Spoken by: Habib Umar bin Hafidz in the First Jalsatuddu'at event at JIC (Jakarta Islamic Center) North Jakarta, Sunday night 15 October 2017 M
Alhamdulillah praise belongs to Allah who has chosen you to bear this great mandate. May Allah help you in order to carry out this mandate as well as possible. O Allah stretch our hearts and our hearts with the hearts and hearts of those near and dear to you with the strong sanad connected to them.
The essence of privilege in Islam is to liberate our passions and also liberate others from their own lusts of lust. Allah has mentioned to us about da'wah in the way of Allah in the way / method of da'wah accepted by Allah SWT. which is beneficial to society.
First, fill the heart with glorification to God until he fears and hopes only to Allah SWT. Indeed Allah Almighty. set this slogan on the tongues of the apostles as stated in the Qur'an:
وَمَا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ مِنْ أَجْرٍ ۖ إِنْ أَجْرِيَ إِلَّا عَلَىٰ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ
"And I never ask for your reward for the invitation: my reward is none other than the Lord of the Worlds." (Surah al-Shu'ara verses 109, 127, 145, 164 and 180).
God praises those who deliver His message with fear only to Allah and make God the best protection:
الذين يبلغون رسالات الله ويخشونه ولا يخشون أحدا إلا الله وكفى بالله حسيبا
"Those who deliver the messages of God, they fear Him and they fear no one but Allah, and Allah is enough for protection." (Surah al-Ahzab, verse 39).
Indeed that is worthy of preaching in the way of Allah is a person whose hearts are hoping and fearing only to Allah. And as long as in his heart there is still a point of hope to other than God then surely he will not survive the chaos in his da'wah. Whether consciously or unconsciously there is interest for something to be expected other than God or for worries other than worrying to God.
And we also read the revelation of God in the method of true da'wah, Allah commands the Prophet Moses and the Prophet Aaron:
اذهبا إلى فرعون إنه طغى فقولا له قولا لينا
"Go both of you to Pharaoh, convey my da'wah, and speak to him with a gentle delivery." (Surah Thaha verses 43-44).
Surely minds who think that 'you have not done evil if you have not spoken with harsh words', then these words and thoughts are contrary to the revelation of God.See God's revelation of this method of propagation, when it says Fir' aun has done evil things and crossed the line, supposed after this sentence 'kasari him or kill him or kill him' instead Rather "فقولا له قولا لينا" .that method of your da'wah is with gentle speech and delivery.
The method of the heart is with hope and optimism "لعله يتذكر أو يخشى". Hopefully he becomes God's recollection or fear Allah so that he becomes aware.
In another verse, God commands:
اذهب إلى فرعون إنه طغى. فقل هل لك إلى أن تزكى. وأهديك إلى ربك فتخشى
"Go to Pharaoh, surely he has exceeded the limit: And say (to Pharaoh):" Is there a desire for you to cleanse yourself? And will I guide you into the way of your Lord so that you may be afraid of Him? "(Surat an-Nazi'at ayat 17-19).
Even this way is taught by God through revelation to His apostles. When the Prophet Moses delivered a complaint from his people about the Pharaoh that plagued them long before the coming of Moses, then Moses answered:
استعينوا بالله واصبروا إن الأرض لله يورثها من يشاء من عباده والعاقبة
"Ask God for help and be patient, for the earth belongs to Allah for whom He will from His servants, and the good end is for those who ward off (evil)." (Surah al-A'raf verse 128).
Indeed the case of amar ma'ruf nahi munkar is an important and great duty until doomsday. But how the method and how? Ie ma'ruf amar in a way that ma'ruf, and nahi munkar too in a ma'ruf way. When you command others to do good (good) then command in a way that is ma'ruf. And if you prevent others from doing what is wrong, prevent them in a good way, not prevent evil in an unjust way.
The method of the heart is with hope and optimism "لعله يتذكر أو يخشى". Hopefully he becomes God's recollection or fear Allah so that he becomes aware.
In another verse, God commands:
اذهب إلى فرعون إنه طغى. فقل هل لك إلى أن تزكى. وأهديك إلى ربك فتخشى
"Go to Pharaoh, surely he has exceeded the limit: And say (to Pharaoh):" Is there a desire for you to cleanse yourself? And will I guide you into the way of your Lord so that you may be afraid of Him? "(Surat an-Nazi'at ayat 17-19).
Even this way is taught by God through revelation to His apostles. When the Prophet Moses delivered a complaint from his people about the Pharaoh that plagued them long before the coming of Moses, then Moses answered:
استعينوا بالله واصبروا إن الأرض لله يورثها من يشاء من عباده والعاقبة
"Ask God for help and be patient, for the earth belongs to Allah for whom He will from His servants, and the good end is for those who ward off (evil)." (Surah al-A'raf verse 128).
Indeed the case of amar ma'ruf nahi munkar is an important and great duty until doomsday. But how the method and how? Ie ma'ruf amar in a way that ma'ruf, and nahi munkar too in a ma'ruf way. When you command others to do good (good) then command in a way that is ma'ruf. And if you prevent others from doing what is wrong, prevent them in a good way, not prevent evil in an unjust way.
When some Salaf scholars used to witness how the people gossip about Hajjaj that kills and tries to sabotage the Muslims, by gossiping (ghibah) in the back and the reality does not produce anything. So the salaf ulama said, "Allah will demand what Hajjaj does, as Allah will also prosecute those who gossip and revile Hajjaj for his tyranny."
In the time of Hajjaj, there was a group of companions of the Prophet (s), the sons of the Prophet (s). They did not understand the meaning of preventing the munk by cursing the Hajjaj, or expelling bad words to the Hajjaj, or provoking the masses to revolutionize Hajjaj. That's not what they understand from the meaning of 'Nahi Munkar' is. Like Abdullah bin Omar Ra's best friend. and the other companions held such a position, none of them supported Hajjaj for the tyranny and munkar that he did and they also did not revile Hajjaj.
Who is the leader of all human beings who practice amar ma'ruf nahi munkar? Who is the one who most knows the fear of God? And who is most familiar with jealousy in the religion of God? He is indeed the Prophet Muhammad.
Mention, what is the scourge that came out of the tongue of the Prophet. addressed to the polytheists of Mecca who once bothered him? What disturbance has ever come out of the Prophet's tongue against the hypocrites of Medina who once lived in Medina with the Prophet? Have we ever heard the Prophet Muhammad SAW. against Jews who often abort treaties and collective agreements against Muslims?
Verily the Prophet Saw. did not concern himself with such things and the Prophet. did not stop to take them (to Allah's way). And Prophet Muhammad Saw established jihad against these people but with the rules and corridors of prophethood set in his sunnah. When there is a Jewish group that betrayed a promise, then only one group of Jews expelled it, not inflicted on all the Jews.
And we all love amar ma'ruf nahi munkar and jihad in the way of Allah, we live on it and willingly die for him, but with the manner and method of the Prophet Saw, Khulafaur Rashidin and Salafus Salih. It is said to the Prophet Muhammad, "O Messenger of Allah, their seal of the idolaters who attacked us because they have killed more than 70 people, also split the belly of one of the Companions of the Prophet, injured and shed a lot of blood and committed many crimes. But the Prophet Saw. instead replied:
إني لم أبعث لعانا; ولكن بعثت داعيا ورحمة, اللهم اهد قومي فإنهم لا يعلمون
"Behold, I am not sent to the curse, but I am sent to bring good and grace. Oh God give guidance to my people because they do not yet know. "
When the Muslims came back from the war, there were hypocrites provoking Muslims by saying, "If your Prophet is true then you will not lose the war, you will win." Then Sayyidina Umar bin Khattab Ra. who heard the words became furious, then facing the Messenger of Allah. to ask permission to kill them to solve this problem.
Prophet Saw. replied, "O Umar indeed they (the hypocrites) say La ilaha illallah."
Sayyidina Umar bin Khattab Ra. then said, "Verily their tongues say La ilaha illallah, but their hearts are not."
Then the Prophet Saw. said, "I am not ordered to examine the human heart."
As for the Jews who Sayyidina Umar requested permission to kill them, the Prophet Saw. said, "I have a deal with them, how will I abort it by killing them? As long as they speak confidentially and provocatively and they do not cancel this agreement, then I have no way to cancel this agreement."
Later in those days there was a small child of Jewish descent, which this little boy has the privilege of knowing the hearts of people and things unseen and talking about them in the midst of society. Ibn Shayyad is his name and is known as Dajjal. Sayyidina Umar asked permission to kill him instead of making slander. But the Prophet replied, "If it is true that Ibn Shayyad is the Antichrist, then you will not be able to kill him, for I have done in the end of the age the Dajjal will come to do this and that If you do that means my sabbath is not true and lies. indeed it is the Dajjal, then there is no good for you when killing this child. "
In the real sense of anger and supernaturality that should be only for God, if it is not made for God, it will attract those people out of the way of Allah. So is the place of anger, jealousy and assertiveness because of Allah SWT. against the unbelievers, by not allowing them to spread to us, our families and from within our homes.
Not someone who claims he is firm and angry because of God but he shakes hands with women who are not mahramnya, then do things that are not according to the Shari'ah of Allah, the opening of aurat for the women. But when he saw people out there doing that munk he was angry, he got up, his anger and his emotions ready to do violence, while the mistake that existed in his own family he was just silent a thousand languages. That is not what is meant to be angry because Allah SWT.
There is one of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah. who drank the liquor. Then brought before the Messenger of Allah, and punished 41 times. Then after that he did again and was caught again and whipped 41 times a second time. Until the third time he was caught again and whipped, so there is someone who berates him.
The Prophet who heard the insult then said, "No, this is beyond the limit, do not revile him, he has been punished 41 times, do not be the devil's henchmen who plunge your Muslim brother further to Allah." Even the man was praised by the Prophet, "Know, however, he remains in love with Allah and His Apostle."
Prophet Muhammad SAW. approving, pledging and establishing this Islamic law should be upheld on liquor drinkers, but the Prophet Saw. nor does it allow a Muslim to criticize other Muslims. This is a prophetic scales.
Sayyidina Umar Amirul Mu'minin Ra. when he served as Khalifah, once patrolled the housing of Madinah City. He found that some youths who were gathered in the house drinking liquor. Immediately he went to the house by climbing the wall and immediately rebuked for what they did.
One of them said, "O Airul Mu'minin, in fact we acknowledge having made a mistake, but you Amirul Mu'minin, today has made three mistakes First, Allah says," And look not for faults (Surah al-Hujurat verse 12) while you have spied on us, and God says, "And enter into the houses from the doors" (Surat al-Baqarah verse 189) you visit through the wall: Third, Allah says, "O ye who believe! Let not you enter a house that is not your house before asking for permission and greeting the inhabitants," (Surat an-Nur verse 27) While you are not doing anything that."
Then Sayyidina Umar said, "Well, let us both repent to Allah." Eventually he went to leave them.
And when they saw it, Sayyidina Umar did not punish them. Whereas Sayyidina Umar is a person who said the Prophet Saw. with the nature, "Verily Allah made the Haq (the truth) in the heart and the words of Umar ibn Khattab."
And the forbidden them (the perpetrators of immorality) in the present is the people who like to spy on others, looking for other people's mistakes, berate others, and do other evil things even with the excuse to eliminate munkar. And things like this are all things that are forbidden in Islam. Whoever he is, from any party member, from any organization and from any group, remains unlawful to do such things.
Whoever wants to defend and fight for the religion of Islam, then realize the struggle and defense with sincerity to Allah SWT. and the modeling of Prophet Muhammad SAW. And whoever wants to prevent others from munkar, do not be wrong because it leads to even greater munkar.
In the past, about 50 years ago in an area, it was being heralded a revolution among Islamic countries. So there are some scholars who are influenced by the persuasion of the revolution to follow-followers of the congregation and the group who are in the name of Islam in the struggle for the revolution for Muslims. And after winning the revolution, then enter political influence and so on, until he and the group who had been instrumental in the revolution in the country even eventually become political victims and imprisoned in a special prison. A very tight prison even for defecation is permitted only at predetermined times.
Until he wrote a letter, "In the past before the revolution, we sought and demanded the freedom to speak, but after the revolution, we demanded freedom merely to defecate." That is, what they aspire first does not match the results they receive.
And I (Habib Umar bin Hafidz) had met with the character at the end of his life. At that moment his heart was completely filled with glorification and honor to the righteous and pious people who traveled the way of the tariqah of those who would not tarnish their hands with blood and desecrate their tongues with insults against others.
Know, we are now in the presence of a great and important matter. And our existence is to evacuate and save the ummah. And before us is a way of walking and the method of righteous people. Their path is Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah.
They are the people who glorify the sunnah of the Prophet. by glorifying the words of the Prophet, glorifying every detail of the actions of the Messenger of Allah, even the silence of the Messenger of Allah. and all the circumstances of the Messenger of Allah. they are glorified, obsessed and idolized. This is the meaning of Ahlussunnah. While the meaning of al-Jama'ah, is their hearts mutually respect each other, love each other and keep each other unity.
And those who take the path of the istiqamah, this straight path, they are not affected by any current or the swift wind that leads to the right or left, they remain consistent over the fatwa they say.
As for those who are affected with the right blow go to the right, the left blow goes to the left, then such a person whenever any change of his / her position also changes. Today the soul, tomorrow when there is a change he delivered again a fatwa that contradicts the first fatwa. Changed again the circumstances he delivered a different fatwa again with the previous, so inconsistent.
Let us rise up to evacuate and save the ummah. And the intent or purpose of this saying, at this time, is not to occupy ourselves with chasing a group different from us, in different ways with us. Rather to give us an explanation, to be clear and clear this correct method.
And in front of you this is a treatise, a mosque treatise. Which is the treatise to invite people to science and da'wah to the way of Allah SWT. Then we should be able to protect it all. Bringing everything to Allah's way. in the right way.
And you interact with people who are political experts and who are not involved in politics, also interact with people who have been affected with thoughts outside of Islam, or interact with right-minded people, interact with people who like immoral, also interact with all levels of society. But that corresponds to the corridor set forth in the prophetic method and also the benchmarks and scales taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. so as not to get too far.
Through these mosques let us make a means to reconcile, reconcile and improve the state of society. And to calm the hearts of society and help people with knowledge, thought, alms and infaq us through the mosque. And revive the sunnah to visit, visit and help people who are sick. Think how to attract people who do not know the mosque to be reluctant to come to the mosque.
With this important task, many people will benefit and be saved from the darkness. In fact with this kind of thing will have a big influence and in rejecting the balak and the calamity of the Muslims. And indeed when this method is executed, then the benefits that you give not only for the people of Indonesia but spread to all levels of society in this world. For the Prophet Muhammad SAW. to be sent not only to a certain territory but to the whole world, then broaden our benefit and enthusiasm for all of them.
May Allah bestow on us the exemplification of the Prophet Muhammad. And follow the method of Prophet Muhammad SAW. And Allah strengthens the relationship and sanad between us and Prophet Muhammad SAW. And God made us all among those who delighted the Prophet Muhammad. And all of them are gathered in the line of the Prophet Muhammad.
Indeed, just now our teachers and our representatives have sat together, agreeing to the welfare of the ummah that we need to immediately realize together. And all the points we have agreed upon are the seeds that will lead to reject the balak and calamity of this ummah and bring great benefit, if we sow this seed with three things; honesty, sincerity and sincerity.
May Allah bless the seed we have just planted together. Give taufiq in watering it. And bless the fruit that will come out of it. And God shows us all the fruit of him, in the world and the hereafter. Amen.