MCA is like TPP and NAFTA? Are you making pop culture commentary videos like Chandler Crump? Is he the Black Soph? I can hear Greta spinning in her grave, "Why don't I get a Black Greta?" Oh, you do, her name is AOC. Dental assistant girl was fired for posting a picture of a hat. That's it. Just a hat. You're fired. I'm writing an article about whether or not you might have free speech. I transplanted a bush from near the new AC to near where the 2019 snow fort was. I'm on season three of The Expanse. Watched Alex Jones, War Room, World Class Bull, Trump in a prayer at schools summit. I watched different live streams. Laundry. The Expanse has Space Zombies. Game of Thrones has Ice Zombies. The Walking Dead has Walkers.
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2020-01-16 - Thursday
My Day in Review
Space Zombies in The Expanse
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020
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Healthy Boundaries
Saying yes is good to the extent that you really want to say yes, assuming that yes is the best choice you can make. So, saying yes does not have to be a bad thing. So, in order to say no to one thing you must find other things to say yes to that will substitute those things. It is not about saying no to things you don't want to do but rather in focusing on saying yes to what you love and what believe in over mere emotional reaction to what happens to you in life.
Caring Over Bearing
oh nite nite.... i like that.... very cute.... i think when you worry about saying something stupid, that is smart and cute and wise.... it means you care and some people run around and talk too much maybe and don't care.... but you do care and that is special
Limited Free Markets
One of the problems is when governments tries to stop free markets. Did you know that the world only has bits and pieces of free markets because governments tries to regulate and control markets, etc?
For more info, people can go to the official Kraken website: kraken dot com:
Naomi Brockwell
12:54 AM - How Kraken Began Their Fight for Financial Sovereignty: Jesse Powell interview
The Expanse
2020-01-16 - Thursday - 01:06 AM - 01:50 AM - The Expanse 212
He tells his son to go with his gut.
They fight about who to let on the ship. It was a silly debate. They didn't have enough air to let all 300 people on the spaceship. So Pocahontas wants everybody on. But redhead is like oh no because they will eventually suffocate. It is a parody of allowing for open borders in order to destroy countries which is what Soros does.
They let some people on but in groups. So, a woman tries to get on and they stop her and then let on some men. Weird.
Flight regulations are bad.
2020-01-16 - Thursday - 01:51 AM - 02:34 AM - The Expanse 213
Plan B is to make sure Plan A works.
They try to kill Space Man. Plant Man wants to talk to Space Man.
Space Man threw the bomb from out of its guts and into space.
They lurred Space Man out like a Star Trek Next Generation episode where they had to give a space monster sour milk.
2020-01-16 - Thursday - 02:34 AM - 03:19 AM - The Expanse 301
The guy says that Mars is only there for war.
But that might be inaccurate.
Peace through strength.
False flag.
To get earth to declare war on Mars.
2020-01-16 - Thursday - 03:19 AM - 04:00 AM - The Expanse 302
They run off in a ship but Aladdin died.
U.N. Police beat people up in the future.
How lame.
The hot Mars girl got the India Woman to the crew at the end.
REP 58
I woke up and went to my Steemit and saw that my Reputation was at 58 up from 57 from yesterday. I'm also watching Alex Jones from yesterday.
Principles & Axioms
The root of those axioms is grace and justice which roots from love which is life and everything.
Hoeg Law
Hoeg Law, YouTube terminated four of my channels. I even removed the videos withe the copyright claims. Legally speaking, YouTube should simply let claimers take the parties to court. Instead, we have things like DMCA. I have been writing articles and making videos about what happened to me and to other people. I'm not the only person that runs into these situations. I didn't receive strikes. Instead, my channels would disappear one by one. My videos were protected under Fair Use.
Intellectual Property is a dangerous idea because they want copyright your thoughts via the Brain Net.
But where is the line between what is transformative and what is not transformative? Some things can be so subtle and yet so different. You can see that with the differences between different characters in show that can be very similar. You can look at what they did with Star Wars and Star Trek.
Universal and others went after me as well.
YouTube emailed me copyright claims. I appealed some of the strikes. YouTube said they notified the claimers. YouTube would then email me back saying that the claimers rejected my appeals for Fair Use. But my appeals should have gone to judges. One of the problems is that all of this was pre-trial meaning no judges. They make all of these decisions as opposed to going to court. It's like settling. So, I eventually stopped appealing claimed videos and I then started taking down my videos and YouTube terminated those channels. Not just my videos but entire channels with thousands of videos that goes back to 1996. More than dozens of hours gone.
Some of my videos were of me teaching English to my students at coffee shops, etc, and sometimes at McDonald's in Saigon. But I didn't realize that McDonald's were playing copyrighted music in the background. I wasn't paying attention. The video is of me teaching English. But you can hear the music in the background. Facebook took down some of those videos too. So, I started making sure I had no music in my videos. That's the scary part because the way that copyright is enforced is generally via programs that will simply detect a pattern or simply something that was copyrighted. So, the AI will detect the voice ID, the audio file so to speak, and will take it out of context to claim copyright as it ignores whether or not it was transformative or not, like parodies, like educational videos, perhaps political related videos, etc.
1776 was brought to you not by the general population but by less than ten percent of the people, of the Americans of that time. It was closer to 2% to 10%. But mostly the two percent.
Alex Jones vs David Knight
@GreggHuestis67 2006 Alex Jones is boring. I generally don't watch David Knight. So, you should watch David. I prefer fire. I prefer the passion of Alex. I would yell at people in Vietnam sometimes like Alex a few times when some people were denying Jihadism and Globalism and other big things and I would sometimes ask people if they want freedom or safety. Do you want government to take care of you because you guys are big babies?
TR 76 2
12:19 PM - 🚨◄ LIVE NEWSWARS SHOWS ► 🎙️ THU 1/16/20 • 8AM - 9 PM CST ►🚨
Free Speech applies on your own property and on public property. It should not apply to the private property, the land, the ownership, the places, of others outside of town squares, etc.
Alex Jones said during the first hour that the only original thing in the universe and everything apart from what our Creator manifested was Hell which the Mini Me Creators made meaning us. Perhaps that is true. Yes, Hell is probably in another dimension or in other dimensions that angels and humans created. That is probably true. I have never thought about that before.
@Thuggooch#3847, if THE MANCAVE is your property, then like a big father would say to Home Alone Kevin in Michael Jackson's Black or White, you can say, "As long as you're under my roof, then you follow my rules." So, if one of the rules is Free Speech, then that is good.
Ricky Bobby, oh, interesting. Haha Mii Creators yeah. Oh, yeah, a compressor is probably safer.
Ricky Bobby, did you know that you cannot delete your Facebook?
I used to ride my bike all over Saigon for years.
01:00 PM - 03:30 PM
Dishes. Transplanted a vern or fern bush from near the new AC machine in front to near where the snow hill was in 2019. Laundry. Shower. 20 minute nap.
Oatmeal Las Vegas Gone
i am currently learning how to drive... someday, oatmeal gone wild in las vegas haha.... i have never been there yet
Lucretia Hughes
04:53 PM - Real News with Lucretia Hughes - Pelosi on Impeachment Episode #596
@Nick Pane Darth Joe Vader murdering the younglings in Revenge of the Corn Pops and Corn Flakes.
Do we have any meme makers here?
Jabba the Joe Hutt slurping on the kiddy slurpies.
I was born in 1985 and grew up with Mario Bros and Nintendo.
Biden the Riden.
Chandler Crump
05:02 PM - Jessica* Yaniv goes "Nuts"
The cops broke the law in violating public property rights of that courtroom.
Limiting Water
imagine if you could not reset the timer
Lionel Nation
05:42 PM - Live Stream: The Impeachment Parallel Universe and Carnival Midway Phantasmagoria
First Idiot President AOC
First Headless President Ever, AOC.
First Blonde American President, AOC.
First Hispanic American President, AOC.
06:13 PM - @Mog Wi, why are you harassing me?
The Officer Tatum
06:15 PM - Real Talk with The Officer Tatum | I am done with politics
You should be in The Expanse.
Karate classes can help as well.
Nice to have a stabber ring.
Can't or shouldn't always use a gun some say.
Anarchy is only good to the extent it limits globalism.
Voter Fraud Red Alert
The Pholosopher
06:24 PM - Red Flag Reality Interview w/ Cinematographer David West
Some of them pretend to be scared.
06:38 PM - WAR ROOM (Full Show) Thursday - 1/16/20
On the War Room, a caller said that Q and Trump are of the same team as they come from same computers, the same devices, but the caller fails to mention that the Qanon stuff could have originated from different places and then rerouted through certain devices, certain servers, via proxies, VPN, etc, and the traffic could have been masked or rerouted, etc.
The White House
06:50 PM - President Trump Participates in the Announcement of the Guidance on Constitutional Prayer
MCA is like TPP and NAFTA?
Geeks + Gamers
07:36 PM - Rest In Peace, Christopher Tolkien (Thank You)
His father, J.R.R. Tolkien, brought us Lord of the Rings (LOTR) and the Hobbit.
Chris helped bring some his father's work to us.
RIP Chris.
Bright Side
07:39 PM - What if All People Lost Their Jobs?
Water Pumps and Water Filters
Solar Power
I disagree. I like money.
My job is to leave YouTube Comments on YouTube Videos haha. But aint nobody is paying me for it ahhahahahaaa.
"I JUST GOT IMPEACHED" for stopping a prank phone call in 2012 in Oregon.
Angel Cop Computer
Officer Angel, so, you are a computer person? Hehe I know you're not a cop yet but someday right? Oh, I love electronics. How is Australia?
oh i miss TGIF on television oh yes
That Star Wars Girl
09:11 PM - The JACK Show! Anna's 2 year anniversary on Youtube!
Ethan should tell us why Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake broke up. It is probably not private. It is probably already public.
She probably cheated on him.
Oops I did it again.
Cry me a river.
is this porn?
britney doing yoga
she might be doing shows in las vegas now in 2020 like each day making like thousands of dolalrs each day or something rumor has it
oops i did it again, oh cry me a baby
when oops i did it again came out, i was 15 and fell in love with that mickey mouse model
britney is probably mk ultra
shadow realm of Yu-Gi-Oh
@Holocron Library Fox ohhhhhh deep
he wrote that the two towers didn't kill themselves just like epstein
@Holocron Library Fox, oh no, three towers
oh he or she wrote those not two
Anna Padme
SUITS - good show
@Sheila Allen which is more than enough to see her.... her web cam ... a few pixels but that is good enough
@TheDarkSonofKrypton 23 oh no women in suits are hot
a peach
casual cosplay 2020
Is it doxing if it is already public?
@That Star Wars Girl, is it really doxing if the information was already published online previously?
TRUMP BAD cuz NAMCA is dangerous
trump should stop soros
Ethan does not know what they used to do. My dad was a Mormon.
@HUMAN FROM EARTH yes but that is work too because it is your job to make sure the robots are working for you and that makes you your own employer as long as you can keep the robots running and everything
working on a do you have free speech post
Naomi Brockwell
12:54 AM - How Kraken Began Their Fight for Financial Sovereignty: Jesse Powell interview
The Expanse
2020-01-16 - Thursday - 01:06 AM - 01:50 AM - The Expanse 212
2020-01-16 - Thursday - 01:51 AM - 02:34 AM - The Expanse 213
2020-01-16 - Thursday - 02:34 AM - 03:19 AM - The Expanse 301
2020-01-16 - Thursday - 03:19 AM - 04:00 AM - The Expanse 302
Hoeg Law
Chandler Crump
Lionel Nation
05:42 PM - Live Stream: The Impeachment Parallel Universe and Carnival Midway Phantasmagoria
The Officer Tatum
06:15 PM - Real Talk with The Officer Tatum | I am done with politics
Stefan Molyneux
The White House
06:50 PM - President Trump Participates in the Announcement of the Guidance on Constitutional Prayer
Geeks + Gamers
Bright Side
Millie Weaver
That Star Wars Girl
09:11 PM - The JACK Show! Anna's 2 year anniversary on Youtube!
The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat
All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.
My Blog Journal Diary Autobiography
From Tuesday the 14th of January of 2020
Tau Tau
You're right that the Tau Chain might not be entirely doable apart from centralization. One of the concerns would be whether or not it is blockchain enough, as in decentralized enough, and specifically in regards to excessive amounts of backdoors, remote access, overriding protocols, the ability to modify the code, the system, etc.
Backdoor Access
Well, technically, any amount of backdoor access is dangerous as it centralizes the system, the blockchain, etc. For example, Apple, Microsoft, etc, do backdoor things all of the time. I understand the principles. I only know some code. So, I'm no expert.
Bit Torrent
I like how Bitcoin works. I like how Steemit is working. I like IPFS, Bit Torrent, P2P, Ubuntu, etc. I'm not sure how I feel about Dlive because I've heard rumors that people have been banned off it. But I've not confirmed those reports.
But if they're true, that's too bad for Dlive. So, I'm not sure where Tau would land in that debate. Would Tau ban people like Twitter? YouTube banned at least four of my channels, meaning thousands of videos that goes back to 1996. I'm not happy about losing three decades of videos. I didn't lose everything but I lost dozens of hours of videos or more.
Universal Credit Score
Do you want a Chinese Social Credit Score?
It might be a scam or not completely as blockchain as Steemit is.
I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam
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The Virginia governor declares war on his People; planning to use Roadblocks to turn Virginia into a Police State!
Three Year Old Oatmeal - Do Not Eat This
Jane Sanders: "Bernie Just Wants Unity" - Mature and Incredible Response to Smear | Above It All #21
Martha McSally Calls CNN Journalist "A Liberal Hack" For Asking Random Question | Above It All #20
VA Gov. Declares State of Emergency to Prevent “Armed Militias From Storming Capitol”
It's summer time in Panama.
How Kraken Began Their Fight for Financial Sovereignty: Jesse Powell interview
Cashless society is no longer a conspiracy theory, and it's almost here
Season 2 is amazing.
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it seems season 3 is even better
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Please explain.
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cuz the story continues and expands and i like the hot mars girl and i guess i dont know totally cuz i am only on episode 4 of season 3
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