holy toledo

in jamesart •  9 years ago 

god knows how the world relly is an on my end its going down hill fast !!!wolf in sheeps clothing !!! hes good at deception an knows how to deal with the emeny dont let his smile fool you !!1 or his sad face hes stronger than you think !! his skin is black but his mind is on multitasking daily !!! an that makes him one hell of a president !! yes hes done great thingswhile in office but to cut my VA pension to 3$ is a bit too much for me thats what i recived on aug 1st $3.00 !!! an to say i owe the VA 80.00.00$$ is out of this world !! thats not helping vetrans im not the only one thats going through this situation with debt mantagement at the VA once you set up a agreement its binding 250 per month was to be deducted an agreed upon !!now this the VA has a problen sticking to its pourpose to help vetrans not hurt them!! down but not out of this fight !!hardship or not the VA made this letting it go for 5years like this are they stupid or what i never intened to do anything to fraud or decive the VA in anyway !!! mr president you appointed the head of the VA now holler at him to strighten this mess out for me !!! thank you an i did vote for you in both elections !!! if that would help !!!to get you to act on this matter for me seeing how im disabled with many medical issiues im dealing with !!thank for your time !!reading this true event 1!!

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