The JANUS currency is recording significant growth and attracting large investments

in janus •  7 years ago 

The software and services company began to provide investors with monthly profits and other benefits, through its own currency Janus. The company announced its plans to continue ICO early and instead launched the business symbol on the Next Asset Exchange and began to share profits. After steady growth in all areas, JANUS has now announced the imminent launch of the Social Digital Currency and Forex Trading Website.

The business concept developed by Janus in January 2016 envisions a software package that utilizes interoperable technology platforms capable of rapidly implementing distinctive brand products in carefully selected markets. Through this approach, the development team plans to reduce development costs while increasing product quality. It also enables the company to establish successful businesses and generate significant profits, which in turn, will be shared with owners of Janus Code.

The business has already developed its concept for a small-scale test by incorporating the option of betting your next online casino Betcuain, in January 2017. In the next few months, it has also expanded its spread in the same "online casino" During the launch of which carries the distinction of being the first ever use case of Ethium Classic in the industry. The expansion of the platform, which began shortly after Janus was listed on the Next Asset Exchange, enabled Janus to start paying dividends to investors in February 2017. The first installment included a 90% monthly profit profit from a bet on NextB on The upcoming dividends included revenues from newly launched


Janus has more products in business. It has announced plans to launch two new trading initiatives involving the upgraded Kodabas coming from and the long-awaited social trading site for Forex and Plockin, later in the third quarter 2017.

In addition to its portfolio, Janus also expanded its team by selecting the right talent to drive adoption and growth. Alfonso Morris Jr. recently joined as a fourth member of the previous team of three. He will play a major role in the marketing efforts of the platform.

Janus Marketing Manager, Bjorn said the latest update,

"Janus developers are in full swing completed two sites. Alfonso will play a major role in promoting these. The other half of our team is immerse themselves in the Forex community now. Getting ready for a social ventish site, I've started reaching merchants with the following social more than 1000 people. As a result, we should have many professional traders ready after the beta ends.

Blocchin's long-time fans, Bjorn believes in the strength of cooperation and community building and stimulate investors with a share of the company's profits as a reward for dedication and faith in the project. With a vision stretching beyond the technical side, Bjorn looks to take advantage of the endless possibilities of pluchen technology and introduce the next level of software design for ordinary computer users as well as investors

In the spirit of cooperation, Janus formed a strategic partnership with the Athrium Classic Development team, who made significant contributions to the development and deployment of The ITC development team also has a share of profits from the betting platform. The current profit distribution pattern of includes 10% for both Janes and Janusxt, the ITC developers team while the remaining 70% is for the Janus team. Through this partnership, both Janos and Dave Etc will work together to create new products for future implementation.

Bjorn voices his confidence in the progress of the Janus project by saying,

"Information that was blocked again in December, at this stage of development I no longer feel that it is necessary to protect. I am sure anyone trying to copy any of this will not offer the best business in the time frame we will. Janus Road Map ".


The beginning of Janus

The Janus project was initially announced by ICO on PeteNetalk and access to the digital community. However, the company's interest in gaining the attention of potential investors from outside the digital community make it reconsider its initial strategy to move forward with the traditional ICO campaign. Instead, Janus decided to take a different route by canceling Eco and listing the Janus share-sharing codes on an open-ended asset swap in January 2017. Since then, there has been no consideration of Janus because it began to build a threaded chain of companies Online is able to generate profits, to be shared with investors in Janus (JNS) profit sharing codes.

Being released on the Next Blockin, Janus symbols are easily tradable on the platform embedded into the assets for disbursement. The investor community, which has been realizing the potential of Janus since then, has actively invested in JNS. The growing interest among the investor community has led to a dramatic increase in the value of cryptokin. Since January 2017, the value of JNS has grown from $ 0.008 to $ 0.23 this week - an astounding 2800% increase in organic value in less than six months. During the same period, Jens made itself available on the and Stocks.Exchange platforms, making it convenient for investors to buy codes.

Janus is pleased to announce a new development - the next launch of a new major social networking site, which will further enhance the negative income currently enjoyed by the owners of the JNS code. The relentless efforts of the team have pushed their business development and awareness-raising as Janus platform is poised to make its presence in the industry responsible. Janus' flight from ico is disappointing to launch a new series of companies showing attractive growth that has made property hot for investors. The unique integration of Janus Blocchin features, real-time communication with investors, profit-sharing structure, full transparency may soon force competitors to adapt or lag behind.

The project in its current form is the culmination of many technical decisions as well as business. Creators have made a great effort to strike a balance between technological progress and the predominant implementation of the Blockkin without losing sight of revenue-generating capabilities. The project is designed to start generating revenue from the first day to ensure self-sufficiency and serving the interests of all involved, be it clients, investors or team. While keeping this philosophy in mind, the creators of Janus are working to build an empire of business with the effective use of available technology.

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