk in code. You can try many different things to engage with people. You can be direct on Facebook which might lead to getting banned faster. That can be more effective to the extent you are able to reach more people in doing so and less effective to the extent you are reaching smaller numbers of people. So, what an individual should do to red pill people on Facebook mostly depends on their reach. You want to be on Facebook to reach people. But if you try too hard to never say anything that might get you banned, then you might not be really reaching them enough. My advice for individuals is to simply experiment and to focus on what works the best or what works better. I picked up some tarp this evening around the cherry tree. 05:09 PM - Trump speaks to supporters after US kills Iran's Soleimani - Introduced by Paula White Paula White said that almost 19 years ago she received a call from Trump, meaning back around 2001, probably after September 11, and Trump asked for prayer and people came and prayed. They pray in this video for America to be born again. We are runners in a race. The A black woman got up and said never give up. Billy Graham saved her decades ago. Alex Jones saved me politically in 2016. The woman talked about how she prays for Trump daily. In July 2019, she was around Trump and saw the fake news say Trump this or that. She would look with her eyes and see Trump get in car or over here or over there. She began to realize even more then how much dinosaur media lies. So, she started praying to cut the tongues of the progressive leftists. What she said was so powerful. There was so much passion in what she said. Stand up for what is right. Crit1kal Mind, The Infocomms is not an original idea. It is a generic idea. Many people have had that idea. As President, I would at least attempt to bring home the troops regardless of the contracts that the U.S. government may be tied to. America has a lot of leverage. I like Ron Paul and I am against global laws. The third option as well. My mom taught me bits and pieces about health since I was a kid and that understanding grew. I was born in 1985 and grew up in the 1990's in Oregon around farms. But didn't really understand how bad GMO or nanobots are until like 2016 when I started watching Infowars. Disney should redo the Star Wars Prequels and start Phantom Menace with Palpatine vs Mace Windu. Have all three films focus on Darth Vader being Darth Vader and not on Anakin Skywalker as a ten year old boy at all. If America breaks a contract, how can they punish America? Not do business with America? No. Because the world depends on America more than they say. My best Facebook Friend in the world, Leo. Crit1kal Mind, I like Pastor Sam. I am Pastor Oatmeal. It is silly that you criticize one pastor and not the other pastor. Jules wrote: "@Oatmeal Joey Arnold Ok but to clarify, Pastors etc don't save people, Jesus Christ does. The Pastor's & other Christians tell people about Salvation through Jesus Christ & then people decide where they're going to accept Jesus or deny Him. @Jules Servant of Jesus, And Ephesians 2:8-9 01:42 AM - Live Stream: 2020 Will Be the Most Exciting Year You Could Ever Even Imagine 05:09 PM - Trump speaks to supporters after US kills Iran's Soleimani - Introduced by Paula White The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat 2020-01-02 - Thursday My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography Belle from beauty andthe beast and Angelina Jolie. Education | Entertainment | Health | History
Syrian Girl talked to Alex Jones about the Middle East
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Published in January of 2020
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1967 Recording Predicted Everything Happening In The World in 2020