Java source code.Programing language

in java •  8 years ago 

Today we will discuss the source code, how it works and where to write it. Before starting the discussion, you will see the video after tune because the video is given very nice example.
The source code is the code that we write during programming. And it is converted to machine code through the compiler.
You can open it with notepad like programming language source code like normal text. This is not a different kind of magic text like normal text. Many beautiful examples of this are shown in the video.
To make our source!
51270912-how-does-it-work-concept.jpg code easier or coding, there are some programmer text editors that can be easily written through the code.

Besides, there are some IDE IDE-Integrated DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTS. It's a good text editor for programmers. In which all the features have been added for professional programmers.
For example, the XL for Visual Studio for Mac and Eklips for Crossplatform.
The video must be seen because there are many examples of topics discussed in which the tune has not been discussed. And each video will have many examples which you can easily understand.
Up until today See you in the next lesson.
If there is any mistake, you will see forgiveness. Do not do any bad tuement. If you want to know something then do the tuament. I'll try to answer.

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i want learn

Good coder


I will bet that you will be a good coder soon.