midweek : example

in janesonderground •  3 years ago  (edited)

submission , section "galmeetsdemo


the sites it says ... you should list them .... it's probably right

you can find this one on AlleyCat under "demos" , as a vid, a link to a HD youtube vid and a .d64 file you can download and run on an emulator (and probably a real machine but we havent been able to get one when we were trying for that)

the main site is still Janes OnderGround though https://tyrnannoght.eu still points at the same but we'll probably switch that on the next renewal of the hosting sub - (unless we suddenly take off like our name is "musk-shoots-rockets" for no reasons given)

you can see "loaders", "freestyle", "logorrhea" and "galmeetsdemo" there as well as styles of loaders

if you're interested enough, if you're not then it doesnt matter, does it

we're not selling anything ... right then

sites listed , CHECK !

oooh, we dont have sceneid or csdb , when we wanted to register it said "why would you need an account" and someone inhere went "actually yea, thats right" ... so we didnt

why is that a loader and that a demo ? because WE say so - submit anything , its always gonna be a freestyle anyway

Anything that' s written in machine language / assembler on a c64 counts as a demo though, very likely

In this case its actually after 40 years (30 or 25+sometihng) the very first one we write from scratch, a bit of a miracle with a head that doesnt work anymore since the kid basically didnt get further than messing around in the monitor of the KCS power cartridge to alter colour schemes, sine-tables (the thing they use for the bouncey instead of calculating it real-time during a line/raster interrupt) scrolltexts altering sprites and whatnot and casual stuff like demomaker ... I say the thought of a closet full of shoeboxes full of floppies still beats "i have 600 games in my steam account" .... that stack of boxes was a server no one could close ever.
dubbed 1t1k - (its the 1st one and exactly "1k " (1024 bytes) theres not too much too it, a stable raster on top and bottom to get the widescreen fx and a 7px interval on the bottom (to show its not just an inner character trick) with a short mainloop and some poking to the sid chip. All in all, program-wise probably worth more than any drag 'n drop you could do (especially in 1024 bytes)

former examples :

freestyle :

sprinkler splashloader
my little inflation ponyanim/gif-webp-apng
dance of deathrender
the welcoming partyfanart - comic/manga
lazing on a sunnyfanart - comic/manga
the roadfanart - comic/manga
it felt her skindeepretouche
scientifically accurate star trek warsfanart - comic/manga
loader:frottish -pollen miks-loader-AGK

the world ?

dunno, its summer vacation so since everybody rich im sure there will be a lot of tomorrowland or something

our life ?

the cvs is catching up faster than we can sleep, i fear we might end up like the nephilim and turn into the mountain like this, without crypto there is no hope of ever getting out of here in time anymore so there's basically very little stress since there is absolutely nothing.

I'm sure life is different in disneyland

some #stuff you might want to read if you're interested in knowing more

there are no actual real rules atm other than what the state and crotter forces us to, ... which is mostly negated by having only a session cookie and zero tracking code

we wouldnt want to break into your house to get your sisters panties anyway like that - we want her to throw it on stage herself

yo ?

gud :)

enjoy the summer ...

(with the money and all that ... im sure everyone's rich , as usual ...)

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