
in j •  5 years ago 

Trump Virus is trending on Twitter. Frankenstein Virus. Feel free to post anything 90's related to this Anything 1990's Community Group. Trump Black Leaders Summit was powerful. Red Letter Media had a brilliant review video today on Star Trek Picard. I drank delicious tea. People need to educate people more. Why? Because Trump doesn't know everything. Also, there may be things you know that people around you might not. They're using this Novel Corona Virus 2019 thing to bring down Trump. This virus problem is a big problem in 2020. Globalists created this problem so that the world would cry out for globalism.

Big Trap

This is a trap said the fish in Star Wars, "IT'S A TRAP." It is a big pandemic. But we can do many things to fight viruses. Google Natural Remedies. Educate people. Take action. Show people the way. This is the way. Now or never. History is counting on us.


Anything this and that communities on Steemit, on Steem. The Anything This And Anything That might be one of my newest slogans. For example, all of my communities contain "ANYTHING" in the title. It has to be. Anything Vietnam. Anything Oatmeal. You get the picture. I was working on those things today. I was reviewing 2018.

Trump Virus
UN vs USA - If You Deny Their Stuff
Blacks Pray For Trump

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2020-02-27 - Thursday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-02-27 - Thursday

Screenshot at 2020-02-27 20:57:08 Trump Black leaders Summit .png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in February of 2020

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Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.

Reviewing July of 2018


2020-02-27 - Thursday - 12:52 AM - 01:48 AM - Picard 106

Alita Like

Flashback to robot girl as a kid

Daddy scientist


BF tries to pry it from her

Like Romeo & Juliet

Picard talks about reuniting with Borg

Did they change? Hell no says Picard

They try to humanize the Borg while demonizing Picard in the way the framed the scene

Captain playing soccer shirtless. The blond nurse comes out and can't sleep. I bet they become an item. And then they start kissing.

Romulan Sibling Love

Sub Space Skype Call Across the Galaxy with no lag time?

37 months

Saving Borg Victims

Dream Analogy

Her dream is of her as a doll

She is a girl in her dream and she sees her father working on robot doll her

Star Gate on Borg Ship

Picard to girl robot: "Come, please, trust me, please"

Borg captain knew Picard and the actor looks like the Karate Kid man from Cobra Kai the show on YouTube

Real Men Wear Pink

02:03 AM - Steemit

What did you do in the 2000's? I wore this pink shirt because I was on a quiz team. I would sometimes wear sunglasses and try to be cool. This was during my senior year in high school, 2003-2004, when I was on the quiz team. But the photo may have been from 2007.

What did you do that decade?

2004 apx Joey Pink Kitchen Sunglasses.png

White Jordan Oatmeal

02:11 AM - Steemit

What did you do in the 1990's? Let me know in the comments below.

For me, I played Michael Jordan who got bored of basketball and decided to try out for the hockey league. I made this video with my brother around 04:00 PM PST, Friday, the 2nd of February of 1996.

1996-02-02 JA as MJ.png

Riding Horses

02:18 AM - Steemit

What did you do during the 1980's? Please let me know. I rode a horse for the first time in August of 1988 when I was three years old during like a church picnic.

1988-08 Horses CROPPED-2.png

Failed Love Vietnamese Love Boat

02:36 AM - Steemit

What did you do in the 2010's?

Let me know in the comments below.

As seen in this photo from December of 2012, I met this girl in Vietnam. I think Andy's wife hooked me up with her.

But it was like a failed Vietnamese Love Boat. Why am I saying that? Well, this was during my first month in Vietnam. I was single. I didn't have a lot of friends there, since I was new to the country. So, she arranged her friend, here, to come over to meet me. So, she came and met me. And then I never saw her again. Wait, just kidding. Well, maybe not kidding. Well, I mean, I probably saw her a few times that month and then never again, I think or something like that.

Maybe saw her a few times in January of 2013 as well. But nevertheless, that dog don't hunt. That boat sank. Elvis has left the building. Wait, no. Elvis has left the weird original green oatmeal in your socks. That's why I have to rock them socks off. Put em in the washer and get new ones, pretty please with oatmeal on top.

2012-12-11 - Tuesday - Kim, JA - Papa Foods.jpg

2012-2017 - Taught English in Vietnam


2020-02-27 - Thursday - 02:47 AM - 03:48 AM - Outlander 303

Seeing other people, Claire and Frank, while the daughter is like seven

Jaimee in jail and guards fear him due to legends of him

Frank divorces Claire

Frank died in a car accident

"I did love you." Claire to Frank.

Does real love expire? I doubt it.


Invalid Cookie

10:27 AM - INFOWARS BROADCASTS OF 2/27/20 9am - 7PM W/ News, Clips and Music in breaks.

Solar Power

10:44 AM - Steemit

Good. I hope to have solar power someday. I use Ubuntu. We have a garden here. We filter and distill our water.

Globalists Goals

10:51 AM - Steemit

Some of them, perhaps. But some of them are behind depopulation programs and are not interested in the best interest of the majority.

Unloaded tires around 11:00 AM. Raked the gardens with the new rake for the first time. Medium red white cooler. Oh, near the table. Garage. Oh which one of the two? Front.

Fox News

11:30 AM - Pence addresses coronavirus at CPAC: This is not the time for partisanship

Google Natural Remedies

Lisa Haven

11:33 AM - THEY GOT YOU! Say Anything About This and Go To Jail… Seriously, Coming Soon!

UN vs USA - If You Deny Their Stuff

11:52 AM - Steemit

Then you will pay they say.

Screenshot at 2020-02-27 11:42:40 Lisa Haven UN UNESCO Climate Change Deny Go To Jail Law Over USA.png

Is the United Nations (U.N.) trying to create and enforce laws over that of the United States of America (USA) and what can we do about it?

Is the UN acting like a country that is manipulating and controlling the USA? What is the UN doing with UNESCO? Are they trying to criminalize and imprison people who they label climate change deniers? Are they trying to bypass the American justice system to go after their political rivals?

Are they already doing it?

Will you let them continue?

For more info, go to Lisa Haven

Snow White & Bug Bunny

12:28 PM - Steemit

Imagine a show starring these two characters.

It would a bit interesting as Snow White is like a southerner from like Georgia and Bugs is like a New Yorker. This photo is of my older siblings dressing up for Halloween in the 1980's.

What are your memories from the 80's?

1980s Halloween 2.png

Organized the big garage a little in order to make room for the tires.

Dishes. Sweep. Mop. On a show, an inmate didn't die from lethal injection, that is capital punishment, and was sent to the hospital. They had to cut off his arm as the injection didn't make it into the arteries, the main veins, and was therefore killing the arm as opposed to getting to the heart. An actor was being paid to play a girl's father. The mother was going to fire him and he must have done something to cause him to get sick. He was about to die because he didn't want to stop being her father. I don't know what happened after that.

Red Letter Media

03:57 PM - Star Trek: Picard Episodes 4 and 5 - re:View

Segregation. Romulans Only Bars

Fake Picard took down the Romulan Only Sign and sat down at that bar but real Picard was way too diplomatic than that during TNG right?

A good theory is that the show will end up saying that this one small group of Romulans and the Borg are bad and they defeat them. Perhaps, the Federation and Romulans and many others team up to defeat the enemies and then say space borders are bad and then create a one universe or one galaxy order like a one world order but in space.

Seven of Nine was like a ranger, a Power Ranger, a space Dexter Morgan Batman.

Neutral Zone collapse

The Neutral Zone is like globalism

Free Port


04:37 PM - Steemit

What do you think about The Destroyer?

Screenshot at 2020-02-27 16:16:35.png

Martin Luther Had Guts

04:58 PM - Steemit

How did Martin Luther get to the point where he was that committed to posting the 95 theses on Halloween in 1517 to go against the grain to seek after a revolution?

Martin Luther Face.jpeg

Hiding in Shirts

05:05 PM - Steemit

Be in the moment. Hide in a shirt. Pop out like a jack in a box. Have fun. This is a photo of me and my younger sister in my room around 2001 or so. She had green finger paint on her hands.

2001 Joey Yeah Crystal Red Shirt Cover in Joey's Room.png

Minimizing Government

05:13 PM - Steemit

I agree to the extent that people try their best to spark revolutions for the long-run, the long-term, as it can take time. I believe in the 10th amendment which is all about reducing federal government. I would prefer no federal government at all. But it is a question of getting there gradually. Rome wasn't built in a day. So, it is all about encouraging the Trump Supporters into taking action. It seems that too many Trump Lovers are kind of worse than leftists in some ways to the extent they don't do things to help. They need to get involved and educate people and encourage people away from government.

Dumb Trump Supporters

05:17 PM - Steemit

I hate it when Trump says things and people cheer. I hear Trump say things and I say, "No." I would be arguing with Trump. I would be debating Trump. Too many people are just like yes men. They are idiots. They need to confront Trump on so many issues. That makes me angry. If I was at a Trump Rally, I would not cheer for everything, especially some of the very vague things. Because life is so complex.

Solar Power

05:20 PM - Steemit

Why not use solar to charge up giant batteries, generators, etc? And then have a warehouse to store the generators, batteries, etc. And spend your time charging the batteries via solar panels whenever there is sun but rely on the batteries when there is no sun. I would try to increase my power options, the more the better. Solar power. Wind power. Water power. Gas power. The grid. Etc.

Roaring All Over Again

05:39 PM - Steemit

What would be your favorite decade of the 1900's?

I'm fond of the 20th century. I was born in 1985 in Oregon and I enjoyed the 1990's. But if I really had to pick just one decade, I might go with the 1900's. Well, they didn't call it the Roaring Twenties for nothing.

What would be your favorite decades?


Loving English While Loving Life

05:51 PM - Steemit

Take a leap of faith and give it a try. What? Huh? Give what a try? Well, anything really. Just once a day if you can, try one new thing. Just give a new thing a try for a few minutes. Accept failure and not regret of inaction. This is a photo of me talking to a Vietnamese girl at an English Club called Love English in Saigon back when I lived there.

2016-05-19 - Love English - JA - Being Successful 13217202_625743540909633_8036550359328306836_o.jpg

2012-2017 - Taught English in Vietnam

The 2010's

Anything Vietnam

Anything Oatmeal

Fat Joey

05:59 PM - Steemit

Don't get lost in the maze of life. See, if you do, then you become Fat Joey. You don't wanna become Fat Joey. This is probably from 2011 at a corn maze.

2011 Me Maze 01.jpg

Nap for 35 minutes

Frankenstein Virus

06:40 PM - Facebook

Bill Murray is going insane on Twitter

Trump Virus

07:09 PM - Steemit

This is trending on Twitter right now.

People need to confront Trump more.

People need to educate people more. Why? Because Trump doesn't know everything. Also, there may be things you know that people around you might not. They're using this Novel Corona Virus 2019 thing to bring down Trump. This virus problem is a big problem in 2020. Globalists created this problem so that the world would cry out for globalism.

Global Pandemic

This is a trap said the fish in Star Wars, "IT'S A TRAP." It is a big pandemic. But we can do many things to fight viruses. Google Natural Remedies. Educate people. Take action. Show people the way. This is the way. Now or never. History is counting on us.

It is a Frankenstein Virus.

Screenshot at 2020-02-27 18:57:57 Trump Virus Twitter Trend.png

Trump Virus

Flush Out Your Lungs Daily

Frankenstein Virus

Anything History

Anything Questions

Anything Oatmeal

Gavin McInnes Kicked Out Of CPAC

07:50 PM - Steemit

They tattled on him to tell the teacher, "Gavin lied, we don't tattle." They see Barbarian Alex Jones for example and they run away. They wait until Caveman Infowars Man is sleeping so they can throw a rock at his head. They run over to the mammoth and beg them to run their tusks into Alex, into Gavin, into anybody they don't like.

That's how the soy boys do it at CPAC.

Screenshot at 2020-02-27 19:42:52 Gavin McInnes Kicked Out Of CPAC.png

Banned Video

Turkey Tom

08:08 PM - The Alex Jones Story | This Is The Infowar

Tom, are you spreading lies about Alex? You know Alex did not say Sandy Hook was fake, right? I guess you fall for the fake news that people spread about Alex.

Did Public Access Television ban Alex Jones and his show in 1999?

Alex Jones predicted 9/11 during the summer of 2001.

@Lord Of The Guys says that not everything Alex says is 100% right. Oh ok. Cuz everything you say is 100% right all of the time. Sarcasm detected.

@Turkey Tom is lying and spreading fake news by taking many things out of context and Tom refuses to look into the details.

Turkey Tom hates the Infowars Store. Tom never tried the products. It's not just vitamins. It's more than that. Tom is an idiot. Tom has no idea what he is talking about.

Sandy Hook

This video is a Hit Piece in Infowars and it lies about Sandy Hook.

Tom, all those news websites, like Vox, are fake news. You are a leftist zombie, Turkey Tom.

The White House

08:34 PM - President Trump Attends a Meeting and Photo Opportunity with Black Leaders

Vote Right

So You Don't Get Left

Diamond & Silk are writing an Uprising book

Candace Owens spoke

Others were there as well

Facebook Sucks

09:07 PM - Steemit

Facebook has been hating me since like 2010 or earlier, that is before Steem even.

Solon Inaction

09:17 PM - Steemit

Solon was angry at the inaction of people. I know how he feels.

Blacks Pray For Trump

09:40 PM - Steemit

This hour long video highlights the fighting spirit that is personified in African Americans especially. This is a powerful video. Some of my favorite voices includes Diamond, Silk, and Candace Owens. Their attitude is contagious. These types of people inspire me. They work hard for their families and communities.

Screenshot at 2020-02-27 21:35:26 Blacks Pray For Trump .png

The White House

08:34 PM - President Trump Attends a Meeting and Photo Opportunity with Black Leaders


11:12 PM - Steemit

Sometimes in life, you end up getting dizzy. Take a step back and wait for thing to die down a bit. Mentally prepare yourself to slow down sometimes. Otherwise, you may just give yourself a headache. This photo is from a fair we went to in September of 1992 back when I was seven years old.


1992 Fair

Tech Alternatives

11:18 PM - Steemit

Can batteries be better contained if they're underground? There has to be a way to keep batteries warmer or to simply redesign how batteries work. Too often, people are exposed to lazy technology, AKA cheap.

Joy in Camping

11:32 PM - Steemit

We're going hiking now, we're on our way. We're gonna run up a mountain and run and jump and play. Protect that child-like innocence within your soul and within people around you. This photo is from August of 1991 during our summer camping trip which we may have done a few times in the 1990's. I was six years old.


1990's Stuff Animals

11:46 PM - Steemit

What kind of stuff animals or toys did you have in the 1990's?

Can we get some show and tell here?

Feel free to post anything 90's related to this Anything 1990's Community Group here. This photo is from 1993. You can see Garfield, the blue ninja turtle, ALF, Jimmy Cricket Ninja, Fire Fighter TMNT Ralph, Curious George, a lion, a Crystal, a Joey, a rabbit, a purple bunny, Mickey or Minnie Mouse, Ricky Raccoon, a clown, my little pony, a Disney bed sheet, and Bart Simpson, to name a few of my top favorites.

What about you?



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Trump Turns to Pence to Calm Fears Over Coronavirus

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2012-2017 - Taught English in Vietnam

GOING SIDEWAYS COVID-19: Medical Research Info Of Interest 02.25.20

Planetary Problem - 10 Minute Video

666 - The Beast Unleashed as Pestilence

Congressional Oversight of the Intelligence Community - Paper and discussion

President Trump's Speech 02-26-20 - Squirrel Bait's Reaction

Warren sucking up to Native Americans

The insider knows all about it

Especially that first point. Finding the right people or the better people is critical to success.

Doing a eight hours hike in the Bavarian Alps at best conditions (Fotos + Videos) - Germany

UN vs USA - If You Deny Their Stuff

Flush Out Your Lungs Daily

Trump vs Corona - 2020 General Election Debates

how many articles did i write about this weeks ago and did you listen to me? #Covid_19

Google Natural Remedies

Blacks Pray For Trump

Trump Virus

Double Government

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You have no idea how many people have it. You will be surprised very soon.

What is happening in Italy will happen in America before April of 2020.

San Francisco will be hit very hard before the summer of 2020.

Many more stores will be very empty before May of 2020.

They will be trying to force you to take the brand new COVID vaccine.

Combine hydrogen peroxide with iodine in a nebula spacer in order to fight off diseases.

Chinese are coming into America through the Mexico-USA border.

How much medicine comes from China? Call your doctor and ask.