Everything that interests you about jackfruit

in jackfruit •  2 years ago 

If you are a fan of trees with a tropical appearance and abundant fruits, jackfruit is a good choice for you, learn with us in this article about the properties of jackfruit and how to grow and care for it:

1-Jackfruit fruit
Jackfruit (scientific name: Artocarpus heterophyllus) is called jackfruit, an evergreen tree, native to tropical Asia, widely cultivated throughout the tropics in wetlands, jackfruit is also considered a staple food crop in Bangladesh and other regions of South and Southeast Asia.

It is noteworthy that unripe green jackfruit can be cooked as a vegetable, while the ripe fruit with a brown color is eaten fresh, as it has a sour and sweet taste at the same time, and it is reported that this fruit has become widespread and famous for being used as a substitute for meat in some regions.

2-Characteristics of the jackfruit tree
Here is an explanation of the most prominent characteristics of this fruit:

Leaves: the jackfruit tree has large, hard shiny green leaves, the length of which varies from 15 to 20 cm.
Flowers: small unisexual flowers appear on inflorescences growing directly from the trunk and branches.
Height: a mature jackfruit tree has an average height of 15 to 20 meters.
Fruit: jackfruit is the largest fruit borne on the tree, reaching a size of 90 cm, and weighing up to 27 kg.

Suitable environmental conditions for the growth of jackfruit
Here is an explanation of the environmental conditions that must be provided for the jackfruit tree in order for it to grow well:

Jackfruit needs a humid tropical climate, as it can never tolerate drought, and is also considered very sensitive to Frost.
Jackfruit needs a fairly rich and porous soil.
Jackfruit can not grow in areas with an altitude of more than 1,219 m above sea level, and also its cultivation in areas of high winds should be avoided.

3-Cultivation of jackfruit
To get the best results, it is recommended to first provide the environmental conditions that suit the jackfruit mentioned earlier, and then follow the following steps:

Jackfruit is usually grown by seeds, paying attention to the fact that its shelf life is short, as it can spoil after only a month.
Germination of a jackfruit tree takes from 3 to 8 weeks, but this can be accelerated by soaking the seeds in water for 24 hours.
When the leaves start to come out, you can plant the seeds in the soil, taking into account that the long and delicate roots may make this a little difficult.

4-Caring for jackfruit after planting
Jackfruit or jackfruit trees are considered durable and not very susceptible to pests, and caring for them is easy, and here is an explanation of how to care for jackfruit fruits after planting:

Fertilizing: it is advisable to fertilize once or twice a year with a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content.
Pruning: farmers usually prune jackfruit trees in order to make harvesting easier, and this is by cutting the tree so that it is possible to reach the fruits on foot or using a small ladder, and it is also recommended to remove the bumps that remain on the tree after harvesting, and it is mentioned that it is recommended to prune the tree in late summer or autumn.
Watering: jackfruit trees require relatively little water; about 527 liters of water per 454 g of fruit, with the need to pay attention to watering the tree regularly to prevent the soil from drying out while also avoiding over-watering.

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