Cobra Kai January. Mild Headache Friday the first day of January of 2021. I'm watching Batman's Alfred Pennyworth, season 2. Building a chicken house since September of 2020. Cobra Kai Daniel Goes to Japan Saturday.
Jan6 Making History
Moving the Chicken House Sunday the 3rd of January of 2021. Evo Tickle Hotep Jesus on Alex Jones Monday. Alex Jones Interviews General Michael Flynn Tuesday. Electoral college votes went illegally to Biden. DC Police MURDERED Ashli Babbit Wednesday. @JoeyArnoldVN on Parler, Gab, etc Thursday. Trump Was Suspended Off Twitter Friday. First Chinese President If Installed Saturday.
Stopping China Takeover
Mark and Jack For Prison Sunday the 10th. Trump Pelosi Love Monday. Australia No Sex Tuesday. Trump Impeached Twice Wednesday. Joe Biden Hired Checkmate Thursday. Storm is Coming Friday. People Have Power Saturday.
My Open Letter to Military
The Three Political Amigos Sunday the 17th. Trump At The Buzzer Monday. North Korea Qtards Tuesday. Trump's last day as US President. Death of America Wednesday. Secret Message at 01:16:37 Thursday. Covid murdered Hank Aaron. USA INC Dissolved in 2020? Friday. Persuading People Towards a Better Tomorrow Saturday.
West World Narnia
If Narnia's Aslan met Harry Potter Sunday the 24th. Goods vs bads. List of likes and dislikes. A hug. Saving our Constitution book. Intellectual False Flags Monday. Painting in the white house. National parks are unconstitutional Tuesday. Coming Back Over Just in Time Wednesday. They Painted in the Kitchen Thursday. Burning trees. Off To See The Wonderful Wizard of America, Lord Biden Friday. Being Aware. Trees 2. Part of the Plan video. Discovery of Witches Saturday.
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January of 2021
Oatmeal Monthly - 2021-01 - January of 2021
Published in of 2021
Boxing Analogy for Biden, Trump, China, World
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Mild Headache
Batman's Alfred Pennyworth and the Queen of England
Trump trying to run this country is like an old grandma from the 1700s trying to operate a computer for the first time ever blindfolded, deaf, and without arms. Why is Seattle's Space Needle displaying DNA to alien background music? Space Needle is Project Blue Beam Beta Mode. Butterfly represents a transformation but are we all turning into the Space Needle or is the Space Needle transforming into human beings? Where do I sign up to get my hologram projection television? Is the Space Needle the only ones who have this type of alien technology?
Cobra Kai Daniel Goes to Japan
Cobra Kai - Season 3
Epstein didn't kill himself and Seth Rich wasn't robbed. The Vegas shooter wasn't one guy on the 32nd floor and the Nashville RV dude was not a suicide bomber.. shall we continue? Send the Democrats to China and don't let them return to America. Watching Vikings, season 6, and Cobra Kai, season 3.
Moving the Chicken House
Third season of Cobra Kai
There's a difference between not having the evidence and not hearing the evidence. Before he was a king, David had Goliath's head on a post at a fork in the road leading towards Israel or I think specifically Jerusalem. So, the giant's head on the spike for people to know what God can do to opponents, obstacles, problems, in our lives. Thousands of people die each day. In other news, thousands of people are born each day. It's not breaking news. This has been the case for years.
Evo Tickle Hotep Jesus on Alex Jones
Alex Jones interviewing Hotep Jesus and Uncle Hotep
The question isn't who is a Chinese agent, it's who isn't. I will bet you money Trump wins, as much money as you want. But at the same time, Trump only wins if we all do all we can to make sure he wins as he already won. We all got a lot of work to do each between now and the 20th of January of 2021. In Congress, at the end of a guy's prayer he says, "Amen and awoman." The Guardian have been publishing headlines about hospitals not having enough beds for the past eight years.
Aging is a Mistake
Aging is a disease because humans were supposed to live forever. Decay and death is not natural but is now natural because we live in a broken world. But the world was not originally broken. For the next four years until January of 2025, some people will say Trump is not really the President. They'll continue to say Russia helped Trump hack and steal the election. CDC shows 2020 deaths normal. Just check out CDC for more information.
Alex Jones Interviews General Michael Flynn
Alex Jones Interviews General Michael Flynn
According to the CDC, 60K more people died in 2020 than they did in 2019 in America if you include people who died from drug addictions, overdoses, and suicides. Minus that, less people died in 2020. Evo Pop Gameplay is like Mario, Snake, Tetris, and Angry Bird combined. Great Bryson Gray music, songs, at March for Trump today in DC: Yes. The pop culture which globalists weaponized for centuries is being used against them right now, the rebel patriots rising, it's a taste of their own medicine, it's powerful when Kanye West and everyday people go viral online and offline with dynamite red pills to rock the culture to a better tomorrow. Is Fweedom some kind of meme? Does it mean free and freedom? Is it some kind of inside joke or what does it mean?
Fighting Shadows
After many centuries, revolutionary titans are taking back the culture away from the shadows. They said 3 weeks a year ago. They don't want to end the pandemic. The lockdown, not different diseases and viruses, are killing millions of people according to the UN, the CDC, WHO, and others, they write articles but then buried and hide it on their websites hoping you don't go there with a shovel. Eat more vitamin C, D, E, Zinc. Masks are making people sick. Play in the dirt. Go back to work. Don't stay home. That is bad advice. We all know this. Go to banned dot video or miss out on history, your choice. Make Taxation Theft Again.
DC Police MURDERED Ashli Babbit
DC Police MURDERED Ashli Babbit
RIP Ashli Babbit. DC POLICE MURDERS A WOMAN TODAY. It was Ashli Babbit, a U.S. veteran. Now, four dead total. THIS IS WHAT THE GLOBALISTS WANT TO DO YOU, SHOOT YOU IN THE NECK AND LET YOU BLEED OUT TO YOUR DEATH. January of 2021 will be in history books. It's your opportunity to be inside a book. Trump confronts Pence in his speech saying he will be disappointed in Pence if Pence refuses to stand up for the real votes which got Trump a second term in 2020. Pelosi wants to make it illegal for representatives and senators to say mother or daddy in congress and legislation. Well, Radical Leftists, Trump is your daddy. DC police shot a lady. Bad cops. Numbers are NOT opinions. Election = NOT OPINIONS. Election = MATH.
Biggest Crowds Ever
The crowd today is bigger than the biggest rock concert you've ever seen in the world. DC Police shot a woman today in the neck, she is now dead. Cops murdered her right in front of the entire world. DC POLICE SAID, "HELLO ADULTS, GO TO YOUR HOTEL ROOM, STAY IN YOUR ROOM, CLEAN YOUR ROOM, YOU'RE GROUNDED!" Thomas Jefferson said when government fears the people, you have freedom. But for the long, we the people have feared the government. What's happening in America makes me sad. They need more oatmeal in their lives. Where were the 80 million Biden supporters today? Millions came today to DC for Trump. Less people died in 2020 than 2019 according to the CDC.
@JoeyArnoldVN on Parler, Gab, etc
Presidents and their wars, last 6 US Presidents from Reagan to Trump - But Trump no wars
Pence was leaking the whole time. What do we do now that PENCE is a JERK? Police are locking conservatives in hotels while letting BLM and homeless burn down cities right now. What can Trump do to stop the steal right now? They were Antifa, not Trump Supporters, who stormed the U.S. Capitol yesterday. If they stole this election, then why would they ever stop stealing elections in the future? Big false flag yesterday at the US Capitol. If you want to know what really happened on the 6th of January of 2021, go to Banned dot video. EFF ANTIFA PEOPLE WERE ANTIFA PRETENDING TO BE MAGA. Stop Lockdowns and Start the Lockups. Will General Michael Flynn be Greatest President Donald Teleprompter Trump's Vice-President from 2021 to 2025? What can we do to save America right now in 2021?
Star Wars Globalism
Pence and Pelosi behind Trump during the SOTU is a case of globalist good cop bad cop. It's a pretty good tactic, divide and conquer, Palpatine did the same thing in Star Wars when he funded both sides of the war in order to take over the galaxy. Antifa works for the deep state and staged a false flag on Jan6. I keep a daily blog on Hive Blog at and I copy and paste my posts to Steemit, Blurt World, Dream Real, Read Cash, Serey, Uptrend, (was banned on Wordpress), Blogger or Blogspot (Google), other websites and I recommend decentralized blockchain networks which can be censorship free and unstoppable like Bitcoin, global, like Bit Torrent, IPFS, like cancer, it is hard to stop things that are not too centralized like Facebook is. Out of all of this, Hive is my favorite for blog posting. And there are websites for video hosting. And Parler, Gab, Minds, etc, are good Twitter or micro-blogging alternatives. Police pushed man off balcony to his death, breaking news at The Resistance . Video
Trump Was Suspended Off Twitter
Trump was banned off Twitter
WE ALL MUST HELP TRUMP SEE HOW ANTIFA AND POLICE LED THE STORMING OF THE US CAPITOL ON JAN6. Trump partly conceded Jan7 but we all must urge Trump to expose what really happened on Jan6. Trump must expose how police and Antifa led the storming of the US Capitol on Jan6. Each person must get this message to Trump. Each person must reach out to Trump with what we can do, how we can expose it. Biden will BE PRESIDENT on JAN20 if we do not EXPOSE JAN6. Police let ANTIFA POSING AS MAGA in to storm the US Capitol on Jan6 on video, we must all demand TRUMP EXPOSE THIS. Twitter permanently suspends and suspended Trump today.
MAGA don't wear helmets and masks like the Jan6 Fake-MAGA Antifa storming the US Capitol as police let them in. Tell Trump police let Antifa in to storm the US Capitol on Jan6. We only have a few days left, we all must get involved or else. We have to help Trump expose Jan6. We all must reach out to Trump to get him to EXPOSE JAN6. Mr. Trump MUST EXPOSE the many videos of police escorting ANTIFA POSING as MAGA storming the US Capitol on Jan6. LMAO TRUMP is TRENDING ON TWITTER RIGHT NOW. Incitement to violence is NOT A CRIME.
First Chinese President If Installed
George Washington Sunglasses
If elected, Joe Biden will become our first American Chinese President, batteries for the remote control not included. More accurately, Joe will become China's first, assuming we can't stop the foreign takeover. In that case, America has fallen. Check out what General McInerney is saying. Globalism Illegally Installed Biden. Why is Trump not stopping the steal via the military right now? Watergate was used to buried all of the good things Richard Nixon did. Once globalism realize taking out Trump won't stop this populism of conservatism, real liberalism, freedom, independence, free markets, competition, etc, then they would back off from trying to make Trump into a Obi-Won Kenobi martyr as seen in Star Wars: A New Hope.
Regarding Qanon Q
Qanon or Q is like mud water, if you were dehydrating in a desert, it can help you survive a little bit longer as you're trying to find real water. Don't stay in the desert. Graduate to the next level and seek after pure water. Don't get lost in the mud. Don't be a stick in the mud. Mud water is partly good just like junk food can be. But don't live in that state of mind. If the mud water kept you from dying, if it woke you up like a red pill, thank God. That's great, but move on and don't let the mud water rot your soul. Don't let it lead you down the wrong path in life.
Declassify Everything
Trump must declassify everything because then other patriots who are not allowed to talk about certain things can then talk about those things as they know bits and pieces of the things which were classified. In other words, Trump does NOT have to rely on people to dig into the warehouses of file cabinets of classified info because many people already have access to them but are not allowed to talk about them. Trump must do this right now.
Mark and Jack For Prison
Mark and Jack For Prison
If China is able to install Biden, leftists will be going door to door grabbing conservatives. Many will be imprisoned and some will be executed, you have been warned. You will not be able to run and hide. Well, Mike Adams says Trump is in Texas and Alex Jones says Trump is in the White House. But I really don't know. Are we not trying to stop China from installing Biden? Guess who was behind the original Patriot Act in 1995 which didn't pass until October of 2001. It was Joe Biden. They're trying to pass a new and improve Patriot Act on Domestic Terrorists right now to get the Jan6 Americans who were at DC.
Basketball Analogy
I believe in fighting, in trying, until the end of the game, to use a basketball analogy, even if I was down by 20 points with 5 seconds to go, I would be like Reggie Miller. My advice to Trump at the very least is to give a minimum of one really good farewell address ASAP similar to the one Eisenhower gave, if we can't stop China from installing Biden, at the very least, I encourage people to pressure Trump this direction at the very least, if nothing else, this would be my emphasis, I would share this with everybody I know each day, it's now or never.
Trump Pelosi Love
Trump Pelosi Love
Where is Trump? Wall Street has stolen and laundered at least 100 trillion dollars from Main Street, some of that money went to trafficking. If Trump doesn't call for martial law, or variations therein, Biden will, and we're already under global martial law and things like that, a lot of tyranny. But military was going to take out Obama. So, why not take out Biden. The Pentagon and top military generals want to continue looting America as it falls economically, they want China to attack first, they want to be in war with China, and even if Trump signed an Insurrection Act, they want war as usual, as America goes down economically like the Titanic as it has been for decades. If America was a house on fire, at what point do you drop the water buckets and let it burn down? Do we rebuild the house or wait and build a new house from scratch? FEMA camps are being set up right now to imprison millions of Americans ASAP, red alert, you have been warned.
Trump Should Do What Eisenhower Did
Trump should do an Eisenhower style farewell address via the Emergency Alert System (EAS) at the very least, everyone must urge Trump to do that if he can't stop Biden, at the very least. Trump needs to stop talking about the good he did and expose the bad. There may be only two options at this point, for Trump to agree to a world war with China or hello President Biden in 9 days. In other words, Trump has to negotiate with greedy Pentagon and military generals and leaders who want war, I mean lots of money. BLM don't hate police, they want to be the police. President Biden to push 25 crazy agendas, are you guys ready? Leftist hackers are stealing metadata from Parler users even as it's taken down in order to locate and go after the patriots in person.
Australia No Sex
Pence Violated the 12th Amendment When Refused to Count All The Certificates
You CANNOT have sex in Australia, even if you're married, wear a mask, have to masturbate 6 feet apart from your lover. Government is your DADDY. Pence did NOT open up all of the certificates which means he VIOLATED the 12th amendment. If Trump was actually recruited by military to run for President in 2015 and if the military were really considering taking out Obama around that time, I wonder if they could in fact take out Biden instead now in 2021. But I guess it all depends. Chuck Norris didn't go to capitol on Jan6, the capitol went to Chuck Norris and broke. The President was speaking but none of the television stations carried it, not even Fox News showed the speech in Texas today. Not even the White House Feed is showing the President live in Texas. The 12th amendment could be invoked by congress in order to enable the candidate who got the most votes to win. That is how voting works. If you get more votes than the other person, then you're the winner. We must plead with Congress to invoke the 12th amendment. Pence said he was not going to pick which envelopes he was going to open. The 12th amendment says the VP is to open all of the envelopes. Pence only opened the ones which went to Biden in the battleground states. Many people said Pence had no power to pick. Therefore, Pence should have NOT picked by opening all of the envelopes. The constitution says the VP is to open ALL of the envelopes. Pence said he would NOT pick. Therefore, Pence was saying he would count ALL of the certificates. But Pence didn't open up all of the envelopes even after saying he would.
Stop The Steal
I want to know if military can arrest guilty congress members and then have the electoral college votes recounted. Are there really 200 generals who came together after JFK died to take down globalism via the long-game? 235 former military leaders support Trump as of 2020. Rudy says in an interview with Sara Carter the Jan6 storming on the capitol was led Antifa and BLM. Trump needs to talk about this. Bad cops let them in and Qanon weirdos followed them in and helped out a little. Q folks are not Trump supporters. Pence lied when he kept on saying a particular state only had certificates for Biden. There were actually dual envelopes for several states. When Pence refused to count both sets of electorates, he was in fact picking which to count and which not to count. Pence VIOLATED 12th amendment by CHOOSING which envelopes to OPEN, the amendment says to OPEN ALL THE ENVELOPES, BIDEN IS NOT THE PRESIDENT, the CONSTITUTION WAS VIOLATED.
Trump Impeached Twice
Peaceful Transition of Power - Trump Shaking Hands With Trump
How many of the National Guard troops are loyal to Biden? Why is the National Guard sending 15,000 troops to Washington DC and are they loyal to Biden? Dear military, you have the opportunity to follow the constitution, keep your eyes on the horizon when following orders, know thy leaders, which orders to follow. The Art of the Deal and The Art of War. How do we help Trump defeat the China Puppet Biden? Stop talking about Twitter Censorship, now is not the time. The more important thing is Election Censorship, AKA Voter Suppression. Each fraudulent vote cancels out every signed ballot. DHS stopped Laura Loomer at an airport and held her for hours because of the false allegations about her on Wikipedia. That's technocracy colluding with governing states. That's a crime against humanity. Why isn't United Nations taking down Wikipedia? What has been the biggest False Flag in world history? 9/11, JFK, Covid, 6/1, Tonkin, Vegas, etc? Did you know viruses can go through the pores of your skin? You better put masks over all your pores and holes.
Military Tribunal?
Can military take out the criminals in Congress? After that, can the remaining congressmen activate the 12th amendment to redo January 6 in order to get the real results? Is that the path to victory? Did you know many Bews were Nana working with Bitler? Goros came out of it. Oh, by the way, some of the names in my fictional book here has been changed to protect the identities of the parties therein and to keep Facebook from banning me. Is the Italian government going down before Friday? Everyone must reach out to military with this simple question, "Will you follow the constitution with your eyes on the horizon?" All Trump supporters around the world will go to jail. They will find you and will get you and take you. Unless if we can stop globalism. Do you think masks discriminates customers and do masks violate HIPAA or more importantly the 4th amendment to trespass the privacy of a person's health status or more specifically Doctor-Patient Confidentiality?
Joe Biden Hired Checkmate
CHECKMATE - 2018-01-13 - A Qanon Quote or Something
Instead of containing the DNA to help your body fight Covid, the vaccine contains messenger RNA to help your body mass produce the virus. The Biden Plan is to keep you locked in your house for 2 weeks. No food. No water. No work. You can't go outside in America. This is coming any day from now. Pence committed Treason. Facebook does not want you to know about the 2 weeks lockdown. Facebook says that is fake news. You will be locked in your house. You cannot go outside in America. Many people will die. Have fun dying everybody. Hope you enjoying dying. Lockdown is very awesome. We get to die. Thank you so much for killing us, National Guard troops. Thank you so much. When Joe Biden is elected on Jan20, thousands of patriots will then be arrested all across America. Mass arrests are coming. If you fight back, they'll use that as an excuse to eradicate the 2nd amendment once and for all. Anybody who suggests anything that is unlawful, violent, or non-peaceful, is probably trying to set you up. Biden is coming to arrest millions of alleged domestic terrorists in January of 2021. You must plead the 5th amendment because you're a patriot. If you were extremely numb to morality, would you even feel it drip away?
Jan6 Riot
Jan6 Riot partly planned not by Trump but by Twitter several days earlier. Congress, FBI, and other agencies knew. Q is a modern-day version, a mirror, of these groups who would infiltrate militia groups in the 1990s, set them up in order to get them thrown in prison. The Prison Planet is all around us. I've been warning you for years. FBI operatives initiated the Jan6 Riot and they're planning on doing it again on Jan20 to blame it on gun-owners. People who are pretending to be patriots will suggest violence in order to set you up. You must expose these wolves in sheep clothing, these snakes will stand out in the crowd, record them. Will India ban Twitter like Uganda did? Leftists blow things up and say patriots did it. Spread the word now, patriots didn't and won't. They're framing conservatives in order to prompt mass arrests of the good guys. You've been warned, get ahead of the American Takeover. History will be made these next few days. Mark my word. Stay at home and enjoy the show. Pass it on. Tell everyone. No violence. Do not attend.
Storm is Coming
Your First Eviction Notice
I'm planning on watching the Biden's Inauguration with lots of popcorn. Riots in 38 cities in America coming soon. Never mind Epstein Islands, is it true Biden has an island? Are you ready for global persecution? Military will be guilty of high treason, espionage, collusion, if they let China install Biden. Military sworn an oath promising not to let foreign states takeover this republic. All humans on earth SHOULD call up military and tell them this. Are you guys excited about having parties at the FEMA reeducation camps coming soon? You must prepare for what to do in February of 2021. Assume and expect the worse. Brainstorm what to do. But stay in your house until February. Prepare right now. Congressmen who have violated the 14th amendment, section 3, who have engaged in sedition, insurrection, etc, their position in government, especially during an active state of war since 9/11, is null and void, not recognized by military.
Seeing Christ & Satan
Steve Quayle was visited by Christ and Alex Jones was visited by the Devil. If you're following Satan, then Christ may come to you to give you an opportunity to leave Satan. If you're following Christ, Satan comes to you to tempt you and to scare you. Even Christ was tempted by Lucifer. The vaccines contain mRNA which sends the virus code into the cells to help mass produce Covid. 250,000 Chinese troops are surrounding America right now. 75,000 of those soldiers are in Canada and the rest are in Mexico. Expect China Puppet Biden to let these invaders walk right into America like a Trojan Horse. Covid was released to steal the 2020 Election. Are you ready? Why are 35,000 soldiers protecting Biden?
People Have Power
Q Killed Trump
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing people he didn't exist. The greatest trick tyranny ever pulled was convincing people they didn't have the power all along. While China attacks America with soldiers, Bill Gates will be engineering a famine and that is why he is buying up so much land in America. Why did they make so many movies and television shows during the Covid Pandemic of 2020? They get to work but you cannot? And you can't work but you give them money to watch them. Where are you getting all of that money when you are not ALLOWED to work? What are you doing? Biden to propose bill to legalize 11 million immigrants - Los Angeles Times. FBI Black Hats are running around the country knocking on doors of gun owners trying to recruit them and trick them into joining Project Martyr which will attempt to murder Biden and blame it on these new recruits. China is invading America. Meanwhile, Pence betrayed America. America put an oil embargo on Japan. Next thing you know, we had Pearl Harbor. Now, apx. 80 years later, America has put similar things on China who is on the verge of economic collapse. China is preparing to strike on American Soil.
Real-Life Movie
We are all going to watch a big movie these next several days. But I just don't know how this real-life movie ends. But I do know I'm in the movie and so are you. RED ALERT: Biden will become President and China will be attacking America domestically very soon. We will have a world war in the United States very soon. Thousands of troops are scheduled to remain in Washington DC for many weeks into February and possibly longer. Censorship pushes people towards ghetto cults. Operatives end up fishing. They end up catching and turning the Big Tech Refugees into Qtards and other things too. After that, they frame the Qtards in order to blame conservatives in order to take away more and more of our rights. Jared Kushner destroyed Trump, kept him from joining alternative social media. BREAKING NEWS: Obama is still the President. That's why he has a bunker near the White House. They would spy on Trump and report to Barack. According to the 14th amendment, section 3, you must hold military tribunals. Washington DC has been one of the safest cities in the world for years, very hard to breach which means they purposely stood down on Wednesday, the 6th of January of 2021. We all know this, it's too obvious, common sense.
The Three Political Amigos
Deletos - Doritos - Mark, Jack - Facebook, Twitter
Individual humans have more power than they know. You are Q. In other words, not that you are Q but that you have the power when you peacefully protest in the real world. Stop relying on some anonymous spies who might be giving you secret Intel. That's not how it works. Wake up and smell the coffee and the oatmeal, yummy. Chiden is not my President. The spirit of globalism drives those with power towards a path to suppress the will of the people. The spirit of globalism possesses those with power in each generation throughout time. Like the wind, it is always there. For thousands of years, globalism has plotted how to farther box the soul of humanity. DC is being fortified to protect us in the same way airport security was elevated to stop terrorists from hijacking airplanes. Military are the enemies of the people if they fail to stop our enemies from installing a puppet government in our nation's capitol this coming Wednesday, meaning actual insurrection on the 20th. America deserves to fall because they accept millions of babies to be murdered, that is abortion, and now Covid vaccines are killing old people. After that, migrants will be killing the common folks all over. Under 67.4 million votes went to Biden, over 74M went to Trump, plus Trump actually got over 300 electoral votes as well in the 2020 Election. Military is in DC just in case China or Iran tries something. FBI black hats are trying to frame patriots in order to get states to ask for increase security around their capitols. My prayer is for the military to arrest double agents who pretend to be congressmen so we can have a recount of the correct set of electoral college votes.
Coming Wednesday
After Biden is inaugurated Wednesday, what if Joe was refused entrance into the White House live on main stream media or would Biden stay away from DC or what will happen? If you're not sure how a person is making money, if they're not selling things in their videos, they may be working for the CIA. Seems curious there isn’t a national hunt for the people behind Q based on them allegedly inciting a coup. Why’s that? I can only think of one reason. If 141.5M voted, if 74M voted for that one guy, then how many voted for the other guy? What is 141.5M-74M? Does somebody have a calculator or is the Washington Post wrong? False flags coming thanks to Antifa actors, patriots will be framed, media are at state capitols ready to film and spin which is apparently their job as enemies of the people. The boot of the NWO is throttling the neck of the American people starting with the tyranny lockdown in Washington DC thanks to 35K National Guard troops which will be mirrored in state capitols and then in major cities after that and then many thousands of cities all over the Prison-Planet United States after that.
Trump At The Buzzer
Will military save us?
People were unwilling to wear shock collars for many years now. But Covid Shock Collars, oh, no problem, where do I sign up? I don't want to be a slave. But a Covid-Free Slave, no problem. Mastodon suspended my account today for no reason given. Pray God gives Trump critical wisdom. Big decisions must be made these next several days, these last several days. 40-foot Club-K shipping containers have missile and rocket launchers hiding inside them. These containers are running around the country like invisible minefields. These rockets make whatever North Korea Rocket Man had look like twigs. Pray Trump, military, congress, and others, are not too distracted by China to deal with China. That's right, while China threatens to attack us, they're also promising to attack us in another way by installing Biden. There are some paths to victory since Trump won in 2020. But please pray for all of them, big decisions must be made in the next several hours as we countdown to the death of America. They have an opportunity to reverse the Titanic. We need to stay home and pray. Please share this everywhere.
Sabotaging Stop The Steal
Too many lawyers and others sabotaged the legal arguments. I'm not even a lawyer and I'm beginning to see the problems. Rudy may have been one of the guys giving the team bad advice, procrastinating on things, etc. There is at least one case being extended to Friday, 2 days after a fake inauguration of Biden. The Supreme Court is being complicit to actual insurrection, and military will soon join them possibly. There are thousands of missiles hiding in these containers. They may be launched soon. Many are pointed at the power grid, key infrastructure points in order to cripple America and in order to prevent military from stopping China who is scheduled to install their puppet, Joe Biden. All of is a distraction so they can quietly install Biden who works for China and not for America. That is why we must pray for a lot of wisdom. China is preparing to launch missiles at nuclear power plants in order to have the wind spread the radiation to large cities all over America. This is to distract military as China installs Joe Biden, our first Unelected Puppet King of the United States.
North Korea Qtards
North Korea Qtards
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell. Does the constitution say if your opponent cheats, you win by default? If you're caught colluding with China, are you disqualified, does your opponent win by default? Is that what the Russian thing was all about? Wow. Thanks MSNBC for letting me know that FBI is trying to frame conservatives by saying they're dressing up as National Guard, an inversion of what actually happened on January 6 when Antifa were dressing up as conservatives. WARNING: The CIA sometimes assassinates good people and that might be happening as we speak because the CIA works for the globalists, they've been up to no good for decades, this is a very scary time to be alive. Watch out everybody. Please share this. The CIA may kill you. That is their job. People are often kidnapped, they disappear. If you knew the U.S. Military was taking orders from China, what would you do? I don't care if you're Michael Jordan, you might miss the shot assuming you even have the ball in the first place, we're in the final seconds of the basketball game, to use an analogy, and military might be playing for the other team. As a coach, Alex Jones is trying to call for timeout. This might be the final game we ever play. We have to be honest about the situation, about the odds stacked against us. The voting machines broke because Trump got 6 million more votes than the algorithm was expecting. The evidence is all out there. Tell your friends. Please share this. Another thing being declassified is Crossfire Hurricane, the investigation into the Imaginary 2016 Trump Russian Collusion which is a funny contrast to Real 2020 Biden Chinese Collusion. Patrick M Davies, I bet you money Trump won and Trump won. Trump got more votes and more electoral college votes. Trump won. All I said was Trump would win because Trump won. Trump already won because Trump won. It is easy to count 74M to 80M or more for Trump and less than 68M for Biden. A lot less than 68M for Biden in reality. What can I do to help besides pray? If you want to help the cause of freedom, you can expose election meddling, fraud, etc. Make videos, articles, comments or simply share things, email, call people. Show people the evidence.
Death of America
Trump With Guns on a Narnia Aslan Lion
Hunger Games Inauguration . America - 1776, July 4th - 2020, January 20, RIP. Military does not only have the right but the responsibility to either audit the ballots or call for a new election on the basis of foreign interference and systematic fraud. Military must audit the vote or hold new elections, we must show the military all the foreign interference. BIGGEST SUPER BOWL EVER IS GOING ON NOW IN DC... PATRIOTS vs STEALERS. Military must audit the vote or call for a new election. I am against the leaders of the military who are engaging in TREASON against America by allowing China to install Biden. Is it true military does not have to follow the command of a fake President, is that in the constitution? Our new king ordered all 50 states to send National Guard, that is how we ended up 65,000 troops in Washington DC, it was a loyalty test to be used to demonize patriotic members and states who dare defy the commands of an unelected authoritarian. Qanon might be pacifying Qtards to not do anything while people around them are thrown in death camps as Qtards could be thinking military is only throwing bad guys into prison, mass arrests. Makes me wonder what happened in the 1940s in Germany.
Secret Message at 01:16:37
Secret Message at 01:16:37. You do know we had a fake inauguration of Biden, right? Biden was not elected as President, the inauguration was fake. Biden was illegal and unconstitutional installed. It is our job to share the election interference, fraud, etc, by enemies both foreign and domestic. It's the job of the military to step in. We must demand justice. We must share this. The paper ballots have to be kept for 22 months by law. Destroying ballots renders the election null and void. Judges can order for paper ballots to be examined. Hand-recount. Get a court order. Local legal challenges can be made. Ballots legally must be kept for 22 months. If ballots are destroyed, that renders the election null and void. Demand an audit in your county today. In places like Georgia, they're trying to shred paper ballots. If you take it to court, the judge will rule that the results there was rendered null & void, as in disqualified, if they're not able to show the ballots. By law, counties have to keep the ballots for 22 months in boxes. Not on a computer where they can be hacked. Meaning you take it to court. The good news is people are taking it to court. You can help them. Why is the left criminalizing the questioning of the 2020 Election? The reason has something to do with the 22-Months-Window. 22 months, counties, by law, have to keep the ballots in boxes. By law, they have to. If destroyed, the election is rendered null and void by a judge in a court of law.
USA INC Dissolved in 2020?
United States Corporation Company Bankruptcy
Covid Vaccine Murdered Baseball Star Hank Aaron. What did CDC, Fauci, WHO, and others, say regarding Covid just one hour after the fake inauguration installation of a Rothschild China Spy? We saved the world from a major false flag during the fake inauguration, that is good news, and more buses of troops coming in into Washington DC is being reported ironically. Texas could say, if they haven't yet, to Google and others, "Because you're violating the civil liberties of American citizens, which violates the Texan constitution, you're legally and constitutionally forbidden from doing business in our state." States are doing things like this. You need to know this. Start reading, friendship, religious, hobby-focused, or other types of clubs. You may not want to call your group the M word relating to the 2A because FBI black hats and others discriminate against certain words as seen in their ongoing investigation on the Jan6 Capitol Riot False Flag Event. Innocent people are being arrested. Bad people are coming. Some people are already in prison. Be ready for being locked up. But don't speed up that process. Pass on what you know to others while you still can. Be a leader where you are while you still can. It's V for Vendetta. I am Spartacus. We are the ants. You cannot stop us as long as we're decentralized. Communism thrives only as centralization increases. Decentralization is the Kryptonite to totalitarianism. Help people learn all about free energy. Over 100K fake votes in Arizona where Biden won by 10,457 votes. Ok class, what is 10K minus 100K? The answer is negative 90K. It's a negative number. People who know math might be smart enough to know how to count negative numbers. Is there a City of the Vatican within London itself? Why?
Persuading People Towards a Better Tomorrow
Information regarding Bohemia Grove
They would include comorbidity deaths as Covid Deaths but when it comes to Vaccine Deaths, they'll say, "Oh no, it must be comorbidity deaths." Biden signs 17 executive orders. If we all wear masks, does that mean we're all Muslims?
If Narnia's Aslan met Harry Potter
West World Narnia
We're living in West World. We can be cats or we can be lions. The good news is people are waking up and that is very good. More people waking up to the bad people.
Intellectual False Flags
If Narnia's Aslan met Harry Potter
The killer believes in anarchy. Now, keep in mind that not all versions of anarchy is created equal, some may be better and some could be very bad, it depends. But shows and films can display a monopoly view of anarchy as opposed to the nuance of different types of anarchy and the desire to shrink federal and global control and power.
National parks are unconstitutional?
Lady Gaga in Real-Life Hunger-Games
Did you know national parks are unconstitutional? Did you know slavery was to be stopped in 1808 according to the constitution? Does lockdown violate Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 3?
Coming Back Over Just in Time
A fork in the road, the expanse in your head
How are you doing during this Biden Regime?
They Painted in the Kitchen
Fluffy Kittens, all four of them
It is now illegal in America to say "CHINA VIRUS" which means they need to arrest me right now. Thanks, Lord Biden. Did Trump really get at least 410 electoral votes in 2020? Joe Biden got 128 electoral votes. Globalists pit Antifa against Proud Boys because divide and conquer is how our overlords defeat us humans by putting some of us on the left and some of us on the right. But we got to stop fighting each other and come together because we have a common enemy. For example, look at the Game Stop Robin-Hood story happening right now.
Off To See The Wonderful Wizard of America, Lord Biden
Wizard of Oz Biden Obama China Curtain Puppet Man Behind Ignore Meme
Breaking news, Covid killed millions of homeless people who don't wear masks or social distance. Dump trucks are picking up their bodies everywhere. Get your vaccine right now.
Discovery of Witches
Discovery of Witches
You can be aware like an actor all the time. I'm talking to myself when I say this. I've been thinking about some of these things for decades and especially the past few weeks in particular. There are many relating topics I'm referencing. You must decide whether or not you want to share your life with others. You must decide what your priorities are. There is light on the other side of the tunnel during storms.
Discovery of Witches
In 2020, at least 20M died because people were not working. People had no food. People starved to death. Covid Vaccine is a hole into Hell. Was there election fraud in Burma? When the Burma military allegedly took over or whatever in Burma right now, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Did the bad people steal the election in Burma or did the people lose the election in Burma? New Super Mask. It's called a pillow. Good news, it will protect you from all the new deadly mutations of your favorite diseases coming to a neighborhood near you. It has just one side effect you'll hardly notice, the inability to breath. Funny how the France is discontinuing the vaccine. Other countries are following in this pattern.