nfTYR loader #26 (AGK) : splitparts 1.2 : sprinkler splash, fw mix - rando mater edition

in janesonderground •  3 years ago  (edited)

this is loader #26

the actual current sites :

mails : , (@janesonderground isnt active this year yet since we are poor)

try support@ , preferably not info@ since thats used too much for scartists

no social media other than steemit atm , and i doubt we'll get on facebook or tottor or ruddat ever - sceneID might be requested later when we have at least 2 demos to show (a ha)

the youtube feed moves to "JanesOnderGround"

as it says on each of the youtube vids :


some of the screens might not work due to the site having moved to a different structure , we are working on that at the speed of "the economy" and other fantastic tales , if someone has requests please mail them, we will fix those right away

note that these are something like "teaser examples"videos for whats actually on the site with the intention of "come back later when we grew up and its presentable" for use in this and that as such

at , from the .nfo page pick nfTYR

now that bill , joe, christine and jerome made sure crypto wont get us out of hell in this lifetime theres nothing to left to care about but the cat, that leaves not much to say either , but im sure the holidays are coming and everyone will be at tomorrowland all sumer b/c the money !

another mix of the exploding particles particle system

lightweight afternoon tea AGK coding - check the youtube for potential examples

the scenoid vid :

you see, people are still having pets, i bet these groups started around when the kids machine broke down first but people are still having pets

crotters worst nightmare - a machine that lasts for 40 years and STILL has the most vibrant scene around while they have to pump money into getting ppl to buy their deadlocked consoles you cant tweak or be sued (i wonder why all that doesnt work out the way the might masterplanners want it to)


the loader vids are all ZeroDesign ofcourse, m/w kdenlive on linux mint, recorder bits with obstudio

Janes Onderground
JoG : home of the NEET slackers (punny ...)

the site might look like the death star but submissions are open, steem can be won, if you have anything that fits in any of the categories - submit it here in reply or by mail , online forms will follow but require a registered account (which will probably be too much to ask but none of that matters)

former loader posts :

loader #1

Original Tyrtro

loader #2

OGA is the new crack

loader #3


loader #4

Fair Tribute

loader #5

sh0 - starry nightsky and the cats , )for the non-believers(

loader #6

MrMalice - that dj is a wanker

loader #7

MrMalice - splicing slayers

loader #8

MrMalice - on the subject of your style

loader #9

MrMalice - ready for my style

loader #10

sh0 - brick

loader #11

Janes Graffiti

Loader #12

MrMalice : i need a new machine

loader #13

(vimeo) ShoHoven

loader #14

(vimeo) MrMalice - convergence (.ra original)

loader #15

(phaser) Vorlon Empire intro

loader #16

Janes Graffiti (recorder version)

loader #17

Janes Graffiti - recorder version -

loader #18

The house of Morgan

loader #19

novel ties

loader #20

Tower of tweens (Twonion edition) raatgebakken mix

loader #21

Tower of Tweens(sinezit miks)

loader #22

Cherry Splash

loader #23

Sphere Salvation

loader #24

splitparts1 sprinkler splash
updates kept at

manpages : (case sensitive afaik) crapplication is in the freezer since we only have two hands to fit the 60 people


now also , rebooting as a frend64 site on a pointless quest to develop CML for internet connected vice emulators and the foundation for mmo64 (sure ...)

never mind the manpages until edited


if you have a creative and it comes out , if you're a scene-type person or thing or alien or something that posts on OGA or dumps their everyday doodle or snippet on codepen or any other, dont hesitate, the worst you can lose is zero - but we wont be pushing since we're not selling anything and we actually dont gain since there is no advertising and zero tracking, no sponsors and b/c crypto = shyte now, no income

these need updating but will be used so the posts can be kept short without posting every time for rewardsteem, linked to without moving outside the steemit site etcetera

- the compos (last edit 2022 03 01)
the pot (last edited 2022 05 31)
- screens (last updated : 2021 10 02)
the rules ?
- tools 'n tricks

We are not pro's , we are also not "an artist" ... we are JO(g) , "home of the neet slackers" which is SO punny only things that live underground might still get it

"you cant have jane without janes onderground" ... we recommend watching zombie patrol btw - twas a fresh breath in the superhero theme ... just like "the boys" or supercrooks ...

"*I don't know that i ever wanted greatness on its own. It seems rather like wanting to be an engineer, rather than wanting to design something - or wanting to be a writer, rather than wanting to write. It should be a by-product, not a thing in itself. Otherwise it's just an ego-trip"

Roger Zelazny

yea thats it - - - well

  • giving up is something life will do anyway
  • keep busy
  • dont get caught in one box : they will profile you
  • and #stuff

#stuff ?

If the laws of physics are absolute and undeniable within one system

then free will is an extra-dimensional force

cmdr Gato

nothing to say since the last hope of getting out of here is wrecked by bill someone forgot to kill

safe to say i hate this hole since i was 15 so that wont change overnight into YAY , now that im broke and never getting out again i LOVE THE PLACE (they have strange reasoning skills sometimes, your mundanes)

busy being freyjas cat - ragnarok approaching the witch needs power and 9/10ths of real magic is realfact

check out if bored or help out by answers

modern history (the REAL world today)

history/ref (for the game mostly)

pre-modern history (i didnt know the daltons were real AND this era actually)

also "for the game" && writing

something thats been bugging me for years

if someone has pointers to the witch of the west id be much obliged

be warned, a lot of that points to equality, womens rights and powerful (real) women (not slags or posing bitches) being more readily available BEFORE monotheism , it might be heresy or "a lie" to your world

its history to me

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hmmm ... i seem to have grown older despite having eaten all the broccoli ever presented