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Janes Birdie V2/steemit coagulator :: 05/04/2023

  1. 05/04/2023 :
    11:30:31: : well i am too weak i cant handle this


    20 years

    i have no idea what comes next

    i hope he still sleeps when the vet gets here

    guess theres egoism after all
    cmdr Gato
    08:36:38: : yea i hurd already

    they know armenians and indonesian men will cut my head off

    that was AFTER jeremy de neger was gonna burn my house down

    kill me


    cut my head of with the friends from the city

    sorry maat


    cmdr Gato
    08:13:44: : put on an act and smile

    catham joker doesnt smile because its funny

    they always said it was one anyway

    cmdr Gato
    08:13:14: : and then
    08:02:24: : i dont feel the human logic

    look around the family

    uncle-worked-hard gets parkinsons at 60

    gets to die shitting himself not knowing where he is after a life of dedication to the wife and kid

    aunt gets morfine for the pain - takes it daily stretches out

    then uses it to kill herself once she sees niece is finally in a safe place

    uncle drinks himself into obliteration



    grandma goes through two husbands and a band of psychopath kids -1 gets alzheimerz

    loses her mind in the very room i sleep in right now when the addamses are here

    grandma get some blood disease no one can identify back then

    via dolorosa 20+ years

    i want him with me

    i want to have his soul with me

    so we can meet up at the end of time

    where everything exists

    everything exists only at the end of time

    and then the humans ?

    i bet pavlov gnome will be

    "and now back to life"

    we'll sit out the chaos and watch the humans fall apart

    and sweden and the templars can have advice

    introduce a little

    cmdr Gato
    07:57:37: : you are in a terrible state
    07:46:26: : we'll join the templars and sweden as independent contractors

    thats final

    no debate

    cmdr Gato
    07:44:13: : i dont know them

    if some stranger has to come to give a shot for 150 euros

    i dont really get that

    if the one drop doesnt even make him sleep

    i kinda get what they did

    cmdr Gato
    07:43:19: : they'll never understand
    07:43:05: : im not as weak as human that i cant see this through

    i dont want a stranger to do it

    and i dont want him to be in some alien environment with strange creatures around

    in the last week i can feel tumors everywhere its like they planted it before they left

    but whats sure is

    the day they opened this road he didnt go outside

    when i put him he's trotting all day, slemping as it is

    by the time they close it it'l be too late

    humans are the enemy

    if they lied about the medication hes gonna suffer too now

    cmdr Gato
    07:40:27: : they'll never understand
    07:40:13: : i think lasciate

    but theres something off

    one drip is like 10x

    hes not even sleeping do you think this human filth has lied to us again

    cmdr Gato
    04:39:42: : i hate orders but let me issue one

    no one is allowed to become human
    cmdr Gato
    04:20:10: : my soul is lava - like what, fucking kevorkian ?
    cmdr Gato
    04:19:41: : can give him one or two drops instead of have a stranger do it - this is clearly not going to come back
    04:10:52: : how weak we are
    cmdr Gato
    04:10:35: : horribly amazing
    cmdr Gato

  2. 05/03/2023 :
    19:27:40: : cat certainly is dying

    this is really bad

    19:26:25: : nothing

    caroline just set us off

    im not sure i can do the cat myself

    im just very sure i dont want anyone else to do it

    cmdr Gato
    19:25:24: : suddenly everything went

    the cat is dying tho

    and theres only gatland to blame

    what does a a nut blue angel have to do with that

    19:11:55: : no erpe-mere

    what part of that was misunderstood ?

    cmdr Gato
    19:11:24: : agree

    but shes still caroline

    19:10:57: : the dog is friendly to a total stranger but doesnt attack the guy her ex blue angel bf beat to a pulp

    call odds
    Syntax Error
    16:19:01: : we can swap scars
    cmdr Gato
    16:18:43: : this is fairly hard
    16:18:22: : his choice

    we will abide

    cmdr Gato
    15:03:46: : its his choice and i dont want a stranger to do it
    cmdr Gato
    15:03:23: : this is fairly hard
    09:50:06: : we will accomodate the local psychopaths later
    cmdr Gato
    09:49:50: : it doesnt, compared to yesterday it almost looks like tomorrow
    09:49:31: : that doesnt look like 2 or 3 weeks
    cmdr Gato
    05:44:39: : saving energy in iGAT ...

    een groene long voor 5km² betong en een lage emissie zone next to the harbour pumping fumes at twice before

    the planet is saved, all thanks to topminister and the boys

    (en GAT)


    i wanna smack a jesusfucker for not saving my cat

    its obviously a fraud

    the muslims too

    cmdr Gato
    05:43:17: : automated smartGAT
    05:42:55: : mm

    its probably a while since we havent been outside much nights with cat sick

    but i noticed for a few days now : it starts dawning and they turn on the streetlights which have been out all night.

    Syntax Error

  3. 05/02/2023 :
    18:57:36: : no fact check so

    but it IS indeed as projected one of the worst case scenarios

    thinking you are in control

    the man who sold the world, roadrunner Joe

    .. nukes for sale in Antwerp does sound a bit bad now the capital is 50% boko haram, 50% IS and 50% albanian

    anyhoo-if thats the case nothing we can do

    i wonder when they come to their senses about "the great allies"

    my guess is

    "te laat"

    cmdr Gato
    18:55:38: : hm

    in that case Calabria gets 5% of the gazprom nukes ...


    hello Antwerp heh

    thats a bit faster than one wanted
    18:54:49: : mhm, upset balance of power to bring america back, worst case scenario : putin gets actually dethroned, russia goes into civl war with five to ten factions, each a part of the army AND the nukes ... i saw - i think its trying to STILL get reaction,

    cmdr Gato
    18:53:48: : some buzz crept into the cables, no fact check it sounds like what El Gato projected over a year ago, cmdr
    15:18:45: : and whatever it is he was jumping on and off the table in the morning when the meat got fried right up until they left and the rest started going down once they opened up the street ...
    theres only one way this points ...


    15:07:38: : its our pain to bear , watch and take care , we are not so weak as to avoid seeing it through

    and we dont need mundanes to tell us how its done

    we saw what you did to the place

    we KNOW what your advice is worth

    cmdr Gato
    15:06:27: : cut
    15:06:13: : hey theres a guy here who bumps into everything, barely lifts his legs, cant remember shit and basically doesnt eat

    maybe ... they should ...

    15:05:36: : not to save humanity, we are one at that

    no need

    15:05:11: : we wont have to explain why i suppose
    15:04:57: : hmm, i was talking mundanes, same pattern all over

    like giving money to a beggar to feel good but lying about helping someone out , or saving the children by clearing the internet that shit that embarrasses them.

    donating to charities that fund african warlords to mine shit to buy 5 smartphones and 3 cars per house

    and lying about it to themselves

    its just one pattern , its not like they have many

    to avoid their own embarrassment, trouble and pain

    its what they do

    no thinking either, b/c someone once told them how its done


    filth covering the planet

    it should be clear that free will is the highest good since not even the sun has it

    not even the galaxy

    as long as he shows he wants to eat, pet and go outside, sleep cosy we take that as the will to live

    sanseveria should do better starting to think about who did what

    and we

    at this point i would consider dating again a noble-prize level bio-engineer , or two if they agree and get along

    cmdr Gato
    15:01:01: : at this rate my guess would be 2 to 3 weeks
    15:00:38: : ...
    cmdr Gato

  4. 05/01/2023 :
    13:16:18: : cat doesnt wanna go outside again, since they opened it up here its been bad ... so i guess no vote vur de gemintjeroad . I still suspect neanderthal gatlanders from having tried to poison him ...
    13:15:29: : yea, it feels like "gatland dick up my ass" in a place where civil rights are for negers, flikken en alkolike wijventoekers (en zotuizen op de ziekekas natuurlijk)
    13:14:48: : why do i get the feeling privacy has been raped beyond all acknowledgement of any privacy laws by retard inbreeds who would invoke them over coffee
    cmdr Gato
  5. 04/29/2023 :
    12:57:02: : i still think they're daft enough to assume we would help out to save the planet from exploding after all they did instead of telling them "GAT DA MOR NI MOETEN DOEN EN GE MOEJT LUISTEREN!"
    12:55:34: : i wonder if they forget we assume all of this is being read too

    het is EEN GAT after all

    more soviet than soviet

    cmdr Gato
    12:54:57: : ah, always nice to see how they acknowledge the kid taught himself to read before school but for some reason turned stupid when he refused past the age of 12 b/c he didnt wanna be his grades and it felt his grades got the facebook likes

    and then like "o but you dont have"

    and forget that until the last 4 months no test was failed and if officer GAT-van GINJER didnt do what it did (obvious police involvement with the mysteriously appearing passport in gatland)

    that for 3 years we DID get all that law and shit and everything we did by ourselves , but just dont have the final paper stamped by state

    strange - like when you correct someone with 3 uni's and they go like "BUT IHAVE A DEGREE!"

    12:48:32: : what kind of Freyjas cat would we be if we couldnt even do that, Watson ?

    cmdr Gato
    12:48:10: : hm

    there certainly is a hole somewhere and its epicenter lies within GAT
    Syntax Error
    12:44:45: : short of further deduction and since its only opened enough to slide a cam in on one side of one side, none of the contents seem to be tampered with , the delivery person is mostly always someone else so that seems unlikely (tho not ruled out according to Holmes, Spock et al) so geolocation would by probability point at the regional sorting center or local office ... unless theres some kind of standing soviet stasi order that says "package for house x have to be passed by officer GAT first"
    but since its only bpost it reeks a bit more of intermediate poking


    sadly theres not much WE can proof, tho from the other side that would probably already be enough

    genre "ZE ZEGGEN" dagir lupt te spiejchelen

    ahja wie ?




    cmdr Gato
    12:33:47: : sadly that doesnt even come over like sarcasm anymore
    12:33:31: : we dont have civil rights, civil rights are for wijventoekers die neig weirken en zuipen en afval van de wereld die ir gratis paniejlen krijgt
    cmdr Gato
    12:32:49: : always reminds me of that constitutional entry where we were like "o thats a nice way of saying "doesnt apply to emails or sms"

    briefgeheim op "vertrouwd aan de post"
    12:11:37: : the supplement smells like curry powder, i guess we can scrap that one, no cat aint gonna fall for that

    12:11:11: : ofcourse, but i am not the cops and the thing is , just like with FNAQ packets those boxes are glued shot, that doesnt drop open on one half side from dropping without leaving a single dent or mark on the cardboard box - .. so either they didnt glue it at medpets or it was pried open underway, for whatever reason those are the almost undeniables + its 100% bpost when that happens so far.

    Thats all there is to say about it. Remember in soviet hole when they called on national propa-tv for all mailmen to report "suspicious people" ?

    that was years ago

    i mean like "suspicious people"

    everyone i see passing by the house fits that

    anyhoo - it happened again, it was bpost again thats all there is to say about it

    cmdr Gato
    12:08:54: : you know what they'll say
    11:58:34: : statistical empirical of all occurences 100% bpost indeed

    cmdr Gato
    11:58:08: : bpost
    11:57:58: : mail was opened again on one side , as if for a peek with a cam or something, fucking soviet shithole . There seems to be one constant to this.

    cmdr Gato
    01:50:41: : heh

    i think when baby-hamas is past their mid-teens and all the elders here are REALLY old ?

    thats when the real fun starts :)

    unless the place turns swedish or something which seems unlikely with 25% of the gov't being grownup hamas lol

    sad , how it went from social work to stuck in gat

    i think by then, IF addams 1&2 dont sell the house from under our ass and we have to live in a box we REALLY need to invest in more cams and barb wire

    cmdr Gato
    01:48:59: : hm

    i think we witnessed first-hand the only perk this drive-through road has now : baby-hamas cant use it as a parking lot, soccer street or van uitlokkertje spelen anymore.


  6. 04/28/2023 :
    03:28:21: : as always
    cmdr Gato
    03:28:05: : twelve monkey then ?
    03:25:55: : add but do nothing

    let them build a LI-ON railroad towards 2030

    and stay out

    cmdr Gato
    03:25:09: : commander ?

    shall i blame the afghans


    the ukranians

    on top of gat ?

    (for this)

    please add


  7. 04/27/2023 :
    02:54:37: : to get refugees who arent refugees but citizens faster from croatia to Calais ? (and preserve 30% of the 80% needed in 6 years AND (maybe)(partly)(half)(not)(schrappen wat niet past) cut carbon by trainsmission by 40 years past deadline ...

    Well it doesnt really matter since all that matters is getting elected until it caves i suppose

    02:52:51: : thought i misread but its an actual railroad network like back in the jp morgan days
    cmdr Gato

  8. 04/26/2023 :
    07:11:37: : and pavlov gnome still at it
    06:30:22: : pavlov gnome still at it
  9. 04/25/2023 :
    19:37:31: : 3 tubes huh

    thats a very rare find in this place

    cmdr Gato
    19:37:15: : cat feeling better is all i would want so today was all good (xept the 1001 usual things ofcourse b/C its here)

    19:36:28: : while searching for candles the goddess has blessed you:

    you have acquired : "3 tubes of never opened superglue"

    i think that spells "try again"

    17:49:37: : i guess we can do something that changes nothing but the visuals then tomorrow , assuming its kitten-weather ...

    reborn in five seconds


    cmdr Gato
    17:48:52: : o

    you have acquired "€150 katsjoe"
    17:34:41: : "but thats not the same" :)

    cmdr Gato
    17:34:25: : tasty !

    and then i says (again) i know all the conversations

    and it goes like bla!

    and i says thats one of the easiest answers :

    "can YOU stop being normal for a few years so you know what it is you're asking"

    and ofcourse it goes

    17:21:56: : apparently the answer to Watson is "laurent garnier"



    dinners ready
    cmdr Gato
    17:21:31: : space elevator
    17:21:22: : more proof (other than "we will cut emission by 30 years past the deadline) ?

    i say spider silk you think
    cmdr Gato
    16:38:14: : aah

    there seems to be as so many times the inevitable deduction

when you say "DYS functional

you mean "to our needs"

theres a few more but we'll just let the planet have you

if you think you have time for us


think about it this way, we'll explain in a way a colliflower minus 5 can get :

YOU can drink beer and cola (right?)

but your cars radiator wont run on gasoline

there will be plenty of gasoline

now if you dont mind

the house doesnt clean itself

cmdr Gato

  • 04/24/2023 :
    20:10:20: : well the glue seems to be non steam proof, it came loose , thats 3 days ? you have delevelled 10 points in bathroom plumbing on the fly ...

    And i think it was the last too, and a few years old
    ... BUT MORE PRESSING, its almost like someones been trying to poison the cat

    and in this hole you cant even know who because more than half of them would be capable of it

    for their precious garden fantasies or something, WHILE ITS FUCKING RIDDLED WITH RATS

    old bats, imported cavemen and religious nuts

    AND hes scared to go outside since they opened the highway

    now the hole is completely done for

    that woudl be the total cherry on top, nothing left but vendettas

    i guess the shower will require googling, OOOOOrr a rope and a nail through the ceiling to hang it from , knowing the money they got i kinda dont feel like paying for it until i see the deed to the house so at least im sure they wont sell it from under my ass and its cardboard box for all of us


    this highway is gonna be open til december , i suggest we stay away from humans until then right away

    cmdr Gato

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