Alex Jones has a hot wife. Some of the best men have awesome wives. Just saw AJ's wife today during the Women's March 2020 today on my laptop. I was working on a gravel project near the front door for several hours. Savannah Hernandez carried a sign that only women can have periods. Some young people said that is not true. But it is true. But they go on to talk about lifestyle. But we are talking about biology and not what you do. What you choose to do is up to you, good or bad. But that does not alter reality. You are whatever you are. Some people mentioned hypothetical situation, some which might be extremely rare at like two percent or less of all humans ever. Exceptions do not undo generalities of how things are. Alex Jones wore a pink hat and started chanting, "Up with Soros, down with Trump." He was joking and yet people thought he really loved abortion, trafficking, murder, and the destruction of society.
RIP eleven year old Luca Calanni. You do not want to know how he died. You will not believe me and you will block me as soon as I tell you a secret about what happened. Don't Google his name. Please ignore this photo. Please don't share this photo.
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2020-01-18 - Saturday
My Day in Review
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in January of 2020
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Happy weekend. Yes, a break is needed sometimes haha. So, I'm eating some peanuts and I'm going to watch The Expanse.
Burger King Crypto
That's very good news. Others will follow. This is the decade for the rise of the cryptocurrencies. But it will be tough as others will pressure BK and others to not accept crypto.
Red Letter Media
12:56 AM - Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #18
Red Letter Media
02:00 AM - Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #16
knives gone wild
The Expanse
2020-01-18 - Saturday - 04:00 AM - 04:43 AM - The Expanse 305
under cover ship
be ready for anything
not knowing people
talking to blue people
like star trek aliens
talk like robots
the blue people and india queen
the work
what are you building
captain planet
the work in and on venus
black captain takes his ship back over
but then the jerk shoots him
and they should have killed that jerk
United Nation ships fire upon each other
a female Mars captain hails other ships and says that if they fire upon them, that could unite the UN to fire upon them and so, if they wanna destroy each other then let them
Rebel News
11:20 AM - Replay : Alex Jones and Rob Dew of INFOWARS in D.C. In the ARMORED Battle Tank.
Trump Lies
11:50 AM - Twitter Trending - Lies Trump Told
I talked about how I HATE TRUMP for not stopping white sky lines, vaccines, tech cartels, children trafficking, tyranny, globalism, taxes, etc.
But then Tax Dude @The_TaxDude replied: "President Trump has never lied. Except once when he said, “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan.” That was an egregious lie.
Oh wait…
That was Hussein Obama.
Have a #MAGA-nificent day! 🇺🇸"
And maybe he or she thought I was a leftist.
I replied with the same old stuff like, "How do we stop globalism, etc?" I replied a few times in a row and then was unable to reply after that. Did he block me or delete that tweet of his?
He blocked me.
He seems to be supporting Trump.
But he blocked me.
@The_TaxDude blocked me because I hate globalism and he probably thought I was a leftist #LiesTrumpHasTold
12:30 PM - 03:30 PM - Three hours of working on a gravel path by the front door, the front window, towards the new AC machine and then a left turn towards the sidewalk path and bushes. Tarp material. Foundation rocks layer. Pebbles as a second layer. Will be adding sand as a third layer. Lunch break. Soup. Watching Alex Jones live at DC.
Down With Trump
03:43 PM - January 18, 2020 - Bart Fine
Continued working on the gravel for two more hours.
Lionel Nation
06:00 PM - Live Stream: America Deserves the Nation's Unabiding Attention
Great people have beautiful wives. Just saw the one AJ has today.
i am past the how dare you age
34 WA
Larken Rose
06:07 PM - Reservations or Reservations? (Anarchapulco)
Đức Seven
Hot boy. I remember your name. I think I met you at Papa Foods.
Continued working on December 2012.
09:00 PM - 11:20 PM
Sav Says
11:24 PM - Only Women Can Get Periods
The man talked about lifestyle but we are talking about biology and not lifestyle. What the man in the red hat said was irrelevant. How he wants to live his life has nothing to do with his biology.
Red Letter Media
Down With Trump
Saturday Night Live
Thor Skywalker
The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat
All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.
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I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam
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