Pastor James Coates imprisoned for preaching the gospel as big box stores, abortion clinics, strip joints, liquor stores stay open. Placed in solitary confinement at the Edmonton Remand center, houses the worst of the worst and too dangerous for jail

in jamescoates •  3 years ago  (edited)

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Facebook Frames Pastor James Coates and the evidence of the Boiled Frog Syndrome for those who Think this only happens in third world countries in which the Globalists and their sold out corporations have actively Preyed vs Prayed upon the people!
A shout out to all who have taken a stand against evil and stood up for the True Sons and Daughters of God.

A statement by Liberty Coalition of Canada,

Pastor James Coates held a church service on Feb 14. RCMP asked him to turn himself in yesterday, which he did. He is now being held in jail unless he commits to cease holding church services. He could not, in good conscience, agree to this condition.

The church he pastors is Grace Life Church of Edmonton.
Imprisoned by preaching the gospel by using Health to control people, but NOT in other industries like big box stores, liquor stores, ab$rti*n cli_ics, etc. All Still allowed to be open. What gives do you suppose?

Edmonton Remand center houses
the worst of the worst these are people who do not
qualify for the easy revolving door of Canada's
bail system they are too dangerous or too recidivist for jail.

They are constantly relapsing back into their criminal behavior. Why does Pastor Coates belong in a facility such as this for being someone who cares and helps the people in his church?

Was being held in solitary confinement! Does his punishment fit the "crime" as others are allowed into Big box stores, liquor stores, riots they call protests, eating establishments where it's okay to be unmasked as long as you are in the "protected drink and food bubble?"
Statement by the Elders of MacArthur's church called Grace Church as Coates is an alumnus of the Master's Seminary and former member of Grace.
> The elders of Grace Community Church want to voice our support for James Coates,
alumnus and former member of Grace Church. James was arrested last week in Alberta, Canada, for faithfully shepherding the flock of God among him:

See what Pastor Coates wife had to say on Tucker and the notice the RCMP posted on his church doors along with the ultimatum.

Fully Sourced throughout.

Thank you for praying for him, his family and all believers.

See all the frames and sources here,

Do not miss this excellent write-up and compilation here on RubyRayMedia
by Great Warrior Beverly Ann Wood

Sources/Connecting Articles/Reports

Wife of pastor jailed for preaching speaks out on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'

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