
in japanese •  7 years ago 


私たちは彼をTerryと名づけました 首の25番は、私のガールフレンドがそれを私に渡した日を意味し、 それは3つの言語で、ゴールデンレトリバーの品種は非常に遊び心とインテリジェントであるため、engleshで、スペイン語、中国語 それはスペイン語以外の他の二つの言語を教えている私ではなかった、私はベネズエラに住んでいて、中国人であるか、いくつかの言語や訓練を受けたイヌを話す友人がいます。

犬は常に人間の親友であり、これは私の偉大な友です 愛情と尊敬のもとに彼の写真とあなたのための絵を私は共有します。




##いつものように私が注文していますし、無限に神があなたを祝福彼らの生活の中でそれらをよく望む、あなたは</ P>ブログが好き願っています



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In Egypt, a person bitten by a rabid dog was encouraged to eat the roasted liver of a dog infected with rabies to avoid contracting the disease. The tooth of a dog infected with rabies would also be put in a band tied to the arm of the person bitten. The menstrual blood of a female dog was used for hair removal, while dog genitals were used for preventing the whitening of hair.

good contribution your comment, man but I am not in agreement with the animal mistreatment in the actuality, in those moments they did not have knowledge in medicine and it was the first thing that they thought, it is worth mentioning that a dog bite, To have or not to have Anger It is dangerous and should be treated by specialists immediately.

you have creative mind...beautiful art

good contribution your comment, man but I am not in agreement with the animal mistreatment in the actuality, in those moments they did not have knowledge in medicine and it was the first thing that they thought, it is worth mentioning that a dog bite, To have or not to have Anger It is dangerous and should be treated by specialists immediately.