Dream Have Big Power and Start Stake in JAHM

in jahm •  5 years ago 


I am very serious to be more active on this platform than before. On this reggaesteem platform I find that I have lots of fun things. First, here I listen to so many exciting songs. Then I was rewarded with a coin prize that was also quite good.

Second, this is how social media patrons are today. Being a network for interacting with each other, sharing fun with each other and finally all of this has a relationship with our hobbies.

Here we are not preparing campus assignments that must be scientific. Must write a thousand characters and meet other strict rules. So in Reggaesteem we are spoiled with many things.

Be spoiled with beautiful music and valuable curation. Do you also think like me? Active on social media but don't want to bother having to write complicated content? If so, let's join here.

Increase JAHM Power.

Since a few weeks ago, I started thinking about increasing my power on this platform. I began to diligently do power up from each token that I got from the results of the assessment of the posts that I made.

I feel happy to see the amount of power going up from day to day. At present my personal power, outside the delegation results has exceeded 8 thousand power. I am sure that in a short time it will reach 10 thousand power.

I am also trying to get a delegation doubled from now. At the moment I am receiving 5 thousand delegates as compensation from the steem delegation that I did to the Reggaesteem account.

Now for those of you who want to join here, don't forget to find out how to delegate your Steem Power to get the JAHM Power delegation here. This really helps us beginners, so that the curation that we do on the posts themselves and others become valuable.

Regret missteps.

Previously, I made the mistake of selling a decent JAHM token of curated posts. If I hadn't done that before, my power would have been higher than it is now.

But all that has happened. I can't change anymore except by saving now. Be patient from the temptation to exchange JAHm for Steem again. I will continue to power up in the future.

The second regret is, I was late to follow my friend's invitation @ happy-arbi who has long been inviting me to be active on this platform. But instead I occupied myself in another place.

Now everything is not too late. Come on, friend Steemians, we will enliven the Reggaesteem platform. listen to beautiful reggae while interacting with each other in various parts of the world. Add to your collection of reggae songs and increase your acquaintances.

Reggae Regards.

Cangkir Steemit.png


Saya sangat serius untuk lebih aktif di platform ini dari sebelumnya. Di platform reggaesteem ini saya seperti mendapati banyak hal yang menyenangkan. Pertama, di sini saya mendengarkan begitu banyak lagu yang mengasyikkan. Terus saya diganjar dengan hadiah koin yang harganya juga juga lumayan baik.

Kedua, seperti inilah patron sosial media di masa kini. Menjadi jaringan untuk saling berinteraksi, saling berbagi kesenangan dengan sesama dan terakhir semua ini memiliki hubungan dengan hobi kita.

Di sini kita bukan sedang menyiapkan tugas kampus yang harus ilmiah. Harus menulis sekian ribu karakter dan memenuhi aturan ketat lainnya. Jadi di Reggaesteem kita dimanjakan dengan banyak hal.

Dimanjakan dengan musik yang indah dan kurasi yang bernilai. Apakah Anda juga berpikri seperti saya? Aktif di sosmed tapi tidak mau pusing harus menulis konten yang rumit? Jika iya, ayo gabung di sini.

Tingkatkan JAHM Power.

Sejak beberapa pekan yang lau, saya mulai berpikir untuk meningkatkan power saya di platform ini. Saya pun mulai rajin melakukan power up dari setiap token yang saya dapat dari hasil penilain atas postingan yang saya buat.

Saya merasa senang melihat jumlah power itu naik dari hari ke hari. Saat ini power pribadi saya, di luar hasil delegasi sudah melebihi 8 ribu power. Saya yakin dalam waktu tidak lama akan sampai ke 10 ribu power.

Saya juga sedang berusaha untuk mendapatkan delegasi dua kali lipat dari saat ini. Saat ini saya menerima 5 ribu delegasi sebagai kompensasi dari delegasi steem yang saya lakukan ke akun Reggaesteem.

Nah bagi Anda yang ingin bergabung di sini, jangan lupa untuk mencari tahu bagaimana mendelagasikan Steem Power Anda agar mendapatkan delegasi JAHM Power di sini. Hal ini sangat membantu kita pemula, agar kurasi yang kita lakukan pada postingan sendiri dan orang lain menjadi punya nilai.

Menyesal salah langkah.

Sebelumnya saya pernah melakukan kesalahan dengan menjual lumayan token JAHM hasil kurasi postingan. Andai itu tidak saya lakukan dulu, pasti power saya sudah lebih tinggi dari yang ada saat ini.

Tapi semua itu sudah terjadi. Tidak bisa saya ubah lagi kecuali dengan berhemat sekarang. Bersabar dari godaan untuk menukar JAHm ke Steem lagi. Saya akan terus melakukan power up ke depannya.

Penyesalan kedua adalah, saya terlambat mengikuti ajakan sahabat saya @bahagia-arbi yang sejak lama sudah mengajak saya untuk aktif di platform ini. Namun saya malah menyibukkan diri di tempat yang lain.

Sekarang semuanya belum terlambat. Ayo sahabat Steemians kita ramaikan platform Reggaesteem ini. mendengarkan reggae yang indah sembari berinteraksi satu sama lain di pelbagai belahan dunia. Tambah koleksi lagu reggae Anda dan bertambah juga kenalan Anda.

Salam reggae.

Zainal Bakri

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded
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Big mistake @crypticat

Posted using Bilpcoin

@bilpcoin you have 7 days to turn off your comment bots, leave me and reggaesteem alone. You have been warned!

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Nice one here zain. Been preaching the JAHM power up for months now. Strong tribe with a lot of potential. Keep up the good work here, boss 💪🏻

Posted using Partiko iOS

ready, bro. I have plunged myself here. I will all out. especially to invite my other friends. 💪

Thats a nice photo for the cover, caught my attention lol. Keep on stacking the JAHM, like all tokens it will get harder as time goes on. Glad to see you keeping active and encourages others to take part in ReggaeSteem. Blessings.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

try to find cute ones to attract your attention lol.

Thats a nice photo for the cover, caught my attention lol.

yes, sir. as I said here, i will be active and also start inviting my friends in the Indonesian Steemit Community

Glad to see you keeping active and encourages others to take part in ReggaeSteem. Blessings.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Your banner specifically says users are welcome to share whatever they wish as long as it’s not spam...

Posted using Partiko iOS

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Do what you wish, im just saying your profile banner states otherwise and is rather misleading

Posted using Partiko iOS

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

oke. thanks for notice me. i'll to remind my self to not use this anymore for JAHM