since everyones doing it

in janesondergrond •  2 years ago  (edited)


a bit off-topic then :

one of the more Tesla-level collectives we recently found on youtube

cmdr Gato :

"so, just like a kinetic pendulum generator the size of two hills dragged by bio-degradable renewable elephant herds when it slows or stop , all this thing needs is to sit in an active volcano and reach into deep space so the equilibrium doesnt kick it until the end of days ?
read more vance (dying earth) skip more school ... its good for you

and des : thinking in boxes is what kills your head in school , BUT you are a great cog for the industry when they stamp your ass and brand your face at the end

We already thought something like , first time when we thought, HEY lets electronics b/c its REALLY hard to find someone and its a drag when you have to wait 4 weeks for someone who is probably not coming b/c 4000 euro jobs come first, and checked out Joe Grinyuks sessions : at the end of days when there's nothing left but some puddles of mud and the end-product of erosion, can you build a circuit out of glass (molten sand) and water (dirty conducting mudwater)

it would be great to see

but these guys already did something great to see

Tesla-level nuts

They're still sponsored but almost make you forget how 99% of Apps is crApps and thats why you never bought something that says "IM SMART SO YOU DONT HAVE TO BE" before you turned 30

also : the gods have answered your prayers :

there's your water for your shortage


(we think its Loki ... it sounds like a way uncle Loki would answer that while listening on the frequency to the sandalwearing beard in the sky with the 3 faces you been fighting over for a good 3000andsome years now)

Ah, the fusion thing ?

yea, ... awesome

however, in days when "we beat the chinese" beats anything else even fact we'd like to see the 15th video-ina-row that says "we RECREATED the situation in a controlled experiment so we know what we're doing and it wasnt a fluke"

until then,

yours skepsis truly,

Try not to get mugged this new year

yea ofcourse, ideas

the cat sits on the roof and sees, not left not right but all directions, up and down forth and back

dogs dont climb trees

cmdr Gato :

"funny - a few months ago when we took babysteps we were thinking : if you wanna solarpanels directly how do you build an aggregator to hold current for x time while a cloud passes by (without batteries b/c thats just waste in the end) and we thought well if you coil up enough wire you'll get a grand-prix circuit for your electrons, but at the speed of light (-ish) thats gonna be a lot of copper , would it fit in the room ? to hold a few seconds while the cloud passes by , b/C otherwise it could just charge 5 seconds bfore the electrons pass the mega rollercoaster and afterwards it would hold another 5 seconds and that is that, with only copper or whatever wire to it, so is there some wire that moves electrons slower , and then there was this video on supercapacitors and then we found that something named capacitors already holds it for a very small period so a bank probably could do it (size x bank , we dont have a hischool degree after all so numbers are for engineers) and now this lightbulb from china uses a rollercoaster huh ?"

sapients are only here b/C they outsourced survival to a third party entity which is very likely to take over if it gains some kind of self awareness (try dropping a human spawn on the floor and see how long it lasts (i mean dont do that but in gedanken) then make sense of how humans are still here on the evolutionary level)

and so, before we get unwanted attention and someone thinks they can mop up the shards and it works outside the room


and all that time

we COULD a been watching footy


thats why we're in hiding , here in salems lot, we still burn witches in the town square b/c there's nothing else to do to keep the natives quiet

so you see

if you listened to Deutsch , who we assume has an IQ on your scale way above us here combined, 15 or 20 years ago on ted when he said , its too late, all we can do is mitigate

then MAYBE

but now its more like "how much of the damage can you survive and how close to a mad max movie is it gonna be after"


because false hope is a cruel thing

we prefer open eyes (xept while sleeping)

that said, let the turkey taste, it might be your last one heh heh


play me some Icarus now - replies will be answered to after the new year but some votes might be missing due to condenser acting like a server someone forgot to turn off in the 1960s for some year now

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-kshully : i can totally see a hillsized pendulum with elephants, there's nothign tekwise stopping that from happening , you get free fertilizer probably along the way but the impact on the environment might be less than extracting lithium from seawater or digging holes for that extra-speed erosion.
Though ... in gedanken ... if you were to build a stirling engine that size wouldnt you have a free space elevator as a bonus ?
With no additives needed from external sources as long as the payloads dont exceed the force of the upward pressure ... but can sapients build a structure 10km high ? - it seems indeed unlikely that, though its not perpetuum and it would end when the core stops moving , it might last some time and the chances of deep or closeby space suffering from galactic warming to the point where the heat difference is too small to keep moving is

what was i saying

o yea

well, can they build something that high ?

You have to stop with the catstar tech and k-paxian filosophy before the wrong ones show up to take us back home ... there must be a reason why they stuck us HERE in a dead end out of FTL reach in a zerolevel civ

neither of those requires kardashev level 1 or higher, you can do that at zero or minus , ... certainly no dyson spheres required lol

the pendulum could be done before new year if the chinese got to akkin

its pointless, the triffids will push school-ways

we zijn toch nog goe ver af te wasse jong

keep it low

no unwanted attention

its useless



im still waiting to see if a full moon gets 500 milliamps


between bouts :)

gud then

if they wanted to they should have 60 years ago

try to nod and smile

act like a bodysnatched and say


