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I like me some constitutional adam kokesh.

He's a great guy, a great speaker, and an inspiring activist! #Kokesh2020

Thanks Kenny. Adam seems to have really found himself over the past couple of years. Thanks for sharing this.

I agree, and he's still evolving. Just think how well he'll be able to deliver the message by 2020!

thanks for sharing a bit of Jackalope with us all. Not sure if you are still in town, but a guy in Boulder is looking to do a meetup next week potentially - check out @escapehatch

You're very welcome! I've got 2 more videos to edit & post, as well as my part 2 of Running with Jackalopes, my write-up of the event :-)

I'm not in CO right now, but I will be again at the end of the month. I'll reach out, thanks for the head's up!

I need someone answer to this before trust in dash