in jasongoodman •  6 years ago 

JLSM-201 SOURCE BURNING is a new course taught by Jason Goodman of the fictional Crowdsource the Truth school of journalism. Course module 3 is a slight deviation from the topic of sources and shows how you can burn a colleague in a fashion similar to a source to sow division and foster in-fighting within a movement.

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thank you Sir

Excellent series Schooly P. Keep going, cover every last one of them! I have a list if you think you've forgotten any victims, lol. Get them all documented. I've never witnessed anything like it, someone does no advance research, doesn't even bother to watch any of the people involved, barges into their community, has no familiarity with the political, philosophical, cultural, and ideological background of the community. Lacks even a rudimentary knowledge base of the platform itself, especially the dynamic between viewers and content creators, some of which is unique to that other platform, and is then baffled by the ability of viewers to criticize, question, encourage, ridicule, troll, hate, or become fans of the content creator, sometimes all feelings are engaged by the same viewer. Is apparently incapable of comprehending the social behaviours and interactions to this day, and is unaware that the same dynamics and same scenarios apply to ALL channels. Goes even further in demanding the very nature of free speech on the internet is changed for his own benefit, oblivious to the consequences of such demands, such as the end of online anonymity, laughably absurd if it weren't so malevolent, and is in direct opposition to the ethics and beliefs that the community holds dear in the first place. Anonymity is in fact a significant portion of what built the platform.

But to the personality disordered person, of the type where base venal brain-stem level drives are what motivates them, every relationship becomes transactional, and other human beings are viewed simply as means to an end, the end being the narcissists personal benefit and aggrandizement. Once another person is no longer of use or becomes challenging on any level, they are cast aside ruthlessly and abused, in part to justify what he perceives as their rejection of HIM, and in part because they are then viewed as competition, as an opponent, an adversary that must be eliminated. Because there can only be room for him, and an ego that size sucks the life out of everything in its orbit. So it was that each person who drifted into that orbit was initially treated amiably, used for every last benefit they may have offered, then pushed away, permanently made into an enemy. Imagine if real journalists engaged in personal grievances with their sources and insiders and allies.

When a person declares themselves a journalist, with zero background whatsoever in the field, with no working knowledge of the methods, ethics, and professional and legal codes that govern that profession, then they are going to fail miserably at it. Imagine if a person admired doctors, and simply self-declared as a physician and proceeded to practice medicine. Isn't this similar to the "I identify as..." that SJWs use? Can one "identify as" a particular profession and indignantly demand that they be accepted and treated by others as what they imagine themselves to be? Can I identify as a rock star, a ballet dancer, a professor, a major league pitcher, an architect, having had no training in any of those fields, and just announce that this is what I am, so you better recognize that you "mother fucker [s]" or I'll raise hell at you and about you to anyone who will listen, in perpetuity?

Some of the abused will be more involved than others, but all are equally bizarre in the aggression shown them, in many cases for no reason whatsoever. Of course, had normal friendships and lines of communication been opened in the first place, had interpersonal relationships been organically formed and sustained, then much of this would have been avoided. While the platform itself lends itself to mobbing, swarming, in-fighting, and channel wars, most every other content creator tries to actively avoid those conflicts, and forms at least some network of support from their fellow content creators, naturally seeking ti join a group where debate and exchange may take place, in order to generate more content. People who discuss ideas, news, events, subject matter need that exchange network to spur on the creation of new topics and an expansion of their viewer base. Operating as a lone wolf will not bring success on a platform that acts as a type of social media. It is not a pure social media, but there are components of it that do serve that function.

But the anti-social personality and the narcissistic rage is powering this shitshow of abuse. What is striking is that it is so systematic. One after another after another. Until so few are left, we now see the same remaining sources being used over and over, with nothing new being presented. Anything the 'enemy' is involved with, any subject area of expertise, is also trashed, including this very platform we are using right now. Scorched earth policy is demonstrating that it is a tactical mistake, and the possibility of new relevant topics and sources being introduced are becoming more and more narrow with each passing day. There is a distinct feeling of winding down, of circling the drain, as it were. Even when new alliances are presented, the conversation is not even in sync, as the host cannot relent on talking about his personal problems with other people, no matter what the topic at hand happens to be. There was a location 'show' posted the other day, where the host and the guest appeared to be conversing, yet strangely it became apparent that they were not having the same conversation. The guest offered thoughts and observations related to the topic of the 'show,' and everything he spoke about was replied to with a completely different conversation, one about the host, how he is wronged, abusive comments about those whom he perceives as having wronged him, and then the guest would make a comment about a political subject, and again the response would be irrelevant, a non sequitur, about something else entirely.

I will name one person whose cycle of involvement varied from the others, but the outcome was the same: Laurel Everly. At the time that the band broke up, he was pursuing former sources to co-opt as his own, and if they had been irritated or burned already by the former partner, then all the better. Some of that is still actively in play with new sources. With Laurel, there was something off about the whole encounter, culminating with a document held up to the camera (that doxed her in the worst way), to prove that her source material had been steered out of the hands of the 'reporter' when it could have been checked by an expert to confirm or deny her suspicions--and then deliberately destroyed. It was one of the more bizarre episodes, she was one of the more bizarre personas to enter this play, and she is now gone. She left an unsettling feeling with the viewers, who were very suspicious of her, and of her intent, and they expressed that in the comments. To quote D. Acton: "Hhhmmm."



Love it 😍
