
in j •  5 years ago 

Government is the Real Virus. Leftists want Open Borders and a Prison Planet where you cannot leave your house. What is HIV and how is the Corona Virus connected to HIV? The virus hides in your body. So, you may not be sick and yet you may still have the virus and not know it as the virus does not always show symptoms until like a month or more later inside your body. So, you may have the virus and not know it. People are passing the virus around. The virus is mutating. Some people get the virus many times, again and again. The virus is a chimera. The virus uses HIV. You probably have the 2019 novel COVID SARS 2 HIV-related chimera Corona Virus and do not even know it. The bad news is how this pandemic is breaking supply chains. The good news is that we can do things to cure this disease without vaccines. Google Natural Remedies and visit my blog for more information.

Tower of Babel

One of the problems with the Tower of Babel is that when too many people are together, then too many germs, viruses, bacteria, etc, are together, and that leads towards elevated and accelerated evolution, mutation, and multiplication of diseases.

What They Don't Want You to Know About COVID-19

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2020-03-15 - Sunday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-03-15 - Sunday

The Juice Media Screenshot at 2020-03-15 13:21:30.png

The Juice Media

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Join My Community | @OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Contact Me | Published in March of 2020

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Are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted.


02:34 AM - Steemit

Mark Twain was also in The New Adventures of Lois & Clark from the 1990's.


02:40 AM - Steemit

Hubris is a new word for me. But I see that it is similar to pride which can come before a fall. Children can keep people humble and down to earth as they learn to better converse and teach kids without abusing them. One of the reasons I keep a blog is because I value the ability to review and learn from my past. The past few hours for example, I've been looking at my life in 2010, which was ten years ago. And I'm still trying to unpack that at the moment. Sometimes, it can be overbearing, like too much for me to even look at.

Murdering Trump

02:43 AM - Steemit

Trump should be aware of the script. Actually, scripts.

Wind Power

02:46 AM - Steemit

Can you put a wind mill in a cage to keep birds from flying into it?

Steem Witness Freeze Idea

02:52 AM - Steemit

Would it help if when potential witnesses apply, the blockchain freezes their Steem money, their SP, for a whole month, or a certain period of time, so Steem accounts can vote, so that we get enough time to decide who to vote for and in order to verify how committed the potential witnesses might be? I wonder if the Tron witnesses would be ok with that? It is possible that Justin Sun would say that is way too slow and unfair.


2020-03-15 - Sunday - 03:00 AM - 04:00 AM - Outlander 504

Shoot Out

Old coin

Dance off

A girl tries to kill herself

Claire and Jaimee consider raising a baby but then figure that another family could do a better job at it.

Wild horses couldn't keep me away



08:09 AM - The Candace Owens Show: Nicole Arbour

Cute Blond

Born Angels?

08:22 AM - Steemit

Vampire folklore is intriguing.

Learning to be Humble

08:24 AM - Steemit

Parenthood, yes. Also to a lesser degree, camp counseling.

Steem Witness Debate

08:26 AM - Steemit

Sorry. I had things backwards in my brain.

Problem With Copyrights

08:27 AM - Steemit

Trademarks, copyrights, patents, are perfect to the extent governments remains perfect which they are not.

Lois & Clark Show

08:29 AM - Steemit

They had an episode involving time travel. I forget who was the villain. It might been a group of episodes.

Being Aware

08:32 AM - Steemit

Natural beauty is the best, you would know, and Greek soil is critical for the heart and for the mind.

Weird Vietnam

08:37 AM - Steemit

I remember living in Vietnam. Hey, is that Bamboo place in Saigon?

Can we love without really aligning with what love is? Can we love God without keeping His commandments? What does 1 John say about being in Christ and how if we love God then we will keep His commandments?

Can we laugh about toilet paper or should get ready and be safe? Should we stand in front of people and auction out toilet paper?

Is the Bible full of contradictions or should we take the time to understand how the puzzle pieces fit together?

Steal = Eternally Borrow

I found a copy of the book that I had and returned it

To interpret dreams

The value in that

An angel is the messenger

The key symbolizes opportunities

Bad things can happen and we may have to move on

Blutooth = 5G?

What is happening in Italy and can we do all we can to help people?

Should we encourage people to become too lazy?

Should we rely too much on smart cars that cannot be manually overridden?

The Bible tells us not to give away our pearls to the swine

Be like ants and work hard

The Bible talks about giving

But the Bible also talks about Joseph in Egypt who stored and hoarded grain which probably came mostly from America via tunnels. The Bible says different things that work together.

Prayer walks can be good

Look at what happened in Zimbabwe in 1992

Look at what is happening in Europe

Look at computer chips that they put inside people

Learn from the past

Teach people what you know in order to give them more choices

Be wise and not foolish

Sky Stare

12:47 PM - Facebook

Angels came to the disciples after Christ flew away into the sky, many centuries ago, and angels did say, "Hey folks, why are you just staring at the sky? What are you doing? Stop it. Go do stuff. Stop just sitting around and do stuff."


12:59 PM - Facebook

What is HIV and how is the Corona Virus connected to HIV?

People should buy water filters and collect rain water.

Yes. Mine your own business, pun intended, in crypto.

Stomach Cancer

01:11 PM - Twitter

Natural Remedies. Flush it out. Go fasting.

The Juice Media Ad

Hide & Seek Virus Time

01:35 PM - Facebook

The virus hides in your body. So, you may not be sick and yet you may still have the virus and not know it as the virus does not always show symptoms until like a month or more later inside your body. So, you may have the virus and not know it. People are passing the virus around. The virus is mutating. Some people get the virus many times, again and again. The virus is a chimera. The virus uses HIV. You probably have the 2019 novel COVID SARS 2 HIV-related chimera Corona Virus and do not even know it. The bad news is how this pandemic is breaking supply chains. The good news is that we can do things to cure this disease without vaccines. Google Natural Remedies and visit my blog for more information.

Undy from Indy

01:43 PM - Discord

She must be part Angelina Jolie Pre-No-Boobs.

Keeping them for a rainy day.

I enjoyed living in Vietnam.

The only thing better than an Asian woman for me might be a black woman.

If I had to compromise for a cross between an Asian and an African, then I'd probably end up with something like a Cuban like you said, they are unique like those other islands around Florida as well, like Jamaica.

Almost any color can do in some cases.

What really matters are the specific genes of a person and not necessarily the shade, the skin color, specifically speaking but maybe not generically speaking.

So, what I said earlier preferring Asians is more of a generality as some exceptions do apply for any color really.

Nap for an hour around 3 PM.

Black Pilled

04:03 PM - What Learning About Computers Taught Me About People

Small Business

04:07 PM - Facebook

Why can't he sell his stuff? Are you against small businesses?

Curing Corona

04:08 PM - Facebook

Why not Natural Remedies? Why not Silver? Sharon Link Wyer replied with saying how it was untested.

So, you probably do not eat raw garlic and oranges like I do.

Stop Being Judgemental

04:11 PM - Facebook - Sharon Link Wyer

Sharon talked about a guy who was smart. But she called the man dumb for hoarding. But that is good. I asked her if she was against small businesses and she said no except for these types of situations. However, truth be told, that is a subjective statement. We are always in different degrees of pandemics and everything. So, that is business. The free market is all about buying and selling. It is about profit. It is about greed which does not have to be bad. But it is what it is. See, it motivates and adds competition. Period.

Sharon Blocked Me

Sharon Link Wyer

Sharon Link Wyer 15698348_10209022096127986_79214627592561261_n.jpg

She Blocked Me

Sharon wrote: Joey Arnold God. I am perplexed by people on FB. Yeah, I eat oranges and garlic. You should be tested for lead. Seriously. You might need chelation therapy.


I am her God.

She said Joey Arnold God.

I must be a God to her.

Sharon Link Wyer blocked me and called me God.

Sharon is a cat lady.

So, that is what cat ladies do.

They over react and block people.

I was trying to help.

She saw it as an attack.

Natural remedies help.

I am watching Black Pilled on YouTube right now and he is right in how too many people are online renting services including things like Adobe monthly. That is insane and that does not motivate Adobe to make better products as the users become more and more addicted to the services. We can do better as we try to become more and more independent of the systems out there. We have streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus, cable, and they do not encourage either party to try hard enough to make things better.

You can ask Sharon who blocked me. Maybe you should block me too. She called me God. I must be her God. She said, and I quote, "Joey Arnold God." See, I am her God.

Pardes Selah

04:47 PM - What’s up corona crew! (Pardes Live #163)

They are attacking free markets and calling it hoarding. Let people buy and sell as much or as little as they want regardless of when. I don't care if it is during a pandemic or not. There are always epidemics happening in the world to different degrees. People can claim that some people may or may not be profiting from a crisis. But life is always full of problems. But some problems are bigger than other problems. But I promote freewill regarding private property rights. If a seller wants to sell one toilet paper to each buyer, then ok. If the seller does not care, then one buyer could potentially buy a billion trillion gagillion toilet paper rolls to the extent the sellers have that many in stock or eventually. When governments step in to moderate and limit what can be sold, that might be and can be a slippery slope towards regulated markets, AKA fascism which America had in the 1930's.


Banned Video


Free Markets

05:25 PM - Facebook

Bill Smith, you are against freewill, liberty. You know, my body my choice. If a seller wants to sell only one item per customer, that is the freedom that a seller has. But if a seller does not care, then there is no limit outside of fascist regulated markets. See, a free market should not regulate. Otherwise, it is not a free market. That is called 1984 tyranny where big brother tells us what we can and cannot do. That means slavery. That means lock-down.

Hoarding vs Robbery

05:28 PM - Facebook - Reno Young

Reno said: "People hoarding supplies are the first ones getting robbed when shit really hits the fan.. good luck!" Two people liked that comment.

Hoarding bad. Robbery good.

That is what she is saying.

But hoarding is like saving money.

Dear moderators, why do you not want to publish my posts?

Shelton Talk has been deleting my posts.

A Facebook group.

Hoarding Money

05:33 PM - Facebook

Hoarding is like saving money. Oh no, do not hoard your money. Do not save your money. Hoarding is very bad.

I am being sarcastic.

Why do people hate hoarding? Why not do what you want to do? Your body your choice.

Shelton Group

05:41 PM - Facebook

Is hoarding the same as saving money? Why are people saying that hoarding is so bad? Why are the mods in the Shelton Talks Facebook group removing my posts? Am I not allowed to post in that group because I eat raw garlic? Is my breath too smelly? Is that why my posts were removed?

I promote Free Markets

Put it in the trash can or take a shower.

Online Learning

05:44 PM - Facebook

I promote homeschool and online schooling. People should do that or at least try to do that perhaps. I was homeschooled.

Monthly Shopping

05:47 PM - Facebook

Heather Lewis wrote: I always stock up.. It is a Sicilian thing LOL You never know when something bad will happen, or big eaters come over to visit, so it is smart to be prepared - at least for 3 months, that includes money the bank.. I was raised that way. I go shopping once a month and spend hundreds at a time - i always get looks - but I would rather shop once a month then every few days and waste gas.

Becky Sherwood, What I wrote is info.

Becky Sherwood, The info is simply, that it is better safe than sorry. It is better when people think more long-term in being independent like Americans were more so in the 1920's with their own farms. There is value in that.

I am not allowed to post in Shelton Talks!

Prison Planet

Leftists want Open Borders and a Prison Planet where you cannot leave your house.

Only Info?

05:57 PM - Facebook

Becky Sherwood wrote: "But that’s not info when put into the form of a question with real answer but everyone’s differing opinion. It’s the same type of thing as arguing over who should be president. This isn’t the place for it. This is a place to share info that is needed or wanted. Like when someone looses their dog and need up finding it. This is literally meant as a community bulletin board like you see at stores where people pin notices up."

Trump is banning interstate travel in America.

Interstate Travel Bans Today. But tomorrow, intercity Travel Bans. Plus, elevated Open Borders at the same time. That means a Prison Planet. What are you going to do as bad government tries to cripple you?

@Zaxan#9956 well, one of the biggest problems that humans face for thousands of years globally has been tyrannies, authoritarian governments, Prison Planets, and we should always try our best to expose, protest, confront, rebel against, vote, change, minimize, raise awareness to, etc, etc, etc, fascism, globalism, etc, etc, etc.

@jonsnow1983#6946 Funny Video

But we can try our best to educate

Government is the Real Virus

But Not The Decentralized Aspects of the Internet


06:22 PM - Facebook

Yeah, that arch might be the best part of the show. Wow, like The Master. I didn't know that. Too bad they made the Doctor a woman now.

The White House

06:27 PM - Members of the Coronavirus Task Force Hold a Press Briefing

Tower of Babel

One of the problems with the Tower of Babel is that when too many people are together, then too many germs, viruses, bacteria, etc, are together, and that leads towards elevated and accelerated evolution, mutation, and multiplication of diseases.

Lets not talk about HIV Corona Virus.

Oh my GOD!!!!!!! Stop talking about HIV.

Lionel Nation

07:35 PM - Live Stream: Communities Worldwide Check In and Support Each Other

07:40 PM - 10:20 PM - Nap

Resumed watching Lionel Nation

@The Amazing Lucas, You can assemble your desktop computer, buy the parts and put them together.

Customize your computer, easy as pie.

Any laptop with a good enough GPU.


The Oatmeal English School - English You Can Eat
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Praying for you, SC. And your family. You're like a sister to me.

Who are those tall black guys with that small white guy who looks like Freud?

sonic would get embers in the snow like ash going after pokemon

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2012-2017 - Taught English in Vietnam

Get Your Vote On Peeps


COVID Explosion - April of 2020 - Potential Projection

How do we protect cells from viruses? Eat some oranges.

Justin Sun's Twitter Blocking: He Obviously Does Not Want Open Discussion

What to do if you or someone you know even Thinks they have the Coronavirus. Safe, simple effective at home remedy proven by the World Health Org the virus cannot survive under this temp. Heat... Also, silver can kill viruses as well.

Decentralization — reverse-engineering nature

First they came for our Toilet Paper, Than they came for our Bread!

Everything Is Suspect

Was Kobe Bryant Murdered?

What is the Corona Virus?

Flush Out Your Lungs Daily

My Uptrennd

Adventures at the Grocery Store: The Locusts Have Come

how I will vote on steemfollower. And how Justin sun could lose the war, unless there is a quick powerdown.

What has been found on Kiosks even in restaurants. Some very telling vintage songs portraying some of what we are seeing in present day. We didn't start the Fire and It's the End of the World as We Know it!

The world makes insane?

What They Don't Want You to Know About COVID-19

The End Of The Throwaway Culture

Double Government

Taking Off Blinders

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Thanks for the mention champ. Keep it up!


Yoshihiro Kawaoka was engineering the 2009 H1N1 in Wisconsin with the goal of turning the virus into a super virus with the ability to get past human immunity, all in the name of alleged science. In other words, they were saying that in order to better help people, they had to release that type of flu virus out to the world in order to study and observe how it does what it does so that they can develop vaccines, medicines, to fight deadly diseases like the flu. Some say the H1N1 emerged in 1977 and that H1N1 has been circulating the world since 1977. These types of things, and others, have been in fact weakening the immune system of mankind in a variety of ways for the past 40 years or longer. COVID comes out of all of this and more.

7.4 seconds is the length of the average attention span of Americans in 2020, which was the result of over 60 years of television, that is programming, etc.

Banks are running out of cash. Now, they can have less than $10K cash per bank. Actually, they don't have to have any cash and some banks are refusing to give people $5K in cash.