The day it all started

in japan •  7 years ago 

It all started way back June 6, 2008(i was 20 years old) when i arrived here in japan via Narita airport. My first international travel, i was nervous as japan is known for being strict, I managed to acquire a tourist visa(3 months) with the help of my parents(hint: broken family). Here in the very picture below is the exact exit to my previous life and a start to a journey that i did not imagine.

In my country, we all thought "Living in Japan" is easy. Work and earn a lot of money.
So the first 2 weeks was amazing as we keep on traveling and eating a lot(i love japanese foods).
My mother and her husband brought me to tourist spots, ate a lot of ramen, sushi etc.

After 2 weeks the "not so good" life started. I dont know anyone aside from them, i cant speak/read/write japanese(nihongo).
I dont have any friends, so i stayed at home while they are out doing work and my mother running some errands.
1st/2nd month passed by so fast without me knowing that it is only weeks before i go back to my country.

I really wanted to stay so i asked them to accompany me as i would like to ask immigration for their opinion.
So we went and asked them, according to the immigration people there are 2 ways,
One is to marry a japanese girl, second one is to study. So we looked for a fake marriage( yeah i know it is illegal) and we found one. I need to pay her 1 Million yen, after i received the visa i need to pay her 50,000 yen monthly until i can apply for a permanent visa. Yeah i know that is insane!

We also asked some school about the fees and tuition, i decided to enroll instead of the fake marriage, in that way I can earn a diploma and experience. So i applied in a japenese school, i was so bad in entrance examination/interview but to my surprise, i passed, so from here the waiting game starts. Even though the school accepted my application it doesnt mean that ill get a visa, so i waited for weeks!(yeah we applied for visa extension and told them that i applied in a school and waiting for a student visa), at that time immigration implemented a very strict policy and a lot of application was denied.

That day i went to church and when i got home the visa result arrived, my mother and her husband looked at me with a very sad and teary eyes, and they gave me the envelop, i prayed before i opened it, as i reached inside and read the result i was crying (some of you will think, why? going back to my country will be a suicide for me( i will get to that later)) and the result was


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This your story is interesting.

Thank you for having interest on my story, hope you keep on reading. I just want to share this very simple journey of mine.